
Joan Rivers :(


Dec 31, 2006
I just learned that she passed...

Seems like out of nowhere...:(
She said what soooo many people thought but would never say.

I admired that about her.
Definitely sad, I really liked her. I feel terrible for her daughter, being an only child and losing your mother must be so horrible. I am an only child and the thought of being left alone in the world without my parents is vey scary. I have my hubby and kids, but no other immediate family. Anyway just sad all around.
I am sad about her death and feel for her her daughter and grandson.

I always enjoyed her on Fashion Police. She was a very talented woman. So funny, so edgy and she always made me laugh out loud. Usually to the point of tears. That's a good laugh.

She was the first woman to host a late night talk show. "She had a quick wit and laugh at every turn." Yes she did.

She was born in Brooklyn as Joan Molinsky and went to Barnard and was a huge animal lover. 3 things we had in common.

May she rest in peace.
Candygrl|1409896586|3745225 said:
Definitely sad, I really liked her. I feel terrible for her daughter, being an only child and losing your mother must be so horrible. ,,,

And it must have been shocking and painful that it happened suddenly and unexpectedly and there wasn't really a chance to say goodbye. Rest in peace, Joan.
Very sad.. she was a great entertainer... a legend in her time.

I, too, will miss Joan Rivers. She is one role model for all. She got handed a big smack down, and rose above it to make a comeback and earn success.

Like Missy, I sometimes laughed so hard at her jokes, i couldn't stop. I remember her on Johnny Carson and have been enjoying her ever since. Nothing was sacred to her. I loved that.

I will miss Joan Rivers, and hope her family is doing OK.

I hope her family is all right too.

I'm so often the grinch around here! :silenced: Maybe early in her career she was funny but the last few decades I saw no humor at all in her routines. Only cruelty. I never liked Don Rickles either, and she was the female Don Rickles. Joan Rivers spent years and years and years trashing Elizabeth Taylor for being fat, for instance. The jokes were not warm, subtle, intelligent -- they were the sort of mean you hear from 7th grade girls.

About a month ago, holding an oyster, she cracks, "It's like Betty White's vagina." Is that funny? Why? Sad need for attention, no matter how it's earned or what kind it is.

No, she never said anything I was thinking. I'm sad for the people who love her & I give her credit for being a trouper through some of life's bumps (others she created herself), but she could have held herself to higher standards despite her insecurity.

--- Laurie
She was a pioneer and she was ridiculously funny, but like JewelFreak, I didn't always appreciate her humor of late. I think she might have "dropped her filters" as some older people do - well, OK, as my mother did - but with more devastating effect as she barely had any filters to begin with. But maybe wherever she is now can use a little shaking up! :wink2: I feel terrible for her daughter, to lose her mother and such a huge part of her life so unexpectedly.
I really enjoyed Joan Rivers - I don't think there was ever a time while watching her perform that I did not laugh out loud.
What I loved most about her was that she was frequently making fun of herself. Yes, she was often mean about other people, but some of her funniest jokes were self inflicted. As a whole, the world was definitely better from having her in it. She paved the way for so many female comics and was in-your-face at a time when so many women needed that type of role model.

RIP Joan. Give Robin a hug for me. SIGH.

“I am definitely going to watch the Emmys this year! My makeup team is nominated for “Best Special Effects.”

“My love life is like a piece of Swiss cheese; most of it’s missing, and what’s there stinks.”

“At my funeral, I want Meryl Streep crying in five different accents.”
JewelFreak|1409937677|3745502 said:
I hope her family is all right too.

I'm so often the grinch around here! :silenced: Maybe early in her career she was funny but the last few decades I saw no humor at all in her routines. Only cruelty. I never liked Don Rickles either, and she was the female Don Rickles. Joan Rivers spent years and years and years trashing Elizabeth Taylor for being fat, for instance. The jokes were not warm, subtle, intelligent -- they were the sort of mean you hear from 7th grade girls.

About a month ago, holding an oyster, she cracks, "It's like Betty White's vagina." Is that funny? Why? Sad need for attention, no matter how it's earned or what kind it is.

No, she never said anything I was thinking. I'm sad for the people who love her & I give her credit for being a trouper through some of life's bumps (others she created herself), but she could have held herself to higher standards despite her insecurity.

--- Laurie

Let me just say, like with most celebrities, I really did not know much about her at all...I caught Fashion Police maybe twice (and that's probably more like once) and I caught her here and there so I don't know her "usual" jokes or anything like that. And in general I don't like mean jokes...

All I know is that it's Joan Rivers - someone who's just such a household name...and who, whenever I did see her last looked like she was in decent health...and now she's just...gone...
I am a Joan Ranger through and through, I'm quite heartbroken to be honest. I'm tempted to go to the funeral on Sunday since I live near to NYC and take some pictures, as she would have wanted it.
When the dust settles expect the investigation of that clinic to heat up.

I know an anesthesiologist who, based on what details have been released so far, suspects the clinic screwed up on her sedation.
He says this does not look good for 'Yorkville Endoscopy Surgical Center'.

