
Man accidently sold wife's $23k ring for $10


Mar 21, 2011
The poor woman, I don't know how I'd react if that happens to me.

He thought the box was empty, but a California husband accidentally sold his wife's $23,000 diamond wedding ring for $10 at a garage sale on June 1.

"Every year our community holds a garage sale. I was in the hospital, I just had a baby, so my husband thought it would be fun for my other kids if they could sell some things at the garage sale," said Racquel Cloutier, 31, of Laguna Niguel, Calif., who owns the ring.

For the sale Eric Cloutier chose things he thought the family no longer needed, including a seemingly empty watch box.

"He didn't know that before I went to the hospital, I put my ring in that box. I wanted the ring to be in a safe place and out of reach from my 2-year-old twins," Cloutier told ABC News.

Cloutier realized her ring, and the box it was in, was missing a day after she returned from the hospital, June 5.

"I go into my husband's closet, can't find the box, and then he tells me he sold it. I said, 'You sold it? What do you mean you sold it?' I immediately started crying," Cloutier said.

"I'm very, very, very upset," Cloutier continued. "I'm trying to remain optimistic but I don't know anymore. There's a small chance whoever bought the box doesn't know the ring is in there."

According to Cloutier, the ring was inadvertently bought by a blonde woman who was at first unsure if she would even buy the watch box.

"I would never, ever keep the ring if I had found it," Cloutier said. "If you're honest, you're honest. Clearly, the ring was in the box by accident."

As for Cloutier's husband, "He feels really terrible," she said.
:!: ;(
Hoe it was insured!
After I read that story, my only thought was, if *I* was hiding something of mine, I'd hide it in *my* closet, not my husband's...
The dingbat never even looked in the box to be sure it was empty???????? :angryfire: My husband would be maimed for life.

--- Laurie
Idiot husband and that poor woman. She just gave birth- I'm surprised she is not out for blood with all those hormones going crazy in her. I hope it was insured. But I'm not even sure insurance would cover it since it was technically sold?????
marymm|1371101330|3464791 said:
After I read that story, my only thought was, if *I* was hiding something of mine, I'd hide it in *my* closet, not my husband's...

JewelFreak|1371120941|3464860 said:
The dingbat never even looked in the box to be sure it was empty???????? :angryfire: My husband would be maimed for life.

--- Laurie

Well, this is an opportunity for an upgrade IMO. Forget about maiming him as this is the time for the wife to upgrade and get the ring of her dreams. There will be no better time as her dh has to be feeling that he would do anything to make this right so...

Ofc, one always hope the person who accidentally bought the ring in the box will return it. I know I would and hopefully most people would. Especially now that it is on the news so they have to realize they have the ring now. ::)

I'm with Jewel freak on this. The husband didn't even open the watch case to see if anything was in there? Hardly believable.


They may get it back.
missy said:
Well, this is an opportunity for an upgrade IMO. Forget about maiming him as this is the time for the wife to upgrade and get the ring of her dreams. There will be no better time as her dh has to be feeling that he would do anything to make this right so...

Missy, AHA!!! You're my smarter twin, I admit it! Of course it's time for an upgrade -- and baby present combined! :cheeky:

--- Laurie

I hope the buyer returns it too. Only moral thing to do...unless she thinks the rings are fake? Eeuuw.
I'm having a hard time believing this happened in the way that it's been presented to us. The man picked up a box, didn't look inside to double check that it was empty or shake it, and assuming that it was empty and as he remembered it from however long ago he last opened it, he put a label on it and sold it?
Rhea|1371140233|3465032 said:
I'm having a hard time believing this happened in the way that it's been presented to us. The man picked up a box, didn't look inside to double check that it was empty or shake it, and assuming that it was empty and as he remembered it from however long ago he last opened it, he put a label on it and sold it?

Kaleigh|1371144590|3465087 said:
Rhea|1371140233|3465032 said:
I'm having a hard time believing this happened in the way that it's been presented to us. The man picked up a box, didn't look inside to double check that it was empty or shake it, and assuming that it was empty and as he remembered it from however long ago he last opened it, he put a label on it and sold it?



A $23,000 ring would have some weight to it in metal and diamond. The box would certainly not feel empty. Also, wouldn't the buyer have opened the box to make sure it was not damaged inside? JMO, but it sounds like with the new baby there might be money problems and the husband sold the ring.
I just watched the video on this and now I understand how it could have happened since the box would have heft and if the ring was hidden under a cushion even if the husband had opened it he wouldn't have seen the ring.

