
Let's talk baby names


What are your girl baby names?

ETA: Miles?
You've got great choices here! Griffin, Sullivan, and Christian are my favorite with your other boys' names, but these are all fab IMHO.








I like the preppiness of Sullivan! That's really cute. I'll ask DH.

Our girl name is Mackenzie. I've loved it since the mid-80s and DH is onboard with it. I wish it hadn't gotten trendy, but oh well.
amc80|1453510418|3979996 said:
I like the preppiness of Sullivan! That's really cute. I'll ask DH.

Our girl name is Mackenzie. I've loved it since the mid-80s and DH is onboard with it. I wish it hadn't gotten trendy, but oh well.

Sully?? Super cute
Niel|1453511382|3980002 said:
amc80|1453510418|3979996 said:
I like the preppiness of Sullivan! That's really cute. I'll ask DH.

Our girl name is Mackenzie. I've loved it since the mid-80s and DH is onboard with it. I wish it hadn't gotten trendy, but oh well.

Sully?? Super cute

I really like Sullivan with your boys' names too.
Sullivan is really cute!

Also, amc, I just wanted to share that my dad's name is K3nt and my brother's name is Cl@rk, so we got mail addressed to Cl@rk K3nt often. It was fun as a kid. :)
blackpolkadot said:
Sullivan is really cute! Also, amc, I just wanted to share that my dad's name is K3nt and my brother's name is Cl@rk, so we got mail addressed to Cl@rk K3nt often. It was fun as a kid. :)

Ha, how funny!!
I'd love some help deciding on DDs middle name if anyone's willing.

First name will be Althea (nn Thea) and surname is Ev@ns. I think a single sylible middle name has the best flow, otherwise 4 sylible names also sound ok. Options at the moment are;

Althea Rey Ev@ns (DHs pick)
Althea Mae Ev@ns
Althea Claire Ev@ns

Would love to know what your pick would be and open to other suggestions.
oooh! I'll play...of the one's you listed, I like Althea Claire the best.


Althea Elizabeth

Althea Rose

Althea Aurelia

Althea Skye

Althea Rue

Althea Adaline
Thanks Bella!

Claire is my favoraite girls name of all time however DH has vetoed it as a first name. I love it but not 100% sure if it flows well with Althea.

I'm going to spend some time on your suggestions and see if any of them stick.

Naming a human is hard!
Funny Claire is my least favorite of the middle names you listed. It really is a lovely name, but the flow isn't the best, like you noted

Althea Rose is my favorite of bellas list, I also like Althea mae

Althea Faye

Althea Bree
Althea Rose is my favorite!
4ever|1454269903|3984740 said:
Thanks Bella!

Claire is my favoraite girls name of all time however DH has vetoed it as a first name. I love it but not 100% sure if it flows well with Althea.

I'm going to spend some time on your suggestions and see if any of them stick.

Naming a human is hard!
I agree with you about the flow of Althea Claire, but I love how her initials would be ACE.

Laine (initials are ALE)
Grace (but initials would be AGE)
Althea Rose is still my favorite, followed by Althea Elizabeth, but I was thinking more about this on the subway tonight and here are some more:-)

Althea True

Althea Rune

Althea Nicole

Althea Suzanne

Althea Madeleine

Althea Wynne

Althea Wren

Althea Isabelle

Althea June

Althea Jane

Althea Penelope (initials would be APE, but I like the name...:-)
I like Rose! It was my first thought with that first name. Very pretty!
What do you all think of Sawyer? It breaks my rule of double using the -er ending, but I really like it.
amc80|1454453843|3985850 said:
What do you all think of Sawyer? It breaks my rule of double using the -er ending, but I really like it.

It's not my style, but I also just don't like it for its popularity and lack of nicknames

But you just always do what feels right
I like Sawyer and think that it goes well with B and T's names.
amc80|1454453843|3985850 said:
What do you all think of Sawyer? It breaks my rule of double using the -er ending, but I really like it.
If you like it, you should go for it. If it were myself, I wouldn't use it because of the double -er ending. I think a name ending in -son would flow better with your other sons' names.
Are you having a third boy, amc? Too funny! Names are so personal and we all have so many reasons why we like or dislike certain names or why they work with our family names or personal style, etc. I wouldn't worry about two names ending the same, especially because that's a pretty common ending for boys names. It's not like all three of your boys would have a name ending the same way. That might be a bit much. But if Sawyer is the name you love, and DH agrees, then I saw go for it. Congrats!

I see Sullivan being mentioned on here. I was this close to going with that one for my boy twin, but didn't at the last minute. If we hypothetically were to have another baby and it were a boy, that's definitely the name I'd go with.
monkeyprincess|1454527349|3986387 said:
Are you having a third boy, amc? Too funny! Names are so personal and we all have so many reasons why we like or dislike certain names or why they work with our family names or personal style, etc. I wouldn't worry about two names ending the same, especially because that's a pretty common ending for boys names. It's not like all three of your boys would have a name ending the same way. That might be a bit much. But if Sawyer is the name you love, and DH agrees, then I saw go for it. Congrats!

