
My Mother is Hospitalized (AGBF)

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AGBF - you and your family will be in my thoughts during this time. Sending big hugs to you!
AGBF, I am so sorry to hear about your mom.
lots of prayers outgoing for your mom, you and your family. {{{{{{{{Huge}}}}}}}
Sorry to hear about your mum I hope she get better really soon in the meantime your all in my thoughts :)
My prayers for your mother and your family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your mom.
Sending get-well vibes to your mom, Deb. My thoughts will be with her.....
I''m very sorry to hear that Deb.I will keep your Mom and family in my thoughts and prayers.Please try your very best to stay strong now.You are needed by all now.Thinking of you lots..

Deb, I''m so sorry that your mother has to go through this. She''s very lucky to have such a loving family to be there for her. In all of this, please remember to take care of yourself too. As a caretaker it''s very easy to neglect one''s own wellbeing. What your mom needs more than anything is for you to be healthy both physically and emotionally! My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

ETA: I just wanted to add that please don''t put too much weight on mortality rates and what not. It really irks me sometimes when doctors throw those around because it really upsets the patient and the family during a time when they really need to remain positive.

AGBF, I don''t check in here (pricescope) as much as I''d like, but when I read this I had to respond.
I am so so sorry that your mother is going through this difficult time. My grandmother died unexpectantly at age 92, and it was very hard. I know acquantinces probably thought well she was 92 what did you expect, but she was self-sufficient and cognitively intact literaly until the day she died. I guess we got used to that and assumed she would go on forver. With your mother it was a blessing she retained her senses till ripe old age, but now you are experiencing the loss of that, and it is never easy. At her age any illness can become very serious, but I am hoping she will make recovery.
Deb, so sorry about your mom.

I hope she is feeling better. I never heard about that illness, how scary to be told some of that stuff.

Prayers for you and your family.
Hugs, prayers, and strength to your family.
I''m sorry to hear about your mom, AGBF. I understand what a difficult time this must be for you all.
I just wanted to stop in and offer support and some information that you *might* find helpful with regards to c-diff.

A year or so ago I suffered from c-diff - undiagnosed for a long time so you can imagine what kind of rough shape I was in. The specialist who thankfully diagnosed it informed me that it is basically an opportunistic bacteria and took up residence in my system due to extended use of various antibiotics I was on to help clear up a serious infection from a dog bite. The antibiotics had killed good and bad bacteria in my system, therefore, leaving the perfect environment for the c-diff to flourish. He did not prescribe antibiotics for me, instead he suggested that I replace my "intestinal fauna" by ingesting the "good" bacteria. I forget the name of the product he suggested but the idea is similar to that of yogurt, in that yogurt has bacteria, which is good for the body and helps fight off bad bacterias. The product came in liquid form in a bottle from the health food store.

I am sharing in the hopes that this might help you help your mom fight a reoccurence of c-diff and, therefore, enable her to focus on getting well in other regards.

Take care. My thoughts are with you and your family.
I''m so sorry to hear about your mom. Sending strengthening thoughts her way and I''ll keep all of you in my thoughts!
I''m so sorry to hear about your mother--she sounds like a wonderful woman, and I''m praying she will recover.

My thoughts are with you and your family.
Date: 3/26/2008 7:05:33 PM
Author: justjulia

Are they trying any medications to help with the agitation?


A lot has happened since you posted this and I last posted, but I wanted to let you know that you were right on target with your above suggestion and I feel like an absolute moron for not thinking of it. Medication to calm someone who is psychotic and highly agitated? Gee, what a concept! It is a good thing that the medical staff was more objective than my father and I were. We are both licensed, clinical social workers and the thought never occurred to either of us! Talk about losing your objectivity when it is your own family that is involved!!!

A nurse first suggested Ativan, but the attending physician did not like that and suggested Haldol, which worked better. Thank you for the suggestion and thank you for taking the time to post.

Date: 3/26/2008 7:14:20 PM
Author: FireGoddess

Deb, I'm sorry to hear this. I'm sending positive thoughts, prayers, and hugs your way.

Molto grazie, dottoressa. Sei una amica :-).

Date: 3/26/2008 7:43:27 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Biggest hugs outgoing to you and your dad, and also healing vibes to your mom. Please keep us posted.

Thanks, Dee*Jay, I am going to post some information now. Today was a lot better than yesterday. And when I say "a lot" I really mean a tremendous amount! My mother was not at all agitated and did not seem disoriented.

I had written yesterday that it was confirmed (by MRI) that she had had a CVA but that we did not see the neurologist yet. Today, however, we did. He said that a stroke would not have caused the abrupt change in her overnight. He said that a seizure might have caused that change or that anti-seizure medication might have caused it. (This is the opposite stance of what her attending physician had said about the anti-seizure medication; she felt that it could not have caused delirium.) He said that this was the mildest of the anti-seizure medications, however, and that the risk of going off it was having a seizure. We all hastened to assure him that we were not asking that she be taken off the medication! We were merely trying to pinpoint the cause of very sudden agitation and psychosis!

