
Matt Lauer Washes Out In Commander-In-Chief Forum


Aug 22, 2012
AGBF|1473525218|4074881 said:
I do not know what you are objecting to as "inappropriate", redwood. And I have never watched Sean Hannity, so I have no idea what he says or does.


I would have thought the comment that I quoted would be enough for you to understand.


Jan 26, 2003
redwood66|1473526836|4074893 said:
AGBF|1473525218|4074881 said:
I do not know what you are objecting to as "inappropriate", redwood. And I have never watched Sean Hannity, so I have no idea what he says or does.

I would have thought the comment that I quoted would be enough for you to understand.

It is not. I find Trump's attitude towards women to be nauseating. I believe that the comment was aimed at him and his propensity for finding women to use, two of his wives (the ones he did not "have" to marry because they were very publicly pregnant with his child), coming from the Soviet Bloc. He brags that these women are forced to sign pre-nuptial agreements that leave them with few rights as well as non-disclosure statements. Pointing out that he uses women by marrying unprotected women from Eastern Europe is disparaging only to Trump, not to the women upon whom he preys. And I don't care about Trump.


Aug 19, 2016
Now I really don't care what Donald Trump thought about the Iraq war when he was a private citizen and did not have briefings that Congress did on pertinent info.

I care that he lies about it.


Aug 22, 2012
Just as I care about everything Hillary lies about.


Aug 19, 2016
redwood66 said:
Just as I care about everything Hillary lies about.
And I don't think she's lying about anything.

There is no proof she's lied. Trump is caught in actual lies.


Aug 22, 2012
Aah to be so enthusiastic and unwavering in ones choice. Just a dream for me today.


Aug 19, 2016
redwood66 said:
Aah to be so enthusiastic and unwavering in ones choice. Just a dream for me today.
Aah, to be so dismissive when one can't offer proof.


Aug 22, 2012
shaggy1|1473533680|4074923 said:
redwood66 said:
Aah to be so enthusiastic and unwavering in ones choice. Just a dream for me today.
Aah, to be so dismissive when one can't offer proof.


Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
shaggy1|1473531769|4074920 said:
redwood66 said:
Just as I care about everything Hillary lies about.
And I don't think she's lying about anything.

There is no proof she's lied. Trump is caught in actual lies.
Of course not go ask Comey!... :bigsmile:


Aug 19, 2016
Still not seeing any proof.


Jan 26, 2003
It is possible that Matt Lauer's dismal performance and the ensuing criticism of it will force the future debate moderators to conduct themselves better. Here is an excerpt from and a link to an optimistic article in "The New York Times".

Potent Critiques of NBC Forum Raise Stakes for Moderators

"As criticism rained down on Matt Lauer, the NBC anchor whose handling of a prime-time presidential forum on Wednesday received an onslaught of poor reviews, there was one select group of television journalists whose reaction ran along simpler lines:


For the anchors chosen to preside over this fall’s presidential debates, the excoriation of Mr. Lauer was a wake-up call signaling what modern viewers now expect from a moderator — and a stark example of how media figures can become partisan flash points in a hyper-polarized election.

On Friday, for the second straight day, aides to Hillary Clinton accused Mr. Lauer of being unfair to their candidate, blasting out a fund-raising email saying he 'let Donald Trump walk all over him.' Borrowing a page from Mr. Trump’s media-bashing playbook, Mrs. Clinton’s campaign asked supporters to donate because 'we have to do what the press won’t.'


All this foreshadows more scrutiny, and perhaps anxiety, for the debate moderators — Anderson Cooper of CNN, Lester Holt of NBC, Martha Raddatz of ABC and Chris Wallace of Fox News — whose encounters with the candidates could draw record audiences.

Mr. Wallace, asked on Fox News this week if he was excited or nervous about his debate gig, flashed a sly smile. 'The answer is yes,' he replied dryly.

His fellow moderators have not discussed their preparations. But Bob Schieffer, the veteran CBS anchor who moderated presidential debates in 2004, 2008 and 2012, said in an interview that several had reached out to him for counsel. Citing professional decorum, he declined to name names, but said they had expressed variations on the same joke: What have I gotten myself into here?


Mr. Wallace raised eyebrows after saying that he did not consider fact-checking — or 'truth-squading,' in his words — to be a central component of his moderating role. His comments circulated again in the days after what was arguably Mr. Lauer’s most memorable misstep, when he failed to challenge Mr. Trump’s false claim that he had opposed the Iraq war.

