
LOL... Poor Neil.

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Now this is really interesting to me.

Here''s my GIA report (Well a portion of it)

Gypsy Asscher GIA.JPG
And here's my sarin: Note the differences in the measurements
-- and I finally know what my crown height is!

It's so weird though... according to my sarin-- my girdle is medium, and my stone is a TAD smaller on each side, A little shallower, and all the measurements are just a LITTLE off. The girdle is the one that suprised me the most. 3.5% is right in the middle of Medium, not thick. Weird.

Layla Asscher Sarin-report.jpg
Storm-- HIGH praise. Glad it confirms what I knew. My John picked me a cherry asscher. And that Fancy''s need to be SEEN to be chosen. Get some rest now. And will do on the bottom of girdle meets Bezel thing.

Isaku-- Thank you honey. (Daniel Craig, huh? Would mind some of that action myself
). I really feel this journey is going to be a wonderful one. It''s already off to such a great start! I''m glad you''ll be along for the ride!

Ellen... which did ya pick? The drink or the cigarette? *FANNING ELLEN* Thank you!

Andrey... Thanks for commenting and noticing that. I willl clarify with Ocean, just to be sure... but I can see what you are saying. THANK YOU for all the posting help. (Neil started sending me pre-sized pics.. LOL).

Skippy-- MOJITOS! My favorite. My kind of lady! I''ll have one of those with you and Ellen ANY DAY. I can''t wait till it''s done either!

Neatfreak-- thank you honey. I really am going for the prongs, but I''m glad you won''t hold it against me!

DS-- this appraisal has been SUCH a fabulous process. I can''t recommend Neil highly enough. You can REALLY tell he enjoys his work. ANd I''m so glad you like the sketch! The platinum was a big deal for me too. Fortunately Ocean prefers using that alloy/combination... so it just happened. It''s definitely going to my forever ring, and I can''t wait to see how much boost we get. The halo is going to so fine... but just enough I think.

Shay... Thank you... and I''m happy to see Ellen''s got your back with that hose!

Wolftress... LOL. Maybe. Looks like it morphed a little though from the sarin. Got me scratching my head. Still I''ve seen it happen with other''s sarin''s and certs too. So, we''ll see!
different versions of the sarin scanner can account for the slight difference.
The sarin also has improved a whole bunch the last 2 years for measuring fancies too.
Thanks for all of the nice words Gypsy. It's been a pleasure.

Date: 9/6/2007 9:53:03 PM
Author: strmrdr
different versions of the sarin scanner can account for the slight difference. I think this is going to be a wonderful piece.

The sarin also has improved a whole bunch the last 2 years for measuring fancies too.

I upgraded my Sarin to the latest and greatest just yesterday.
This was the first real stone on the new version. It may be that we're comparing new numbers with the 4 year old GIA/sarin measurements but it's equally likely to be my calibrations that are slightly out of whack. Maybe both. I'll check it in the morning.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver
Date: 9/6/2007 10:23:31 PM
Author: denverappraiser
Thanks for all of the nice words Gypsy. It''s been a pleasure.

I upgraded my Sarin to the latest and greatest just yesterday.
This was the first real stone on the new version. It may be that we''re comparing new numbers with the 4 year old GIA/sarin measurements but it''s equally likely to be my calibrations that are slightly out of whack. Maybe both. I''ll check it in the morning.

Neil Beaty
Professional Appraisals in Denver

You are MORE than welcome Neil! Thank you for all the work (including re-sizing). Congrats on the new Sarin! I''m interested to hear the results of you test tomorrow!
I love it. All of it. That pretty ass...cher of yours...(he he) and that incredible super fabulous design. I love the swoopy things...Oh I wish I was you!! I really do. Click my my my didn''t work.


I just think this thing is so cool. Your stone is gorgeous, but I thought that b/f seeing all the pics and your ring is just going to be so amazing..again, i''m just soooooooo excited for you...
THank you DKS and Ms Salvo. I am glad you all like it too! I love the swoopy things (underwires) too, they are my favorite part of the design, except for the delicate, unedged halo, and the claw prongs.
Oh this is going to be gorgeous. I can''t wait to see it when it''s done!
Re-sizing??? Huh, what? Are you talking about the pictures or the existing e-ring setting! I just realized you''ll have an empty setting just BEGGING for a COLORED GEMSTONE!!
Wow, just saw the update (or rather pictures) on this thread (I''m a little slow...)
Just wanted to say the ring looks like it will be gorgeous... that stone is just marvelous. While I prefer bezel halos as well, I can still appreciate beauty in all shapes (and prongs
Hope this project adds a little stress relief to your life, I know you can use some of that about now
Date: 9/7/2007 12:41:37 PM
Author: decodelighted
Re-sizing??? Huh, what? Are you talking about the pictures or the existing e-ring setting! I just realized you''ll have an empty setting just BEGGING for a COLORED GEMSTONE!!
Thank you Miranda!

