
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Bright, I don't usually post over here, but checked in to see how you are doing. I am keeping you in my thoughts that everything comes up perfect for your little bean - you deserve all the happiness after everything you went through to get here. I'm glad you told your family and get to share this exciting time with them.

Sorry for so many all about me posts. I really appreciate all of your support & advice while I was freaking out about the NT scan.
We're fairly well moved into our new place now & actually hosted my parents for a visit last weekend, so hopefully things will settle down for a little while, at least.

We did wind up telling both our families over the weekend. Everyone was thrilled for us & there was a lot of crying (followed by the requisite advice, requests to move closer & even the offer of some maternity clothes--yay!)

Also, my preliminary NT bloodwork came back today as low risk--1:520 for Downs & 1:10,000 for trisomy 18, which is apparently pretty good for my age (38). The materniT21 results should be in by the end of the week. I'm trying to enjoy today's good news for a while before I start to worry about those. :rodent:

Also we get to find out the sex when we get the materniT21 results. I'm not sure how all of that goes down, (also not sure when/if we'll share that portion of the news with others) but it's pretty exciting stuff.

SB, thanks so much for checking on me & for your sweet post. I firmly believe that if this happened for me, it can & will happen for you & all of my lovely >6 months friends. I really hope your time is just around the corner. I hope you don't wind up needing IVF, but if you do, I think you have a tremendous chance at success! Sending all of you guys so much love & dust.

Bella, thanks, sweetie! I actually have a more detailed pic from the NT I should post (though it's a little skeletor-like). I hope you're enjoying your time with your beautiful boys! :love:

blacksand, I hope your MS gets better soon!

Dani, thank you, my dear.

C-tek, thanks so much for the info on the non invasive testing. I have to admit I was pretty confused about this early on. I'm so glad your harmony results came back so well! (Though I'm sorry for the early blood test scare!) The genetics counselor I saw said that they often don't do the regular panel for that very reason. Also, congrats on your baby boy!!

mia, I really wish we'd been given the option to have the bloodwork done prior to the ultrasound too. But I probably would've worried then anyway. :rolleyes:
That's so cool that you got to hear your little bub's hb on doppler! Yay! How do you like using the doppler? What kind do you have? I'm considering getting one but don't know if I will find it reassuring or if it will somehow feed my anxiety. It's weird that the pregnancy appointments are so widely spaced.
I hope O's birthday party went well & that you're enjoying your time with your inlaws.

MP, thanks again for checking in, sweetie. Tons and tons of dust headed your way.

missrachel, I'm so glad to hear you're starting to feel a bit better! Happy belated birthday to you. The trip to Florida sounds amazing! Enjoy!

PPM, I'm sorry you're starting to feel worse. I've been taking the vitamin B6/unisom combo as well. Hopefully it helps!
Wishing you luck at your dating u/s--it should be any day now? Keep us posted!

tbaus, thanks for checking in & for your update about the hair situation. I'm sorry to hear it hasn't gotten much better. That's just so stressful. Hugs. I think my hair loss is slightly reduced now, but it hasn't stopped. I talked to a good friend who also has a lot of PCOS-related hair loss & she said hers didn't stop until well into the second trimester. (But then it did.) She also wound up going on spironolactone after she finished BF-ing her daughter & said her hair is now thicker than ever. So there's light at the end of the tunnel.

If I missed anyone, hi (& sorry!)

Bright, just jumping back in again to say I'm so happy you were finally able to share your news with your family! I can only imagine what a monumental moment that was for everyone. What a blessing. A long-awaited much deserved one. And your initial results sounds great. At least for me, 1/10,000 was the lowest risk they would assign. I am very hopeful that with your normal NT scan and these initial results that you are carrying a healthy little one. So very happy for you. I can hardly believe it after all this time!

Hope everyone else and their little ones are doing well!

Hey Bright,

I have the Sonoline B doppler. I don't remember how much it cost but it was very inexpensive compared to renting one. It was maybe $50? I chose this one because there are a lot of videos on youtube showing women getting the heartbeat pretty early. I order it from some random medical supply site.

