
#TBT My crazy flight of fancy wedding set


May 19, 2014
This is a crazy flight of fancy wedding set. My husband is a lovely man for supporting this superfluous creative endeavor, and I feel humbled and fortunate to have experienced this in my life. Through 16 years and 5 kids it has been a colorful and rich life together and I am grateful for all of it.

First was the diamond. I shopped antique Old Europeans and GOG AVR’s and this 8.1mm, 2.12 I VS1 just hit everything for me. All my sweet spots. I love it. The facet pattern, the size, the crown, I melt. In real life I find it interesting and beautiful. The flower petals and facets are all individually lively and play and dance and reflect to my delight. My hat’s off to the artisan diamond crafter and cutter, she is a lovely.

GOG, most especially David, was ever so patient with me. I hemmed and hawed. After video and deliberation, I bought it. Then, after consulting others, I reneged, returned her. Afterwards, I came to my senses and just went with what *I* loved, and didn’t worry about what others thought. I bought it again. Yay. I’m so glad. The facet pattern of the diamond reminded me of the sun motif in Disney’s ‘Tangled’; that imagery made me feel the warmth of the ‘I’ color would be lovely. Lynda from GOG was also super helpful, and Darren as well. After I bought the diamond the second time, I found a thread by Diamondseeker 2006 where she had this very diamond and almost bought it- it was amazing to read through all these pages of analysis on my diamond- crazy! It was all nice things, and made me feel so good about this huge purchase.

I’ve had the set for a month but had family visiting so have not posted about it- I have taken a lot of photos, though, and have pretty much been preoccupied with admiring it… and have been teased mercilessly by my family for all my ‘ring selfies’- hilarious! Oh well, I gotta laugh at myself, and, it quickly got me to the point of ‘to heck with ‘em all’ I’ll wear my diamonds if I want, lol. To my delight Grace told me they are called ‘blingfies’ on Instagram- I can’t wait to get teased again and correct the teasers' terminology, lol.




Ooh GORGEOUS!!! :love: :love: :love: I hope you are still posting pics because we NEED lots of pictures of your beauty please!!! :appl:
Congratulations and enjoy in health and happiness!
On to setting… my husband and I were hoping for a VanCraeynest setting, but they were out of production at the time we were looking. We loved a die-cast antique bow/dragonfly motif setting at Jewels by Grace and inquired about that. Unfortunately it was not a fit for our diamond, but Grace suggested Sebastien Barier to make a custom version of it. I googled SB and that was it. I loved his work, and, having spent years in France, including Paris, growing up, the idea of having my setting made there by this designer and his team was it. Moreover, I also felt it appropriate for my ‘Tangled’ diamond, as the film ‘Tangled’ brings my mind to France, with its allusions to the sun king and beautiful depictions of the Mont St. Michael castle.

Gotta hand it to Grace for being a truly classy business woman. She has been amazing through the whole process, even though we did not end up purchasing our diamond from her. Pretty awesome. My husband and I are both huge fans of JbG and grateful for all the hard work. It took longer than expected for the set to be completed; at least I was familiar with the notion that the entire country of France goes on holiday the month of August for ‘vacances’. Grace was communicative throughout and put up with a lot of back and forth from me. What can I say, it was a lot of time to agonize over details. Which, I might add, my musings were inconsequential and unnecessary, as SB and his team executed the rings in a manner that exceeded my expectations. They outdid themselves; I’m humbled to have a set like this in my life.




What a breathtakingly beautiful set you have! It is gorgeous and romantic! Please post more pics of your entire wedding set. Permission granted to "blingfie" away! :love:
I went with SB’s octagonal halo as I just thought it would make an amazing frame for the 8-main diamond. Grace said it was ‘balls to the wall’! Lol. Pretty much. I even asked for the band to be made wider. Love it. Like, madly. Baudelaire’s poeme ‘Enivrez-vous’ must have been in the background- an ode to living life ‘drunk’- with utmost passion and delight. Finding the photos of assher-girl’s incredible ring on PS was extremely enabling - it gave me a great sense for ‘real-life’ proportion and workmanship, and the courage to halo without worrying to much about overwhelming the diamond, more like framing her.

