
Let's talk baby names

I mostly lurk in these parts, but I felt compelled to add a three-syllable name because it popped into my head and I really like it!

Eliza Valerie

I also like your ideas of Josephine and Caroline. They flow very nicely.
This is the first time I opened this thread. Believe it or not, we are also thinking about Eliza. I had a dream 3 years ago where a little girl appeared to me and said "if you call me Eliza Grace I will be happy". I feel duty bound to use the name now. Thankfully, we are both quite happy with it. I also love Martha Anne, but I'd fear if I called a little girl that she wouldn't be happy (as per my crazy dream).

I also love Eliza Valerie and Eliza Mae.

More choices - I looked for some unusual ones.....

Eliza Delphine
Eliza Fleur
Eliza Lisette
Eliza Magdalena
Eliza Faye
Eliza Sophia
Eliza Alexandra
Ooooh. Another Eliza. Wonderful! I checked the Social Security name list for 2013 when it came out and was ridiculously happy to see that it fell from 200 in 2012 to 212 in 2013.

We still aren't set on a middle name. I'm not particularly worried or annoyed, but I'm starting to suspect she might need to be born for DH to settle on one. He suggested Portia last week. Yeah, I HATE that. A) it ends in the same vowel sound as Eliza, which I don't care for and B) it's not the same style at all IMO. I like Eliza Kate. Really, I am not super picky about the middle name, I just want to not hate it!
Any newcomers with name talk??
DH and I chose a name for our son, it was actually pretty easy. He really likes the name Frederick but I don't like Fred or Freddy, then I threw out Benjamin and tada! Benjamin Frederick it is! I LOVE that it's such an old timey classic name. I will most likely call him Ben and avoid the Benny or Benji.
I think we have decided on Hudson if we have a 3rd boy. Although, at the moment, we are strongly leaning towards being done.
Asscherhalo_lover|1439994011|3916368 said:
DH and I chose a name for our son, it was actually pretty easy. He really likes the name Frederick but I don't like Fred or Freddy, then I threw out Benjamin and tada! Benjamin Frederick it is! I LOVE that it's such an old timey classic name. I will most likely call him Ben and avoid the Benny or Benji.
I love a classic boys name!
amc80|1440003497|3916407 said:
I think we have decided on Hudson if we have a 3rd boy. Although, at the moment, we are strongly leaning towards being done.

I think the boyname for us would be James Morris , girl Agnes Winifred or Agnes Josephine.

I'd have another if we had cars to fit them lol.
Asscherhalo_lover|1439994011|3916368 said:
DH and I chose a name for our son, it was actually pretty easy. He really likes the name Frederick but I don't like Fred or Freddy, then I threw out Benjamin and tada! Benjamin Frederick it is! I LOVE that it's such an old timey classic name. I will most likely call him Ben and avoid the Benny or Benji.
Great combo! Benjamin was on my list for #1 but DH vetoed it for being too long.
Niel|1440011850|3916456 said:
amc80|1440003497|3916407 said:
I think we have decided on Hudson if we have a 3rd boy. Although, at the moment, we are strongly leaning towards being done.

I think the boyname for us would be James Morris , girl Agnes Winifred or Agnes Josephine.

I'd have another if we had cars to fit them lol.

We've been talking A LOT about whether we want to have another. It's hard for me, because I always planned on 3, and I'm one of those people who likes to follow plans. We both always wanted a big family. But, now that we have two, we see the benefits of stopping. No special car, easier to make travel plans, one parent per kid, etc. Plus, we feel lucky that we have two healthy kids, and, since I'm 35, I don't want to risk anything. And the though of never being pregnant sounds awesome. Plus, I'm not really a baby person, especially the newborn phase.

BUT, then I go back to "Yeah, but I want 3 kids!" and am right back where I started. We've basically decided to table the issue for a year and make a decision at that point.
amc80|1440089705|3916796 said:
Niel|1440011850|3916456 said:
amc80|1440003497|3916407 said:
I think we have decided on Hudson if we have a 3rd boy. Although, at the moment, we are strongly leaning towards being done.

