
Just got in our first batch


Mar 28, 2001
Finally had the chance to review these and was pleasantly surprised to find some nicely cut ones in the lot even qualifying for AGS Ideal optics. I'm in the process of putting an article together with graphics and video but here's a shot showing the color of these.

The color of every one of them were what are considered Type II a or on the brown side however the particular ones I've inspected do have distinct pink undertones which I happen to like very much.

The diamonds in the pic below are of a 1ct D color alongside of two J colors. The D and the J with the yellow tint are earth grown and the last is lab grown. I adjusted brightness and contrast to emphasize the natural tones albeit they are a bit lighter.

If anyone has any questions on or about these feel free to ask as I'll subscribe to the topic.


I absolutely Love the color of the last one!! :naughty: :appl:
sonomacounty|1434579364|3890551 said:
I absolutely Love the color of the last one!! :naughty: :appl:

I know right!!! We often get requests for these specific colors too. Admittedly in the near colorless range the color is really so faint but you know ... where you'd normally see a faint hint of yellow it is instead pink. Consumer's I've showed it to say it even looks a tad whiter. I'm really curious now to see what the M/N colors look like. :cheeky:
So interesting...lab grown diamonds...just read an article today stating that Helzbergs were doing a test run of these in their stores and voila now GOG has some. I didn't know they existed till today.

Love the pink/brown one too! YUM!
Hi Rhino,

I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed lab created diamonds in your catalogue (I saw them on the website before I saw this post). Are you planning on building your inventory, or was this more of a once off?

Hey Rhino,

I just spotted your video with the Fancy Vivid Yellow asschers:

They look great! :)

I guess the question that comes to mind after I've wiped my drool from the keyboard :cheeky: is whether Octavias could be made from lab grown diamonds... :?:

I love the Octavias :love: but I am about as likely to be able to afford a earth-mined version in the near future as I am likely to walk on the moon! And seeing as my lady wants to be married in 2.5 years, if I could get a fat F VVS Octavia that won't cause me to sell a kidney, that would be super-awesome ;) lol

Anyway, I appreciate it's a cheeky question - I just thought I'd put it out there! :D
Can you have them cut into your proprietary designs?

RBs are boring.
I see that you have a H color .90 ct Ideal cut in the Lab grown. Is there any chance of getting a video comparing that to a similar natural diamond?
There are no difference between lab and mined diamonds, other than the differences that apply to any two diamonds. There are differences that apply to the stones as a group: tinted lab diamonds are more likely to be brownish as opposed to yellowish; colored diamonds are easier to grow and thus far more common in synthetics, they have red fluorescence, certain inclusions are characteristic, like flat layers of clouds, synthetics are type II. But in theory you could find a mined stone that had all of these characteristics, and it takes special examination of the growth layers and a spectroscopic analysis of the trace elements to identify a lab stone.
adele_h|1435740016|3897254 said:
Hi Rhino,

I was pleasantly surprised when I noticed lab created diamonds in your catalogue (I saw them on the website before I saw this post). Are you planning on building your inventory, or was this more of a once off?


My apologies for not keeping an eye on this thread. I just subscribed to ensure I don't miss the responses.

At first I had called them in out of mere curiosity and to see how they held up under our analysis. I had no intention of featuring them really. There were three things that turned me onto them and caused us to decide to make them a regular part of inventory.

1. I personally like the color. There are times when we're actually looking for these colors and just can't find em.
2. If we cherry pick the inventories there are some really excellently cut options. I anticipated the cuts to be really off but I was pleasantly surprised when they got here. We have all the results published.
3. Cost. See ... we already offer a more cost effective option for clients who have their back against the wall in way of being able to obtain and broker clarity enhanced diamonds. We've carried those for years. Laboratory grown diamonds are not enhanced and were I in the shoes of the person looking maximize size and not compromise on optics I'd rather put them into a beautifully cut lab grown than a non ideal, usually compromised in cut clarity enhanced diamond.

In the very near future you're going to see a rather huge inventory of them listed on our site upon relaunch.

Thanks for the question and once again my apologies for the late response.

Kindest regards,
OoohShiny|1442686859|3929560 said:
Hey Rhino,

I just spotted your video with the Fancy Vivid Yellow asschers:

They look great! :)

I guess the question that comes to mind after I've wiped my drool from the keyboard :cheeky: is whether Octavias could be made from lab grown diamonds... :?:

I love the Octavias :love: but I am about as likely to be able to afford a earth-mined version in the near future as I am likely to walk on the moon! And seeing as my lady wants to be married in 2.5 years, if I could get a fat F VVS Octavia that won't cause me to sell a kidney, that would be super-awesome ;) lol

Anyway, I appreciate it's a cheeky question - I just thought I'd put it out there! :D

teklit|1444172558|3935562 said:
Can you have them cut into your proprietary designs?

RBs are boring.

Hi Ooooh Shiny and teklit

Wait till you see the vivid pinks we've been getting! You'd fall over. LOL

Octavia and proprietary cuts in laboratory grown ... good question.

Well ... very recently the rep from one of the major lab grown companies of whose inventory we'll be cherry picking from came to our store after hearing my review and personal likes about the product. The first question I did ask was pertaining to cutting some of our branded products in laboratory grown options and he did mention the strong possibility. Even were it offered to me though, the Octavia is Karl's and Yoram's cut so I'd have to get approval from my colleagues were we to pursue it. I'll keep ya posted on this here in this forum if it takes form.

