
Lost and Found!

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Tacori E-ring

Aug 15, 2005
What is the best thing you lost but later found?

My mom gave me a small diamond band in college and I lost it about 9 months ago. I was so sick about it since it was sentimental. Even through a move I thought it was gone forever. Well....last night I FOUND IT! It was tucked in a ring box at the bottom of a drawer. I must have put it there when we went away on our honeymoon and forgot what I did with it. All this time I thought it was lost forever. I even made DH take apart the drain in our old house b/c I was sure the cat pushed it down and it was stuck in the trap. I am so excited I found it. It was my first diamond piece and always wanted to give it to my daughter (if I have one) one day.
My original engagement ring!

I lost it while we were moving and a few weeks later it turned up in a suitecase. I have no idea how it go in there, and I had a helluva time getting the insurance company to take the $ back, but I was SO glad to find it!
Date: 6/6/2007 8:50:36 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
My original engagement ring!

I lost it while we were moving and a few weeks later it turned up in a suitecase. I have no idea how it go in there, and I had a helluva time getting the insurance company to take the $ back, but I was SO glad to find it!

Oh that is a good one! Was it loose in the suitcase? How lucky you found it!
My other grandmother''s diamond eternity ring. I had put it in jewelry cleaner, those in a jar... Forgot all about it. Cleaned out stuff under my sink. Opened the jar, and voila!!! Good thing I didn''t toss it without opening it!! She left it to me when she died. I thought I''d never see it again. Phew!!!
Date: 6/6/2007 8:56:31 PM
Author: Kaleigh
My other grandmother''s diamond eternity ring. I had put it in jewelry cleaner, those in a jar... Forgot all about it. Cleaned out stuff under my sink. Opened the jar, and voila!!! Good thing I didn''t toss it without opening it!! She left it to me when she died. I thought I''d never see it again. Phew!!!

Another good one! What a great feeling finding it! I was in shock!
Date: 6/6/2007 8:51:53 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring
Date: 6/6/2007 8:50:36 PM

Author: Dee*Jay

My original engagement ring!

I lost it while we were moving and a few weeks later it turned up in a suitecase. I have no idea how it go in there, and I had a helluva time getting the insurance company to take the $ back, but I was SO glad to find it!

Oh that is a good one! Was it loose in the suitcase? How lucky you found it!

I was working as a regional compliance officer for a bank at the time but I had the day off because I was supposed to be moving. As I was cleaning up the bathroom I had taken my ring off and put it beside the sink for safekeeping, but I got a call that the examiners were in one of my branches about 150 miles away. I threw on the first suite I could find, hopped in the car, and bolted to the branch. When I got back the move was complete. It didn't even hit me what had happened until the next day, and the HH said he had finished cleaning up the bathroom and threw out all the papertowels I had been using. We came to the conclusion that the ring was thrown away, and the garbage had already been picked up by the City when we went back to look in the dumpster. A couple of weeks later I was looking for some toiletries that the HH said he'd put in an old suitecase because we were out of boxes a that point, and VOILA! My ring!!! The really crazy part was that the insurance company had sent me a check by then and they didn't know how to take the $ back so it was a real struggle to get it to them. They kept suggesting that I just keep the $ and send them my ring since that would be easier for them!
D, that is a great story! I can''t believe they actually thought you would want the money OVER your e-ring. Silly people!
LOL Tacori, I do have pieces of jewelry that I would gladly take the $ for and give up, but my e-ring--especially my ORIGINAL e-ring at the time--was not one of them!
I have a good one!!

My Nanny died a year before my older sister was born, so I obviously never met her. My sister was named after her, so she was given my Nanny''s e-ring. My Grampy wanted me to have something, so I was given his wedding band. My Dad gave it to me when I was still a little kid (Grampy was still alive.) I wasn''t responsible, and misplaced it a few times.

Years later, Grampy and I became closer and I got to know a truly remarkable man. (Notre Dame actually invited him to be a commencement speaker as an example of the American Dream... he declined because he felt he wasn''t educated enough as he never attended college. Mind you, he was a senator.) One day, I realized I had no idea where his wedding band was. I figured it would turn up one day...but I was nervous I had REALLY lost it for good. I didn''t see it for years.

At the very end of my senior year of college, my parents went to a wedding and I kept my Grampy company (he often spent weekends at our house) He was feeling lousy. Long story short, I had to call my parents to come home from the wedding, we called an ambulance, he coded in the ambulance and never woke up.

I searched and searched and couldn''t find the ring. I felt like I had somehow disappointed him and betrayed my father''s trust that I would keep it safe. I cried about it to my (now) FI, but was too ashamed to tell my parents.