The notion of a moderator as a fact-checker 'is too simplistic,' said the Rev. John I. Jenkins, the president of the University of Notre Dame and a board member of the Commission on Presidential Debates, the nonpartisan group that oversees the events. 'What a good journalist does is ask follow-up questions that challenge the candidate to explain.'


There is also the presence of Mr. Trump, a candidate who freely dissembles in a manner rarely seen in a presidential campaign.

Still, Mr. Schieffer, of CBS, said he believed that 'the chief fact-checkers should be the candidates.'

'If one of them says something wrong, or inconsistent with what they have said previously, the other candidate should have the first opportunity to call them on it,' Mr. Schieffer said. Failing that, he added, 'it’s the moderator’s responsibility to set the record straight.'"



Feb 12, 2013
shaggy1|1473531769|4074920 said:
redwood66 said:
Just as I care about everything Hillary lies about.
And I don't think she's lying about anything.

There is no proof she's lied. Trump is caught in actual lies.

S1, where did you find those rose colored glasses? Most of us here, whatever our political views, could use a pair to get us through this election season.


Jul 31, 2014
AnnaH|1473624107|4075234 said:

That article is just beyond ridiculous. I'd love to see any proof for these claims:

Remember, this is a woman who in 2010 described a former exalted cyclops of the Ku Klux Klan as her “mentor.” She has also repeatedly lauded Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, who wrote of her plans to use abortion to “exterminate the Negro population.”

EDIT: not necessary for me to see "proof", since I found out the origin of it and that it's been debunked already


Aug 22, 2012
It is widely known, or should be, of Margaret Sanger's eugenics views and racist tendencies.


Give dysgenic groups [people with “bad genes”] in our population their choice of segregation or [compulsory] sterilization.

Birth control must lead ultimately to a cleaner race.

my favorite (not)

[We should] apply a stern and rigid policy of sterilization and segregation to that grade of population whose progeny is tainted, or whose inheritance is such that objectionable traits may be transmitted to offspring.


Feb 12, 2013
Exactly, Red. To say otherwise is an example of an effort to rewrite history.


Dec 31, 2006

What does everyone think about Lester Holt moderating the debate? Do you think he'll do a good job?


Jan 26, 2003
CJ2008|1474933536|4081073 said:

What does everyone think about Lester Holt moderating the debate? Do you think he'll do a good job?

Well, now we can look back on it. How do you think he did? I wish he had been more assertive, following up on some of the questions he asked Trump that Trump evaded. (Trump raised his voice and steamrolled over him.) But he wasn't bad. He wasn't a Matt Lauer.



Feb 12, 2013
No Matt Lauer indeed, but perhaps fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp. He asked about taxes and the birther situation but not the Clinton Foundation and pay for play? I wonder if emails were on the list of questions as it didn't originate with him. Holt fact checked but got it wrong, just like Candy Crowley with Romney. Holt jumped in insisting that stop and frisk is unconstitutional. Done away with in NYC, but not unconstitutional.
However, Trump did much more damage to himself. He did introduce the emails but could have done more with it, and he should have brought in the Foundation pay for play himself. Wasted a lot of time. Clinton did well putting him on defense.
It will be interesting if he can recover like others before him. I have my doubts. He's no Reagan or Obama.


Sep 10, 2003
CJ2008|1474933536|4081073 said:

What does everyone think about Lester Holt moderating the debate? Do you think he'll do a good job?

I would have preferred him to be a little tougher keeping tighter control of both candidates when they went over their allotted time and keeping them on track answering the questions. The Cheeto rambled off course too much. At one point, Holt attempted to get Trump back on track and Trump rudely interrupted that attempt by saying "Didn't you ask me a question" at which point, I would have preferred Holt to respond "Yes, so please answer the question I asked" rather than folding and remaining silent.

I would like to see future moderators for the next debates be able to cut off the mic when a candidate begins to interrupt the other, veer off into a rant, or not address the question asked. When you have a temperamental 2-yr old bully on stage, you need someone with a whip and a chair to keep him in line as the bullshit in his diapers slowly leaks out his mouth.


Jul 31, 2014
Matata|1474991870|4081271 said:
CJ2008|1474933536|4081073 said:

What does everyone think about Lester Holt moderating the debate? Do you think he'll do a good job?

I would have preferred him to be a little tougher keeping tighter control of both candidates when they went over their allotted time and keeping them on track answering the questions. The Cheeto rambled off course too much. At one point, Holt attempted to get Trump back on track and Trump rudely interrupted that attempt by saying "Didn't you ask me a question" at which point, I would have preferred Holt to respond "Yes, so please answer the question I asked" rather than folding and remaining silent.

