
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

Re: Re:

amc80|1325788198|3095823 said:
Bright- I'd probably hold off on another u/s until closer to 6 weeks. They really can't see anything with a vag u/s until your levels are in the 1500 range anyway. It seems like going again too early would just bring unneeded stress, you know? If you hold off until 6 weeks (or 6 weeks and a few days) you'll be able to see the hb.
I agree with AMC. As long as your 3rd beta is good I'd say you're fine. If you go back next Friday, you probably won't see much more than a blob and you'll think "That's it??" And they'd probably make you come back again for another ultasound to check for the heartbeat anyway. At least at 6 weeks you're more likely to see the heartbeat flickering, which was my favorite thing until you get to HEAR it, which even more exciting!! If you can be patient I'd say wait a little bit! It's been 11 weeks since I saw baby!
Re: Re:

amc80|1325788198|3095823 said:
Bright- I'd probably hold off on another u/s until closer to 6 weeks. They really can't see anything with a vag u/s until your levels are in the 1500 range anyway. It seems like going again too early would just bring unneeded stress, you know? If you hold off until 6 weeks (or 6 weeks and a few days) you'll be able to see the hb.
Okay, double post and it gives me an error if I try to delete it!

Thanks muff and missy for the support. I am feeling a little more positive today. It's just tough, but I've realized that the only way to get the end goal into experience a bit of anxiousness and craziness. Also thanks for the Doppler recc. Decided to get it!

Missy and Amc nice belly shots! I'm starting to feel a little rounder in my pubic area and notice it most when I sit down. I like the idea of hump day bump day! I will play once I've got something to show!

Bright, thanks for th support! I did decide to order a sonoline b. while not finding a hb might make me nuts, I think the reassurance it will provide in the later weeks will help with my anxiety level. My bootcmp was really intense. My instructor agreed it might be too much as well, so I'm scaling back! I'm sorry you didn't see anything at your us, but agree with others that it might be just too darn early. Stay positive and hang in there. I'd probably try and go in the next Tuesday. Even then there is a chance it's too soon for a hb, but most likely not. It depends so much when implantation happened, you know?

Amc sorry you threw up! I've had plenty of nausea but no booting yet. Did it at least make you feel better? I keep wondering if the hangover feeling dissipates if you throw up.

Hiya to everyone else! How's it hanging?

Afm sitting here measuring 8 weeks but as per due date 6w6d which is impossible because last Wednesday at my u/s I measured 6w6d. Lol. I tried to tell my doc that i ovulated super early! But they insisted on dating by LMP only. I suspect my date will be changed. Anyway. Trying to just stay calm and trying to maybe even enjoy being pregnant. My mom got us a baby naming book so that's been kind of fun to think about names. For the first time last night I thought about DH holding our baby in his arms and it made me cry. I know he wants this as much as I do! Thanks everyone for being supportive. As exciting as pregnancy is, it is such a scary and nerve wracking time!

Bright, put off that ultrasound till Tuesday. Just a couple of days makes a huge difference in what you see. I'd love for you to see a heartbeat on your next one, so pretty please do yourself a favor and wait till Tuesday. How far along are you? As long as those betas are doubling, you can relax a bit. When you get the results today, I would ask for another beta maybe mid week next week if you think it will make you feel better as you wait till that next ultrasound.

Meg, glad you are feeling better about everything. Pregnancy is a roller coaster of emotion, but sometimes that worry and stress makes you appreciate that little bean even more. I'm confused about the measuring thing. So baby is measuring 8 weeks, but they still have you as a little over 6 weeks? That is so weird.

Missy, 11 weeks since you saw your LO! When is your next scan? You are going to have so much to see at that one! So exciting!

AMC, sorry you finally puked. Was there something that brought it on? Food smell? I have a lot of those heaving over the potty moments, but haven't puked yet. Stick with the zofran since it seems to be doing the trick for you!

PPM, thanks for the feedback on the Zofran. Believe it or not, I'm feeling so much better today. I wonder if the antibiotics I was taking for my sinus infection was making the m/s even worse. If the nausea returns that bad again, I am going to call my OB about the zofran. How was back to work? I feel like for my first pregnancy I started showing around week 15. Hopefully, your belly will pop soon! I'm actually excited about buying maternity clothes!