I can't tell you whether it would put your mind at ease or whether it would stress you out more, it probably depends on your personality. I'm not a big worrier and I am the type that wants to know every piece of available information. I started using mine really early so it was a little nerve racking if I couldn't find it right away, but as the baby got bigger it gets easier and easier. Last pregnancy I had a huge bleeding scare at ~11 weeks. I was really happy that I could check for the heartbeat before heading to the ER. There was such a long wait at the ER before I even got my ultrasound (2ish hours). So in that situation, it actually made my wait a little less stressful. I was put on bed rest for a week after that and I think it made that a little less scary too.

Actually today, it took me a little while to find the heartbeat and it did make me a little nervous. I realized that if I couldn't find it, my doctor would probably brush it off and say that I probably wasn't doing it right and tell me to call if I had bleeding or cramps. That would suck, but I can totally understand why doctors would advise against using them at home because of scenarios like that. Luckily, I found my little bean hiding on the left side. It's always on the right so I didn't even consider checking that side!

So it's a totally use at your own risk thing! I will say that at 13 weeks, depending on your body type, you will probably begin feeling the baby move in a month or so. Once I felt movement somewhat consistently, I never used my doppler! It might not be worth it to shell out the cash for something you'll only use a few weeks.

Also my PSA for anyone else reading this is: After 20ish weeks when you feel consistent kicks, you should do kick counting instead of just listening to the heartbeat on the doppler. A heartbeat on the doppler confirms that the baby is presently alive, but kick counts can predict a potential problem BEFORE it happens. I read somewhere that some women were falsely reassured after hearing the heartbeat when kick counts were low. Maybe that's common sense but I can understand how someone might be confused by the purpose of kick counts.

Bright, congrats on your NT results. When will you get the Materni21 results? I had a Doppler (probably the same as Mia's) that I got around the time we had the CVS test (maybe 12 weeks?). I think it's a great investment, and it was fun to be able to listen between appointments. I think you will be able to pretty easily find the heart beat now. Let us know when you find out the gender - I have a feeling it's a girl. I think you or someone else asked about maternity pants - I preferred the demi panels from Gap. I think I bought a bunch online in both full and demi and just returned the ones I didn't like.

Bright, ditto to the others. I loved my Sonoline B. It didn't make me neurotic or anything, and it was just really reassuring and fun too. I did want to say one thing about feeling movements. It not only depends on your body type, but also on the placement of your placenta. I was pretty thin when I got pregnant, but I had an anterior placenta, so I did not feel any movement at all until after 21-22 weeks. It wasn't regular or strong movement until well after that. So everyone's experience is a little different. Going back to lurking, as I have no business in this thread!

Bright, so glad to hear that it's now good news that piling up! :appl: I have no clue how private messaging works on here but I have the sonoline B. You're welcome to it for free if we can somehow connect so I can get shipping information. I should head over to cloth diaper thread and see if anyone wants mine while I'm at it! I hate when things go to waste. Especially baby things that get used for so little time.

No offense taken if you'd rather buy your own!

Mia, thanks for all of the info on the Doppler. Sounds like it would be fun & reassuring. I'm so sorry about your scare with your last pregnancy! I'm sure being able to hear the baby's heartbeat before you went to the ER was very reassuring.
Thanks, too, for the info on kick counting. I'll have to read up on that when the time comes. There's so much I need to learn!

MP, yes it was really nice to be able to share the news. It's hard for me to believe this is really happening too! I'm fact, one of my goals is to get better at accepting good news (& try to worry less.) I still find myself waiting for the other shoe to drop sometimes.
Thanks for the Doppler & placenta info.

Jgator, thanks! And I just ordered 3 pairs of Demi panel maternity jeans from Gap. It's kind of strange not being able to go to a store & shop for a lot of maternity stuff (seems most is online only) but at least a lot of places seem to offer free returns.
Also I've gotten some clothing offers from my SIL's so I hope some of those things will work.

Pupp, you're so sweet--thanks so much for the offer! I'd love to have (or borrow?) your Doppler! We can't PM here but I have a listing set up on Loupe Troop so you can respond to that & it will connect us via email. I can send you a prepaid shipping label so you don't have to pay for shipping. Thanks again!!

So we got our MaterniT21 results back. They were negative for trisomies 13, 18 & 21. What a tremendous relief!

And....Jgator was right. It's a girl! :P

For those of you who found out gender in advance, did you tell others & if so, when? We can't decide if we want to share the news or keep it as a surprise. (Good luck with that one right?)

