
My EC from BlueNile!!

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Mar 27, 2009
I''ve posted a couple of EC''s over the last few days from WF and ERD. Well believe it or not...I found *THE* diamond today! Here are the specs:

Size: 2.06
Color: J
Clarity: VS2
Cut: Very Good
Table: 68% (a little large but the diamond isn''t "glassy" at all)
Depth: 65.1%
Polish: Very Good
Symmetry: Excellent
Fluor: None
Girdle: Medium
Culet: None

It''s a stone I''ve been eyeballing on BlueNile for a couple of weeks now. The stats looked great but the price was entirely too low so I assumed there was something HORRIBLY wrong with it. But eventually curiosity got the best of me and I ordered the diamond -- I''m really glad I did! Today I took it to an independent appraiser who confirmed that the GIA specs were accurate and told me that the stone was beautiful and that I''d found a REALLY good deal. The stone faces up really white and has tons of life and brilliance. Definitely a relief hearing it isn''t a dud.

Now here''s the problem: we wanted this stone to be an upgrade from my original diamond so the plan was to add it to my current e-ring setting. But the size is significantly larger so it doesn''t look like it will work very well with the original setting. Instead, I''m hoping to find a platinum, double-prong band that''s really thin and petite (1.5 - 2mm wide). Very similar to Dani''s lovely e-ring setting but with a thinner band. Any suggestions on where to look?
Here are a few photos (hopefully they won''t come in too huge...)

Another photo:

Last one:

Congrats on finding a stone you love! It looks beautiful and I can''t believe that''s a J!!!

As far as setting go...Leon Mege would do a fab job on a claw prong solitaire ( and his prices aren''t bad at all for simple solitaires from what I hear.
kcoursolle: thanks for the compliments! I'm going to check out the site now. I've heard amazing things about Leon's settings...
Congrats Peaches and what a great size!!!
Thanks Lorelei! I admit I was hoping to get your take on the stone... ;)
Date: 4/4/2009 4:34:13 AM
Author: peaches
Thanks Lorelei! I admit I was hoping to get your take on the stone... ;)
You are most welcome Peaches and that is so kind of you! It looks like one huge EC!!!!!
What a gorgeous stone, Peaches!!! And a FAB size!!!! I am so intrigued by all of these J colored EC''s- they are so beautiful!! Congratulations!!

Re: setting- I would definitely call Leon and have him make you a platinum solitaire setting, if that''s what you want. His work is amazing. My setting was made by Mark T. of ERD, and I would guess the width of the band is about 1.8-2 mm, but Im not 100% sure.

Im so happy for you, and cant wait to see it done!!!! Please post pics when you get it!!!!
It looks great, Peaches. I second Leon.
Wow Peaches! It looks beautiful! Congratulations...sometimes it really pays to take a chance and check something out!
Oh, peaches, that''s just beautiful!!! And HUGE!!! And I "third" Leon...he can do a very dainty thin band and those double claw prongs you like.
pretty stone! Congrats on finding THE one. I''d love it in a Leon...
A lovely diamond that really suits you! Congratulations!
Very pretty. It looks great on you.
Peaches! Great job, your new EC is just divine! I can''t wait to see what you do with it!
WOW!!! Thanks so much for the compliments everyone!! They really mean a lot coming from the Pricescope experts. :-D

Sounds like Leon is the way to go! I will look into the process of commissioning a setting from him. How long does it usually take for a project to be completed? (Of course I am totally impatient!)

I will definitely post pics once the stone is finally set. Thanks again for all the advice and support. :)

PS -- marcyc: your "easter bunny" signature made me laugh out LOUD! HA!
Date: 4/4/2009 2:15:40 PM
Author: peaches
WOW!!! Thanks so much for the compliments everyone!! They really mean a lot coming from the Pricescope experts. :-D

Sounds like Leon is the way to go! I will look into the process of commissioning a setting from him. How long does it usually take for a project to be completed? (Of course I am totally impatient!)
I think he is generally in the 4-8 week range. This is one time that it pays to have a little patience
Hi Peaches!

I am really LOVING your stone. Can I ask, do you notice any color in it at all? Because I certainly dont, at least from the pics you posted!!! Its so beautiful!!

