
My antique EC ring... What do you think?

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Dec 20, 2006
First of all, I stalked this ring on eBay twice and, thanks to a non-paying bidder, finally made it mine. I am stoked!

The setting is platinum and the center stone is a half carat G, SI2. There are three baguettes on either side of the center stone.
I have a question -- do you experts think the stone looks secure enough in the setting for me to start wearing the ring now?

I plan to send it to Ari at Single Stone for some bezel work. I am hoping he can clean the bezel up a little bit and re-do some of the beading without having to take the stone out and re-build the setting. Ari''s out of town some in April, so I was hoping to be able to wear the ring until the middle of the month or so when he returns.

Please let me know what you think!

Another pic...

I would let a pro check it out first to make sure the stone is secure, a jeweller should be able to do this for you for a small charge perhaps.
Stacy, are these the only pictures you have of this ring?
Pretty ring, congrats! Does the stone seem loose to you? I would still feel better having a jeweler check it out before wearing it, though.
Thanks for the responses, Lorelei and Ellen!

I have one more pic of the ring, from the seller, that I will attach. These bigs are really close in and magnify the inperfections of the setting! I LOVE that it is so old and that it has such a sense of history. I do think that I will send it to Ari at SingleStone for repair before I start wearing it though, since it is meant to be my engagement ring.

Ok, since this is to be your Ering, I would highly recommend taking it to an independant appraiser if you have your heart set on it. I am concerned for you, for a couple reasons.

First, step cuts show inclusions much more easily than a round. Below VS2 is starting to get really iffy on no eye visable inclusions. SI2 would be highly doubtful, if that is important to you.

Secondly, I can tell that this stone has an extremely large table. Now that does not automatically mean it's bad, but it's not the best inidcator as to it being cut well. It does not seem to appear quite as "deep" and lively as one would hope to see in an emerald cut. It could be the photos, ems are very hard to photograph, but I am somewhat concerned that you would not be getting a quality stone.

If none of this matters, and you just love the age of it, please disregard. I just wanted you to be aware of what you might be getting.
Date: 3/29/2008 11:16:45 AM
First of all, I stalked this ring on eBay twice and, thanks to a non-paying bidder, finally made it mine. I am stoked!

The setting is platinum and the center stone is a half carat G, SI2. There are three baguettes on either side of the center stone.

I have a question -- do you experts think the stone looks secure enough in the setting for me to start wearing the ring now?

I plan to send it to Ari at Single Stone for some bezel work. I am hoping he can clean the bezel up a little bit and re-do some of the beading without having to take the stone out and re-build the setting. Ari''s out of town some in April, so I was hoping to be able to wear the ring until the middle of the month or so when he returns.

Please let me know what you think!

Get stone checked out. It looks loose. Also if it matters to you, get quality of stone checked out and make sure you didn''t overpay. I always get nervous of ebay.
Thanks for your comments! I know the stone isn''t ideal by the numbers, but it is just right for me and I love it anyway! I really wanted an authentic antique ring and that''s what this is! I KNOW I didn''t overpay too. I actually know the seller (through messageboards and places other than eBay), so we''re all good. I normally don''t trust eBay for jewelry purchases either!

I have decided to send the ring on to Ari at Single Stone next week though. I think it would be fine to wear the ring as-is, but since it is an e-ring, I don''t want to take any chances. I''ve sent Ari a bunch of pics and he likes the ring too. It''s definitely different, and I can tell it has DEFINITELY been worn (and loved).

I actually kinda lucked out because I have a few e-rings to choose from... I have a J-colored h&A diamond from Whiteflash too in a super cool bezel setting... (It''s about half a carat too!) So I have a super mod ring and a super antique! I got the WF stone because I didn''t think I would be able to get this antique ring.
Well then it sounds like you love it just as it is. And that's great, you found what you were looking for! I'm glad you're sending it to Ari, he will fix it up and make sure everything is safe and sound.

Please post pics when it comes back!
Ellen, thanks so much! I will def. post before and after shots. I am so excited about sending my ring to Ari. I''ve never worked with him before, but I have seen some GORGEOUS pics of stuff from SingleStone on this site and on their site. He also sent some pics of a similar ring that they had done repair work on (without doing full rebuilds) and it was really nice.

I think I''m just a little too excited over this whole ring thing!

Very cute and unique ring!
stacy - i must say im not too into antique settings but this one is gorgeous! congrats on a nice find

who cares what the numbers say, if you like it then wear it proud!
Hi Stacy,

I love your ring! It''s very unique and by the photos looks very pretty... Do you know how old the stone and ring are? Are you planning on keeping it in the same setting? I really like it. Vintage stones are great, I have one as well... I feel very fortunate everytime I look at mine. Congrats! Can''t wait to see more photos.
Congratulations on your engagement Stacy. I love the design of your ring. So elegant and unusual. I hope you enjoy it.

Thanks so much for all your positive comments. I was almost scared to post pics of this ring on Pricescope because I know it''s not ideal, but I wanted your opinions... You all have been so nice! Thanks soooo much!

I do plan to keep the stone in this setting. I am going to send it to Ari at SingleStone for repair. I''ve heard that he is one of the best at refurbishing vintage rings.

I feel very fortunate to have gotten this ring. I will definitely post before and after pics once I get the ring back from repair!

Thanks again!
Date: 3/30/2008 10:29:23 AM
Author: stacy
Thanks so much for all your positive comments. I was almost scared to post pics of this ring on Pricescope because I know it''s not ideal, but I wanted your opinions... You all have been so nice! Thanks soooo much!

I do plan to keep the stone in this setting. I am going to send it to Ari at SingleStone for repair. I''ve heard that he is one of the best at refurbishing vintage rings.

I feel very fortunate to have gotten this ring. I will definitely post before and after pics once I get the ring back from repair!

Thanks again!
Stacy, the main focus here seems to be on superideal cut rounds for much of the time, but we do try to help out whichever way a person decides to go with choosing a diamond! You have found this one, and reading your posts, this ring touches your heart. That is what we are all aiming for in buying a diamond, so congrats to you on your lovely unique ring, and may you wear it with joy!

Please post pics once Ari has given her the once over!
I like it. It''s very different.
I can''t tell if it looks loose or not, agree with others on getting it checked before wearing.

Also, I love it! I think it is romantic, classic and gorgeous and even though it is not your typical PS bedazzler, once it gets some TLC it will be even more amazing. I love the history it shows.

Congratulations on a great find!
It's lovely and unique. I love the proportions. It looks lovely on you! I love antique settings/rings, and they are not always perfect, but there are so many other factors that go into the love of something antique. I'm glad you are happy! I can't wait to see photos of it all fixed up for you!



I love your spinel too! Are you going to alternate? I alternate/switch around all the time. Fun!
Stacey, Congratulations on finally capturing your prize! I love how it looks on your hand and can''t wait to see it once the repairs are done.
I don''t normally comment on rings posted, but I have to say, I really love your antique ring. I love that it''s so unique and different looking. It sounds like your are incredibly thrilled by it as well. I hope that Single Stone can repair it for you soon!

Congrats and enjoy!
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