Kunzite, glad to hear the babies are doing well and you had a good appointment!

Hello to everyone else!

AFM, I'll be 11 weeks tomorrow! I had my first OB appt today. He reviewed all of the info that my fertility doctor sent over including blood works, scan results, etc. I was there for awhile but it was a good appt. He was really excited for me as he knows about our struggles this year. He told me I can stop the progesterone and the baby aspirin once I hit 12 weeks so I am looking forward to that! I also scheduled my sequential screening which will be in about 2 weeks. Luckily, I didn't have to go and do any blood work because my fertility doctor had already run every test possible so that was nice! Very exciting day!

Re: Re:

megumic|1325799281|3095958 said:
Amc sorry you threw up! I've had plenty of nausea but no booting yet. Did it at least make you feel better? I keep wondering if the hangover feeling dissipates if you throw up.

You know, it did for a while. About an hour after I had a bowl of cereal and it went down just fine.

lizzyann said:
AMC, sorry you finally puked. Was there something that brought it on? Food smell? I have a lot of those heaving over the potty moments, but haven't puked yet. Stick with the zofran since it seems to be doing the trick for you!

Well, we had just eaten dinner. I think I mentioned that lately I will eat a normal meal and it will make me REALLY full for several hours. A while after dinner I had to drink my nightly prune juice (thanks, Zofran) and I think the combo just didn't sit well. Definitely going back to taking the Zofran more often. But the nausea is still winning. Luckily I'm at maybe 60-75% of the normal dose, so I have some room to increase it if I really need to.

Hey there, ladies!

Re: Exercise- My OB said to walk two miles every day, and aim for 14 minutes or less. I am short and found a 15 minute mile is more realistic for me. Any faster and I break into a slow jog. He's kind of an exercise nut and his constant asking, "Are you walking? EVERY day?" is obnoxious.

AMC: Sorry 'bout the puking. Stick with that Zofran, lady! You're a skinny minny, too! Soon that'll be alllll baby bump.

Lizzy: Glad you had a good appointment! We're a week apart :wavey: I'm sure it will be a relief to stop taking the progesterone and asprin daily.

Bright: All the prior knowledge that you may not see anything doesn't help easy worries. Keep focusing on those betas and push back that next appointment. A few days will make all the difference. I'm sending positive thoughts your way.

Missy: Hi, friend! Adorable bump!!! We are short-torso twins, you may even have an extra inch on me. I'm curious to see how your bump grows... I feel like it will be a preview of what's to come for me. Petiteness (I prefer that word to short) is awesome ;))

Meg: :(sad Sorry about the unnerving dreams. I've read that pregnant dreams can be vivid and bizarre, but I hope yours take a positive turn. Stay positive, mama.

...Ummm... I knew my pants were getting tight and today realized that, even when I "sucked in", I couldn't make my tummy perfectly flat. My last official bump picture was from six weeks, so DH suggested we take one tonight. Holy. Moly. :eek: This is my own body-conscious self talking, but I'm afraid people IRL will think, "Wow- no way she can be popping so soon...she must be gaining lots of weight! Slow down the food consumption, woman!" I have an ultra-short torso, so I guess my uterus is just pushing things up and out? Please ignore the bright blue spandex pants... we figured they'd stretch with me throughout the months.


Hi ladies! I see you are all doing pretty well! I love all of the cute bumps. :) mine seem to look the same each week? Hopefully LO is ok!

I've been sleeping most of this pregnancy so every little thing i do feels like an enormous task and now I am currently sick with a cold! Avoid catching that if you can, because you can't really take meds to relieve it.

I am currently 16w3d ( I know, not JBP anymore, but I want to stay on until my next u/s). I didn't realize I'd be so uncomfortable so soon. The pressure in my stomach feels really low, so sitting can be uncomfortable... I guess I should start working on my posture.

Anyways, I just wanted to pop in and say hi. :wavey: I read daily, just don't have the energy to post. Pretty pathetic, huh?

Oh, one question- how do you feel pregnant? It's like I have denial, because I know I am bigger, but the feeling is like severe bloat. I don't know what I expected, but I just don't feel pregnant. I guess I thought it would be a different experience?

