
Maya''s Cushion - she is a keeper!

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Maya Moonstone

Apr 7, 2005

I thought I would give you an update on my Cushion Quest. As some of you may remember I got a stone from Whiteflash and although it was an excellent cut stone I just could not fall in love with it. (By the way, Jamie and Whiteflash were great in getting the stone to me and the process of returning it to them was no problem! Excellent customer service.)

I contacted Mark at Engagement Rings Direct and he sent me a cushion with the same color, clarity, nearly the same size and nearly the same spread as the Whiteflash stone. I immediately loved it, without looking at the GIA report, not having seen a Ideal Scope image or even a sarin report.

Well, I finally got around to take some photo''s and post some specifics about this stone. Please remember, I am not a professional photographer and the pictures do not do justice to this beautiful - in my opinion - stone!

Cushion Brilliant
7.75 x 6.53 x 4.19
1.55ct VS1 G
Depth 64.2%
Table 56.0%
Pavillion depth 41.5%
Crown angle 36.5 degrees
Thick to very thick faceted
No Culet
Sym and polish both Good.


New cushion 1 (Medium).jpg
Hi again

As you can see in the photos I am wearing a pinkish sweater today

I am torn between two settings: I want the stone set N-S. I have decided I want the Whiteflash wedding band in the picture. So what is your preference? The Whiteflash W-prong ot the Dvatche X-prong?

The two settings are very similiar. The major difference being the way the prongs cross and the way the shanks meet the diamond. Any opinion about these two settings? Please help me choose!

Here are the choices:

Choose setting copy (Medium).jpg
What a beautiful cushion that is, I love it. For the setting I adore the DVatche. Also love the wedding band from WF!!!
I like the Dvatche too. Love your stone. mark sure gets some good ones over there.
i''m so glad you found something that you love maya. congrats!
Like the lines of the Vatche setting.....Beautiful stone!!!
What a tough choice. I think both settings look great.

Did you decide against a setting with split and/or double prongs?
Congratulations on finding your stone!! Isnt Mark awesome??!!!!
I like both settings- hard to choose. You cant lose with either one! Good luck!
Maya, your stone is gorgeous! and I too think both settings would be great with, such a tough choice!

Thanks everybody! I really love this stone. Guess I am living prove that, especially with fancy cuts, you should see the diamond before you will know if she "speaks" to you.

I like the Dvatche as well. I tried it on at a local jewelry store this weekend and knew I wanted that setting or something similiar!

EP6585...The store my husband and I visited had the Double X-prong...Hubby did not like it. I guess I have to give him some say in this decision as he had virtually no say in the choice of the diamond
He does however agree that my choice of stone is excellent

BTW Everybody knows about the rumours of Dvactche,Tiffany and the Lucida setting. So I went into our local Tiffany''s and was in luck. They had a Rectangular Lucida - F, VVS1, 1.53ct in a platinum setting and I could try it on to see waht my new e-ring will possibly look like. My ring is going to be stunning! Pricetag for the ring and the Tiffany blue box? $31 300!
(and I guess you should calculate the 8.8% sales tax we have to pay in WA as well!)

Thanks again...and please keep voting

The diamond looks amazing! From the pictures, it looks extremely clear and like it has a million facets. Lots of scintillation too. Gorgous! I like the Dvatche.
Maya - you can't lose with either setting. They were both at the top of my list.
wow, lovin that cushion big time... just beautiful!
I am going against the grain here and I really like the whiteflash setting. I really like the whole look (with w-band too).
Gorgeous, simply GORGEOUS stone. Love it. I also really like the band you''ve picked out. Both settings are very similar. I lean slightly towards the Dvatche, but I don''t dislike the Whiteflash.
Your cushion cut diamond looks fabulous! Can't wait to see it set. Personally I prefer the Whiteflash setting, but both are very nice.
Maya, beautiful choice on that stone. As far as the settings, you''re going to have to flip a coin. I just can''t choose.

What a gorgeous stone. CONGRATS!

DVatche all the way!!! There''s something about those graceful prongs that just does it for me. :)
What a gorgeous diamond!
I vote the Vatche (I LOVE the X-Prong setting)!
Maya: Your cushion is gorgeous!!! Great choice. I favor the DVatche setting. Congratulations on finding a cushion that speaks to you!
I prefer the Dvatche setting myself, it looks smoother more continous then the WF setting but I dont dislike the WF mount either. Can you wear a wedding band next to the Dvatche setting?
Your stone is fabulous! And I love the idea of taking pictures on a CD, I will have to remember that.
GORGEOUS stone!!!

As for the setting, I love them all! Sorry!
nice shinny rock.... i like... i like...!! You must post your ring when it''s done.
I say WF without a doubt! Obviously, I''m in the minority though. What do you like better about the D''Vatche? Do you feel it is more "designer"? I prefer the lines of the WF shank and I like the W, better. The bar that is below the girdle looks like it belongs on the WF setting; IMO, it looks like an afterthought on the D''Vatche. Also, I like the look with the band.


I have scanned the GIA certificate of my cushion and attached it. In my opinion I think that the facet pattern is very important - even though it may be a generic pattern picked by the GIA.

At the moment I am leaning towards the Dvatche setting. I like the relative low setting - I am a biotech scientist and wear gloves most of the day, and I like the elegance of the curve of the Dvatche prongs.

Aislingmaire, I do not really care about "designer". I have a "small" Tiffany''s Lucida at the moment and nobody will know it unless I tell them, and even if I tell them they wouldn''t care because it just does not look impressive
. This time around I have educated myself and have bought the biggest stone available within our budget and I love it! And hopefully everyone will ask about it


GIA 1.55 (Large).jpg
Maya, it is just stunning! I love it! Please.....may I, if you are going to take more pics (?) request another picture of just the cushion ring.....showing the side view of the basket...where the shank meets up with the basket bar?

Congratulations on what is my opinion of the PERFECT RING!!
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