
Minor Vent.....Communication Issues with Jeweller

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Feb 20, 2006
Okay, without boring everyone with the minutia of my ring saga, the upshot is this: I decided, after a major debacle with another local jeweler, to have my engagement ring completely re-made. I sourced out a jeweler in Toronto with a long-standing reputation for quality, high-end jewellery in a upscale section of Toronto. Thinking I couldn’t miss with this one, here’s what’s been happening: I spoke with the owner and we discussed various ideas for a re-make of my ring. The shank I decided to have made is very simple with a slightly more intricate crown detail. I provided him with several pictures. I told the jeweller that I would go ahead with the project and turned over my engagement ring to him. This was on a Thursday (August 17). I was told that entire project would take around two weeks to completion and that the CAD renderings would ready by mid-week of the next week ( Wednesday of the following week). Wednesday came and went. I phoned the next day (last Thursday) to find out when I could expect to receive the CADs. I was told that I would have them later that day or Friday. Late Friday afternoon I phoned and was told that I would receive them on Monday. Today is Tuesday. I phoned and asked (very politely) when I could expect the CADs. He said, “oh, the rendering ……let me call you right back!". I said “sure”. That was 5 ½ hours ago. I’m impatient at the best of times….but seriously….am I getting the run-around here? Maybe I’m jumping the gun a bit, but due to the unfortunate incident with another jeweler, I’ve basically been without my wedding set for almost two months now. I was hoping this would go smoother. Why give someone specific dates or say “I’ll call you right back”…and not follow through? I really don’t get it. Is it just me, or does “Let me call you right back” usually mean within a half hour or so…..not hours or days.

My husband thinks I should just go over and try to pick-up my original ring and forget the whole thing, although the jeweler will probably tell me that the process is already underway. What do you guys think? Am I being way too impatient or is this bad customer service. Honestly, at this point, I’m feeling frustrated, but don’t want to appear too anxious (or obnoxious), because I really want the ring to turn out well, but on the other hand, I’m worried that this is going to be an exercise in frustration, based on what’s happened (or not happened) so far. My other thought is to e-mail him and politely state that since this project seems to be taking longer than originally indicated, that I would like to have my engagement ring back until such time as the stone needs to be set and just give him a small deposit to make the ring, rather than have him hold my ring in his pocession. Your thoughts?
I would set a firm deadline. Just call him and tell him that if you do not have the CADs by a certain time/day you will come to the shop and pick it up. That is not good customer service. If it takes longer, they should have told you at the beginning, or continuously update you, giving you a choice on whether to stick with them or not.
Date: 8/26/2008 5:04:07 PM
Author: rob09
I would set a firm deadline. Just call him and tell him that if you do not have the CADs by a certain time/day you will come to the shop and pick it up. That is not good customer service. If it takes longer, they should have told you at the beginning, or continuously update you, giving you a choice on whether to stick with them or not.
Exactly! Thanks.
Date: 8/26/2008 5:04:07 PM
Author: rob09
I would set a firm deadline. Just call him and tell him that if you do not have the CADs by a certain time/day you will come to the shop and pick it up. That is not good customer service. If it takes longer, they should have told you at the beginning, or continuously update you, giving you a choice on whether to stick with them or not.
Ditto! I would be super frustrated and I hope this gets resolved quickly.
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