
MayK - We have you and your DD in our prayers!!


Oct 4, 2011
I know you are VERY busy right now with your DD's surgery, but even if you are lurking, I want you to know that I am thinking of you every step of the way along this scary journey.... I feel a "sympatico" bond between you and I with our DD's and I can only imagine the fear and anxiety I'd be going thru if this were MY daughter. I'm glad you are surrounded by family to give you the strength you need to be strong for her.

Know you both are in my thoughts and prayers and I wish nothing but the best from here on in... for all of you!! :halo:

((((HUGS)))) to you my dear, dear friend, and your sweet baby girl as well.... DUST DUST DUST for a speedy recovery. Get that young lady up bouncing and dancing and running around REAL soon!!!
Adding my prayers to Enerchi's. I hope that the surgery went well and that DD is doing as well as can be expected. Speedy healing vibes coming from Georgia to you! Please update us when you can....
This is the latest info:
Surgery began at 8:30 am Friday morning. At 10:30, the Tethered Spinal Cord release was almost complete. The next update at 12:30 was they were a little over half way done with the spinal fusion. The update at 2:30pm, they were closing up and the would wake her in the next 30 minutes. At 3:00 "she's nice and straight". ICU for the next one to two days.

This morning: 3 hours of a decent sleep between 4 - 7am today, but pain not fully under control. Neurosurgeon has stopped in and her strength is good.

I've just heard from MayK and she is grateful for all the prayers being sent on DD's behalf - "keep it up!" was her request! and she sends a heartfelt thank you for all the doctors and nurses at the hospital where they are being seen. Very appreciative of all the love that is being sent on her daughters behalf - a HUGE thank you to all who are thinking of them!
Yes - all thoughts with them! I hope her darling girl has a very quick, very painless recovery. Goodness knows such sweet people deserve a textbook procedure. xx
Biggest hugs outgoing to Mayk and DD! Hoping for a fast and easy recovery.
Wonderful news, Enerchi! Thank you for keeping us in the loop.

Mayk and her daughter continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as recovery begins!
they have been through so very much. may healing be fast and sure. dust Dust DUST!
Thanks for the update, Enerchi, Mayk and her DD have been in my thoughts a lot recently.

Mayk, prayers and blessings coming your way for you, your darling girl, and the rest of your family.
Lots of healing DUST to your DD :!:
Thank you so much for the update. Prayers and dust for you and DD Mayk!
Hugs to you and to your DD. I bet you cant wait to see her straight back! I'm sure there will be tears of joy!
Lots of dust for a quick recovery!
Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you, too.

Wish you all a quick recovery full of good thoughts. Hope DD is running around like a champ very soon. With you in her corner, she's in great shape!!

--- Laurie
Prayers and dust going out....
So glad to hear the surgery went well and Mayk's DD is doing ok -and hoping for a quick recovery!
Love and dust coming to you and your from across the oceans!!!
My thoughts go out to your family MayK! I hope she has a good recovery. Take care.
Good healing thoughts for MayK and her daughter - the news sounds very encouraging!
Praying for your daughter and family Mayk! As a mom of a 14 yr old I can only imagine what you're going through. Wishing your baby a speedy recovery. God Bless.
Lots of healing dust to your DD, MayK. Hugs and prayers too to all of you...
MayK, just adding my voice of support and good thoughts to the mix here. Sending healing vibes and quick recovery dust to your darling daughter and much needed rest to all of you and big (((hugs))).
Definitely praying for MayK's daughter! Such a sweet girl!
Update on DD's progress:

DD is in a LOT of pain and switching from one narcotic to another, for pain management. Today her epidural will be removed as well as getting her moving from her bed, up to a chair. She will be closely monitored in the ICU until early next week.

MayK thanks EVERYONE for all their positive prayers and good wishes!! There is nothing like knowing you are surrounded by people who care about you :halo:
Sending lots of hugs and positive thoughts to her and her daughter. I'm glad they got her all straight but sorry to hear she's still in pain. I hope they sort out her pain management soon and that her recovery is quick!
she is so young and is such a trooper. re this after surgery pain: may this be the pain that ends her pain.
I echo the prayers and well wishes for this young lady. I do not now the details but have read enough to know she has had tremendous suffering and pain. I join everyone in sending prayers for healing and love to her and her family. Wishing for time to fly for her and that she be fully healed and without pain very soon.
My best friend had spinal surgery in March. The pain afterwards was excruciating. Not only was there pain at the site, but she kept feeling what felt like, "electric shocks" as the nerves that had been pressed together decompressed. She was on morphine for months, but it didn't make a dent. If MayK's daughter is experiencing the same level of pain, there is nothing in the world more terrible.

My friend had not been able to walk before her surgery and now, miraculously, can. I wish for a similar miracle for MayK's daughter as well as relief from her pain. Prayers will continue.

I send my love, too.

Lots and lots of healing dust for a speedy recovery!!!
So sorry to hear she's in such pain, poor child :(sad Must be really rough on Mayk too - I hope they can figure out how to manage her pain soon. Keeping everyone in my thoughts.
Monday morning update from MayK:

DD was up twice sitting in a chair yesterday - 30 minutes and 90 minutes!! YAY!! but still in a lot of pain. Today will be the day she tries taking some steps. Both mom and daughter are exhausted but REALLY REALLY appreciate being in your thoughts and thank you for your prayers and good wishes!!