
#JOTW my 5.318ct H VS2 ideal-cut diamond


Oct 5, 2006
Video by Perry Chen/ Leon Mege of my nikked diamond. As you know, Perry sourced the diamond for me. I've been begging him for some pics and he did even better, he shot this video. YAY!! Thank you, Perry. Muack!

I have to say, she's absolutely GORGEOUS!! :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

A bit more infor on her: Table: 56%, Depth: 62%, HCA 1.9, AGS-certed, no fluor. Diamond has been appraised by David Wolf.

The ring is not ready yet, but I hope she'll be ready soon. I'll prob receive her in two or three weeks' time. I shall add pics to this thread as and when I receive her.

Would anyone like to help me name her, he he? :wink2:
HOLY MOLY!!! It is beautiful! :love: :love: :love:

I can't wait to see the finished ring! Congratulations! :appl:
Yum! :lickout: It's a knock out!
Good lord that's one big rock!
Beautiful, Phoenix! :love: :appl: :love: :appl: :love:

I vote to name her Venus, or Aphrodite, after the Greek, or Roman, goddess of Beauty. In the many sculptures and paintings depicting Venus/Aphrodite, she is seen as curvy or voluptuous compared to today's controversial standard of beauty. Your diamond is definitely voluptuous. :naughty: See Titian's Venus of Urbino painting.
Not only a 5ct, but 5-and-a-THIRD-carat!! Amazeballs.
I want to hug it and hold it and kiss it and love it and never let go
I think she should be named Zsa Zsa. Glitz, glamor, romance, scandal, sex appeal and a bigger-than-life personality! :love:
Phoenix, that is one hell of a knock out! Having read your posts on and off re: your search for the 5 carater, I am really glad you finally found her :)

Can't wait to see the hand shots!
UNREAL. :lickout: I vote you name her "Tiny." Or Peewee, maybe? :bigsmile: I cannot wait to see this amazing beauty set and on your hand! Congratulations!!!!
Absolutely incredible! :lickout: Congratulations on your newest sparkly family member. :))
That's one gorgeous rock! can't wait to see the final ring!!! :love:
It's amazing, Phoenix! So excited for you and can't wait to see it on your hand!
Congrats Phoenix! She's a beaut!!
Wow, beautiful! :love: :love:
YayTacori|1348549528|3274120 said:
I want to hug it and hold it and kiss it and love it and never let go


You lucky duck :)

Please post loads of pics!!!!!!!!
Looks like a truly beautiful stone! Can you tell us the crown and pavilion angles of the stone? Interesting how that plays out in a stone of that size.

Should make a beautiful, huge ring. Congrats on finally getting to that magic size for yourself!
Holy crud! Love it :)

Don't worry about that bruise I have now... no worries... OH MY!!!!! :love: :love: :love:

Can't wait to see the pictures!!!
Stunning! Looks amazing, the light just dances all around it. Yay Perry, he's such a great guy.

Names? Hmmm... the "Phoenix?"
after all the Hope diamond was named after a banker who bought it, Henry Philip Hope.

or.. the "Star of Singapore" :wink2:

I certainly looks dreamy and I hope it is everything you've dreamed of....

Wear it in health!

Wowee--what a beauty!!! It's going to look so huge on your tiny finger! How about naming her "Elizabeth" after the famous Elizabeth Taylor?
and as far as naming goes... it has to be Phoenix! Perfect name for it.
Well congratulations! You are a very very lucky lady. I can't wait to see the finished ring and which setting you chose. I especially can't wait to see the hand shots. Your diamond is the ultimate dream come true! My vote (even though I'm new here) is to name her Zsa Zsa, Liz (Taylor) or Marilyn -->"diamonds are a girls best friend"or Star, as in the Star of Asia.
Thank you, everyone, you're all very generous with your comments. Thank you thank you.

I know I am very lucky. I still pinch myself (literally) to make sure I am not dreaming.

As far as names are concerned, so far we have (and I love them all, just can't decide yet):

- Venus (love that, voluptuous - *that* she certainly is)

- Zsa Zsa Gabor (ha ha, too funny, love the sex and scandal thing)

- Liz (actually thought of this myself as well)

- Marilyn (she really was very beautiful)

- Phoenix (love that one too, but of course, lol :naughty: - but would it be a bit haughty of me to name my diamond after myself, :wink2: lol?!... well...Phoenix is not my real name of course but YKWIM, ha ha!! It is quite apt when you think of what Phoenix stands for)

- Tiny or Peewee (lol, have to love yr sense of humour!! :bigsmile: )

- Star of Singapore/ Star of Asia - lovely name, but there are sooooo many HUGE diamonds in this part of the world! 8)

This is sooooooo much FUN!!. :bigsmile: Keep them coming, please!
...Big this one just popped in my head
Phoenix isn't quite enough...I think that she needs, Le Phoenix :bigsmile:
What a beauty!

Would could name her "heavens" - as in "Heavens to Betsy what a diamond!!!" but also HeaVenS for her awesome H VS stats.
Ah! That's amazing! Congrats!
Mayk|1348567076|3274169 said:

Don't worry about that bruise I have now... no worries... OH MY!!!!! :love: :love: :love:

Can't wait to see the pictures!!!

Congrats Phoenix! This post immediately made me think of naming 'er "Bruiser". :D

Hey wasn't that Elle's dog's name, from Legally Blonde? Beverly Hills... posh... 5 carat... it could work!