The that that baffles me is that the ring was uninsured. WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do people not insure their valuables? There is a lady in my office who put her ring "somewhere" in here closet in a rush several weeks ago before bolting to the airport for a trip to South America. Now the ring is nowhere to be found. Uninsured. And recently someone here (I can't recall off the top of my head) had a ring go missing, but it was fortunately recovered (and is presumably now insured, even though it wasn't at the time of the disappearance).

Even if this particular ring is insured, there is the legal issue of whether the ring would be considered "sold" by the insurance company (I would think NOT, but insurance companies have all sorts of smart lawyers who would surely argue that is WAS), but at least that would be one *possible* avenue. Without insurance there is no option for recovery of this type.

I really hope the person who bought the box finds the ring and returns it. Good karma all around.

If anyone is still reading this, PLEASE, for the love of all things bling, if you can't afford to self insure, call the insurance company TODAY and get a policy!

(OK, rant over. See what happens when Dee gets up at 5:20 in the morning in a panic over studying for the CPA exam and launches right into the caffeine?!? :tongue: )
So not sure, but I think the ring was returned. I was half listening to the news this AM and that is what I (think I) heard on a news teaser. So if it's true, :appl: :appl: :appl: !!!!
missy|1371213880|3465707 said:
So not sure, but I think the ring was returned. I was half listening to the news this AM and that is what I (think I) heard on a news teaser. So if it's true, :appl: :appl: :appl: !!!!

did a quick search on google and didn't see any posting but I sure do hope that's the case and bravo for whoever did it! :appl:
The story has been posted now. They sold the box for $5, is says, the buyer contacted them after seeing the news story, they got the ring back, and will make a donation to the buyer's charity of choice as a reward. Crazy that they didn't have it insured, and apparently didn't have a safe to put it in, though.
Dee*Jay|1371212109|3465685 said:
The that that baffles me is that the ring was uninsured.
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do people not insure their valuables?

I don't.
Chances of something bad happening are very slim, but the chances of the insurance company cashing your premium check are very high.
Every day a zillion bad things don't happen, and are not reported by the media.

A lifetime of not buying optional insurance has paid for several Fancy Colored Diamonds, and a pair of the finest binoculars that money can buy. :Up_to_something:
ruby59|1371146248|3465110 said:
Kaleigh|1371144590|3465087 said:
Rhea|1371140233|3465032 said:
I'm having a hard time believing this happened in the way that it's been presented to us. The man picked up a box, didn't look inside to double check that it was empty or shake it, and assuming that it was empty and as he remembered it from however long ago he last opened it, he put a label on it and sold it?



A $23,000 ring would have some weight to it in metal and diamond. The box would certainly not feel empty. Also, wouldn't the buyer have opened the box to make sure it was not damaged inside? JMO, but it sounds like with the new baby there might be money problems and the husband sold the ring.

That's exactly what I thought.

Years ago I was friendly with the wife of furrier who was in business with his father. She had a nice collection of various furs. She had confided to me that money was tight. So she goes to the hospital to deliver the baby and you'll NEVER guess what happened--someone entered her apartment and stole several coats {which were insured} but no jewelry {which ws NOT insured}. I was never sure if she supected her husband or not.
Thank goodness there is an honest person left in the world!
kenny|1371235503|3465893 said:
Dee*Jay|1371212109|3465685 said:
The that that baffles me is that the ring was uninsured.
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do people not insure their valuables?

I don't.
Chances of something bad happening are very slim, but the chances of the insurance company cashing your premium check are very high.
Every day a zillion bad things don't happen, and are not reported by the media.

A lifetime of not buying optional insurance has paid for several Fancy Colored Diamonds, and a pair of the finest binoculars that money can buy.

You are ahead of the game in this way. I had a check cut from my insurance company due to a loss a few years ago that more than covered my premium for many many years; opposite end of the spectrum, but also ahead of the game at this point.

People, their comfortable level with assumption of risk, and ultimate outcomes vary. ;))

It is unfortunate that insurance HAS to exist and marvelous that it DOES.

(Aside: what binoculars did you decide to keep?)
Dee*Jay|1371238444|3465924 said:
kenny|1371235503|3465893 said:
Dee*Jay|1371212109|3465685 said:
The that that baffles me is that the ring was uninsured.
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do people not insure their valuables?