So... like I mentioned, I've had the set for a month and taken a whole bunch of pics. Thanks for putting up with me :rolleyes: I love being able to share here. :bigsmile:




In terms of true creative artisans who originate and create just utterly perfect vintage inspired pieces, this designer takes it to the next level. The detail work is just so precise, so finely executed. However big your dream for this ring was, he delivered. It's fantastic. Congratulations.

Wow, that is spectacular! I love all the photos and your play by play tale. My husband and I are married 12 years and we have 4 kids. Buying my diamond ring was such an exciting year! Congratulations on such a stellar ring! Enjoy!
Wow, it is so beautiful. I love all three rings together. I would not care if other people thought it was too much, just wear and enjoy.
Speechless :love: :love: just divinely sublime :love:
Congrats, I know that it has been a search for the right stone - but wow, what an amazing end to the journey, beautifully stunning ring, it looks amazing on you!!!! Hugs - I am super excited for you and with you :clap: :clap: :clap:
S T U N N I N G!!!! Truly a set fit for a queen.. wow. :appl: :appl: :appl:
And I love in the introduction that you say how you not only appreciate the beauty of the ring but what it stands for as well. :love:
Your AVR + SB setting= PERFECTION! I love, love, love it! :love: :love: :love:
SO gorgeous!!!! I love your nail polish in different shots and what looks like pillows or fabrics - yummy!!
I really enjoyed reading your thread, it is well written and so passionate! I am utterly blown away by your new rings...sublime!!! :love:
I'm so happy you came to the realization to follow your own heart! :appl:
Enjoy these gorgeous rings (you lucky lady) in much health and happiness!!!
Your AVR is amazing! The ring is stunning and your set is just fantastic :love: :appl: :love:
OMG!!! it's magnificent! Love love love it!!
This is breathtaking, truly a work of art!! I love the whole set. Your pictures are fabulous, too! Many more years of happiness to you. :appl:
Thanks for sharing this warm story of how an amazing diamond and a fabulous setting came together to become a stunning set in the end :love: :love: :love:

I actually waited for this thread as you mentioned in Art Nouveau's SB thread that yours was on Grace's FB. So, I admired it there and It's great to see it come to live on your lovely hands. This is a great thread that not only explains your search but also has great photo's!

The craftmanship of SB is amazing and frames your diamond in such an elegant manner.

I'll be back :naughty:
Oh wow, stunning--love that AVR--& your setting choices really make it the star!! & the bands, gorgeous!! :love: :love: I am always amazed at the creativity over & over again, & this one is no exception, what a star! Good job putting it together!! & congrats on your anniversary & 5 children, now that is an accomplishment! :appl:

Apacherose, FWIW, 98% of my technical achievements have come at the hands of my 19 yo, the tech kids-aren't they something?!? We're that generation I guess! :bigsmile: :wavey:
That's about as good as it gets! Le sigh..... :love:
Apacherose what a stunning ring! I love Sebastien Barier and he outdid himself with your ring!
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Congratulations! It sounds like you are blessed with a wonderful family and now a gorgeous set!
Apacherose, I love your set! It is beautiful!l As a mom of 5 myself, let me say-you have earned it!!! I hope you love it every single day for the next 15 years! Happy Anni, and congrats on a gorgeous set!

HOLY. MOLY. How gorgeous is that!!!!!!

That is beautiful!! Could you share more about your spacer ring?

Thx, Julie
Another gorgeous Sebastien Barier piece. Work of art :love: :love: :love: Enjoy!
This sounds ridiculous, but seeing these pictures brings tears to my eyes! It is such perfection! :love: :love: :love:

That AVR was truly beautiful and a twin to mine. Makes me wonder if I should have kept it because it's size is perfect for that halo! But I am so thankful to be able to see it in it's new home (setting), a very worthy home indeed. It makes my stone seem totally "nekkid"!! Reminds me that these stones are meant to be set in period settings and their true beauty is not realized until they are.

I love everything about it, and it will always be one of my favorite PS rings! :appl: :appl: :appl:
quote="missy|1423317272|3828704"]Ooh GORGEOUS!!! :love: :love: :love: I hope you are still posting pics because we NEED lots of pictures of your beauty please!!! :appl:
Congratulations and enjoy in health and happiness![/quote]

Thank you, Missy!

