


Jul 17, 2008
It 5 am here In Chicago and the birds are signaling dawn. I know skippy is up. Anyone else? I love early mornings in summer!
As long as there's coffee :)

We're so far North that I learned yesterday it's never actually night here in the UK, just nautical twilight. I can't find the source for that info though. I'm up most summer mornings at about 4:45am.
Good morning!
When I was younger and in school I was a night owl but now I am a morning person for sure. I am up by 4:45AM most days too Rhea.

It's very peaceful at that time of the morning and in the summer we have the added benefit of daylight which is much nicer than waking up when it is dark like I do in the winter.

Have a great morning all you early birds! :wavey:
Good Morning AprilBaby and Rhea. I work night shift so on days off I often see the dawn but this week I have the grandkids so I have tried to sleep when they are, not working so well :nono: I woke up at three am and listened to there toddler sleeping noises for awhile :love: then I had to get up, I am sure about 10 am I am going to hit a serious wall and will try and convince them they should take a nap.... We will see how that goes. :wavey:
I get up around 4 usually. Listen to the owls before dawn while I have coffee. A mockingbird has designated himself backyard Reveille sounder & gives one loud cheery trill precisely at 5:15. Then silence for about 1/2 hr until everybody begins chattering & singing as they get the doorstep swept & worms for the kids.

Wrens nest in our garage every year so I have the duty to open the garage door & let them out to find grub, whew! Heavy responsibility, can't oversleep or they get frantic & s**t on the cars!

Rhea -- we were in Tomintoul (did I spell that right?) in Scotland in May & it was dark for only about 3 hrs then. Twilight the rest of the night. Kind of cool.

--- Laurie
GOOD MORNING! What a pleasure to read this thread today. I rise early myself but did not turn on the computer first thing this morning. It is very pleasant in my part of the world this morning also. Nature in all her glory. Thanks for starting this thread today!
AprilBaby|1372846821|3476449 said:
It 5 am here In Chicago and the birds are signaling dawn. I know skippy is up. Anyone else? I love early mornings in summer!

I am! It is nice to hear the birds chirping, when winter comes I miss it! enjoy :bigsmile:
I used to be a morning person, and I wish I still was. Most days I am up by six though, and right now by 5:30 since I am farm sitting and have to feed animals at one place, then go home and feed more. JOY! I'm pretty sure I look like a zombie.