He suspects she was over sedated and perhaps no anesthesiologist was present.
When paramedics arrived to transfer Rivers to the hospital the center's doctors could not even get a breathing tube down Rivers' throat, but they could.

One report is mentioning propofol OD, the anesthesia drug that killed Michael Jackson.

Time will tell.
I will miss Joan Rivers. I found her hilarious and loved watching Fashion Police on Friday nights. You could tell how much she loved Melissa and Cooper. I can only imagine what a fun grandmother she was.
I was so sad and shocked about Joan River's sudden death and I'll miss her. Yes, I think she got a little cruel and sometimes went more for shock value rather than humor in her later years, but I also think she was really funny a lot of the time - and as others have pointed out, she was quick to make fun of herself too. And more than that, I found her energy and positive outlook very inspirational. She was such a live wire, so full of life and you could tell she was enjoying herself and living her life to the fullest, and at 81! It's really easy to throw in the towel by that point, but she didn't and I admire her for that. She really is an icon, and I think she deserves to be remembered for all that she accomplished and for managing to stay relevant for all these years. I feel so badly for her daughter, they seemed very close and this was so sudden. I can't imagine how devastated she is.
I didn't always agree with Joan Rivers' jokes, but I've heard so much lately about how generous she was with people around her. She gave a lot of her time to charities and close friends, and she seemed like a warm person from news reports I've heard recently. Her onstage persona might have been a bit crass, but she's mentioned several times how she really did care that people in her audiences had a great time at her shows. It's sad that she's gone.
I feel about the way Jewelfreak did about her making fun of others in a mean way. I just have zero tolerance for that, so I almost never watched her.

I am very sorry if her death was caused by a problem in that procedure, but those are done in doctor's offices all the time and certainly not with an anesthesiologist present. My husband is having one this Thursday, in fact, and has had a few previously. She was also 81, and any procedures at that age can be dangerous. Certainly it is sad for her family and my sympathy goes out to them, but she lived a full life and was so fortunate to not suffer through a long illness. That is a great blessing for her family.
I don't think a lot of people knew that Joan was a humanitarian and worked for many charitable causes. I just watched an E special on her life and it seems overwhelmingly that everyone who really knew her said how generous and kind she was IRL. Remember her comedy routine was just that and many thought it was a compliment to be skewered by her. Some of her jokes were OTT but I think she was a lovely person from all reports I have seen. Not trying to change anyone's mind just sharing what I know.

I saw her in an interview saying that if celebrities don't work for those less fortunate than themselves then it is a huge waste and she doesn't see the point and how one must give back and help others in need. I don't know but it seems to me she was a good person from all accounts. Just my POV.

DiamondSeeker, are you talking about an endoscopy? I have had 2 this year and there needs to be an anesthesiologist present to be sure. Throughout the whole procedure. I had propofol administered during both endoscopies and it is very safe as long as it is properly monitored through the whole procedure by an anesthesiologist. Just an FYI since you wrote your dh is going to be undergoing the procedure. Best of luck to him and I am sure he will be A-OK during it and I hope his results are good and everything is fine!
kenny|1409888927|3745198 said:
She said what soooo many people thought but would never say.

I admired that about her.

Concur, and her role in Mel Brooks' Spaceball as the voice of female C3PO equivalent is a classic.


DK :(
Louis CK is another comedian who's shtick is tossing out 'filters' that bind us.

Like Joan he's a master at getting us to notice and laugh at our filters.
Filters can be hilarious.

In fact, we are oblivious to the power of these stupid fricking filters to turn our lives into pablum.
I see these brilliant comedians as the antidote.

I love Joan Rivers. Her jokes cracked me up. I was watching an old movie, The Swimmer and she had a small role. For an 81 year old to be so in the know of the latest fashion trends and new stars was really incredible. I have lost two favorite comic/ actor-Joan and Robin Williams. RIP
Full page, color pic, in this morning's New York Times.

I didn't like her humor in the late 70s/ early 80s when I was in college and thought most of it slammed women and slammed them for their appearance.

I loved her when I got older and got tired of hypocrisy and celebrity sycophants with a mic.

If the procedure was a simple vocal cord endoscopy, lidocaine alone is standard (no sedating anesthesia). If they were going to remove nodules, then anesthesia would be used.

I worked in a large hospital and also clinic (Mayo) and I would NEVER have any procedure done at a surgical center, physicians offices, or not-hospital because if you have a heart attack or stroke t he Code Blue team is seconds away. Btw,giving compressions during CPR is not easy, has to b e done right, can last excess of an hour, and may need multiple staff to perform. Your hospital is your best bet.

When I had my root canals m y endondontist was on the hospital campus.
Not a fan of costume (fashion?) jewelry so I never followed her on her QVC line of Joan Rivers Jewelry. But I would love to see her jewelry box (safe!) as she has really worn some stunning pieces. Like other stars of her time she really had bought glam pieces. Wonder if her daughter will auction it off as she does not seem to be one to wear such bling.