I would like to see future moderators for the next debates be able to cut off the mic when a candidate begins to interrupt the other, veer off into a rant, or not address the question asked. When you have a temperamental 2-yr old bully on stage, you need someone with a whip and a chair to keep him in line as the bullshit in his diapers slowly leaks out his mouth.

I agree with this. It was beyond frustrating to watch Trump continuously fail to answer anything, and instead go off on unrelated rants about nothing, or just simply say "wrong" every time someone called him out on BS. He interrupted her far too much, and mostly just spoke over Holt when Holt tried to keep him under control. Not to mention the times he blatantly lied (e.g. stop and frisk, supporting the Iraq war, tax returns, etc etc). I understand that debate moderators have a really difficult job, especially when one of the candidates is a petulant child, but it makes it very irritating to watch.


Dec 31, 2006
AGBF|1474974451|4081213 said:
Well, now we can look back on it. How do you think he did? I wish he had been more assertive, following up on some of the questions he asked Trump that Trump evaded. (Trump raised his voice and steamrolled over him.) But he wasn't bad. He wasn't a Matt Lauer.


Right. Well the interesting thing about asking before is because I was struck with how many people had opinions about Matt Lauer from the get-go and seemed to have known he wasn't going to do a good job.

Was wondering if people had any feelings about how Lester was going to do.

I think Holt did follow up on some questions but after about 2 times of asking him to answer any question he'd give up. So yes, I wish he would have pressed as long as he needed, but at the same time, he can't devote all the time to one candidate. So I wish he would have at least said "OK Mr. Trump - that is not a clear answer or a direct answer. But we need to move on."

I also thought he focused more on Trump than on Hillary - with good reason in the sense that there are so many things to make him answer. But what applies to one candidate should apply to the other one - so I think he should have had some intelligent questions on the emails. Especially after all that Trump said about her people taking the fifth. He shouldn't have let it go at her saying it was a mistake.

And I do agree Trump kind of steamrolled him at times. He took over at times.


Apr 2, 2006
AnnaH|1474991840|4081270 said:
No Matt Lauer indeed, but perhaps fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp. He asked about taxes and the birther situation but not the Clinton Foundation and pay for play? I wonder if emails were on the list of questions as it didn't originate with him. Holt fact checked but got it wrong, just like Candy Crowley with Romney. Holt jumped in insisting that stop and frisk is unconstitutional. Done away with in NYC, but not unconstitutional.
However, Trump did much more damage to himself. He did introduce the emails but could have done more with it, and he should have brought in the Foundation pay for play himself. Wasted a lot of time. Clinton did well putting him on defense.
It will be interesting if he can recover like others before him. I have my doubts. He's no Reagan or Obama.

I wish he had asked about the Clinton Foundation too - and about Donald Trump's use of his foundation. At least this leaves new territory to explore in the next debate.


Dec 31, 2006
Matata|1474991870|4081271 said:
CJ2008|1474933536|4081073 said:

What does everyone think about Lester Holt moderating the debate? Do you think he'll do a good job?

I would have preferred him to be a little tougher keeping tighter control of both candidates when they went over their allotted time and keeping them on track answering the questions. The Cheeto rambled off course too much. At one point, Holt attempted to get Trump back on track and Trump rudely interrupted that attempt by saying "Didn't you ask me a question" at which point, I would have preferred Holt to respond "Yes, so please answer the question I asked" rather than folding and remaining silent.

I would like to see future moderators for the next debates be able to cut off the mic when a candidate begins to interrupt the other, veer off into a rant, or not address the question asked. When you have a temperamental 2-yr old bully on stage, you need someone with a whip and a chair to keep him in line as the bullshit in his diapers slowly leaks out his mouth.

Yes, he did fold at times.

And actually, that's a great idea. The moderator should have the power to cut off the mike at the 2 minute mark. Give them a warning like 10 seconds before and then cut the mike.

That's how you keep it in control and 100% fair to both candidates.

Actually, why in the world ISN'T this done?


Dec 31, 2006
AnnaH|1474991840|4081270 said:
No Matt Lauer indeed, but perhaps fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp. He asked about taxes and the birther situation but not the Clinton Foundation and pay for play? I wonder if emails were on the list of questions as it didn't originate with him. Holt fact checked but got it wrong, just like Candy Crowley with Romney. Holt jumped in insisting that stop and frisk is unconstitutional. Done away with in NYC, but not unconstitutional.
However, Trump did much more damage to himself. He did introduce the emails but could have done more with it, and he should have brought in the Foundation pay for play himself. Wasted a lot of time. Clinton did well putting him on defense.
It will be interesting if he can recover like others before him. I have my doubts. He's no Reagan or Obama.

