
Narrowed it down to three emerald cuts -- which is best?


Jan 6, 2015
I've narrowed it down to these three emerald cuts -- which would you choose? The IGI cert is from Antwerp, which I've read can be a bit better than other IGI facilities. The other two are GIA certified.

Also, is James Allen still offering a Pricescope discount? Approximately how much is it, and do I need to do anything other than call?

If there's another one on JA in the $4K range that I should be considering, please let me know.

Likely going into this setting:

Thanks everyone!
Based purely on the numbers I would choose the first one (1.07 ct I VS1). I wouldn't buy any diamond that doesn't come with a GIA cert. There are cloud inclusions on the table so you would need to see that in person to see if it bothered you.

For ECs I wouldn't go below VS1 just because it's so easy to see clarity in this type of cut.

I'm not a diamond expert btw, just my opinion in my experience shopping for ECs.
I didnt look at the specs...just eye-balled the stones and watched how they moved. The first one would be my choice.

The second one looks like it has too many inclusions.

The straight on look of the 3rd stone is too dark.
If you don't mind sharing your specifications, we might be able to suggest better alternatives.
Thank you everyone for your feedback. I'll eliminate all but the first one based on your feedback, but I'd love it if someone could find a replacement stone that works better. I've spent some time learning about the specs on this website, but am far from an expert at this. My main specs are $4K budget for the stone, I would like to buy from JA since I want to buy their setting (but since it's a common enough setting, I could probably buy it elsewhere), H/I color, eye clean, and that's it.

I've read some of the threads on table/depth for emeralds and it's all a bit confusing to me. Emerald cuts seems to be a bit trickier (and more easily display flaws) than other cuts, so any other diamonds you can recommend would be great. Thanks!
Traditional shape, I believe. I posted the desired setting in the original post and I think it will require a traditional shape.

Thank you -- I like the three you posted, particularly the rectangular ones. Do you have a favorite between those two?
I think you should request aset images of your original 1st stone and the 2 ECs that Chrono posted.
tyty333|1430845334|3872470 said:
I think you should request aset images of your original 1st stone and the 2 ECs that Chrono posted.

Is that something that JA can easily provide for each of these? (Sorry for asking a stupid question, but I understand that not all of their diamonds are in-house at any given time). Can I just do that over online chat?
rckymtnwst|1430846642|3872488 said:
tyty333|1430845334|3872470 said:
I think you should request aset images of your original 1st stone and the 2 ECs that Chrono posted.

Is that something that JA can easily provide for each of these? (Sorry for asking a stupid question, but I understand that not all of their diamonds are in-house at any given time). Can I just do that over online chat?

You would have to ask them and they will let you know which ones they can provide you. You can try chat. It that doesnt work
then call them. Post the asets.
Thank you -- I will!
Update: was able to request the ASET images over chat and will received them in 3-5 days (hopefully sooner). I'll post them when I do -- thanks to everyone for all of the help!
Okay everyone, got the ASET images back and would love some feedback. JA provided some detailed feedback and gave me their "order" in terms of the best ones. I'm going to hold off on posting their feedback so as to not taint your feedback.

I posted the links earlier in the thread, and along with the attached pictures. Thanks so much for the feedback as to which one to buy!



#3 is out.

JA liked #1 the best, but #2 has slightly more red throughout.

Here's their commentary:

I’m happy to tell you that all three of your diamonds are bright, eye clean, and have a true “I” color. Diamond 308141 ($3,920) is the gemologist’s favorite because it offers excellent fire, brilliance, and scintillation and performs the strongest of the three. Its brightness balances beautifully and it faces up the largest of the group. Additionally, it has an elongated shape that the gemologist finds attractive. Diamond 348880 ($3,630) has excellent light performance as well, ranking a very close second for brightness. It’s faceting and shape are attractive and it not quite as elongated as diamond 308141. Diamond 384045 ($4,040) has great light performance is and is very bright in its own right, though it ranks third in your lineup. It’s also not quite as elongated as diamond 308141.
I'm liking the first one like's got a lovely shape/ratio. The second one does have more red...but I'm going to go with
JA's pick also.

What do you think?

What does Chrono think?

Doesn't sound like you could go to wrong with either of them!
Thanks for everyone's help. I purchased the first one -- can't wait to get it!