PetitePoire - I didn't start to feel pregnant until I started to feel baby move at 18 weeks, and at around 19-20 weeks when my feet started to get sore very quickly, I would get tired a lot, I had a bit more of a bump (at around 22 weeks although I still don't look pregnant in some pants and top combos) etc. Oh, and finding out the sex made it feel a bit more real to me too!

For the first trimester I definitely felt in denial, as I didn't really get morning sickness, I was more tired, but that wasn't enough to make me feel pregnant.

I think being in denial, as in not feeling pregnant, even though you know you are, is totally normal.

PPM - Hi short torso twin!! LOVE it!!!!! You should totally embrace the bump :bigsmile: How far along are you now??? You started out skinny though, I had a little flab to deal with haha. But yay you look so cute and petite (I like that word!!!).

Petite, I'm glad I'm not the only one to feel that way. I don't really feel preg either and I'm in denial that this is going to result in a baby. I kind of feel guilty feeling so negative because I should be excited and enjoy it. But I def have preg denial at 8 weeks overhere. I think my previous mc is adding to those feelings and making me more anxious and in denial, but I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way!

Hahah all of that's true but I honestly could not be more excited to have a baby!
Re: Re:

megumic|1325867610|3096497 said:
Petite, I'm glad I'm not the only one to feel that way. I don't really feel preg either and I'm in denial that this is going to result in a baby. I kind of feel guilty feeling so negative because I should be excited and enjoy it. But I def have preg denial at 8 weeks overhere. I think my previous mc is adding to those feelings and making me more anxious and in denial, but I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling this way!

Hahah all of that's true but I honestly could not be more excited to have a baby!

These are my thoughts exactly. It hasn't sunk in at all. And instead of enjoying being pregnant I'm just consumed with feeling crappy 90% of the day.

In other news, I'm really rounding out between my hip bones. There's definitely some baby/ute growth going on down there. I read that right now (I'm 8 weeks, so in my 9th week) baby is the size of a green olive and is about an inch long. That seems really big!

Last night we had pizza (nothing but the best for this baby!) and it took me probably 20 minutes to get through one (little) slice. Which is great, from an "I don't want to gain 100lbs" standpoint, but not so good from an "I'm growing a baby and should probably eat dinner" standpoint. Food is just all so blah right now.

My OB just called. All of my lab work came back great....except my urine had some strep B in it. They want to treat it before it turns in to a full on UTI. So I get to go on a 7 day amoxicillin course. Nothing like making me feel crappier than being on antibiotics! :cry:
Re: Re:

amc80|1325871973|3096576 said:
My OB just called. All of my lab work came back great....except my urine had some strep B in it. They want to treat it before it turns in to a full on UTI. So I get to go on a 7 day amoxicillin course. Nothing like making me feel crappier than being on antibiotics! :cry:

Sucks about the antibiotics but at least everything else came back great!!

I had my 16 week appointment yesterday. Other than how bloody long it took (all waiting, 5 mins with the OB), it went well. HB is still there and I've gained 4 pounds which I guess is average?

Did the rest of my bloodwork for all of my prenatal genetic testing. I don't have any real reasons for concern but DH has a cousin with downs so I'd rather know. The 12 week U/S showed a very good neck measurement (1.3) so I'm not really worried.

However, coming home from the appointment I started getting another brutal headache. Took some tylenol. Didn't work. It eventually blew up into a full on migraine. OMG so painful. Lying in bed was the worst...I was actually panicking with the pain.

After the worst night ever, I woke up and the damn thing was still there! I've always suffered from headaches and migraines but they've never lasted two days. Luckily my boss is still on holiday so it is quiet at work so I didn't miss anything by staying home today. Ugh.

Hope everyone is feeling better than me!