Thanks again, Dee*Jay!

Such sad news.
My prayers are with you and your family.
I will check this thread for any updates you have the time to share.
In the meantime, know that we are all directing healing wishes to your mother and strength to you and your entire family during this difficult time.

ETA: Just read your post above (we must have posted about the same time). So relieved to hear that your mom had a much better day. Here's wishing that tomorrow is even better than today. More ((hugs)).
prayers continue
Glad it was a better day!
Date: 3/26/2008 7:48:44 PM
Author: monarch64

I know exactly what it is like to watch a parent go from seeming fine and themselves one day and then a few days later seeing them turn into a totally different human being due to illness.

I am sorry that you know what it is like, Monnie. I once posted something here about how much humans suffer and a poster asked me what I meant. I am an optimistic person, but I just see so much suffering in the world. There is so much that we cannot do, that we are incapable of doing even if every human on earth does his best. I want to try to do my best to be kind and to help others in the ways that I can. But there is never enough help. People will still be cold; starve; contract terrible, painful diseases; die in horrible ways. It is not within human control.

You are in my thoughts each day. I''m sending big hugs and sincere wishes to you as you and your family work through this difficult time.
Thank you, SarahLovesJS, Sharon, Isabel, Storm, and diamondseeker. I appreciate all of your warm good wishes.

Isabel, your mother sounds like mine, and her decline sounds like that of my mother. As I just said to Monnie, I am so sorry that you had to experience that. For someone sensitive like you who loves her mother, watching that happen must have been unbearable. I am so sorry. I hope you are well now. Hugs to you.

Hearing your Mom had a better day, put a big smile on my face!!! She''s a fighter for sure, sending more prayers her way. And hugs to you as well.

My parents are ill and are coming home from FLA. I will be taking care of them for the long haul. Good thing I had practice with Nanny.
Date: 3/26/2008 8:44:40 PM
Author: bebe

My own 90yr. old mom is suffering from dementia/alzheimer's.

She recently was hospitalized with what was thought to be strokes, but

as it turns out, no. We still don't know what happened to her.

I am so sorry about your mother, bebe. Please bring this to the thread about caring for our aging parents if you have not already done so! That is a wonderful thread where people can actually follow each other's problems and share their own (thank you, Ellen!).

I was told that I was misusing the word "dementia" by applying it to my mother. She was delusional and psychotic. As a social worker I am certainly able to diagnose that! (Someone is delusional if he has a delusion, i.e. if he has a fixed belief that something that is not true is true.)

I was told she did not have "dementia", however.

I was using the word "dementia" in the every day sense. She seemed perfectly demented to me. Demented in the sense of out of her mind. That is not exactly a precise clinical definition, though! When physicians use "dementia" to describe elderly patients they apparently have a more specific defintion in mind. I do not do geriatric social work and I do now work with Alzheimers and stroke patients, so this is not my area of expertise.

I would love to support you in your journey with your mother. Either start a thread here or join in the aging parents one! Having a mother with an undiagnosed problem must be like waiting for the neurologist to tell you what is on your mother's MRI but never having him show up!

The best of luck to you,
Hugs to you ABGF and sending good thoughts your way! I work in a hospital (physical therapy) and have seen many patients after an event such as a CVA and many of them are agitated and confused which can be caused by medications they''re taking. It is good to hear that she is getting better now that she is on Haldol. Delirium is many times caused by medications and is temporary so that''s the good news! I''ve never heard that C-Diff has a high mortality rate but maybe it is from all the complications that can come with constant diarrhea but I once heard a doctor say that once you have C-diff, you will always have C-diff (kind of like chicken pox) because it stays in your system.

If your mom has any type of physical deficits from the stroke, encourage her to work with physical therapy as I have seen wonderful recoveries (once the doc clears her for therapy of course). I hope that everything turns out okay.
Oh Deb, sorry I''m so late to this.
You and your family are in my prayers.
Sorry I havne''t noticed this thread until this moment, but prayers to you and your family Deb
Deb, I am so glad to hear things have improved! I pray it continues. Please keep us updated when you can, we''re all thinking of you.

Sorry I''ve been gone and missed the start of this.

Sorry for your mother, and both you and she are in my prayers.

Hang on, I know this is not easy - but you will get through it. In the end, this will all work out fine. I know how difficult that can seem to be at this time though.

Remember to take some time for yourself - and for your family too. Even if it is only a 15 minute walk in a park, the zoo, or a museum. Of course, you and your family may find the best solace in a chapel or talking to an appropriate person of faith...

May Yahweh bless you and your family.

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