Delurking one more time to say CONGRATULATIONS on your wonderful news Bright! I'm so happy the results came back negative for the trisomies. And how exciting to know that you are having a little girl! I was thinking pink for you as well. We were told there was about an 85% chance our baby would be a boy at our NT scan based on the position of his little nub, and then we found out for sure at our anatomy scan. (Materni21 either wasn't available or wasn't offered). We told our families that we were pretty sure it would be a boy after the NT scan, and then told everyone else after the anatomy scan. But if you want to keep it a secret, then that's your choice! If your family is anything like mine, they will probably drive you crazy trying to find out :) Sidenote, my cousin's wife is pregnant and found out what they are having, but my cousin didn't want to know, so she's keeping it a secret from him. I have no idea if she's told anyone else, but that seems so strange to me. Keeping it a secret from friends and family is one thing, but I have no idea how you would keep it a secret from your spouse!

Bright! Yay for little girls!!!! We told everyone K was a girl after our CVS test. Everyone is going to ask you if you know if it's a boy or girl and which one you want so you may as well just say it's a Girl. And, the next question will be do you have a name picked out. We did not pick K's name until 5 mins before my c-section so that was a fun question to dodge for 5 months! Great news on the test results. You can breathe a HUGE sigh of relief and really get ready for your baby now. I can totally relate to your anxiety up to this point as I had very similar cautiously optimistic/anxious feelings without trying for nearly as long as you did. I am thriled for you and I'm so excited that you are having a girl - they are so much fun.

BRIGHT! Awesome! I am thrilled for you guys! And congrats on your little girl :love: :love: :love: They're the best, though I may have a bit of a bias :rodent: We shared the news right away, but my husband always says that he wishes we would've kept it secret. Most people purchased girly clothes for us, and now that we're having a second, it'd be nice to have more gender neutral on hand. If that doesn't bother you, though, go ahead and share :appl: :appl: We also had a Sonoline B and it was great- I used it near daily 'til I was feeling movement, and my wee one seems no worse for the wear b/c of it. Hope you enjoy borrowing Pupps. I felt like it offered great peace of mind. It does take a while to get the hang of it, and sometimes it takes a bit of prodding and jiggling to find the heartbeat. I'm so happy that after all the stress of early testing things seem to be well and wonderful for you!!

We had an ultrasound and first midwife appointment Monday- 7w3d on the 17th, which is exactly where FertilityFriend said I was. Due date is Halloween! "Boo's" heartbeat was a steady 140. Per the Ramzi method, I'm voting girl. In fact, DH and I feel SO confident it's a girl we'd bet money on it. Morning sickness is still here, some days are better than others. Feel like this first tri is dragging...

Hello everyone else :) Sorry for my drive-by. Thinking of you all, hope you're feeling great and your little beans are growing, growing!

:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: Congrats Bright! You'll have so much fun with your little girl!

Congratulations, Bright!!! I'm so glad all is well!!! You're going to have so much fun with your little girl!!! So thrilled for you! :appl:

Hooray for little girls Bright :) So happy for you. We actually did find out but then didn't tell anyone what we were having. For my family, I just told them we didn't know. For everyone else I told them we knew but J didn't want to tell anyone. It was weird but ppl just accepted it. Much like the "Do you have a name picked out?" "Yes." I think it's understood (by MOST ppl) there's just some lines that you don't cross. Again I said *most* people... :rolleyes:

Well, I'm back! Got my BFP a couple of days ago (somewhere between 8-12DPO) and am now 10-14dpo. My chart was whacky this month and I didn't think I was going to ovulate at all. The most likely is that I'm 12dpo so I'm going with that.

I'm, of course, testing like a crazy person. My tests are getting darker but they just aren't as dark as I'd like. I did get a positive digi this morning so that was reassuring. I got my first beta this morning and won't get the results until the morning. Praying for a sticky HEALTHY baby!

Hey AMC- congrats & welcome. Easier said than done, but until you know exact, exact DPO, don't put too much stake in HPTs! I hope your betas go up, up. When will they do a second draw?