Lizzy, yes ma'am. =) I've rescheduled the u/s & hopefully will see something at this next one. I think my betas are on track (hopefully) & the nurse said I didn't need a 4th one. (Do you think I should bug them for another, or be sufficiently reassured with the last value?)
I'm so glad you had a good appointment & are almost in the 2nd trimester! I'm just beyond thrilled for you. And yay for being able to discontinue the progesterone & baby aspirin. (Btw, I forgot to mention that I asked my RE if I should keep taking the baby aspirin & he said it was fine.) I hope you have a great weekend after such a nice day.

meg, I hope you're feeling better & more positive (PG denial aside) after your nightmares. When does your doppler arrive? That should be fun to play with! Could your doc show you how to use it, or is it pretty self explanatory?
Have you decided what your new exercise routine will be? It looks like I might have to scale back a bit too.
This is certainly a time filled with lots of emotions. It's easy to get caught up in the worry and anxiety, but I'm glad you're getting excited too.

Missy, I can't believe it's been 11 weeks since you've seen your little one! I hope you get to go for another scan again soon! Thanks for the reassurance on my scan. Where would I be without you ladies? Clearly much more worried (if that's possible!) :rolleyes:

PPM, love the bump! :love: You're too cute! That's also adorable that your DH has a plan for all of the bump pics. And you don't look like you've gained weight at all. Your belly is bigger, but everything else (that I can see) looks exactly the same.
Thanks for the positive thoughts. You're right that, even though I was prepared for a whole lotta nothin' at my scan, it was still pretty unnerving. It wasn't the best day.

amc, so sorry about the strep! (Though I'm glad the rest of your labs came back well!) I hope the amoxicillin doesn't make your stomach feel worse. :nono: Is the nausea what's making it so hard to eat? I feel like I've been hungrier than usual, but no nausea for me (yet). It's still so early, though...
Thanks for the advice & reassurance on the ultrasound. I'm going to try to minimize the added stress as much as possible.

muffdog, I'm glad your appointment went well (aside from the waiting), but so sorry about the headaches! Can you take anything for them? I hope you can get some rest over the weekend & feel better soon!

Hi to anyone I missed & happy Friday! :wavey:

afm, I finally got a call from the nurse with my 3rd beta number. It came in at 361 at 18dpo (my 2nd beta was 154, at 16dpo). She said it was progressing nicely (though the values still seem slightly on the low side to me) & I just needed to come in for a scan next week or so. I asked if it was cause for concern that I didn't see anything at my last scan & she said no because it was so early. (She also seemed a little confused as to why I had come in for such an early scan.) I followed everyone's advice & had already called the office this morning to reschedule the scan from Friday the 13th to Wednesday the 18th in the hopes that they'll definitely see something by then. I also called my regular OB's office to set up my first appointment. How early did you guys usually go in for this? The office said I could come in on Monday, Jan 16th, but I wonder if that is too soon & maybe I should wait until after my scan with my RE?

Also, I've been having some cramps lately that seem different from the ones I had when I got my BFP. Those felt more like light period cramps & have eased a bit. Now I've had a couple of sharper cramps. Nothing really intense, but a different feeling. Has anyone else had these/do you think this is cause for concern? The nurse at my RE's office said maybe I should cut back on exercise.
Re: Re:

BrightSpot|1325889347|3096811 said:
Is the nausea what's making it so hard to eat?

It's a mixture of things. When I'm hungry it makes the nausea worse, so I know have to eat. So I'll eat a normal sized meal and be incredibly full for hours. Then the nausea comes back (well, it never really goes away) so I feel really full and like I want to throw up. So when there's food in front of me, all I'm thinking about is how it's going to make me feel super crappy later on. Which makes nothing taste too great. I had cereal for lunch today (Honey Nut Cherios, yum!) and now only have nausea, and not the super full feeling. I think my game plan for the near future will be not really having "meals" and just sort of snacking. Which is what all the books recommend anyway, and now I see why. I guess I'm a slow learner!
Re: Re:

BrightSpot|1325889347|3096811 said:
How early did you guys usually go in for this?

My office won't see you until 7 weeks. I was told it's so if there's no heartbeat then they know there's likely a problem, versus just wondering if you aren't far enough along.

Bright, that's a great 3rd beta, as it shows a nice doubling time from your 2nd beta at 16DPO. As for the cramps, I had a lot of that early on, mostly on my lower right side (which of course, made me automatically think ectopic). It would range from slight twinges to shooting pains. I didn't buckle over in pain or anything, but it definitely made me stop whatever I was doing and take notice. I was told that as long as the cramps weren't accompanied by any spotting or bleeding, you should be okay. If it does become intense though, don't hesitate to give your RE a call. I was so relieved at my 6w+3d ultrasound, when they found the blob with the blinking heartbeat, and said it was in the right place! I'm glad you were able to reschedule your next scan for the 18th. You should be able to see something then (that's about the same time as my first scan). I'm so happy for you, and hope that your cramps don't get any worse!

