
Love it when family "comes first"

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Feb 6, 2008
Really sad but not surprising I guess. I am just amazed that people like Palin can (still) point fingers.
her family comes first..........not yours or mine.

movie zombie
Date: 10/22/2008 10:34:35 AM
Author: movie zombie
her family comes first..........not yours or mine.

movie zombie
I''m no fan of Sarah, but I do think some are kind of making a mountain out of a molehill.

The previous gov. had a private jet, which she sold off. Had she kept the jet, her kids would have been flying all over with her and no one would have been the wiser.

As she points out, flying kids or not, she still spent around $400K less per year than the previous guy.

Let''s not hop on every little thing and try to twist it into a scandal, ya know.
Date: 10/22/2008 10:57:05 AM
Author: purrfectpear
I''m no fan of Sarah, but I do think some are kind of making a mountain out of a molehill.
The previous gov. had a private jet, which she sold off. Had she kept the jet, her kids would have been flying all over with her and no one would have been the wiser.
As she points out, flying kids or not, she still spent around $400K less per year than the previous guy.
Let''s not hop on every little thing and try to twist it into a scandal, ya know.

Sorry, but falsifying expense reports and taking your kids on trips at the taxpayer''s expense is plain wrong. Why apply a different standard to government officials??? I just don''t understand how anyone can say that it is nothing that we should get upset about???
Well, I think the issue is that she cost the state and taxpayers to bring her children to events when they were not invited or expected to attend. The state was charged for hotel rooms and yes, airfare, for her kids and she later labeled it as "official business" which is was not. If she wanted her children to attend or travel with her then she should have to pay for it out of her own pocket, IMO. I would expect any politician or business person to do the same. Unless of course they were really there for "official businessmen" but in these cases mentioned, they were not.

Also, I think people are interested in this because of the fact that she touts reform and this is just more of the same politics as usual.
Date: 10/22/2008 10:01:28 AM
Really sad but not surprising I guess. I am just amazed that people like Palin can (still) point fingers.
Exception should be given to the trip where Palin(or any VP or president-to-be) was inaugurated as VP for the McCain, her family needed to be there to support her. Otherwise, there should be stricter rules to keep politician out of government piggy bank for personal/family use. Just a thought.
Date: 10/22/2008 11:19:38 AM
Author: goobear78
Well, I think the issue is that she cost the state and taxpayers to bring her children to events when they were not invited or expected to attend. The state was charged for hotel rooms and yes, airfare, for her kids and she later labeled it as 'official business' which is was not. If she wanted her children to attend or travel with her then she should have to pay for it out of her own pocket, IMO. I would expect any politician or business person to do the same. Unless of course they were really there for 'official businessmen' but in these cases mentioned, they were not.

Also, I think people are interested in this because of the fact that she touts reform and this is just more of the same politics as usual.

Thank you. Next time I will take my kids on a business trip, charge my boss for it and say that they gave flowers to my business partner. I would be thrilled if nobody cared about that either.
Disclaimer to avoid confusion: I don't have kids and don't go on business trips either. Just an illustration here - lol.
Date: 10/22/2008 11:27:09 AM
Author: rob09
Date: 10/22/2008 11:19:38 AM

Author: goobear78

Well, I think the issue is that she cost the state and taxpayers to bring her children to events when they were not invited or expected to attend. The state was charged for hotel rooms and yes, airfare, for her kids and she later labeled it as ''official business'' which is was not. If she wanted her children to attend or travel with her then she should have to pay for it out of her own pocket, IMO. I would expect any politician or business person to do the same. Unless of course they were really there for ''official businessmen'' but in these cases mentioned, they were not.

Also, I think people are interested in this because of the fact that she touts reform and this is just more of the same politics as usual.

Thank you. Next time I will take my kids on a business trip, charge my boss for it and say that they gave flowers to my business partner. I would be thrilled if nobody cared about that either.

Disclaimer to avoid confusion: I don''t have kids and don''t go on business trips either. Just an illustration here - lol.

Exactly, its the hypocrisy. Like when Republicans get all defensive when one of their finest is caught in a men''s restroom with "a wide stance" and wonder why the public is all over it. I don''t care that MY senator is homosexual, but its news when Republicans (or televangelists who rallied for Bush) are trolling for promiscuous gay sex because of their claims that this is sinful behavior for other people. Similarly, the whole thing with being a fiscal conservative goes out the window if you are staying at the Essex on taxpayers'' expense. Yowzahs.