I don't.
Chances of something bad happening are very slim, but the chances of the insurance company cashing your premium check are very high.
Every day a zillion bad things don't happen, and are not reported by the media.

A lifetime of not buying optional insurance has paid for several Fancy Colored Diamonds, and a pair of the finest binoculars that money can buy.

You are ahead of the game in this way. I had a check cut from my insurance company due to a loss a few years ago that more than covered my premium for many many years; opposite end of the spectrum, but also ahead of the game at this point.

People, their comfortable level with assumption of risk, and ultimate outcomes vary. ;))

It is unfortunate that insurance HAS to exist and marvelous that it DOES.

(Aside: what binoculars did you decide to keep?)

Yes, insurance is groovy if you have a claim ... but the vast majority won't have a claim.

Insurance is gambling, and the odds are with the house.
The premiums they set covers all claims AND zillions in operating expenses and profits.

Nobody talks about losing money in Vegas, only when they win.
But most lose.

Personally I prefer the peace of mind :wink2: of keeping my money in my wallet, or using it to buy a real thing, not an idea based on fear of something that will almost certainly not happen.
Still, I totally respect that people vary and many like insurance. :wavey:

I kept the Swarovsky 8.5x42 EL Swarovision binoculars.
They are like buddah melting on freshly-baked bread!!! :lickout:

I returned the Ziess and Leicas, and the $4100 refunds came in before I got hit with the CC bill.
So I got to compare all 3 for the cost of return shipping of 2. :appl:
Here's a review of their 10x42, but the 8.5s are even more groovy.
Kaleigh|1371144590|3465087 said:
Rhea|1371140233|3465032 said:
I'm having a hard time believing this happened in the way that it's been presented to us. The man picked up a box, didn't look inside to double check that it was empty or shake it, and assuming that it was empty and as he remembered it from however long ago he last opened it, he put a label on it and sold it?


On the radio here, they explained that the ring was hidden behind the lining of the box, not just sitting IN the box. By opening it, you wouldn't see a ring. Sounds like she got it back! :appl:
I'm glad she got it back.

This is one of the reasons why whenever I am stashing something someplace I always walk my husband over and say: watch me to do this and remember where this is.

The other reason if that I have no memory left. I can't remember what I did 5 minutes ago and have a bad history of losing things or misplacing them when I put them in "safe" places.

(Aside: what binoculars did you decide to keep?)[/quote]

The pair that can spot your "Ds" from 2,000 miles away... :wink2:
On the radio here, they explained that the ring was hidden behind the lining of the box, not just sitting IN the box. By opening it, you wouldn't see a ring. Sounds like she got it back! :appl:[/quote]

That's good news, good for her!.. :appl:
kenny|1371235503|3465893 said:
Dee*Jay|1371212109|3465685 said:
The that that baffles me is that the ring was uninsured.
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do people not insure their valuables?

I don't.
Chances of something bad happening are very slim, but the chances of the insurance company cashing your premium check are very high.
Every day a zillion bad things don't happen, and are not reported by the media.

A lifetime of not buying optional insurance has paid for several Fancy Colored Diamonds, and a pair of the finest binoculars that money can buy. :Up_to_something:
Kenny....We are the only two :wacko: whom does not believe in insuring their jewelry.
Dancing Fire|1371261244|3466221 said:
kenny|1371235503|3465893 said:
Dee*Jay|1371212109|3465685 said:
The that that baffles me is that the ring was uninsured.
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do people not insure their valuables?

I don't.
Chances of something bad happening are very slim, but the chances of the insurance company cashing your premium check are very high.
Every day a zillion bad things don't happen, and are not reported by the media.

A lifetime of not buying optional insurance has paid for several Fancy Colored Diamonds, and a pair of the finest binoculars that money can buy. :Up_to_something:
Kenny....We are the only two :wacko: whom does not believe in insuring their jewelry.

Maybe it IS true, that penises make us dumb.
Count me as well. I don't even insure my car (except for third party). Not having car insurance has more than paid for a new car, should something happen to mine.
Lady_Disdain|1371263719|3466259 said:
Count me as well. I don't even insure my car (except for third party). Not having car insurance has more than paid for a new car, should something happen to mine.
LD...are from the U.S.? what did you meant by "except for third party"... :confused: