
My Visit to Diamonds by Lauren


Mar 22, 2010
I've been meaning to post this review. I visited DBL a few weeks ago and wanted to share my experience.
First of all David was great, and I very much enjoyed visiting and talking with him.

I asked to see a few rings and loose diamonds. I was very pleasantly surprised that the rings looked just as yellow in person as they did in the photos on the site. I was looking at w-x y-z yellows and really thought the color would be weak.
For what I saw the pics were very representative of the real thing. They were truly gorgeous and the settings were very well done.
Great to year!! I was planning on making a special visit a while back to look at some rings, but it didn't end up fitting in my plans. David is a character on the phone, and his stuff looks so beautiful on his site. His customers, by and large, seem to be among the most blown away by their pieces.

I've admired his straightforward approach to photographing his pieces, and I'm glad to hear it's as accurate as it seems it would be.
This is good to hear.
David has some beautiful pieces on his website.
I hope it's OK for me to post these pics, this is what I looked at




My daggone fat fingers I couldn't get any of them on properly! :cry:

This was near a window but not facing the window. Just happened to be where I was sitting. Hope this helps.

ETA: Flash vs no flash, cell phone camera


Cool photos, and it sounds like a fun experience! I know color can be very difficulty to capture accurately for posting online; it's good to hear they've the knack for getting it right!

The pink haloed one sure is interesting! I can see why you like it; it does attract the eye. :wavey:
Thanks for sharing, love all those pretties!

Your hand is beautiful. They all look great on you.
Nice pictures but please tell us more. You have had the unique opportunity that many here will never have, visiting a popular Pricescope vendor in person. Please share with us the experience. How were you greeted, what impressed you the most about David and his office. What most makes you glad you went and why did you go and did it meet or exceed your expectations.

David and I have been friends for many years, yet I have never actually met him. Please let us know him as you know him by telling us more.

Beautiful eye candy! I have a FY ring on my wish list and scroll thru DBL all the time. I hope to visit NY next year and definitely will book an appointment with David. Are you making a purchase :naughty:
Thanks for the photos and the info that the site pictures are very close to reality. Is the ring on your ring finger in last photo your husband's favorite? I love how it looks on your hand.
I chatted via email and phone with David a little while back and I'll say that he's a super nice guy and really helpful. Although I didn't end up purchasing from him, I would not hesitate to recommend him to a friend. You're very lucky to be able to go into his shop and see his inventory in person! I've drooled over his website
I've dealt with DBL a few times and always found David very helpful. Hard to resist the yellows with the pink halos. Yum, yum. Thanks for sharing your visit!