
Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a friend


Aug 26, 2015
Ok, so my entire life I heard my mom tell a story about this friend of hers who was in the peace core and brought her a chunk of alexandrite back from (wherever... Tanzania maybe?) and she had it faceted and mounted as a ring. It must be about 16 carats... I've tried to take photos of it as an aqua blue, but it continues to photograph purple or raspberry in color. I've attached a photo of it in my every day office light, next to a flame, and also in daylight (although, it does not photograph the color I see it as in daylight - only photographs purple) I'm scared to death to send it off anywhere for certification, and I don't know any retuable jewlers who can help in my area... anyone have any thoughts, opinions, advice? I realize the size is extraordinarily rare... but the ring is over 50 years old now and I've had some mixed commentary/feedback from various hobbyist gemnologists (some say there is no way its real based on size - others tell a story about how they used to drill down to the center of a chunk of Alex. to get the purest cut possible and that they think that's what I have *even without hearing the story my mom told me*)
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

The photos would be helpful to see, but unfortunately nothing can be surmised by photos. :blackeye:
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Aquamarine blue coloured Alexandrite? It doesn't sound right.
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Sorry about the photos... I thought I loaded them with the post...
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Here the ring is next to a flame
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Unfortunately, I cannnot photograph the blue-green color in the daylight... no matter how hard I try to capture the color I see in daylight, the camera photographs it as purple or purplish red... It's the darnedest thing!
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Here is the closest shade I can create to describe what I see in daylight... it's a fairly deep color in the daylight
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

I think it is vanadium doped synthetic corundum - sorry!
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

I agree that it is highly likely that the stone is a simulated or synthetic material.
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Well, hmmm... I thought the vanadium had an irridescent quality to it? IDK... I've been trying to research things online and I've found so much information my head is spinning. In one set of information, I'll convince myself that it's real.. then another set of information will have me convinced it's a color-changing sapphire, then I'll read something else that convinces me it may be synthetic... It's hard to find a "real" picture of Alexandrite and everything I've read has said it doesn't photograph green or bluish green in daylight despite looking that color to the naked eye... somthing about reflection or refraction... I don't remember exactly... But reading that made me feel better because I spent a couple of hours one day trying to capture the blue-green color in daylight and every stupid photo I took showed purple or reddish purple. Then I read about inclusions... I try to view it with my eyes only and I can't tell if it's inclusions or just scratches on it... I'm so frustrated in trying to find answers. If I knew of someplace that could do the light refraction on it the same day so that I didn't have to send it off or leave it overnight, that'd be a huge help! I read someplace about the light refraction being able to distinguish between synthetic and natural but that's it's not a definitive test. Then something else talked about short wave UV coloration but that this was not a definitive test either... UGH! If my mother was telling the truth, she apparently had a chunk of some sort of raw material before it was cut and placed into a setting... unfortunately, she passed and I can't ask her about it. I just remember the stories from my childhood and sitting in the backseat of our car staring at this ring that I found to be completely ugly (I was like 6 at the time) and asking her on occassion what was wrong with it because it would look brownish green sometimes and other times bluish green and a lot of the time it was purplish. :sick:
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

seababyisu- Over the years I have seen many, many posts from family members asking if the Alexandrite they received from their family member is a real alexandrite. The preliminary, guestimate answer is usually no. But......would love to see you send it to AGL. I mean there has to be some real alexandrite that has been passed down to the generations. I hope yours is the real deal, but only a reputable lab can answer that question.
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

The setting, size, and color change of the stone makes me think synthetic, but no one can say for certain based on photos.
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

No inclusions and no scratches after such a long time = synthetic sapphire ( hardness 9).

And don't send it to AGL - a waste of money!
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

The problem with taking photos of Alexandrite is that a photo cannot capture what it does as far as the color change, not to mention that the green colorway is nearly impossible to capture. A video will get you closer to seeing what a fine alexandrite should do, maybe try looking for a video from a respected vendor on Youtube?

Take the ring to a lab, for a small fee your curiosity will be satisfied on what exactly the stone is (even if it's synthetic).
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Thanks, LisaRN and everyone else for the input! So far, the initial reaction when I've taken it to any jeweler has been "synthetic" based on size alone... no one has actually held the ring to examine it or look at the stone or setting. I'm taking it to a GIA graduate jewler and GIA graduate gemologist on Saturday... hopefully they will be able to tell the same day while I wait. If it is real, it's sad that the size causes so much skepticism thanks to fraudulant imposters in the market... and if it's fake...well, that's just sad period. It's kind of humorous that a ring I disliked as a child is causing me grief now :doh:
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Oh, and it has scratches, a small surface chip by the prong of the setting... it's 50 years old and hasn't always been protected. My mom wore it for years and never seemed to ever take it off. As for inclusions, I can't tell... I look at it and think it has inclusions, then I look again and think maybe it doesn't. I'm seriously half crazy over this... LOL :errrr:
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Okay, I'm back to feeling frustrated... I watched this video of a color change: and I swear this is what the ring I have does, except the color is a richer intensity... Could it be real??? Ugh!! On the bright side, I can wear it without a bodyguard because no one will be able to believe such a large high-quality alex exists... hahahaha :loopy:
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Marlow|1440620839|3919544 said:
No inclusions and no scratches after such a long time = synthetic sapphire ( hardness 9).

And don't send it to AGL - a waste of money!

If an alexandrite is a daily wear at 8.5 is that a good indicator?
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Where are you located? If you are located anywhere near NYC or Southern CA you might really consider having AGL or GIA look it over. RI will not differentiate synthetic from real. As Lisa said, highly unlikely, just due to its size and clarity that its real, but who knows? Btw, I and others have alexes and we have been able to successfully photograph its daylight colorways, so if you want to search for alex images here, you can surely find daylight colorway photos taken by members. Good luck to you!
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Niel|1440625087|3919570 said:
Marlow|1440620839|3919544 said:
No inclusions and no scratches after such a long time = synthetic sapphire ( hardness 9).

And don't send it to AGL - a waste of money!

If an alexandrite is a daily wear at 8.5 is that a good indicator?

You really think this could be an alexandrite? Come on!
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Marlow|1440625880|3919578 said:
Niel|1440625087|3919570 said:
Marlow|1440620839|3919544 said:
No inclusions and no scratches after such a long time = synthetic sapphire ( hardness 9).

And don't send it to AGL - a waste of money!

If an alexandrite is a daily wear at 8.5 is that a good indicator?

You really think this could be an alexandrite? Come on!

A lab one? Sure. They make lab Alex as well as lab sapphires to look like Alex. I'm just asking about your statement regarding the hardness.

As I said

Niel|1440620651|3919540 said:
The setting, size, and color change of the stone makes me think synthetic, but no one can say for certain based on photos.
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Niel|1440626865|3919587 said:
Marlow|1440625880|3919578 said:
Niel|1440625087|3919570 said:
Marlow|1440620839|3919544 said:
No inclusions and no scratches after such a long time = synthetic sapphire ( hardness 9).

And don't send it to AGL - a waste of money!

If an alexandrite is a daily wear at 8.5 is that a good indicator?

You really think this could be an alexandrite? Come on!

A lab one? Sure. They make lab Alex as well as lab sapphires to look like Alex. I'm just asking about your statement regarding the hardness.

As I said

Niel|1440620651|3919540 said:
The setting, size, and color change of the stone makes me think synthetic, but no one can say for certain based on photos.

The ring is 50 years old.
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Marlow|1440627834|3919591 said:
Niel|1440626865|3919587 said:
Marlow|1440625880|3919578 said:
Niel|1440625087|3919570 said:
Marlow|1440620839|3919544 said:
No inclusions and no scratches after such a long time = synthetic sapphire ( hardness 9).

And don't send it to AGL - a waste of money!

If an alexandrite is a daily wear at 8.5 is that a good indicator?

You really think this could be an alexandrite? Come on!

A lab one? Sure. They make lab Alex as well as lab sapphires to look like Alex. I'm just asking about your statement regarding the hardness.

As I said

Niel|1440620651|3919540 said:
The setting, size, and color change of the stone makes me think synthetic, but no one can say for certain based on photos.

The ring is 50 years old.

Ah, makes sense. Now your statement

"No inclusions and no scratches after such a long time = synthetic sapphire ( hardness 9)."

Really is more a statement on hardness, not the idea of when synthetic alexandrite was invented, so in a vacuum it makes it sound as though a natural alexandrite couldn't stand up to wear for "such a long time" so i was more curious about that statement
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

The photos look a lot like my inherited amethyst. It alternates between grey/blue and fuchsia, depending on the light source.
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

I am 99.9999% certain it is a vanadium syn corundum. However, if this bother you so much, just send them to AGL or Gubelin or GRS. There is 0.0001% chance that your alex turnout to be millions dollar stone :eek: :eek: :eek:
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Here's why it is almost assured to be vanadium doped synthetic corundum.

1. Alexandrite are naturally not large stones. 5 ct is already unusually large. 16 ct is unheard of. It means that the original material would like be nearly 50 ct! If something this large were found, you can bet it would have been huge news in the past, and is likely to still be talked about today.

2. Eye clean clarity. Again, alexandrite is typically not very clean. The larger it is, the less likely it is to be very clean. Add to the fact that you have a 16 ct eye clean alexandrite, makes it even more likely to be synthetic.