About 6 months after he died, my sister came down from the attic. In pulling down suitcases, she stumbled upon a wooden keepsake box that had belonged to my Grampy. Missing him, she looked through it. It had been in our attic for 20 years or so. In one of the drawers was Grampy''s ring. She brought it to me. I sobbed. I have no recollection of ever placing the band in that box.

Happy ending all around. Now, I am having the three tiny diamonds taken out of the gold band. One diamond is being placed in FI''s wedding band and the other two are being placed into plain platinum bands. One will be my wedding band, one is my sister''s (Maid of Honor) gift. She took Grampy''s death even harder that I did (being in the medical field, I was able to comprehend and find closure in ways she couldn''t) so she will be really touched.

It is still somewhat amazing/mystical to me that the ring turned up in a box that had belonged to my Grampy when I was so sure it was lost for good. I''m not sure whether to thank my Grampy, Saint Anthony or both.
one hundred dollar bill in my pocket. I received it for a bday gift and then didn''t wear those particular pants for ages...I was thrilled when I found it!
Great thread, Tacori! Great happy-ending stories, too!

Mine is "losing" my yg charm bracelet my parents started for me when I graduated's a lovely, solid piece that had maybe 3-4 charms on it when I met my DH. When we moved out of our apt. and into our first house 3 years ago I didn't have a jewelry box or typical storage place for my jewelry, so I for some reason put the bracelet in a small cosmetic bag with some of my other yg jewelry I didn't wear often and when we unpacked I only remember wanting to put that bag of valuables somewhere where no one would find it because we had several services like phone and cable guys coming in and out that first week. Damned if I couldn't find that bag for over two years...I just found it last spring, I think, when I was looking for stationery one day I found it in a desk that is rarely used!

The saddest part of thinking I had lost it was that it had charms on it that are very meaningful to my father and I relating to family vacations and bits of unusual father/daughter time spent together. When he got sick with cancer right after DH and I were married I wore the bracelet every single day as a symbol of hope that he would recover. So losing it about a year into his cancer journey was really hard on me and I was distraught over that until the day I finally found it...thankfully during that time he made a complete recovery and is still with us today, currently in remission from colorectal cancer and missing many internal parts but still with us and very happy about it. I actually found my bracelet before I found out he was in remission and you can't imagine the joy I felt thinking it was a sign that he might recover, it chokes me up just relating this story.

My story is just one of many like it, I'm sure, and yet another reason why the diamond/jewelry industry continues to prosper...things you can wear every day which symbolize relationships, memories, etc. are priceless. I would've paid someone a lot of money if they'd kidnapped my bracelet for ransom, seriously.

ETA: since finding it I have added on a few more charms, my favorite is a beagle because we have two of the living kind now! DH is also in love with my bracelet and likes how it is commemorative of my experiences before I met him, and also the experiences we have had together...he's pretty sentimental, which I love!
and Munchkin, your story made me cry!
The way you describe your Grampy, he sounds like an extraordinary man.
My pet leopard gecko lizard, Hypatia.

About 7 years ago I was staying at my parent''s vacation house while buying and remodeling my own house. One morning I heard this horrific noise and ran into my bedroom. My cat had broken into the lizard cage and Hypatia was nowhere to be found, I was sure he''d eaten her! Even if she had escaped it was the middle of winter with no one to hand feed her grubs.

More than a year later I get a semi-hysterical phone call from my Mother. She''d found a big yellow lizard sunning itself on a step in her house and wanted me to come look. It was Hypatia and she had probably doubled in size and was extremely fat! My mother later said that she''d thought it was odd that they hadn''t had any spiders or other bugs that year!
Gotta love radiant heat floors!
I have a great story, but it didn''t happen to me, but it happened to my very best girlfriend in the world--Jen--we were in college as it all unfolded, so I was there to witness it all.

So, one day in class I''m commenting on my friend Jen''s beautiful 1/4 marquise promise ring from her boyfriend. She mentioned that she liked it a lot too, but she was really missing her grandmother''s ring & it was killing her that she couldn''t find it.

"Well what happened to it?" I asked her.

Jen gave me a frustrated smile and told me about the last time she saw the 1 carat, round brilliant, set in yellow gold. "It was given to me by my mom for my 16th birthday, and every night when I went to bed, I''d take off my rings, lotion my hands, and put them on my nightstand. I had the ring for two years, and did this every night. I woke up on morning to find the ring gone. My other ring was there, my watch was untouched, but my grandmother''s ring was gone! I yelled for my mom & she came in and we tore my room apart...bedding, pillows, we moved all the furniture OUT of the room looking for it, thinking perhaps the cat had knocked it over, but no luck".