I think the boyname for us would be James Morris , girl Agnes Winifred or Agnes Josephine.

I'd have another if we had cars to fit them lol.

We've been talking A LOT about whether we want to have another. It's hard for me, because I always planned on 3, and I'm one of those people who likes to follow plans. We both always wanted a big family. But, now that we have two, we see the benefits of stopping. No special car, easier to make travel plans, one parent per kid, etc. Plus, we feel lucky that we have two healthy kids, and, since I'm 35, I don't want to risk anything. And the though of never being pregnant sounds awesome. Plus, I'm not really a baby person, especially the newborn phase.

BUT, then I go back to "Yeah, but I want 3 kids!" and am right back where I started. We've basically decided to table the issue for a year and make a decision at that point.

These are the same things I struggle with. I don't want new cars, I feel blessed to have two healthy kids I worry about having more
Niel|1440094410|3916840 said:
These are the same things I struggle with. I don't want new cars, I feel blessed to have two healthy kids I worry about having more

How do people decide? It's such a huge decision. I'm guessing that having an infant and a 3 year old is a bad time to decide anything, ha.

The other thing I think about is if I could be guaranteed to have a girl, I'd probably go for it. But obviously that's not the case. I know each baby is a blessing blah blah, but I've now done the boy thing it would be nice to have a girl.
amc80|1440096097|3916850 said:
Niel|1440094410|3916840 said:
These are the same things I struggle with. I don't want new cars, I feel blessed to have two healthy kids I worry about having more

How do people decide? It's such a huge decision. I'm guessing that having an infant and a 3 year old is a bad time to decide anything, ha.

The other thing I think about is if I could be guaranteed to have a girl, I'd probably go for it. But obviously that's not the case. I know each baby is a blessing blah blah, but I've now done the boy thing it would be nice to have a girl.

Having a third is a HUGE decision. Hubby was totally happy with two (older a boy @ 4.5, the younger a sassy, too smart, challenging, almost 2 yo girl.) However, I was not quite sure and still kind of felt like someone was missing. Still, with all of the huge changes that come with a third (new big car, more expensive vacations, even less sanity, a third expensive education,) I was a bit ambivalent. 50/50. Maybe 60/40. I could talk myself into it one day and out the next.

So in my brilliance, I only wanted a potential baby in the spring/ early summer. And it has to be 2016. 34 and not getting any younger here! So I talked hubby into "not preventing" for three months this summer. Two weeks later, I was pregnant. Oh sh*t. Somehow now I can only remember the reasons we did NOT want one more.

Sooo... here I am 11+ weeks pregnant with the third. And I am grateful for this baby! But uggggh, had I truly remembered how sick I would be, I would not have done it again. I think I am literally a somewhat depressed from feeling like I have the worst hangover of my life for 2 months straight now. Kind of ruined my summer! And sadly my "morning sickness" is never limited to the first tri. So no end in sight. So far, I do not recommend a third :tongue:

More on topic- we have not even begun to contemplate names yet, and I have only EVER pictured this third child as another boy. And I really have no boy ideas that I love as yet. Little sister is Adelaide and I love Maeve as the baby if it is a girl. And that is about as far as that has gotten yet.
icekid|1440626842|3919586 said:
amc80|1440096097|3916850 said:
Niel|1440094410|3916840 said:
These are the same things I struggle with. I don't want new cars, I feel blessed to have two healthy kids I worry about having more

How do people decide? It's such a huge decision. I'm guessing that having an infant and a 3 year old is a bad time to decide anything, ha.

The other thing I think about is if I could be guaranteed to have a girl, I'd probably go for it. But obviously that's not the case. I know each baby is a blessing blah blah, but I've now done the boy thing it would be nice to have a girl.

Having a third is a HUGE decision. Hubby was totally happy with two (older a boy @ 4.5, the younger a sassy, too smart, challenging, almost 2 yo girl.) However, I was not quite sure and still kind of felt like someone was missing. Still, with all of the huge changes that come with a third (new big car, more expensive vacations, even less sanity, a third expensive education,) I was a bit ambivalent. 50/50. Maybe 60/40. I could talk myself into it one day and out the next.