Bright, awesome 3rd beta!!! Looking good! Glad you rescheduled that ultrasound. I'm sure you'll see that heartbeat! Every RE office is different on when they release you to your OB. MIne waits till viability - which my office considers around 8 weeks. So I had two ultrasounds at my RE - one at 6.5 weeks, and one at 8.5 weeks. Then they released me. I called my OB right after the 8.5 week u/s and they wanted me to come in at 11 weeks since I had already had two ultrasounds and viability was confirmed. You might want to wait till after your next u/s to head to your OB. When I met with mine this week, he had all of the records in front of him from my RE that detailed the u/s results, beta results etc. But it's personal, if you'd rather go in ahead of time I'm sure it would be fine. You probably won't learn anything new, but they'll check your iron, weight, urine, etc. t just wanted to be sure to get in in time so that I wouldn't miss the window to get my screening done. Yay on a great more than doubling beta!!!!

Bright, just wanted to pop in and say YAY for doubling betas! Hope you feel a little more confident now, and I'm still sending sticky dust your way!
Re: Re:

amc80|1325890338|3096824 said:
I think my game plan for the near future will be not really having "meals" and just sort of snacking. Which is what all the books recommend anyway, and now I see why. I guess I'm a slow learner!

amc, That's what my SIL did (constantly grazing) & she said it really helped with the nausea. I hope it helps you too!

S&I|1325890823|3096831 said:
Bright, that's a great 3rd beta, as it shows a nice doubling time from your 2nd beta at 16DPO. As for the cramps, I had a lot of that early on, mostly on my lower right side (which of course, made me automatically think ectopic). It would range from slight twinges to shooting pains. I didn't buckle over in pain or anything, but it definitely made me stop whatever I was doing and take notice. I was told that as long as the cramps weren't accompanied by any spotting or bleeding, you should be okay. If it does become intense though, don't hesitate to give your RE a call. I was so relieved at my 6w+3d ultrasound, when they found the blob with the blinking heartbeat, and said it was in the right place! I'm glad you were able to reschedule your next scan for the 18th. You should be able to see something then (that's about the same time as my first scan). I'm so happy for you, and hope that your cramps don't get any worse!

S&I, Oh my gosh, thanks so much for posting this! That makes me feel so much better. (And the cramps were kind of making me think ectopic too.) I'm glad to hear that as long as there's no spotting or bleeding, it's ok. I asked at my RE's office & the nurse said maybe I should cut back on exercising, so I guess I'll have to do that, somewhat regretfully.

I hope I can see something on the scan by the 18th. (I think your beta numbers were higher than mine, though, so maybe not.)
How are you feeling? How's that sweet little baby boy doing? It's funny...I was so looking forward to catching up with all of my preggo friends on this thread, but kind of forgot that so many have already moved to the big girl thread. Thanks for still checking on me. ::)

Lizzy, I hope I see the heartbeat at the scan. Thanks again for the advice on postponing & for the info on appointment times. Maybe I should wait until I'm officially released to my OB from my RE's office? I wasn't sure what the protocol was, but it's probably better to avoid another too-early appointment. What is the screening window?

MP, thanks for the congrats & the sticky dust! Keep it coming...and I'm sending tons of baby dust back at ya!

Bobbin- thanks for responding. I'm glad I'm not the only one that felt not pregnant. I do think that after the gender scan I will feel more pregnant. I do not plan to buy anything for the baby until then, so that might also be why. Once I can start buying it will feel more real. I wore an old sweater dress today that really showed off my belly. It feels like it popped/rounded out a bit over night. It was pretty fun seeing it today in mirrors I passed while shopping.

Meg- thanks for the reassurance! It's an odd place to be in to know your pg, but not feel it. Oh well.

AMC- that's funny you think of the olive as being big. When I read I was thinking "aww how cute and tiny." I've also started watching birthing videos, so the thought of something the size of an olive escaping down there sounds less painful than a watermelon! Haha.