CRYSTAL24K said:
What a breathtakingly beautiful set you have! It is gorgeous and romantic! Please post more pics of your entire wedding set. Permission granted to "blingfie" away! :love:

:lol: love this, thank you :)

RandG said:
In terms of true creative artisans who originate and create just utterly perfect vintage inspired pieces, this designer takes it to the next level. The detail work is just so precise, so finely executed. However big your dream for this ring was, he delivered. It's fantastic. Congratulations.

RandG- thank you for your artfully written words-they ring true to me- you know, Grace tell me SB's team is comprised of many women- how delightful is that, as well! Thank you again- you have elevated finding antique treasures to an art, your eye is truly refined and your knowledge incredible- love your posts.

Tourmaline said:

Wow, that is spectacular! I love all the photos and your play by play tale. My husband and I are married 12 years and we have 4 kids. Buying my diamond ring was such an exciting year! Congratulations on such a stellar ring! Enjoy!

Tourmaline- wow! Thanks for sharing that- what a crazy life it is with a large family. This past year has been amazing and fun in that regard. I only had a band for our entire marriage, and now I have two wedding sets. Your diamond is amazing and I adore your setting. Hearts are special to me and I love them in your rings gallery.

Rena7 said:
Wow, it is so beautiful. I love all three rings together. I would not care if other people thought it was too much, just wear and enjoy.

Rena7- thank you. And, yup, I'm with you. It was a blessing that the timing of the rings came a) when my family was here- nothing like family to keep me grounded, and b) during the cold when rings fit looser, when stacking makes the rings more secure so I was forced to just get used to it... and now I will just do as I please. Thanks again.

Diamondbug said:
Speechless :love: :love: just divinely sublime :love:

Thank you, Diamondbug!

arkieb1 said:
Congrats, I know that it has been a search for the right stone - but wow, what an amazing end to the journey, beautifully stunning ring, it looks amazing on you!!!! Hugs - I am super excited for you and with you :clap: :clap: :clap:

Weee! Thank you, Arkieb! I feel the hugs, that means a lot to me, thank you. :angel:

Rubies-R-Me said:
S T U N N I N G!!!! Truly a set fit for a queen.. wow. :appl: :appl: :appl:
And I love in the introduction that you say how you not only appreciate the beauty of the ring but what it stands for as well. :love:

Awe, Rubies- thank you- I certainly feel like a queen to be able to wear them. And, yes- how can I not remember what this set stands for that every time I look at it- I hope that thought helps me to be more graceful as a wife and mother.

m-2-b said:
Your AVR + SB setting= PERFECTION! I love, love, love it! :love: :love: :love:

M-2-B.. thank you !!! Your collection is jaw-dropping.

motownmama said:
SO gorgeous!!!! I love your nail polish in different shots and what looks like pillows or fabrics - yummy!!

Hi motownmama, thank you! My kids and husband help me choose my nailpolish.

Bonfire said:
I really enjoyed reading your thread, it is well written and so passionate! I am utterly blown away by your new rings...sublime!!! :love:
I'm so happy you came to the realization to follow your own heart! :appl:
Enjoy these gorgeous rings (you lucky lady) in much health and happiness!!!

Bonfire, thank you for your sweet words. I really had a lot of worries about some of the choices, like my husband having misgivings about an 'I' color diamond- but I am so happy I just went with it- in the end after close inspection he can't see any color, whew!- I see it quite a bit but it does not bother me. Regarding your ring, I know I told you, but we both really loved your ring so much. The faceting or your stone- and my husband was crazy for the high color- and I don't know if you noticed that VanCraeynest has a very similar scroll setting, and the French origin- we are fans of your ring to say the least. Timing is everything, and it came along after we had made choices to go the way we did. I'd say we both made out :bigsmile: Do you still love it?

thecat said:
Your AVR is amazing! The ring is stunning and your set is just fantastic :love: :appl: :love:

Oh, thank you so much, Thecat! I am giddy over it.

eirwen said:
OMG!!! it's magnificent! Love love love it!!

Thank you, Eirwen!!!

summerlove6 said:
This is breathtaking, truly a work of art!! I love the whole set. Your pictures are fabulous, too! Many more years of happiness to you. :appl:

Summerlove6- thank you =) for your kind compliments and wishes.