So in my brilliance, I only wanted a potential baby in the spring/ early summer. And it has to be 2016. 34 and not getting any younger here! So I talked hubby into "not preventing" for three months this summer. Two weeks later, I was pregnant. Oh sh*t. Somehow now I can only remember the reasons we did NOT want one more.

Sooo... here I am 11+ weeks pregnant with the third. And I am grateful for this baby! But uggggh, had I truly remembered how sick I would be, I would not have done it again. I think I am literally a somewhat depressed from feeling like I have the worst hangover of my life for 2 months straight now. Kind of ruined my summer! And sadly my "morning sickness" is never limited to the first tri. So no end in sight. So far, I do not recommend a third :tongue:

More on topic- we have not even begun to contemplate names yet, and I have only EVER pictured this third child as another boy. And I really have no boy ideas that I love as yet. Little sister is Adelaide and I love Maeve as the baby if it is a girl. And that is about as far as that has gotten yet.

I have a feeling that our final decision will end up sort of like that- we will not prevent for X many months, and if it happens it happens...if it doesn't, we're done. There's also the possibility of an oops because our primary bc method is pull-out. It's worked for us for years, though, so who knows.
So DH is going around calling #2 Wren. Not a fan of that name as the first thing that comes to my mind is "small and inconspicuous." Not the image I have of my second child. Plus we're not finding out gender so I'm kinda annoyed that he's showing a preference. Hopefully he's just being funny annoying and not serious.
icekid-I *love* the name Maeve-it's gorgeous! It's the middle name I have picked out for our next puppy--and before anyone freaks out, understand that I place as high a value on naming my pets as I do naming my kids-and honestly I've spent more time pouring over names for my kitties and my dogs than I did on my kids... ;))

amc, when we had been hemming and hawing about having a third, I started working at the preschool. That was enough for me. I get the hugs and I love you's and snuggles, but they go home at the end of the day. I still have diapers, but there's other adults to share that job w/so it's not too bad haha! I agree tho, it's a hard decision to make, and it's a big decision to make!
Well, here I am, pregnant with #3. Funny how quickly things change! I need boy name ideas, just because I'm assuming this will be boy #3.

If this is a boy, DH wants to use Hudson. I was the one who mentioned this name, and now he's stuck on it. I like it, but I don't know if I love it enough to use. I like Camden, but also don't know if I love it. My all time favorite boy name is Matthew, but I can't use it for several reasons. Current boys are B@rrett and Tuck3r.

Here are some names we've looked at:

Hudson- DH loves, I'm meh on it
Camden- I like a lot, DH doesn't
Cooper/Gunnar/Sawyer/Tanner/Walker- Love, but don't want to reuse the -er ending
Austin- I love, DH doesn't
Blake/Cole/Luke- I love, but can't use with our last name

Gavin seems like it would be on the list, but I don't care for it. I also like Dylan, but our close friends named their son that. I feel like there's a gret name that I'm missing. I'd love any suggestions!
Hmm ok,so I haven't been in baby name mode for a little bit, but you're right I feel like there are still some in a similar vein not on the list. So two syllable names that don't end in T or Er?

Niel|1453499538|3979900 said:
Hmm ok,so I haven't been in baby name mode for a little bit, but you're right I feel like there are still some in a similar vein not on the list. So two syllable names that don't end in T or Er?


Keegan and Cameron are definitely my style...but not quite right. I also love Greyson, but it's so trendy right now. It doesn't have to be two syllables- I like the name Brooks. I guess two syllables flows better with the other kids, but it's not a requirement.
I also like Keaton and Kent.
amc80|1453498748|3979893 said:
Well, here I am, pregnant with #3. Funny how quickly things change! I need boy name ideas, just because I'm assuming this will be boy #3.

If this is a boy, DH wants to use Hudson. I was the one who mentioned this name, and now he's stuck on it. I like it, but I don't know if I love it enough to use. I like Camden, but also don't know if I love it. My all time favorite boy name is Matthew, but I can't use it for several reasons. Current boys are B@rrett and Tuck3r.

