
Kmom/Michael E. project

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Apr 17, 2003
I have been waiting until it actually arrives to announce the project that I've been working on with Michael E., but being that I have a very busy week ahead, and I already have a few preliminary pictures from him, I decided to go ahead and post the pictures (with his permission), and will try to post more, including hand shots, once it arrives.

I have longed to have split prongs but never dreamed I could have them since I'd already had the prongs re-done. I have seen many variations, including the highly coveted Leon Mege styles, and fell in love with them a while back.

I finally contacted Michael a few months ago, whose work I'd been admiring for a very long time. It took me a while to send it off since I did not want to part with my ring....again.
With his can-do attitude he accepted the challenge to replace the prongs which were re-done a year ago due to unusual wear on the original prongs. Although Brad did a nice job, the chunkiness of the new prongs never quite grew on me. From what I can see in the pictures, the look of the ring has changed entirely. It seems to have taken on a more feminine look, which I like. Also, I believe he lowered the stone too, which is closer to the original height that it was set.

Anyway, here it is, Kmom's ring with new split prongs by Michael E:



#3 - The set

#4 - Another one

#5 - Last one for now.


Just for comparison, I will also share a few more pictures, one of the original prongs (which nearly got sawed off) and two of the ones that replaced them.


Replacement #1 (nicely done, but too chunky for me):


I will post my final thoughts on the ring once it arrives. In the meantime, I'd like to say that Michael was fabulous to work with. And I'm thrilled that my ring only had to make it to the west coast this time.

Thank you Michael E.


K-mom, the new prongs are gorgeous and very covetable!! I'm so happy for you!
I actually came right back to add: Yaaaay! I succeeded in posting multiple photos! (I never quite got that
and was feeling quite dumb
until I actually tried it tonight). Thanks for the tip on the mountain button, Tomatoe, and thank you for the compliment on my ring.
YAY! it looks AMAZING! what a difference from the old prongs. just gorgeous.
Yeah, I see what you're saying about the old prongs. These new ones are just beautiful. And I'm such a sucker for pear side stones! It's a beautiful piece.
The new prongs look absolutely fabulous!! I was not quite fond of the re-do because I thought it looked off, but didn't want to say anything because you can never quite tell by the pictures. You made a good choice!!
It looks wonderful, K-Mom! What I love about the prongs is how they curve up gracefully. Good job Michael E.!
How beautiful
The new prongs really make it pop! Can't wait to see the hand shots
On 10/25/2004 8:11:55 AM Patty wrote:

It looks wonderful, K-Mom! What I love about the prongs is how they curve up gracefully.

Patty, this was the one feature that I missed from the original prongs. It was important to me to restore the graceful look to it.

I think I've accomplished that and more with the new(est) prongs.

Marriahlyn, I know what you mean about the pictures. You are right, the picture is really magnified though it actually does look okay in person, . Still, the reality is that the rigid and thickness of it is something that never quite grew on me. Like Patty said, the curve really adds to give it a more graceful look.

Thanks everyone for your compliments. I can't wait to receive my rings back!
Kmom, your set has always been one of my favorites here...And you've managed to "improve" on stunning perfection! Just awesome.

On 10/25/2004 1:22:32 PM Jennifer5973 wrote:

Kmom, your set has always been one of my favorites here...And you've managed to 'improve' on stunning perfection! Just awesome.


Jflo, I'm flattered because I know what great taste in sparklies you have and what an extensive collection you have. Thank you so much.

Congratulations! Wear it in good health!

They are lovely.
Wow Kmom, nice improvement. Sorry about the other troubles with the prongs.

I love these split prongs.

How beautiful those split prongs are!!! They really complete the set. Very lovely set too love the pear diamonds, especially on the band!!!

You split prong/claw prong people have got me thinking!!
I am SO happy for you! FINALLY, this ring looks the way it SHOULD! It is GORGEOUS. Michael actually changed the entire look of it. It is WAY better than the original Vatche version! And these new prongs look so much better with your band -- they actually "match" it and enhance it.