I think Leon usually quotes about 4 wks for a solitaire setting. Not that bad.
WOW Peaches! That is one GORGEOUS stone! I''m sure it will be spectacular in a Leon!
Wow! That's amazing. Please post the dimensions if you can ... it faces up SO large! I'm fascinated!! Maybe the 65% depth makes it super spready, but it doesn't seem to impact the "mile-deep" appearance at all so: BONUS!

I think a Leon solitaire would be amazing -- let him decide if double or single prongs would work best on this particular stone -- the corners look big enough to me for doubles** but either would be lovely.

YUMMO, Lady! Congrats!

ETA --** on 2nd thought I'd suggest singles claws for an elegant, clean look ...
Peaches I love your stone! I will be looking for a ec or possible asscher later this year and I had ruled out bluenile because I keep hearing that you really need to see the stone or have a vendor you trust see it. Approx how much did you save going with bluenile? Did you pick it based off numbers? I assume you have to because you can''t see it. I''m currently working on making a list of all the numbers to give to my bf so he will have a little bit of a guideline to go by. I was planning on telling him to use a ps vendor but yours has me rethinking.
Oh my word, it''s gorgeous!!!!!!
Date: 4/4/2009 2:19:48 PM
Author: icekid

Date: 4/4/2009 2:15:40 PM
Author: peaches
WOW!!! Thanks so much for the compliments everyone!! They really mean a lot coming from the Pricescope experts. :-D

Sounds like Leon is the way to go! I will look into the process of commissioning a setting from him. How long does it usually take for a project to be completed? (Of course I am totally impatient!)
I think he is generally in the 4-8 week range. This is one time that it pays to have a little patience
Leon quoted me 3-4 weeks and it turned out exactly three weeks, which is great because any longer and I would have gone crazy

I also did a plain platinum (no pave) ring, but mine had sidestones and still it was relatively fast.

The best thing to do is call him or go to his website and send him an email request for a quote with at least one picture (or item number) from his site for reference. He usually sends back a quote in 24-48 hours. Good luck
icekid: you''re right, I definitely shouldn''t rush a good setting! It''s just so hard after having waited months for the perfect stone to wait another month or so for the ring to be completed. And patience is NOT my strong suit when it comes to jewelry.

dani: thanks for the HUGE compliment! I admit I''ve spent a good amount of time admiring your e-ring/wedding band. Your set is gorgeous! As for the color, I only notice a bit of warmth when the stone is face down. It faces up insanely white. I''ve put it side-by-side with my original stone which is an F and I honestly can''t see any difference at all.

aprilbaby: thanks! Leon''s settings are really beautiful. Especially the ones with 12ct center stones!

deco: thanks so much! The dimensions are 8.63 x 6.50 x 4.23. I was originally worried about glassiness but that doesn''t seem to be an issue at all! Oh and unrelated...what does "ETA" stand for? I''ve been wondering that since I joined Pricescope!

stepcutgirl: I was really nervous about going the BN route for the exact same reason -- no photos. But I''d priced out other stones with specs and was shocked at how little BN was asking. And since they have that 30-day, no questions asked return policy I decided to take a chance. My jeweler says that based on the Rap sheet, I could expect to pay somewhere between $4300 - $5100 more for the same stone.

Tuckins1: thanks! Just can''t wait till I can start wearing it around!

gummibear: That''s a pretty fast turnaround! Much faster than I feared it would be.
I visited my jeweler today (we''ve love her, she created our original e-ring) to try on a couple of setting styles. Up to this point I''ve only had photos for reference so I needed to see the settings on my hand. The jeweler gave me a few plain platinum bands to look at and let me examine double-prong mountings. But none of them really spoke to me as much as I thought they would.

Then she gave me THE classic emerald setting to try out -- thin platinum band with tapered baguettes -- and that was it. I was HOOKED!! I''ve always liked the look but now that I''ve seen what the stone will look like next to the baguettes there''s no going back!

She''s going to speak to her suppliers early next week to see if we can get a slightly lower price on the same setting but if not I think I''ve found THE ONE. Unfortunately I left my cell phone in my car so I couldn''t take any hand shots. But I won''t make the same mistake next time.
My favorite. I love EC''s with tapered baguettes. So classic. I can''t wait to see the final ring!
Gypsy: thanks! That makes two of us. I can't wait till it's all done and ready to wear!

By the way, I love that there are so many different options for every personality out there. Even if two women are wearing the same stone shape, their rings can look totally different...and perfect for them!
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