Muff- sorry about the headache! I just recovered from a terrible cold, with no meds, so I feel your pain. There is nothing like feeling like crap when your pg.

Bright- I wanted to just ditto S&I. I felt the same. I hope that's comforting to know you aren't alone. Also, a big Yay for doubling betas!

AFM, I posted earlier that I was 16w3d. It should have been 15w3d. I was getting ahead of myself a bit.

Bright, great betas! So glad everything is going smoothly thus far. Try to stay positive and just take it easy lady! The doppler came, but we def couldnt find a HB. I think it's just too early since I'm only a little over 8 weeks. Also, as for exercise, will explain more below...

PPM, great belly shot! All belly for sure! I can't wait to have a bump to share too!

amc, sorry about the strep. At least it is totally treatable and manageable. And thankfully everything else looked good too! Hopefully one round of antibiotics crushes it. Will they recheck you again after the antibiotics run its course?

Muff, that stinks about your headaches/migraines. Have you asked your doc if there is anything you can take besides tylenol?? Have you thought about acupuncture for them? I've heard some ppl have success treating migraines with alternative types of treatment, however, I have not been through it myself. Hope they let up!

Helloo to everyone else!

AFM, I spent the night in the ER. Yesterday morning we DTD and about two hours later I had some bleeding. I was very concerned of course so I called my OB. He called back about two minutes later and said as long as there was no cramping and the bleeding let up not to worry, but to call back if it progressed. It did let up, but I kept feeing lots of pressure. Kind of like the beginning of AF or just my uterus compressing. So after taking a nap, and waking up to still feel pressure we decided to go to the ER to make sure things were okay. As you can imagine my anxiety level was off the charts and DH was very worried about my emotional/mental health. After waiting for a very long time and calling in an u/s tech, I got an u/s. DH could see the monitor but I couldn't. He and the tech were staring intently without saying a word or even flinching. I was just laying there, feeling helpless, hating that everyone else knew our fate and I just had to wait. After about ten whole minutes, the longest ten minutes of my life, the tech finally said, "I'm not supposed to do this, but..." and she moves the screen and says "here is your baby, here is the yolk sac and here is the heartbeat. Looks like 8w3d and 170 bpm." I burst into tears of thankfulness. I kept thinkign how am I going to go through another m/c, why is this happening, I did something wrong, etc etc. We are beyond thankful, elated and happy that things are okay and measuring exactly on target from our last u/s. Huge sighs of relief.

The Dr thinks it may have been a small subchorionic hemmorhage, but was not overly concerned. He ordered very little activity, pelvic rest and to follow up with my OB this week. He also did bloodwork to ensure I didnt need a rhogam shot and to check my levels. My potassium was low, which is unusual, so I'll be turning into a banana over the next week to keep the level up.

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. Despite the scare, we are thankful and relieved!

Meg - Oh my gosh! At least you truly do know everything is okay in there!! I'll admit I am terrified of DTD and then bleeding afterwards. DH haven't DTD in well, I don't even know how long! I think it's so stupid when they don't let you see the screen if everything looks normal. It is YOUR baby they're looking at, I just don't get it! Glad everything turned out fine and sorry for your scare!

Oh Lizzy I don't think I answered you...Jan 27 is my next ultrasound, which would normally be my very first ultrasound if I didn't have long cycles and wasn't sure how far along I was. I'd be waiting 20 weeks just to see our baby. I think it's silly that some places do this!

Meg, I'm so sorry to hear about your scare yesterday! How terrifying! I'm so relieved to hear both you & your little bean are ok.  Hugs to you. I hope you are taking it easy & getting some rest & feeling better. Has the bleeding stopped?

Petite, thanks for the reassurance on the cramping. It does make me feel better that I'm not alone. I think I'm going to try scaling back at the gym to see if it helps. I hate to stop exercising so soon if I can avoid it. 

Missy, I'm glad you got to see your little one earlier than usual in your practice, but sorry you have to wait so long to see him/her again!

I hope everyone is having a nice weekend. 

Question-do any of you use bella bands? My best friend, who is 10w pregnant, is starting to grow out of the waist of her pants, but the rest fits ok. It seemed like this might be a good option.