No offense, but the first replacement prongs are aweful and I honestly don't know how you lived with them this long -- like two sticks straight up -- yuck.

This is gorgeous and you must be dying to get your beautiful ring back.

ENJOY! It's perfect.

AWESOME job, Michael!!!!!!
Kmom, what a beautiful set. Love how the pears are integrated into the design. Wear it in good health.
On 10/25/2004 2:25:40 PM headlight wrote:

I am SO happy for you! FINALLY, this ring looks the way it SHOULD! It is GORGEOUS. Michael actually changed the entire look of it. It is WAY better than the original Vatche version! And these new prongs look so much better with your band -- they actually 'match' it and enhance it.

Funny you should say that Headlight, because I was thinking the same thing. In hindsight I wish I never spent my money on a Dvatche since #1) I don't feel it's worth the money, and #2) it's not even a DVatche anymore!!

On 10/25/2004 2:25:40 PM headlight wrote:

No offense, but the first replacement prongs are aweful and I honestly don't know how you lived with them this long -- like two sticks straight up -- yuck.

This is gorgeous and you must be dying to get your beautiful ring back.

ENJOY! It's perfect.

AWESOME job, Michael!!!!!!

LOL, Headlight! Here I am, a year later and I'm only now finding out what folks really thought!
All kidding aside, I know that Brad tried and really took time to do what he did. I'm grateful for that even if it didn't really suit me after all this time has passed. Took me a year to finally take the plunge and realize it wasn't really what I wanted. I already feel so much better about my ring. Yes, I'm dying to get it back!
I really love the split claw prongs! I think Michael E does great work, your ring looks so elegant!
Looking really good now, Kmom. The new central split prongs look so much more in keeping with the original smaller prongs holding the side stones than the more solid replacement prongs. I'm sure that Brad was trying to make your centre stone as secure as possible, but the straight chunky prongs just didn't look quite right with the original design.

I agree that these ones are an improvement even on the originals. I bet you're counting the days until it's back on your heartline finger!

Nice work Michael E!
Wow, the new prongs make a HUGE difference! I love the new look!!!

the new setting is sooooo beautiful.
It has a graceful fluidity about it that matches your warm spirit.

Hand shots as soon as possible please, mahalo!

On 10/25/2004 5:55:13 PM Kaili wrote: ... It has a graceful fluidity about it that matches your warm spirit.

So eloquent and so true!
It is truly beautiful. I think the stones and setting are perfection!! Congrats!!
Oh my gosh!! I love those prongs! I'm so glad it's a happy ending. Now for some on the hand pics!!!
those split prongs long great on there! beautifully redone! congratulations!
can't wait to see the hand pics.
Beautiful! How exciting! Wear it in good health!
On 10/25/2004 6:06:59 PM Jennifer5973 wrote:

On 10/25/2004 5:55:13 PM Kaili wrote: ... It has a graceful fluidity about it that matches your warm spirit.

So eloquent and so true!

Kaili and Jennifer, this really, really touched me, thank you.

The large magnification makes it difficult to see the true delicateness of the new prongs. It is actually very dainty and I looooove it so much. I feel sooo good about my ring. I had spent the better part of the afternoon trying to get some good hand pics, but because I don't have a tripod it was difficult. I managed to get a few, but since my new camera is dysfunctional with WIN98SE, it will take some time to upload it. I will try very hard later this evening.

Thank you everyone for all your kind compliments. I know how scrutinizing we can be about our sparklies, so I'm extra flattered that you all like it as much as I do.

Crossing fingers, hope this works. It's my first time doing a collage. I'm so jealous of all the nice collages I see around here I wanted to try one myself. Heck, I just found out about the mountain button.

Edited: OMG, it's huge. I'm sorry. But at least it worked! Yaaaaaaay! Hope you enjoy it anyway.
....................................................I had to remind myself to breathe
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