AFM- This is just a tired, fed-up, annoyed vent. I'm thankful to be pregnant, but so over this nausea. These days it's not even so much nausea and vomiting, as it is a general dislike for 99% of foods. Very few things sound appetizing, and it changes from day to day. I can usually stomach popsicles/fruit bars, and right now I want potato soup. Everything else induces queasiness. I feel bad for my hubby and daughter, because I cook almost all our meals but right now I can hardly stand to. A side effect is that we aren't eating as healthfully as I'd like, and I feel tired, frumpy, and fat all of the time. Yesterday I slept from 11PM-7:30 AM, from 10:00AM-12:00PM, then from 2:00PM-4:00PM... and was exhausted after dinner. HOW?! I seriously wonder if something is amiss with me- not sure how I could sleep so much and still feel exhausted. Sorry for venting about trivial stuff- I just want to get to that second trimester-full-of-energy-cute-bump phase. Soon, please. I'm only 8w6d, so I've got a ways to go.
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PilsnPinkysMom|1395959281|3642562 said:
Hey AMC- congrats & welcome. Easier said than done, but until you know exact, exact DPO, don't put too much stake in HPTs! I hope your betas go up, up. When will they do a second draw?

Thanks PPM! I will get my second draw Saturday morning. I'll try to get it so it's exactly 48 hours apart.

I got my beta back- 12. I hate seeing so low of a number, but that is right around where I figured it would be. I got a "just barely there" line on a FRER two days prior, and those are sensitive to 6. So 12 two days later makes sense. Retest tomorrow.
Re: Re:

PilsnPinkysMom|1395959281|3642562 said:
AFM- This is just a tired, fed-up, annoyed vent. I'm thankful to be pregnant, but so over this nausea. These days it's not even so much nausea and vomiting, as it is a general dislike for 99% of foods. Very few things sound appetizing, and it changes from day to day. I can usually stomach popsicles/fruit bars, and right now I want potato soup. Everything else induces queasiness. I feel bad for my hubby and daughter, because I cook almost all our meals but right now I can hardly stand to. A side effect is that we aren't eating as healthfully as I'd like, and I feel tired, frumpy, and fat all of the time.

OMG, I could have written this word for word, PPM. There are so few things I have any interest in eating right now. But the kicker is I feel really gross if I don't eat. So I have to figure out what sounds okay, and I only can come up with like 2 or 3 options. Even drinking plain water is gross to me. The only things I can stomach are carbs--muffins, bread, cereal. I am going to balloon up like a house at this rate. I never had any queasiness or food aversions with my DS or DD, so this is all new to me.

I am 8w5d with twins! Feels like it's taking FOREVER to get out of the first tri.

AMC, congrats!! I hope this is a sticky, healthy little one!

BrightSpot, congrats on your baby girl!!!
Re: Re:

Laila619|1396031055|3642995 said:
PilsnPinkysMom|1395959281|3642562 said:
AFM- This is just a tired, fed-up, annoyed vent. I'm thankful to be pregnant, but so over this nausea. These days it's not even so much nausea and vomiting, as it is a general dislike for 99% of foods. Very few things sound appetizing, and it changes from day to day. I can usually stomach popsicles/fruit bars, and right now I want potato soup. Everything else induces queasiness. I feel bad for my hubby and daughter, because I cook almost all our meals but right now I can hardly stand to. A side effect is that we aren't eating as healthfully as I'd like, and I feel tired, frumpy, and fat all of the time.

OMG, I could have written this word for word, PPM. There are so few things I have any interest in eating right now. But the kicker is I feel really gross if I don't eat. So I have to figure out what sounds okay, and I only can come up with like 2 or 3 options. Even drinking plain water is gross to me. The only things I can stomach are carbs--muffins, bread, cereal. I am going to balloon up like a house at this rate. I never had any queasiness or food aversions with my DS or DD, so this is all new to me.

I am 8w5d with twins! Feels like it's taking FOREVER to get out of the first tri.

Twins, YAY! Congrats. And what you said about nausea is how my first pregnancy was. Nothing sounded good but I was hungry and would get really barfy if I didn't eat. Sandwiches with a ton of vinegar were what I survived on.

Laila, twins?! :love:

AMC, hope this is a sticky one!

Thanks, Laila! And a huge congratulations to you on your twins! What tremendously exciting news!!!! :appl: I hope you're feeling better soon. I've been really off drinking plain water too (it has a metallic taste to me) but have found that adding some lemon juice helps.

amc, congrats, lady! Sending you a truckload of healthy, sticky dust. Hoping your next beta is looking great!