And I have a sidenote question, what does "in the tank for" someone mean. I don''t think its alcohol and my feeble English as a second language brain is not getting the references, keep seeing it on Fox, which is the hardest to understand with so many people talking at once.
Does Obama pay for his family to accompany him when they do?

not trying to be snarky, just asking.

I really don''t care if Palin''s kids come along at all. Nor would I Obama''s. I think it''s a wonderful educational experience they should be a part of.
Date: 10/22/2008 11:53:05 AM
Author: mrssalvo
Does Obama pay for his family to accompany him when they do?
not trying to be snarky, just asking.
I really don't care if Palin's kids come along at all. Nor would I Obama's. I think it's a wonderful educational experience they should be a part of.

Not sure about Obama - same would apply though. His kids are fairly young, so I am not sure how often they would come with him. I also think that it is a wonderful eductional experience for the Palin kids - one that their parents should pay for (and surely can afford). I'll send Palin a bill for my travel expenses when I want to watch my dad race in his next marathon. I need some great educational experience too and quality time with my family.
Date: 10/22/2008 11:53:05 AM
Author: mrssalvo
Does Obama pay for his family to accompany him when they do?

not trying to be snarky, just asking.

I really don''t care if Palin''s kids come along at all. Nor would I Obama''s. I think it''s a wonderful educational experience they should be a part of.

Are you talking about the campaign trail? Because the issue is about Alaska getting charged for it in their budget during Palin''s state business. Not costs for the current campaign, so this doesn''t apply to Obama or Palin for the campaign.

I also agree that it''s a wonderful educational experience for the children, but that''s not the responsibility of Alaska''s tax payers. That is the family''s responsibility to pay for unless of course it is real state business, which the costs questioned have proven not to be.
Um, she''s SEVEN years old. With an $800 handbag. Could it be a "gift" from the RNC''s 150K shopping spree? Maybe. Could it be her Mom''s? Maybe. But it''s pint-sized isn''t it? Could it be fake? Well ... that means it was probably made in a sweatshop by someone her age ... proceeds to terrorists. Which is worse?

Date: 10/22/2008 1:46:38 PM
Author: FrekeChild
$150,000 to clothe, make up, and style the hair of Palin and her family

That's a lot of money...

(I think I can probably safely say that Obama and his family aren't spending this kind of money on their 'looks' after seeing Obama's worn down soles on his shoes--that he's already resoled twice...)

They did a run through of Obama's funding costs too and found no spending on clothing. Actually, Michelle wore a dress a while back that got rave reviews turns out it was from H&M and everything thought it was "designer". I like the way she dresses!
It is simple BUSINESS ETHICS that you do not use business fund for personal gain. I have met up with my husband during my out of town conference a couple of times. Though I could easily pay for "appetizer" at dinner or taxi fare (that we took together) out of my business account, I have always chosen to pay for them out of our personal account instead.

Taking advantage of your employer/business is wrong and unethical, taking advantage of citizens whom you have sworn in to SERVE is even worse.
Um, she's SEVEN years old. With an $800 handbag. Could it be a "gift" from the RNC's 150K shopping spree? Maybe. Could it be her Mom's? Maybe. But it's pint-sized isn't it? Could it be fake? Well ... that means it was probably made in a sweatshop by someone her age ... proceeds to terrorists. Which is worse?

It is a fake. Maybe she's a Muslim extremist.
Date: 10/22/2008 2:15:07 PM
Author: goobear78

They did a run through of Obama''s funding costs too and found no spending on clothing. Actually, Michelle wore a dress a while back that got rave reviews turns out it was from H&M and everything thought it was ''designer''. I like the way she dresses!
One of the best dresses I ever owned, from the way it fit, to the design/colors, to the tons of compliments I got on it, was from K-Mart, for 25 buckaroonies. I liked it so much I have kept it in hopes of having someone make a new one for me, since it''s worn out.
Date: 10/22/2008 2:24:35 PM
Author: zhuzhu
It is simple BUSINESS ETHICS that you do not use business fund for personal gain. I have met up with my husband during my out of town conference a couple of times. Though I could easily pay for ''appetizer'' at dinner or taxi fare (that we took together) out of my business account, I have always chosen to pay for them out of our personal account instead.

Taking advantage of your employer/business is wrong and unethical, taking advantage of citizens whom you have sworn in to SERVE is even worse.
When you work for the government it goes beyond business ethics; it''s considered a misuse of government funds. I''m not sure of the specifics, but even when state or federal pesonnel regulations allow for travel expenses that are not allowed under federal guidelines, such as certain per diem expenses, the employee is supposed to declare them as income and pay taxes accordingly.
had to delete post.....wrong thread! sorry!
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