Deco-- I realized that a little while ago too.
And have been plotting and planning for it.
. Trust me, that setting is going to look great hand engraved, replated again, and set with something... peach, I''m thinking.

Poshpepper, yes, this is providing a much needed distraction and outlet for stress, thank god. I think maybe, I was meant to wait till now... so that I have this project to keep me sane while everything else is going on.
It is just going to be so gorgeous - the drawings take my breath away!!
Date: 9/7/2007 1:13:49 PM
Author: FireGoddess
It is just going to be so gorgeous - the drawings take my breath away!!
Thank you FG! High compliment from you lady!

I just talked to Ocean, she could tell something was wrong, she''s a very intuitive lady, and I like that about her. So we had a nice (but short as I''m at work) talk, then got to the setting details.

She''s going to have to have my stone in her hands (which will be either later today or tomorrow) before she can commit to changing anything, which makes sense as we are talking small changes.

1, She''s going to slim the side of the halo down as much as possible. She''s estimating she might be able to get it down to 1.5 mm, or maybe less depending on my actual stone.

2, Since I really liked the balls next to the bowl underwires she''s going to emphasize those, and hopefully we''ll be able to brightcut the balls.

3, the stone will be raised, and it was just the drawing, as Andrey said, that is inaccurate.

4, we are going for the slimmest talon prongs we can manage while keeping structural integrity.

5, we are going for a consistent 2 mm shank to allow flush fit bands, instead of the tapered band I originally wanted. The flush fit is important to me.

So, once she gets the diamond, she''ll be able to firm up these details better, and will update the current sketch to reflect the modifications.

I made the right choice, and everytime I talk to her, it becomes clearer to me.

So... now to wait for the stone to get there... and her sketch updates.
Will update when I have that.

Thank you all!
So exciting! I can''t wait to see the updated sketches.
Gypsy, so glad you feel like you''ve made the right choice with your reset. It''s going to be gorgeous! I''m so excited for you! I''m also glad it''s giving you some stress relief to your life. And...exciting RHR project too! Yay!
Okay, so Ocean got the stone today. My corners are 1.5 mm. Which means we will be able to do the .8 talon prongs I wanted! She's going to play around with measurements, heights, widths, diamonds/melee... you name it and update the sketch. She's going to have that done Monday or Tuesday. If I like what I see... I approve the final sketch and we move to production. Assuming I approve the sketch on the 12th, I am likely to have my ring by the 15th of October, barring any unforseen occurances. Sounds great to me.
So expected an updated sketch Monday or Tuesday.

Thank you Tacori and Snlee. Now I'm going to surf while avoid my thread about my mom. I'm here with her, and well... don't wnat to show any upset. Will update that thread tomorrow.
Great update! We''re just moving right along.....
kicken glad too hear things are moving along.
New sketch coming up!

We have a final sketch! You kinda need to view both of them together to get the full pictur-- the halo details are in the older picture. With the stone set up on the prongs... total setting height is going to be 9.6!!! (I had eight in my thread... but forgot the stone!).

So here''s the first sketch:


And here''s the new one.

ARGH. Can''t attach the freaking file!


two lines on shank..jpg

First with halo details:

Second with all other details finalized: We''re going to production folks.

gypsy sketch TEST  11.JPG
I love it! I am thrilled for you!!
Looks fantastic, I''m so happy and excited for you Gyspy!!!
Hey Gypsy! Exciting!!!

You know ... my first thought is that the bowl section is taller than I expected ... especially now considering the reproportioning of the piece (width of the halo, etc). It *could* be a shallower bowl .... more like its depiction in the 1st sketch (from the bottom of the halo down)??

Oooooooh getting closer!!!
Thank you Monnie and Snlee!

Deco you read my mind. I called her after seeing the sketches side by side to discuss the underwires. The more V shape of them as opposed to the more C shape of the first sketch bugged me. So in fabrication she is definitely going for a more ''bowl'' rather than ''vase'' look.

And then after the call I emailed her asking why, if the diamond is going to be set 2 mm above the halo, and my diamond is 3.83 total depth we had to have such high wires in the first place... and couldn''t we just flatten them and round them out more, lowering the halo. I''m sure I''ll get a response on that tomorrow.
She''s extraordinarily diligent and patient with my questions and adjustments.
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