
January 2021 Goals

1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 6 done (1 today)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done

I took a day to mostly rest. It was wonderful! Slept until after 10 then did curbside pickup of breakfast (most delicious florentine benedict ever!) and a quick visit to my grandparents before heading home to enjoy dinner and tiramisu with a movie. Tomorrow will be back at full speed. Laying in bed now just listening to the river :kiss2:
Upgrade to a 9.50mm MRB.
1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 8 done (1 today, 1 yesterday)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done

Water still positive for bacteria. Trying to get a well guy out. Had 30 tons of gravel delivered this morning. I also took a nap rather than force myself to keep going through the exhaustion. Getting there!
I don't quite know where today went. I know I was busy. Nothing particular, just busy. Well stuff, driveway stuff, etc. Unpacked some from a few boxes but none emptied yet so not counting.

Induction range being delivered tomorrow plus helpers to get the gravel spread. Hopefully progress on the drainage too...
I am not having the best month. I think I'll just coast for now and pick this up again later. Good luck to everyone else. :)
January 2021 goals:
1. No eating after 7:30pm
2. Complete one crochet project

as of today, Jan 10th:
- only occasionally meeting #1 goal
- have done no crochet work (#2 goal) although I did pick up some new yarn lol

Like @seaurchin I am finding this January a tough month but I will persevere and I'm okay with my January goals becoming my February goals

Sending encouragement to everyone :wavey:
I am not having the best month. I think I'll just coast for now and pick this up again later. Good luck to everyone else. :)

Hang in there. I hope whatever it is gets better soon. Remember you can always do just a little. One page each day or even one for the week is still progress. Be gentle on yourself and just do what you can!
Honestly in the past six months or so my “self care” turned into over-indulgence that wasn’t doing me any favors. This month I am actually tracking my food intake and completing an online barre challenge- 28 barre workouts in the month, and I’m going to continue to run 3-4x weekly. Also only having one glass of wine on Friday and Saturday evenings, none the rest of the week- now that I’m getting older i am finding that it really impacts my sleep. So far I’m feeling a lot more energetic and more like myself.
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1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 12 done (4 done yesterday)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done
Part of Goal one is completed. Greg's cancerous thyroid was removed along with part of one parathyroid. I have a feeling he is going to need more of the parathyroids removed but one day at a time. He is in considerable pain because the intubation had to be done twice due to something failing on the mechanism with the vocal cord sensors. But hopefully he will heal fully and hopefully he will be cancer free. Tomorrow he has to have a mole removed that is suspicious for another melanoma so we still have health challenges ahead but I am relieved this surgery is behind us. And praying for a healthy future ahead.

1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 20 done (8 done yesterday)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done

New range in. New dishwasher in. New pots & pans washing. (Old wouldn't work with induction.). Found stuff needed to do some little bit of cooking. Water will be fixed next week. Solar to be installed in two weeks. Earthquake bracing coming tomorrow then a major unpack happens as I can use the bookcases. Oh! Got the shelves into my china cabinet today so can unpack glass!
1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 28 done (2 done yesterday, 6 today)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done
1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 38 done (10 done yesterday)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done
1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 43 done (5 done yesterday)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done

Need to unpack stuff today still. Posting update from yesterday. Lady comes to pick empties up tomorrow so mad dash to empty a bunch more before she gets here :lol:

Water should be clean tomorrow. Getting water sample bottles picked up today so I am ready to test as soon as I filter and things go in. Solar goes in next week!
1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 47 done (4 done today)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done
1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 47 done (4 done today)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done

That's a LOT of boxes. And now you're over half done with unpacking them. Yay! :)
Workouts and food tracking are going well, but I was splurge-y with wine over the holiday weekend and inauguration:lol: good news is I am down 3 lbs since new year day, slow and steady, so I need to stay on track for fitness.
That's a LOT of boxes. And now you're over half done with unpacking them. Yay! :)

It is a lot! Getting to where we can get to many of the rest to put them away. I need to get shelves. None of our closets have shelves or rods. Linen closet included. Been crazy trying to put things away with nowhere for the obvious to unpack things to go.

The lady who picked up the empty boxes was very grateful for them. She just bought her first house and it needed work before they could move in. Now she doesn't have any $ to go buy boxes for packing. She will come back next week for another stack. Hoping to get many more emptied for her.
Workouts and food tracking are going well, but I was splurge-y with wine over the holiday weekend and inauguration:lol: good news is I am down 3 lbs since new year day, slow and steady, so I need to stay on track for fitness.

Workouts and tracking are not easy. Great work keeping going with them through everything! Down 3 pounds is good. Keep at it!
Goal one has been pretty much completed as much as we can right now.

Pathology report came back and it was a papillary thyroid cancer, classic variant, multifocal. No lymphovascular invasion or extrathyroidal extension identified but we have to follow up regularly and in 3 months Greg may have to undergo Radioactive Iodine. Not sure yet.

The half of the parathyroid the surgeon removed showed Hypercellular parathyroid tissue (means overactive) which is also now something we have to watch since the surgeon didn't remove the other parathyroids and left part of the hypercellular one behind. So there may be future surgeries to remove the other parathryoids and part of the one he left behind. Time will tell.

All in all a good report and it is a relief to have at least this part of the journey behind us. Whatever lays ahead we will deal with one day at a time.

On to Goal Two. Recovery from the surgery continues and then hopefully getting the Covid vaccines.

Goal Three would be to take care of my hyperparathyroidism and biopsy my thyroid nodules. But I am putting this goal to after the pandemic is over or at least after we both get both of the Covid vaccines.

One day at a time.

Hoping everyone here is reaching and exceeding their goals to date.
Be safe and stay well all.
1. Unpack 80 boxes -- 47 done (0 done this week)
2. Sort through 20 boxes -- 0 done

Haven't unpacked a full box since the last post. Gotten some partially done. We have clean (delicious tasting!) well water. 9.9kW solar installed and waiting for the electric company to swap meters to turn on. Kitchen is usable so I have been cooking meals this last week.

Hopefully more boxes unpacked tomorrow. Have helpers coming to carry boxes of books upstairs later in the week.