PPM, I'm sorry you're feeling so rotten. Sometimes it seems like cooking smells are worse than eating smells, doesn't it? I hope you're feeling better soon. And I love your nickname for Boo! How fun!
And thanks for weighing in on the gender sharing issue. What you said is exactly my fear if we share the gender (people only giving us girly stuff rather than the stuff we need.) With our 2 nieces, I'm sure we'll get plenty of hand-me-down clothes, so I'm not worried about that at all, but I do hope we get the stuff we really need.

JGator, I'm beginning to think it will be easier to just share the gender with people rather than either pretending we don't know or telling people we don't know. The anxiety is getting better, for the most part, though now I'm starting to worry a bit about the anatomy scan(s). I guess it'll always be something...

Bella & Dani, thanks! I've definitely started thinking about fun things to do with my little girl. (As well as worrying she'll have my PCOS & fertility problems.)

LC, thanks. Unfortunately, there are a few people in our family that aren't great at respecting boundaries. :wink2: I guess that's something I'm going to get used to dealing with, now more than ever.
I hope you're doing well, friend, and hope to see you over here again soon.

MP, thanks, sweetie. It really does seem so much more real now that we know the gender. My mom has already started bugging me about the gender (and hoping that I find out what it is), so I don't think I can keep it under wraps indefinitely. And I cannot imagine keeping it a secret from my hubby! I was the one who got the phone call about the MT21 results & gender & I had a hard time keeping it a secret from him during the few hours before I could tell him in person!

mia, how are you doing?

afm, 14w5d & just trucking along here. Sometimes I think MS is getting better & sometimes I don't. We got to play hide & seek with baby Bright & finally found the heartbeat on Doppler (thanks again, puppmom!!) It did take a little patience to find (baby was lower than I expected & not in the part of my belly that is pooching out these days) but what a wonderful feeling!
We've also been telling a few more people as we see them, which has been fun.
I have a regular OB appointment next week, then a 16w scan at the hospital. Experienced moms, what happens at this scan? I'm having another at 20w & am unclear what happens here. Just need to know what to start worrying about... :rolleyes:

Laila, so happy to hear that all is well with your little Twinks. Hoping you feel better soon.

Bright, yay, glad you updated. I've been wondering how you are doing, so I stalk you over here :) I didn't have an ultrasound at 16 weeks, so I can't help you there. Does your practice just do monthly ultrasound maybe? I know it varies from clinic to clinic and regions of the country. think of it is just another fun opportunity to see your little girl again! And you're right about the anxiety; there is always something to worry about and it is so hard not to feel like you are waiting for something bad to happen (especially after all the time it took for you to get here). Just do your best to not let the worry and anxiety steal your joy. Something I need to remind myself of all the time.

Best wishes to everyone else. Hoping for happy and healthy pregnancies for all!

Bright, glad to hear you're doing well! I didn't have a 16w scan either, so I'm not sure what they would look for. I'm guessing it's just some sort of growth scan? I know they can't do the anatomy scan until closer to 20w. But, it's just another chance to see the baby, so yay!

Thanks for checking up on me, MP! =) As always, I'm sending truckloads of dust, hope & prayers your way.
I think I'm doing a bit better with the anxiety. Having the materniT21 test really helped. On to the next hurdle.

amc, yeah, it'll definitely be nice to see the little one again!

About the 16w scan, I've been googling it & it seems some people have an early anatomy scan at 16w, while others seem to say it's another chance to check for markers for genetic problems, especially in women of advanced maternal age. (like me :| )
I assume I'll be having an u/s at my OB appointment next week, but this scan is at the hospital, so it must be more specialized. I'll have to ask my OB.

I hope everyone is doing well & has a fun weekend planned!

Bright, yay for baby girls!!! :bigsmile: You're going to have more pink than you know what to do with once people find out it's a girl. We seriously donated BOXES of clothes that Hannah grew out of before she could even wear them!

I haven't read back past this last page, so please forgive me for passing through. AMC, sticky dust and so hope your beta this weekend is/was good. Laila, twins! That's so amazing.

Bright- Thanks for checking in on me, I'm doing fine! I've had my mother in law in town so I've been distracted with that. I have never heard of a 16 week ultrasound unless it was to find the gender, but you are lucky to get all the extra peeks at the baby! I'm glad you like having the Doppler. I remember when I first used mine the baby was way lower than I thought it would be. This time with my second pregnancy, it's much higher than you would think. My doc had a hard time finding it and I kept telling her she was looking too low. Finally with a different Doppler she found it right where I told her it would be. She was really impressed and asked me what kind of Doppler I had because she wanted to buy some for the office! Congrats on having a girl!