(Now I have to tell you about Jen...she''s always been that tall, elegant wisp of a girl. She was 16 going on 36, and she and her mother kept the most IMMACULATE house. If any young girl could have worn that kind of jewelry, it was her, because she has always been the embodiment of sophistication & poise.)

Jen and her mother searched for the rings for a long time with no luck. By the time I met Jen in college, the ring had been gone for about 2 years. I often hung out at her parents house on the weekends (they lived up on a hill -- tons of acreage outside the city) and her parents regaled us with tales of the "little girl" who haunted their house. They lived in a custom built log cabin, but the beams & pillars had been reclaimed from a house that had burned down on that property, apparently the home of a family whose daughter had been lost in the fire.

More than once, when Jen, her mother & I spent many a long evening sewing dance costumes for our college squad, we would hear a little girl''s giggle coming from the upstairs loft. It always freaked me out, and Jen mentioned more than once that she never stayed in that house alone. Fortunately her parents were older when they had her, so they were retired by the time I met them and usually home.

A few months later, Jen and her mom are at our local women''s fair. Mom decides it would be funny to visit the psychic''s booth and one of the questions she asks the psychic is in regards to the whereabouts of the ring. The psychic told her that the ring was stillaround but it would be returned to Jennifer when she was old enough to keep it safe.

A few more months go by and we forget all about the psychic. I get a call from Jen one day, sobbing. She had walked in on her boyfriend since highschool sleeping with another girl. She asks if she can come over to my apartment to hang out for awhile.

While Jen is sobbing at my house, her boyfriend goes to her parent''s house & since her dad still doesn''t know what happened (he hadn''t seen Jen yet) lets the scumbag in. Boyfriend tells her dad he just needs something from Jen''s room, goes in and grabs the Gucci watch he gave her for Xmas as well as a diamond bracelet. He just took them! Told her later he needed to return the watch to pay for his rent.

Time passes on, she''s happy without the scumbag boyfriend and we''re just going about our lives--studying for exams, dancing at sporting events, going to parties, and basically being college kids. Then I get a call--and I can''t remember exactly, but I believe it was her birthday (or some other very significant day).

"Jeannine, you''ll never guess what my dad found out in the chicken coop" (I told you they had acreage...goats too) A chill ran down my spine & I said "your grandmother''s ring!". Apparently the ring was encrusted in chicken poo, but her dad saw a glint on the ground, picked it up & put it in his pocket. He took it inside thinking it was a little kids toy ring but when Jen & her mom saw it, they both almost fainted.

That chicken coop is so far removed from the house, and their indoor cat never went outside, so we could never figure out how that ring went from her nightstand to the chickens in the span of one night. To this day, Jen, her mother, and I maintain that the reason it disappeared is because her grandmother didn''t like scumbag boyfriend, and knew something bad would happen if the ring stayed in Jen''s possession while with him. Once she was away from boyfriend, we just figured her grandmother''s spirit felt the ring could safely be entrusted to Jen''s care.

It was all very creepy...but its still one of those things that comes up from time to time because it was so weird. I''ll have to ask her when I talk to her this week what day her dad found the ring on..I remember it was too weird for words.

Great stories!!!!
Diver, I''ve been thinking about your story all day. That is really something!!!

I had a silver ID bracelet that i got as a teenager from my parents - silver and had my name engraved on it. I adored it and wore it every day. I thought I lost it and then a couple years later it turned up. I can''t even remember the specifics - I think it had gotten caught behind something in my jewelry box! Unfortunately I don''t wear it anymore because the style of the bracelet looks masculine to me now, but I have always loved silver jewelry with initials or names on it.
The worst thing I ever lost and then found was weight :)
I had a pair of .50 tcw princess cut diamond earrings that I had bought on my first long term stay in London. I always had the prongs checked when I came back to the states, just to make sure they were secure.

Well, one day, I was at work, and reached up to find 4 sharp prongs sticking out, with no diamond! I was crushed, I looked for it everywhere!

About a week later, I was vacuuming the carpet in the office I was in when I lost the diamond, and there, glinting at me from the dingy carpet, was my .25 ct. princess cut diamond. I could not believe it, because right after I lost the diamond, I had gone and bought a pair of 1.1 tcw bezel set diamond earrings, that I recently had reset in a 3 prong martini setting.

I never had that diamond reset either . . . I don''t know what to do with it.

You can never have enough diamond studs, am I right?
Date: 6/7/2007 6:21:40 PM
Author: gailrmv
The worst thing I ever lost and then found was weight :)

LOL gail, ain''t THAT the truth!
Date: 6/7/2007 8:23:10 PM
Author: Dee*Jay
Date: 6/7/2007 6:21:40 PM

Author: gailrmv

The worst thing I ever lost and then found was weight :)


LOL gail, ain''t THAT the truth!
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