Kind regards,
Andelain|1451211992|3966701 said:
I see that you have a H color .90 ct Ideal cut in the Lab grown. Is there any chance of getting a video comparing that to a similar natural diamond?

Drop me an email Andelain! There's also another question I saw you pose regarding "recutting" that I'll answer you about to and of course I'd be happy to serve you.

Kind regards,
I personally love that pinky brown diamond, and as someone on a budget, I will be watching your inventory closely.
Rhino|1451750807|3969652 said:
OoohShiny|1442686859|3929560 said:
Hey Rhino,

I just spotted your video with the Fancy Vivid Yellow asschers:

They look great! :)

I guess the question that comes to mind after I've wiped my drool from the keyboard :cheeky: is whether Octavias could be made from lab grown diamonds... :?:

I love the Octavias :love: but I am about as likely to be able to afford a earth-mined version in the near future as I am likely to walk on the moon! And seeing as my lady wants to be married in 2.5 years, if I could get a fat F VVS Octavia that won't cause me to sell a kidney, that would be super-awesome ;) lol

Anyway, I appreciate it's a cheeky question - I just thought I'd put it out there! :D

teklit|1444172558|3935562 said:
Can you have them cut into your proprietary designs?

RBs are boring.

Hi Ooooh Shiny and teklit

Wait till you see the vivid pinks we've been getting! You'd fall over. LOL

Octavia and proprietary cuts in laboratory grown ... good question.

Well ... very recently the rep from one of the major lab grown companies of whose inventory we'll be cherry picking from came to our store after hearing my review and personal likes about the product. The first question I did ask was pertaining to cutting some of our branded products in laboratory grown options and he did mention the strong possibility. Even were it offered to me though, the Octavia is Karl's and Yoram's cut so I'd have to get approval from my colleagues were we to pursue it. I'll keep ya posted on this here in this forum if it takes form.

Kind regards,
Hey Rhino,

Apologies - I've not been on much and have only just seen this!

Thanks for taking the time to reply :)

I understand entirely re: needing Karl and Yoram's nod to go ahead with custom cutting in lab grown stones - I will look forward to future updates either way! :)

It's not like I have the cash to buy anything yet anyway :lol: lol

Keep up the good work! :))
Hey Rhino,

I just spotted your video with the Fancy Intense and Fancy Vivid pinks - they look amazing, especially for the prices hinted at!

Will you be stocking smaller sizes as well, such as sizes suitable for studs or eternity rings?
OoohShiny|1464440450|4037291 said:
Hey Rhino,

I just spotted your video with the Fancy Intense and Fancy Vivid pinks - they look amazing, especially for the prices hinted at!

Will you be stocking smaller sizes as well, such as sizes suitable for studs or eternity rings?

I can't find any info about lab grown diamonds on the GOG website or pricing info. Am I missing something, or are these coming soon?
GOG updated their website and lots of things are wonky.

I don't think lab stones are a high priority, but I can tell you that the lab stone pages have been changing over the past few days, which is better than vanishing.

They never had more than a handful, at least not on the site. Precision cut lab stone is difficult of difficult.
ChristineRose|1464651779|4038295 said:
Precision cut lab stone is difficult of difficult.

Could you please clarify what you mean by difficult of difficult? You mean it is difficult to buy rough to cut?
Lab stones are harder than mined stones and harder to cut.
The GOG custom and high precision cuts are very hard to cut and very few stones are even considered for this.

Most consumers don't want a lab stone, and many jewelers are terrified of selling them and many won't even admit that they are real diamonds. The market for lab stones is currently pretty much people who dislike the diamond mining industry and you need to seek them out from a handful of specialty dealers. There are more fraudulent CZ being sold as lab diamonds than there are real lab diamonds. I assume that various people--including some of the best of the best cutters--along the supply chain don't want to touch lab stones either.

The major labs won't even grade them properly, which is a huge negative for the ultra-ideal crowd here on PS. It's common for people to be told not to consider a lab diamond because you can't get a GIA or AGS lab stone.

So GOG has to source them from a grower, pick the best, send them to the best cutter, who has to work extra hard to cut them properly, then they have to sell them in their own store not only because they are custom stones but also because most jewelers refuse to sell them and even lie about what they are. Then they have to grade them in house, which is a conflict of interest, but they do have an excellent reputation which they are not going to sully by inflating grades like they were a mall jeweler.

And they have to have their own little corner on the website, lest someone accidentally get an especially lovely stone at a better price and without the environmental damage.

I wouldn't be surprised if the hassle costs of maintaining their little inventory makes lab stones much less profitable. I wouldn't expect them to make them a priority on their new website.
ChristineRose|1464651779|4038295 said:
GOG updated their website and lots of things are wonky.

I don't think lab stones are a high priority, but I can tell you that the lab stone pages have been changing over the past few days, which is better than vanishing.

They never had more than a handful, at least not on the site. Precision cut lab stone is difficult of difficult.

Can you link to any page that shows them? I found a page talking about it, but can't find more than one on the site, even when I search "lab grown diamond" at the to.