Thanks missy and bright. Yes the bleeding did stop and it was not an overwhelming amount. I think it was more the pressure feeling accompanied with the bleeding that scared us so much. The doctor did say that having sex won't cause a m/c, but can irritate the tender cervix and cause bleeding. It may also be related to the placenta beginning to attach and d it's work. So for now I'm on pelvic rest and low activity. I just woke up feeling lots of nausea, so that's a good thing!

Bright, as for Bella bands, I've heard good things. Someone earlier mentioned that the target version doesn't work but the real bellas are good. They're not cheap though!

How was everyone else's weekend? Anyone else having trouble staying asleep at night? I wake up at least once to either pee or because I'm uncomfortable and then I have trouble getting back to sleep!

Also I found this website very informative on many topics or anyone looking for a good resource:

Hi ladies, I'm back!

I feel like I've been MIA for a really long time but I'm finally back from my travels and hope to catch up with everyone's news soon.

I do have a few updates for you. The first one is that while I was home for the holidays I had my first scan and got to see the baby and hear the heartbeat :appl:. We were told that it was measuring a week older for its age (I don't know how that works given how sure I am of my LMP but anyway). It was great to see the little bean wiggling about. The obstetrician also said that I have a low-lying placenta but not to worry because in most cases the placentas move and sort themselves out. Anyway, being back there sort of made us want to have the baby there even more than before. But it's kind of hard to pass up the free healthcare we get in the UK.

Today, back in the UK, I had my dating/NT scan. It wasn't as nice because they didn't let us hear the heartbeat and because I got a bit worried that they couldn't measure the spinal fluid. Apparently the baby was lying head-down and they needed it to be horizontal to take an accurate measurement. So they've referred me back to my GP to have the triple test. Does anyone know if that's equally accurate? Also, they refused to tell me if the placenta is still low-lying but based on what they said I'm deducing that it's still anterior. I'll attach my scan later in hopes that some of you ladies will be able to sass out whether it's still low-lying. They agreed with my obstetrician back home that it's bigger for its age and basically told me that it measures for 13w5d instead of 12w6d which is where I thought I am. It looks like I'll be moving to the big girl thread in no-time!

In other news, the nausea's still around which is a bit disheartening especially now that I know that I'm past the first trimester. The good thing is that I haven't been on promethazine for over two weeks and I'm managing it relatively well. I haven't thrown up in almost two weeks and don't gag as often. I still can't brush my teeth though.

Anyway, I'll attach my scan later and try and catch up with everybody's news in the meantime.

Here's to some sticky beans!

Well, here's the scan. Does it look like a low-lying placenta?



Mayerling- Welcome back! I can't see your scan, but I believe low-lying placenta is very common and usually moves up on its own. Wouldn't worry about it this early in the game. They will monitor it, I'm sure. Is low-lying the same as anterior? FWIW, I had/have anterior placentas with both pregnancies and with O it caused no problems. This go-round no one is concerned.

Bright- I have the Target Bella Band and it's still working for me at 20 weeks and I'm DEFINITELY showing and in mat clothes. Some people say the Target version doesn't work as well but it works for me. SO much more comfortable than the rubber band thing!

Meg- Glad you are feeling better and more relieved!

Just popping in to read up on you all. Hope everyone is hanging in there! FWIW, I felt so sick until about 14 weeks and can barely remember the nausea now. Hopefully it will pass for everyone soon. Excited for some of my "friends" to move over to preggo thread!

Mayerling - Welcome back! I can view the scan...but I have no clue where the placenta is in the picture? I am ultrasound-illiterate! I have no clue what I'm looking at besides seeing the baby, but as for other parts...not a clue! Are they saying low-lying placenta because of the way it dips down?

As for ladies saying they have an anterior did you know? Did the ultrasound tech tell you or can you tell by looking at the ultrasound?

An anterior placenta is one that sits on the anterior wall so it actually sits between your belly and your baby, making feeling the baby's kicks a bit more difficult. A low-lying placenta is one that sits at the opening of the cervix; if it stays there until the end, it makes a vaginal delivery impossible and you have to have a caesarean. I was told both these things at the scan I had back home; the tech today refused to tell me something about the low-lying placenta but he did say it's still anterior.