I read somewhere - maybe it was PS? - that Holt is a registered republican. So why would he be fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp? (genuinely curious I don't follow politics much at all).

But yes - I think Holt could have done a better job with the emails - and not just let her say it was a mistake.

I don't know that Trump can do any better / recover only because I don't know that he understands that he needs to or should. He's so sure of himself I don't know that he understands or entertains the idea the he could / should have done better.


Feb 12, 2013
CJ2008|1475006146|4081347 said:
AnnaH|1474991840|4081270 said:
No Matt Lauer indeed, but perhaps fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp. He asked about taxes and the birther situation but not the Clinton Foundation and pay for play? I wonder if emails were on the list of questions as it didn't originate with him. Holt fact checked but got it wrong, just like Candy Crowley with Romney. Holt jumped in insisting that stop and frisk is unconstitutional. Done away with in NYC, but not unconstitutional.
However, Trump did much more damage to himself. He did introduce the emails but could have done more with it, and he should have brought in the Foundation pay for play himself. Wasted a lot of time. Clinton did well putting him on defense.
It will be interesting if he can recover like others before him. I have my doubts. He's no Reagan or Obama.

I read somewhere - maybe it was PS? - that Holt is a registered republican. So why would he be fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp? (genuinely curious I don't follow politics much at all).

But yes - I think Holt could have done a better job with the emails - and not just let her say it was a mistake.

I don't know that Trump can do any better / recover only because I don't know that he understands that he needs to or should. He's so sure of himself I don't know that he understands or entertains the idea the he could / should have done better.

Everyone saw how lauer was treated by the Clinton supporters. There was a lot of buzz about how that would play out in the debates.


Dec 31, 2006
AnnaH|1475006674|4081352 said:
CJ2008|1475006146|4081347 said:
AnnaH|1474991840|4081270 said:
No Matt Lauer indeed, but perhaps fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp. He asked about taxes and the birther situation but not the Clinton Foundation and pay for play? I wonder if emails were on the list of questions as it didn't originate with him. Holt fact checked but got it wrong, just like Candy Crowley with Romney. Holt jumped in insisting that stop and frisk is unconstitutional. Done away with in NYC, but not unconstitutional.
However, Trump did much more damage to himself. He did introduce the emails but could have done more with it, and he should have brought in the Foundation pay for play himself. Wasted a lot of time. Clinton did well putting him on defense.
It will be interesting if he can recover like others before him. I have my doubts. He's no Reagan or Obama.

I read somewhere - maybe it was PS? - that Holt is a registered republican. So why would he be fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp? (genuinely curious I don't follow politics much at all).

But yes - I think Holt could have done a better job with the emails - and not just let her say it was a mistake.

I don't know that Trump can do any better / recover only because I don't know that he understands that he needs to or should. He's so sure of himself I don't know that he understands or entertains the idea the he could / should have done better.

Everyone saw how lauer was treated by the Clinton supporters. There was a lot of buzz about how that would play out in the debates.

Oh, I see. Thanks so much for explaining. :)) I'll have to read up on that.


May 11, 2013
AnnaH|1475006674|4081352 said:
CJ2008|1475006146|4081347 said:
AnnaH|1474991840|4081270 said:
No Matt Lauer indeed, but perhaps fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp. He asked about taxes and the birther situation but not the Clinton Foundation and pay for play? I wonder if emails were on the list of questions as it didn't originate with him. Holt fact checked but got it wrong, just like Candy Crowley with Romney. Holt jumped in insisting that stop and frisk is unconstitutional. Done away with in NYC, but not unconstitutional.
However, Trump did much more damage to himself. He did introduce the emails but could have done more with it, and he should have brought in the Foundation pay for play himself. Wasted a lot of time. Clinton did well putting him on defense.
It will be interesting if he can recover like others before him. I have my doubts. He's no Reagan or Obama.

I read somewhere - maybe it was PS? - that Holt is a registered republican. So why would he be fearful of criticism from the Hillary camp? (genuinely curious I don't follow politics much at all).

But yes - I think Holt could have done a better job with the emails - and not just let her say it was a mistake.

I don't know that Trump can do any better / recover only because I don't know that he understands that he needs to or should. He's so sure of himself I don't know that he understands or entertains the idea the he could / should have done better.

Everyone saw how lauer was treated by the Clinton supporters. There was a lot of buzz about how that would play out in the debates.

Should the press lie? He treated Mrs Clinton much more harshly than he did Trump, it's right there to see.
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