
Is this Diamond "The One" - Need feedback from the all knowing!

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Oct 27, 2007


I''ve been working with my family jeweler for some time to find the right stone for the right price... I''m trying to make a decision if the diamond that I''ve listed below is "the one" for the setting that I have, which is a 14K white gold solitare setting with 6 side stones. What does everyone think? How does this hold up (perform) against the various tests that I''ve seen folks run for others in my situation?

I can obtain this stone for $9,500 out the door.

GIA Report Number: 16283811
Report Type: GIA Diamond Grading Report
Date of Issue: September 26, 2007
Round Brilliant
Measurements: 7.45 - 7.47 x 4.43 mm

Carat Weight: 1.51
Color Grade: I
Clarity Grade: SI1
Cut Grade: Very Good

Depth: 59.4 %
Table: 61 %
Crown Angle: 33°
Crown Height: 13 %
Pavilion Angle: 40.8°
Pavilion Depth: 43 %
Star length: 50 %
Lower Half: 80 %
Girdle: Medium to Slightly Thick, Faceted
Culet: None

Polish: Very Good
Symmetry: Excellent
Fluorescence: None


doesn''t look too bad.
I hope that''s not my girlfriends reaction when I give it to her!?

What are the diamond experts assessment of the specs? Price? Can I do better? This stone looks incredibly clean (looked at it under a microscope) and is eye clean. It has some what I call small bubbles outside of the table (like 5 or 6). It seems to really sparkle and we put it next to a G color GIA stone that was Ideal / Excellent cut and I really couldn''t tell a difference in the colors.
Hello Sharky,
I am not an expert, but I think you could do better. Are you adverse to shopping on-line? There are a lot of great diamonds out there that are around the same price but better cut. And as they say: Cut is king! What are your prefered specs? (color? size? price? clarity? etc)?

Actually, I''m not adverse to shopping on line and have even called the folks at Blue Nile to chat with them. I''ve been looking at GOG, WF, and BlueNile on a daily basis... Just worried about finding a stone with great specs to get it delivered and find that it looks crappy under my 10x loupe. I''ve seen some very nice GIA cert''d SI1s that to me looked more like VS2s and I''ve seen some scary GIA cert''d SI1s as well that looked great to the eye.

My price range is up to $10K

Looking strictly for ROUND stones in the upper 1.40s to low 1.50s.
I would like Ideal / Excellent Cut
F or G is my preference
Polish and Symm needs to be VG or Ex
A good clean SI1 is my preference because jumping to VS2 really kills the budget
Girdle I think is best with medium to slightly thick faceted specs
oops- sent the other before I read specs.
Thanks for the suggestions... I''d like to keep the fluorescence to "None" and the color to no less than H, even though I listed an I above. I''m also worred if I buy a diamond from someone else, who I should have set it in the setting that I have. I bought the setting from one jeweler (because she really liked it) and am working with my family jeweler on the stone.
Just so I have this right: You got the setting at jewelerA. Now you''re working with jewelerB (family jeweler) for the stone. Is this correct?

Your question now is: who will set it if you buy the diamond from jewelerC (online jeweler)? (am I still on the right track?)

Does anyone out there in Pricescope-land have an answer?

Would your family jeweler do it for you? I''m really not sure...

Could use some advise from expert PSers!

You are correct! My family jeweler has been spending $50 a pop shipping stones back and forth for me to look at so I''d feel like a total jerk if I bought a stone from Bluenile and asked him to set it. If I don''t buy it from him, I guess I could have the jeweler that I bought the setting from set the stone.

What are the experts thoughts on the stone that I listed above? Can / should I try to do better? It''s a VG cut, so obviously not Ideal, but would it be worth it to find Ideal and spend a little more $? How about the color? Like I mentioned, we put the "I" color stone next to a "G" color stone and 3 people couldn''t tell the difference. How are the rest of the specs?

Thanks in advance!!!
I looked at this stone in NY on 47th street (Diamond District) - Not sure if it''s still available, but it was offered to me for $9900 out the door, tax included.

EGL (Europe) Cert''d
EGL 2729283942 (Sept 23, 2007)

1.50 Cts.
Round Brilliant
7.27 - 7.21 x 4.52 mm

Depth: 62.4%
Table width: 57%
Crown Height 15%
Pavilion depth 43%
Girdle: Slightly Thick, Faceted

Polish: Excellent
Symmetry: Excellent
Culet: None

Clarity: VVS2
Graining: NIL
Color: F
Fluorescence: None

"Excellent Ideal Cut"

I was nervous about buying this because of the EGL cert. But the price was very sweet and this diamond looked incredible! I looked at it twice for about 10 minutes a piece, gorgeous!
Your original stone scores a 1.7 on the cut advisor tool.
Factor Grade
Light Return Very Good
Fire Excellent
Scintillation Very Good
Spread Excellent

The X falls just below ideal, so I doubt it's a dud. You can try it yourself here:

Maybe some of the experts can chime in?
The EGL certed stone falls into the Ideal range on the cut advisor; ex ex ex vg. The caveat is that calculations done on crown and pavilion lengths are less precise than those done with crown and pavilion angles.