I see Sullivan being mentioned on here. I was this close to going with that one for my boy twin, but didn't at the last minute. If we hypothetically were to have another baby and it were a boy, that's definitely the name I'd go with.

We won't find out for a few more weeks. I made a list of 31 names and handed it to DH. He crossed out about 10 names, meaning those were vetoes. He circled two names- Hudson and Greyson. He said those are the only two he really liked, and that Hudson is way above Greyson. He also said that Ryleigh is still is #1 choice for a girl. So we made a deal- if it's a girl, it's Mackenzie, and if it's a boy, it's Hudson. We were also going to use his great-grandma's name for a middle name for a girl, but as part of the deal I get to pick the middle name.
Oh, well then, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you still get your girl after all! But as you know after having two, another little boy would be pretty great too. I was actually secretly hoping for two more boys with my twins (I feel like I know how to interact better with little boys than little girls due to my inner tomboy), but I know it worked out the way it was supposed to and can't imagine not having N. I'll just have to learn to fix little girl's hair and to play with girly things if that is how she ends up being. I like the name Hudson, and it works with your names. Sounds like a good compromise to me. We did a simliar compromise where DH finally agreed to let me have my first choice on the first names, if I let him decide on our daughter's middle name and the spelling of her first name (H or no H). That said, we didn't reach that agreement until they were three days old, and we were being discharged.

PS - Is anyone else still constantly thinking of names even if you know or think you might be done having babies? I keep going back and forth between feeling like having a 4th would be a really bad idea to feeling like I can't imagine not going through just one more pregnancy. Anyway, I find myself constantly trying to pick names for a hypothetical 4th baby all the time. Is that a sign I'm not done, or is that just a normal thing to do?
amc80|1454534092|3986436 said:
monkeyprincess|1454527349|3986387 said:
Are you having a third boy, amc? Too funny! Names are so personal and we all have so many reasons why we like or dislike certain names or why they work with our family names or personal style, etc. I wouldn't worry about two names ending the same, especially because that's a pretty common ending for boys names. It's not like all three of your boys would have a name ending the same way. That might be a bit much. But if Sawyer is the name you love, and DH agrees, then I saw go for it. Congrats!

I see Sullivan being mentioned on here. I was this close to going with that one for my boy twin, but didn't at the last minute. If we hypothetically were to have another baby and it were a boy, that's definitely the name I'd go with.

We won't find out for a few more weeks. I made a list of 31 names and handed it to DH. He crossed out about 10 names, meaning those were vetoes. He circled two names- Hudson and Greyson. He said those are the only two he really liked, and that Hudson is way above Greyson. He also said that Ryleigh is still is #1 choice for a girl. So we made a deal- if it's a girl, it's Mackenzie, and if it's a boy, it's Hudson. We were also going to use his great-grandma's name for a middle name for a girl, but as part of the deal I get to pick the middle name.
I like the compromise! I also like the name Ryleigh (but I named my daughter Riley - amc, you might remember since we went through our last pregnancies together :)).
:-) MP, yes, I think I need to have 4 more kids to use my top names:-)

Most days we think one more would be lovely and then we'd be done, but...other days we think 2 more...and other days we are done with the two we have!
SMC said:
I like the compromise! I also like the name Ryleigh (but I named my daughter Riley - amc, you might remember since we went through our last pregnancies together :)).

Yes! And I love Riley. It's the spelling we can't agree on.
Sorry I've been a little MIA.

I'm not sure if I like rose as a middle name, it is very girly and very popular for a mn at the moment. I feel like Althea is already very feminine by itself, I wouldn't mind something a bit less girly as a mn.
I am thinking over your other suggestions, nothing is really clicking for me at the moment but I'm waiting for something to grow on me. I am very indecisive. I also go through periods of thinking Althea is a really weird name and other times I'm like " yep, that's totally her name". Urg! This would have been much easier if DH and I had the same taste in names.
Hi 4ever,

Here are a few others I was thinking of (the A-E can give you some interesting initials:-). You will find the right name, sometimes it just takes some time...

Althea Louise (ALE)

Althea Caroline (ACE)

Althea Grace (AGE)

Althea Aurore (AAE)

Althea Celeste (ACE)

Althea Lucienne (ALE)

Althea Kate (AKE)

Althea Hope (AHE)

Althea Jo (AJE)

Althea Estelle (AEE)

Althea Elise/Elyse (AEE)

Althea Anne (AAE)

Althea Emmaline (AEE)

Althea Josette (AJE)

Althea Emily (AEE)