AFM, 12w6d. Had our NT scan last week and we had great results. 1:17,000 for DS and 1:100,000 for T18. That really made my day because I am much more worried with this pregnancy! My risk for DS with DD was only 1:1,200, that was still low enough but I remember feeling it was kinda high for my age. Anyway, having a lower risk this time is helping me to relax a little more. Baby looked great and DH was much more comfortable with the ultrasound this time around. He was pointing out all the body parts like a pro! I thought it was so cute considering he was a nervous wreck at DDs NT scan!

I saw what I thought looked like a horizontal (female) nub on the baby but the tech said it was just a few days too early to guess. So we are going to be crazy and go to a private ultrasound boutique to get an early gender guess tomorrow at 13 weeks exactly!!! They claim 99% accuracy but we obviously won't buy anything until we get confirmation at 20 weeks,. I am just dying to know! So funny because we don't really have a preference for either gender. But I just want to know so I can plan things like how long they will share a room, etc.

Other than that, I'm just hanging in here. Morning sickness has really subsided but I throw up every couple of days. I do think I've been pretty hormonal (bitchy) with having mother in law staying with us for so long. I feel like she is trying to take over my house and I get really angry at almost everything she does. But I'm obviously trying my best to keep it to myself. I feel bad because I know she means well. She's done all the laundry and dishes and cooking and will do anything else I ask. But I just feel like it's not really anything I needed help with and she doesn't do anything the way I would, so it's frustrating giving up my home. I am trying really hard to be appreciative. I don't know, it's triggered a kind of depression I guess. I haven't gotten any of the extra projects done that I wanted to do while she's here. Instead I have been napping and staying in my bedroom as much as possible. Anyway, I'm really working on being appreciative and making good use of her being here, but it's been a struggle.

Oh on a lighter note: My doc is all about me going for a vbac. She started the convo with "what kind of birth do you want?" And when I started to talk about how I loved my csection but I worry about the recovery with a toddler she interrupted me and recommended VBAC. I'm happy about that. It's still going to be the most conservative VBAC plan (schedule csection for 40 weeks and only if I go into labor on my own, etc). But I'm glad my doc/hospital is supportive of giving it a shot if the stars align! She also said my keloid on my scar is very small and not a big concern so that made me feel a little better too.

Thanks, Tammy! So good to see you! I do imagine we're going to be swimming in pink once we tell people the gender. Both SIL's & most of my friends have girls (oddly) so I think there will be a lot of hand me down stuff for us. Yay!

Mia, congrats on your great NT results! Did you wind up getting another u/s to check the gender? I'm glad you're feeling better but sorry your MIL's stay hasn't been all you'd hoped. I think I'd hide in my room too if my Mil stayed with us for any length of time! (She's great & all, but I like my private time.) Glad you have a birth plan you're comfortable with too.

PPM, I hope you're starting to feel better!

Laila, hope you're doing well with your little ones too!

Afm, I had an OB appointment last week which was pretty uneventful (not even an ultrasound) but it was cool to see how quickly she found the hb on Doppler. She took me off metformin, which has made me a bit nervous as I've heard it can help prevent gestational diabetes & intrauterine growth restriction if continued throughout pregnancy (a friend of mine with PCOS had this & was on bed rest for several weeks.)

I think I've been having round ligament pain for the past few days. I've had a few shooting pains on one side of my abdomen or other & on Saturday it felt almost like I pulled something on my right side. (It's ok now) And sometimes things just feel sore like I've done too many exercises at the gym. (Uterine crunches?) Does that sound right/normal or cause for concern?

I just got back from my 16w scan at the hospital. It was basically an anatomy scan that will be repeated at 20w. They couldn't see the spine due to the baby's position, but everything else looked good. It was pretty neat.

ETA: just got a call from my OB about my spinal/neural tube blood test results. Apparently the risk rate was RE lowest they would quote. So that makes me feel better, especially since they couldn't see the spine today.

Here are a few pics of baby Bright. image_1527.jpg
Look at that baby!!!! And your description of RLP sounds like what I've experienced. It's sharp, not long lasting, and normally happens when I cough, sneeze, or use just my abs to lift myself up from laying down. I remember it starting around when you are in pregnancy.