
Mikimoto vs other pearls

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Apr 20, 2009
My apologies if this has already been covered, but I was curious as to the difference between Mikimoto pearls and other pearls. I saw a display of them today at a jewelry store and they look like any other high-quality pearls that I''ve seen - gorgeous, but nothing that would make me say, "Oh those are Mikimoto". Is there a reason why they''re so coveted that I''m just not seeing or is it more owing to the Mikimoto name (a la Tiffanys)?
I think you answered your own question... it is mostly because they are well known/branded. I see people bidding on Mikimotos like crazy on Ebay. It would be lovely to have a Mikimoto.....but I will stick with something just as lovely without the price tag...........
The pearls are nice and it''s also the name ( He was the first to commercially culture pearls but I don''t know all the details). You can get pearls of equal quality though elsewhere and for less. I think the really good mikimotos are equal to hanadama grade.
basically just the brand i think... what''s the difference between advil and generic brand drug similar to advil? the logo on the box... :D
i was told mikimoto gets first dibs at the best pearls--like Tiffany. thoughts?
Mikimoto buys from the same auctions as every other processor, but they have the ability to pay more because their margins are high. They also buy from large processors like Otsuki. Tiffany and Co buy from a lot of places but not auctions. They don''t get dibs, in fact most of their pearls are only ok and nothing special. It''s possible to find a commercial grade akoya next to a nice one in the showcases, and because they don''t grade, the price is the same. Their freshwater are mostly ovals and drops ($5-$10 wholesale) and set on silver. With T&Co you are paying for the box.
I thought Miki had their own farms, raised their own spats, etc.
Mikimoto only recently started farming pearls again in Ainoshima (Hakata Pearl Culturing Co), and they''ve only just harvested a few this year. Prior to this, Mikimoto was not commercially producing since the 1950s, so none of the pearls they sell today are produced by them. The stuff you see on Mikimoto Island is just a show for tourists. Mikimoto buys like everybody else, keeping the best of the best for the pieces sold at Mikimoto stores, and selling the lower grade stuff as Blue Lagoon, Sea Magic and under a few other names.
did not know that, thanks!

Date: 12/30/2009 1:42:00 PM
Author: acebruin
basically just the brand i think... what''s the difference between advil and generic brand drug similar to advil? the logo on the box... :D

LOL! So true! Hey Ace... good to see you in the Pearl section!
i''ll pop in once in a while...
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