3. Perfect colouration and perfect change. This says it all. Even the most famous alexandrite isn't this big and doesn't have colouration like this and change like this. The only reason it looks so is because the pictures have been doctored up somewhat the same way FCD pictures are made to look more saturated and purer in hue for magazines.

4. The 50 year age is when synthetics were aplenty for alexandrite.
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

minousbijoux|1440625419|3919572 said:
Where are you located? If you are located anywhere near NYC or Southern CA you might really consider having AGL or GIA look it over. RI will not differentiate synthetic from real. As Lisa said, highly unlikely, just due to its size and clarity that its real, but who knows? Btw, I and others have alexes and we have been able to successfully photograph its daylight colorways, so if you want to search for alex images here, you can surely find daylight colorway photos taken by members. Good luck to you!

Thank you so very much!

Is there a secret to photographing it in daylight? I have been trying with my canon powershot sx10is Someone said video might be easier...but the video feature on my camera produced the same results.

I showed a neighbor the ring (she has no knowledge of semi-precious or precious stones eiether and doesn't know what alexandrite is...) and I asked her and her 7 year old daughter to each describe the color change in daylight (I thought maybe my eyes are playing tricks or something) and they both said "Teal!" hesitation... at least I know I'm not color blind. But then they kept looking at it and said, well, it's weird, it's got some red or purple/bluish color to it, too. This was just before dusk and it was cloudy outside. I live in Florida around the Tampa area. I'm taking it to a GIA graduate gemologist on Saturday... I'm hoping he'll be able to put the whole things to rest once and for all and I'll finally know a definitive answer.

I also have 2 smaller stones that my grandpa faceted at some point in time prior to 2000 when he passed at age 97... I'm thinking they may be from India because the color is much lighter - almost a mint green in daylight and they turn to a very distint light pink (almost like a rose quartz with perfect pink color) in incandescent light. I figured I'll have him look at these, too... One is 1.85 ct and the other is 3.65ct
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

ennui|1440636425|3919661 said:
The photos look a lot like my inherited amethyst. It alternates between grey/blue and fuchsia, depending on the light source.
Yes! Sometimes I think it looks cola brownish in color with varied light (a mix of natural and artificial lighting) I honestly hated this ring as a kid... I thought it was ugly - too big and gross colors. It would sometimes look greenish brown to me on long car trips... other times it looked bluish green or pruplish red... and being a kid, I liked those colors better.
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

Chrono|1440675609|3919785 said:
Here's why it is almost assured to be vanadium doped synthetic corundum.

1. Alexandrite are naturally not large stones. 5 ct is already unusually large. 16 ct is unheard of. It means that the original material would like be nearly 50 ct! If something this large were found, you can bet it would have been huge news in the past, and is likely to still be talked about today.

2. Eye clean clarity. Again, alexandrite is typically not very clean. The larger it is, the less likely it is to be very clean. Add to the fact that you have a 16 ct eye clean alexandrite, makes it even more likely to be synthetic.

3. Perfect colouration and perfect change. This says it all. Even the most famous alexandrite isn't this big and doesn't have colouration like this and change like this. The only reason it looks so is because the pictures have been doctored up somewhat the same way FCD pictures are made to look more saturated and purer in hue for magazines.

4. The 50 year age is when synthetics were aplenty for alexandrite.

I'm thoroughly enjoying and appreciating the conversation and advice! Much of it is quite informative and helpful... I think somewhere along the line some information was assumed or misconstrued, though.

1) The ring is not eye-clean.
a) There are several surface scratches on it from years or wear and tear.
b) I can see some sort of "inclusions" a few spots look almost like a dark carbon spot in a diamon looks - but tiny (and maybe not black at all because its very hard for me to see. There also appears to be little stringy/linty looking spots in it... almost like short threads. But, with the surface scratches, it's hard for me to tell what I'm looking at.
c)Also, I don't have perfect vision and I'm not any kind of expert (probably can't even be called a collector or novice) my knowledge on how to describe what I'm looking at is very limited.

2) I don't think it's perfect color change by any means.

Color change is dramatic in incandescent light to a pinkish/purple color. In daylight, I see it change to this (what I describe as) teal color but it's not a flawless change. Sometimes it looks like it has greenish brown or purple to it.
Here is a good example of what I see: (the teal in my ring is not quite as perfect as this picture, though, but the shade is spot on!)
Re: Mom said this was from a chunk of alexandrite from a fri

The scratches are from normal wear and tear. After 50 years of daily wear, even corundum will show some scratches. A black dot in a 16 ct is negligible in the grand scheme of things. This is highly unusual in such a large size. When in mixed light, you will get a mixture of colouration, which is to be expected, even with synthetic CC.