Here are some names we've looked at:

Hudson- DH loves, I'm meh on it
Camden- I like a lot, DH doesn't
Cooper/Gunnar/Sawyer/Tanner/Walker- Love, but don't want to reuse the -er ending
Austin- I love, DH doesn't
Blake/Cole/Luke- I love, but can't use with our last name

Gavin seems like it would be on the list, but I don't care for it. I also like Dylan, but our close friends named their son that. I feel like there's a gret name that I'm missing. I'd love any suggestions!
No suggestions (yet), but I think Hudson works really well with your sons' names.
amc80|1453499779|3979902 said:
Niel|1453499538|3979900 said:
Hmm ok,so I haven't been in baby name mode for a little bit, but you're right I feel like there are still some in a similar vein not on the list. So two syllable names that don't end in T or Er?


Keegan and Cameron are definitely my style...but not quite right. I also love Greyson, but it's so trendy right now. It doesn't have to be two syllables- I like the name Brooks. I guess two syllables flows better with the other kids, but it's not a requirement.

Oh ok, I shouldn't assume. The ones you listed as not going with your last name where all one syllable so I assumed that's why they didn't "go" I added a few more to my list from above that all ended with N, which seems to be I think what you're after.

Christian I like, I like Adain too

Also seems like you like the K sound. So maybe something to work with there
Niel|1453499910|3979906 said:
amc80|1453499779|3979902 said:
Niel|1453499538|3979900 said:
Hmm ok,so I haven't been in baby name mode for a little bit, but you're right I feel like there are still some in a similar vein not on the list. So two syllable names that don't end in T or Er?


Keegan and Cameron are definitely my style...but not quite right. I also love Greyson, but it's so trendy right now. It doesn't have to be two syllables- I like the name Brooks. I guess two syllables flows better with the other kids, but it's not a requirement.

Oh ok, I shouldn't assume. The ones you listed as not going with your last name where all one syllable so I assumed that's why they didn't "go" I added a few more to my list from above that all ended with N, which seems to be I think what you're after.

Christian I like, I like Adain too

Also seems like you like the K sound. So maybe something to work with there

The problem is our last name is Cl@rk, so those names are too choppy with it. Try saying Blake [email protected]'s sort of hard to reset your tongue.

I do like names that end with N. I thought Kent would be cool, because I'm a superman fan, and his name in reverse would be Cl@rk Kent. But I'm dorky like that.
amc80|1453500474|3979909 said:
Niel|1453499910|3979906 said:
amc80|1453499779|3979902 said:
Niel|1453499538|3979900 said:
Hmm ok,so I haven't been in baby name mode for a little bit, but you're right I feel like there are still some in a similar vein not on the list. So two syllable names that don't end in T or Er?


Keegan and Cameron are definitely my style...but not quite right. I also love Greyson, but it's so trendy right now. It doesn't have to be two syllables- I like the name Brooks. I guess two syllables flows better with the other kids, but it's not a requirement.

Oh ok, I shouldn't assume. The ones you listed as not going with your last name where all one syllable so I assumed that's why they didn't "go" I added a few more to my list from above that all ended with N, which seems to be I think what you're after.

Christian I like, I like Adain too

Also seems like you like the K sound. So maybe something to work with there

The problem is our last name is Cl@rk, so those names are too choppy with it. Try saying Blake [email protected]'s sort of hard to reset your tongue.

I do like names that end with N. I thought Kent would be cool, because I'm a superman fan, and his name in reverse would be Cl@rk Kent. But I'm dorky like that.

Ha-ha its funny. We ended up naming my son Walter. We plan to call him Walt as he ages but currently call him Wally. Anyways, our last name is a short, one syllable word starting with a k. I was very concerned that, even though his full name is Walter, Walt K@@p would be choppy and I'd hate it . my husband had the different stance that he felt it was very manly and strong sounding. Eventually I got over it, as if someone is saying his full name they will probably say Walter, and after a while I agreed with him it has a very masculine feel to it when you say it a bit choppy

But I ia a real concern I had for a while so I totally get it.
Calvin? I like it with your last name.
I like Kenton but it sounds sort of made up. Thanks for helping me brainstorm!