The only thing I've found that competes with your options is this: WF 1.537 I SI1 ACA which yes, is an I and comes in at $10,069 with the PS discount. And of course ACAs are upgradeable.
Thanks! Yes, I'd be really interested to hear from the experts on this... Can someone Ideal-Scope the GIA stone?

What are the experts thoughts on the GIA stone that I listed above? Can / should I try to do better? It's a VG cut, so obviously not Ideal, but would it be worth it to find Ideal and spend a little more $? How about the color? Like I mentioned, we put the "I" color stone next to a "G" color stone and 3 people couldn't tell the difference. How are the rest of the specs?
The ideal scope is a tool, a modified loupe of sorts described here. You can buy one and look at the stone yourself, but look at a few ideal scope images first so you know what you're looking for.
Thanks for the help thus far everyone...! I have the GIA stone on hold at my jewelers at the moment. I looked at it again this evening and it does look brilliant and it fires quite nicely. I do notice that the center stone is ever so slightly darker than the side stones. Is this a fashion no no when it comes to diamond/engagement rings? The side stone are uncertified F or G colors if I remember correctly.

Help guys, need to make a decision soon! Thanks!
Date: 12/20/2007 5:13:27 PM
Author: Sharky
Thanks! Yes, I''d be really interested to hear from the experts on this... Can someone Ideal-Scope the GIA stone?

What are the experts thoughts on the GIA stone that I listed above? Can / should I try to do better? It''s a VG cut, so obviously not Ideal, but would it be worth it to find Ideal and spend a little more $? How about the color? Like I mentioned, we put the ''I'' color stone next to a ''G'' color stone and 3 people couldn''t tell the difference. How are the rest of the specs?
Sharky, I have been in Tiffany and compared stones from D to I and could not tell the difference IN the STORE. But you most certainly can tell the difference in natural lighting.

That EGL stone is only 7.2 mm while the GIA stone is 7.4 mm. What size stone is the head of the ring designed to take?
Also. ask the jeweler to walk outside and show you this diamond sitting in the setting. Most of the world wouldn't know the difference in cut. We are just very partial to top quality cut here. But if this jeweler has been calling in stones for you, I agree that you probably should try to do business with him. You need to see the I color in natural light, though.

One more thing. If it was me, I would have told him to call in nothing but excellent cut, and then you wouldn't have to decide on the one that is very good. Since we can't see it, it is pretty impossible for us to give an opinion. We say go with ideal cut because it is safer.
Ah, good call on seeing the stone in natural light, I'll stop down to see it outside today. However, it's winter up here in CT and there is no sun out (just grey crappy light). What should this stone look like in this type of light? Is this the worst light to see it in? Would I see truer characteristics of the stone in bright, sunny light?

Also, we did turn off some lights in the store and I went to a darker more naturally lighted section of the store and the stone did take on different characteristics. It almost seemed to look better under less artificial light or maybe that was just my interpretation? It looked very firery and I could see what appeared to be more sparkle with hints of various colors (red, blue, etc)...

The settings head is designed to take a 1.0ct stone, however, my jeweler is going to change it for a larger head (no charge).
All stones even the best cuts will look amazingly sparkly in darker or grocery store lighting. I love candle lighting too that is amazing. I think if that stone calls your name and you love it you should buy it. Also the stone being darker then the side stones, that could be the depth in the big stone compared to the little ones or even the lighting. Is it darker or yellower(if that is a work)
. As for taking it out on a cloudy, snowy day it might not have the appearance you are looking for but it cannot hurt to do it anyhow. Good luck!
I have trouble detecting any yellow in the stone at all... When it's next to a D color, I can easily tell a difference, it's just not as white. But by itself, it really doesn't look like an "I" more like an H or even a G.

Any concerns with the table being a 61% and the depth being 59.4%?
This one!!!!!

It would make my heart flutter to the max! It is a beauty. Ask for the Pricescope discount and wire them the money. Although I can appreciate you wanting to do business with the family jeweler, he likely can''t bring is a beauty like this one for this price!

The I will be very white given the cut of this stone and this stone is absolutely an eyeclean babe!
Wow, VS1! How strict is AGS compared to GIA in their grading? Do the fall into the category that EGL does? I''ve always been told that EGL is not very strict at all and that most EGL stones are a notch or two below GIA grading.
AGS is as if not stricter then GIA they also grade for light performance :
AGS is stricter than GIA.
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