Acinom said:
Thanks for sharing this warm story of how an amazing diamond and a fabulous setting came together to become a stunning set in the end :love: :love: :love:

I actually waited for this thread as you mentioned in Art Nouveau's SB thread that yours was on Grace's FB. So, I admired it there and It's great to see it come to live on your lovely hands. This is a great thread that not only explains your search but also has great photo's!

The craftmanship of SB is amazing and frames your diamond in such an elegant manner.

I'll be back :naughty:

Sweetest Acinom, thank you. I always love your threads so much exactly because they tell the story of how everything came together. It is just - special- to know how things come to be. In this latest, I loved how you shared a couple CADS, some that didn't make it and the ones that went on to become your beautiful set. And the story of that green tourmaline- how cool that it had you name on it even as a rough stone! Anyways, thanks for your words... you and me, we are 'ring sisters' now, right?

sarahb said:
Oh wow, stunning--love that AVR--& your setting choices really make it the star!! & the bands, gorgeous!! :love: :love: I am always amazed at the creativity over & over again, & this one is no exception, what a star! Good job putting it together!! & congrats on your anniversary & 5 children, now that is an accomplishment! :appl:

Apacherose, FWIW, 98% of my technical achievements have come at the hands of my 19 yo, the tech kids-aren't they something?!? We're that generation I guess! :bigsmile: :wavey:

Sarahb- :wavey: thank you, thank you, thank you, for saying those amazing things. About the technical achievements- I know. I am so proud of my teen daughter for the things she can do using technology. Even the littler ones can work some apps better than me- the stinkers. And yes, I am definitely part of the generation that had to use a card catalog to find books to write papers- now technology never ceases to amaze me. Life-changing.

Asscherhalo_lover said:
That's about as good as it gets! Le sigh..... :love:

Asscherhalo lover... le merci merci beaucoup. :)

EC4me said:
Apacherose what a stunning ring! I love Sebastien Barier and he outdid himself with your ring!

Thank you so much, EC4me! Regarding Sebastien Barier-I agree he and his team just created a fantasy set- it amazes me and I feel so sooo lucky to be able to look at this ring all the time.

nala said:
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
Congratulations! It sounds like you are blessed with a wonderful family and now a gorgeous set!

Thank you, Nala! I am truly blessed- with a crazy, crazy household and life and family, and these beautiful fantasy rings, I have much to be thankful for.

luv2sparkle said:
Apacherose, I love your set! It is beautiful!l As a mom of 5 myself, let me say-you have earned it!!! I hope you love it every single day for the next 15 years! Happy Anni, and congrats on a gorgeous set!

Oh wow, luv2sparkle, thank you for sharing about your big family- it is NUTS for us sometimes. I thank you for your kind words, and take heart that I do indeed hope to enjoy these, Lord willing, many years to come.

canuk-gal said:

HOLY. MOLY. How gorgeous is that!!!!!!


Sharon, :) thank you :)

julesxxxooo said:
That is beautiful!! Could you share more about your spacer ring?

Thx, Julie

Thanks, Julie! It is a platinum VanCraeynest 'Etruscan columns' (spelling?) band I picked up secondhand. I do believe they are making these currently, though.

baby monster said:
Another gorgeous Sebastien Barier piece. Work of art :love: :love: :love: Enjoy!

Thank you, baby monster! I agree- they are works of art. I wish I could order a few.

diamondseeker2006 said:
This sounds ridiculous, but seeing these pictures brings tears to my eyes! It is such perfection! :love: :love: :love:

That AVR was truly beautiful and a twin to mine. Makes me wonder if I should have kept it because it's size is perfect for that halo! But I am so thankful to be able to see it in it's new home (setting), a very worthy home indeed. It makes my stone seem totally "nekkid"!! Reminds me that these stones are meant to be set in period settings and their true beauty is not realized until they are.

I love everything about it, and it will always be one of my favorite PS rings! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Awe, Diamondseeker- I know you really loved this diamond and it means so much to me that you approve of the setting. I think your setting is the most timeless one ever created and your most beautiful, beautiful diamond shines in there perfectly with no need of any embellishment whatsoever. Settings are like outfits, you choose whatever suits your style and a beautiful diamond shines in anything, and your style is just the most classic, and classy, that there is. Thank you again for the lovely things you said... and again thank you for sharing your long threads and analysis- it was a gift for me to come upon those!