
Most liberal and conservative cities

Matata, HIYA, thanks so much for you post! I don't know. I think there are people like that everywhere. You certainly can find that crowd in Nor Cal. And So Cal. And in NY metro and in DC. All places I've lived. And certainly in law school there is that mentality. But you can opt out too. I don't have outside client face to face meetings often and I have a nice expensive suit and conservative shoes for when I do. As for my car...complete irrelevant. I'm not a people pleaser. I'm more of a "This is me, accept me or not... don't care either way." And I don't need or WANT a huge circle of people around me. I like having a small number of close genuine people around me. I think that if you allow that mindset of 'keeping up with the joneses' in, yes it can all become about money. And it doesn't matter where you live. Because it's not about WHERE you live. It's about what is in your head. Honestly, I'm REALLY GOOD about opting out of that mindset, and have always been. So is my DH.

I buy nice things because I LIKE those nice things. I also buy 'budget friendly things' because I like them. And I try very hard never to buy ANYTHING to impress anyone. If someone asks me what my favorite stores are... I'm ALWAYS going to say: Target, Costco and Nordstroms. I won't try to impress them. My answer won't vary if the person is a millionaire or a hobo. I'm me. No matter who I am with. Sure I'll trade in my jeans for a pair of slacks for a different job, if needed. Because for me, dress code is a job requirement. I get paid to work at a certain place... and part of that salary is to make sure I conform with the professional standards of the place. At my current job professional standards means anything goes. Seriously. You should see some of the stuff folks wear to work. But this is the ONLY job I've ever worked where I've gotten to do this. So reverting back to slacks and cardigans as the dress code is not at all an issue. But I won't do more than that. And my cardigans still might be from Target, if one caught my eye there. 8)

And I find that people either A) don't get me. Which is fine, cause if they don't get me... that's their prerogative and they aren't someone I need to waste a lot of time on. I am cordial and polite but that's it. Or the B) find me refreshing. These people are usually acquaintances that I am friendly with. Or C) Are like me too. In which case I usually form close friendships with them. And there are people like that everywhere too.

I won't buy a certain car to impress. Last time I went car shopping I was test driving Lexus. And I bought a Mazda, because I genuinely liked it better, and it suited my needs for gas mileage and so forth better. I buy nice handbags because I enjoy the quality, but I buy them second hand, several years out of "date" and never with logos or tags that are too noticeable. Or I buy them new, if I want to splurge, but my taste is very consistent and despite the fact that my close friends LOVE certain brands... I never feel the need to buy the same brand, or a 'better one'. I just buy whatever I like. I have grandma taste in handbags. And I know it an own it. I don't keep up with joneses. And I don't even know who they are. And even if I DID know who they are... I probably wouldn't click with them. And you know what? I'm okay with that. Cause I like me. So if someone else doesn't... I don't really mind. People vary.

I did see a couple people wearing jeans. And when I remarked on that to one woman who was wearing them she said, "Comfort first for me." And I was like... cool! That's definitely someone to get to know. But she wasn't in the group I would be working in. And that's fine. I'll conform to the code of the group I am in. But... I'm still going to find the jean wearing lady and ask her to lunch!
Thank you so much Packrat. Honestly I'd the reason I disclosed the RA and everything is... I don't WANT them to accept me, if they are going to have a problem with it. And they honestly might. And that is OK. Yes, reasonable accommodation is the law. But the fact is... someone can reasonably accommodate you and resent you for it, and make your life difficult without ever SAYING anything that would be actionable, until all you want to do is quit. I'd rather avoid that. So if it's a NO. That's REALLY OK with me. And it IS good news, because I don't want to work for people who aren't going to be okay with it. But I do want to know SOON, KWIM?

Thank you so much Calliecake. For the dust and the birthday wishes (x2). You are totally right. Heck I was on vacation today!! LOL! ((HUGS))

Thank you too Missy! Both for the dust and the birthday wishes.

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
Sending you good luck dust. Fingers and toes crossed too!
Still thinking of you and sending bucket loads of job ***dust*** to you Gypsy!
Hope today is the day you get some good news. :appl:
I'm another one hoping today is your day Gypsy! Sending lots of DUST to you!
Candy, Callie and Missy, thank you guys so much. Much love to you all. No word yet. Maybe tomorrow??

Driving back home today from vacation. Had a nice time. But I am ready to be with my kiddos. I miss them.
Wishing you much luck and dust, Gypsy! I hope everything works out! It's really great that you're thinking about the future and trying to sock more $ away. That's a big part of why we moved this year too...

Tampa wouldn't have been a bad choice for you perhaps; we moved from NYC to Florida last year and it's a bit hick-ish where we are located now (we moved here to be close to family) but we hope to move to Tampa in a few years unless we need to move to Seattle for work...
Happy (belated) birthday, Gypsy! I hope you had a great day.
Hi Gypsy, I'm glad you had a great vacation and birthday. Please don't freak out if you don't hear anything by the end of the week. It really doesn't mean anything negative. I spent years working for CEO's and upper management. The week after holidays are notorious for being crazy because so many people take vacation around the holidays. My husband has said 3 times today what a crazy week it's been. He started conference calls at 6:00 this morning and he just finished up a conference call at 9:30 tonight. Thankfully he can take them from home. Please try to remain calm and don't think it means anything negative, because it truly does not. I'm also on pins and needles waiting to hear. Your not alone in this! I've checked this thread 10 times today. Sending more dust and hugs!
Thank you very much, Alexah. I think staring down the barrel of 40 is making me realize that retirement is something I'd like to actually be able to afford. And living here, it's not going to happen. I'm sorry you aren't happy where you are. I do hope that you are able to relocate to somewhere more to your liking.

Thank you Zoe!

THANK YOU CALLIE FOR A FANTASTIC POST! I will keep an even keel.
Gypsy|1409812224|3744523 said:
Thank you very much, Alexah. I think staring down the barrel of 40 is making me realize that retirement is something I'd like to actually be able to afford. And living here, it's not going to happen. I'm sorry you aren't happy where you are. I do hope that you are able to relocate to somewhere more to your liking.

Thank you Zoe!

THANK YOU CALLIE FOR A FANTASTIC POST! I will keep an even keel.

Hey Gypsy, Just remember I'm always here to talk you off the ledge. The waiting to hear on a new job is nerve wracking. Every person I've ever known has experienced everything your going thru. Is this company a large company? I worked for two large corporations, one was a Fortune 500 company, and for some reason they are the worst with dragging their feet on new hires. It was ridiculous. Even when they were absolutely sure about a candidate they still dragged their feet.

Sending more dust and hugs your way!
It is a large company. :-) No word today either. Thank you again Callie.
Didn't get the job. And honestly don't care.
Gypsy said:
Didn't get the job. And honestly don't care.

Oh Gyspy, I am so sorry! But it wasn't meant to be I really believe that. A better opportunity will come along. I know it will. What a tough time you are going through and this is from someone who understands tough times so big hugs from me to you and know better times are ahead.
Well shoot. Must be for the best tho, I figure. Something better is waiting.
Sorry you didn't get the job, but glad you are ok with it.
Gypsy, I'm sooty about the job. In the whole scheme of things it's just a job. Something better will come along.
What a crappy day
I am so sorry for everything you've gone through this week, Gypsy :(sad
I'm sorry it didn't work out if it was something you really wanted, but I'm glad to hear you're okay with it. Will you still look for something else in the Houston area (or other places you thought of moving to)?
Gypsy|1409950712|3745636 said:
Didn't get the job. And honestly don't care.

understandable, gypsy, completely understandable.