
Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IHOP


May 9, 2006
I may be a bit all over the place with this, so bear with me.

The short version is that I don't know whether to reset my e-ring, get a 5 year anniversary band, or do nothing , and I keep waffling back and forth, and it's making me very emotional because it's tied in with/surrounded by a lot of personal issues. ;(

Here's the quick version of the backstory: I left my home, career, future, and country to take a chance on marrying a boy I barely knew, moved somewhere that we both hate for his school, have been here almost 5 years, we hate it more than ever, I am the breadwinner and my work situation is unbearable, and his career/schooling has just been hit with a very, very, very dismal setback that could mean the ruination of his career right before graduation. We're both emotionally in shambles after this long protracted school drama that has been on MEGA HIGH ALERT PANIC NOW since spring of last year. That's a long time to be on ULTIMATE RED ALERT stress. :knockout: At the very least, we will probably be stuck here another year with this impending doom looming over our heads that won't be decided until this time next year. :blackeye:

The upside to all of this is that our marriage ended up being the best gamble ever. Plus, I may be able to move jobs, but with the same stress, just different factors. I'll take the novelty, and the excuse the celebrate with a little bling!

When I get this stressed out, I need to fixate on something incredibly detailed because if I don't, I'll fixate on the horrors of our situation and I will crumble under the weight of it. Hello, 5 year anniversary in less than 2 months! Cue anniversary band distraction to the rescue!

So, anniversary band:

Considering we were both taking a huge risk banking on the unknown when we got married, I feel like it deserves some commemoration. I would like a 5 stone band for our anniversary, as it will symbolize each of the 5 years we've been married and fighting this battle together, day by day. ::)

I have a little money that I tuck aside every month for frivolous things, as we're not exactly rolling in disposable income. We deliberately live below our means, however, and have about 3 months buffer saved up, so my little slush fund is free for me to use as I wish. So, my budget is $500. In 3 months it could be 1k, but that much is hard for me to justify spending.

E-ring reset:
A year and a half ago, we got a temp setting as the settings I long for (Singlestone, Van Craeynest, etc) were just so far out of our budget, and will be for a few years. However, I have grown to hate it so much that I find myself using excuses to leave it at home instead of wearing it. You can read about the issues/see pictures in my setting thread. It was suggested to me that I add some engraving to the shank and switch out the head to get rid of the things that bugged me so much, but even that will cost about $400, and others recommended I just get an entirely new setting.

However, the search for a suitable setting is starting to wear me out, emotionally, and time is ticking on our 5th anniversary date, so I need to make a decision on what I am going to do. I just feel so defeated about everything, from the setting to finding an antique 5 stone to the hot mess that is our life and his career right now. Worse, we can't DO anything except wait the year and pray for the best. :blackeye:

Thanks for listening, I could use some gentle wisdom.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

Don't jump into anything just b/c the anniversary is coming up, or you run the risk of getting something you're not really wanting for the long haul. I would honestly maybe leave it alone for a few days, just to let your mind settle down. That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself to have it exactly right by exactly this date, you know?

Do you have five stone settings in mind that you like? I'm guessing you'd go w/the same kind of stone as your ering? Or are you looking at colored stones?
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

First of all, heartfelt congrats on your upcoming 5 year anniversary!!!! :appl:
Having your soulmate to share life with (stresses and all) make life wonderful and worth living so you really are the winners despite all the high stress you are going through. I am sending you buckets of PS dust for everything to resolve successfully and happily and I am so sorry that it has been such a difficult year that way.

Having said that I would not rush into buying a 5 year anniversary gift until you find the bling of your dreams. And once you do find what you really want I say go for it!!! You have saved some money for it and no reason to deny yourself. It won't make a huge difference in your financial situation and you have had a tough year. You need some bling!!! (once you know for sure what you want).

Good luck and best wishes and lots of ***DUST***!

ETA: Love your title...haha!
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

Ditto Packrat and Missy. Take a breath - there's no hard and fast rule that you have to have the present decided by your anniversary. Heck, I wanted to reset my wedding set two anniversaries ago and I still haven't pulled the trigger yet.

BTW, your thread title made me laugh out loud. I think it said a lot about your resilience that you were able to come up with such a funny title amidst the stress you've been having. Keep up your spirit. Congrats on the 5 year anniversary!
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

I realize money is tight for the two of you, but my suggestion would be to spend that $500, or a part of it, on some a brief get-away or excursion or some experience that you can both enjoy... maybe even budget it to cover a few nice evenings out over the next few months. I don't think that a ring force-fit into a specific date or budget is going satisfy you for long, and you could end up with another piece of jewelry that doesn't bring you joy.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

Congrats on your upcoming anniversary!

And I agree with VRBeauty, I think a getaway would be wonderful. Also, depending on where you decide to go, planning a trip takes a huge amount of energy as well, so I think it would sufficiently distract you. :)) And you can have a wonderful romantic time with DH. It seems like you really want to celebrate with some bling but I have learned the hard way that re-setting things just because you changed your mind is pricey and also selling something to raise cash for another project is also time-consuming and pricey. So don't rush into a jewelry purchase. Do you like watches? For 100 bucks, you can definitely buy yourself a super pretty good quality watch and if you wear it every day at work, you can enjoy staring at it. Just a thought...
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

packrat|1364044436|3411696 said:
Don't jump into anything just b/c the anniversary is coming up, or you run the risk of getting something you're not really wanting for the long haul. I would honestly maybe leave it alone for a few days, just to let your mind settle down. That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself to have it exactly right by exactly this date, you know?

Do you have five stone settings in mind that you like? I'm guessing you'd go w/the same kind of stone as your ering? Or are you looking at colored stones?

I've actually been looking for over a month, so I am getting bogged down by not finding the "right" one. I found one I really loved and when I posted it to a friend with the caveat that it was out of my [current] budget, she fell in love with it and plans to use it for a replacement e-ring for herself. I am happy that she loves it so much, but disappointed that I can't find another like it for myself.

It was the perfect combination: 5 OECs, stackable with my wedding band and e-ring, YG on the shank, either plat or WG holding the stones, and had beautiful detailing on the profile/gallery [alternately engraving]. The stones were not being eaten alive by the prongs either, which is very rare.

In terms of getting a break from it, it's good advice, but right now it is my only distraction from the looming cluster*bleep* that is hanging over our heads. I work evenings, so I come home at midnight and have only my computer for company until I go to bed around 3-4am, so it's not like I can just head out for some fun with friends to take my mind off of things.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

missy|1364044930|3411699 said:
First of all, heartfelt congrats on your upcoming 5 year anniversary!!!! :appl:
Having your soulmate to share life with (stresses and all) make life wonderful and worth living so you really are the winners despite all the high stress you are going through. I am sending you buckets of PS dust for everything to resolve successfully and happily and I am so sorry that it has been such a difficult year that way.

Having said that I would not rush into buying a 5 year anniversary gift until you find the bling of your dreams. And once you do find what you really want I say go for it!!! You have saved some money for it and no reason to deny yourself. It won't make a huge difference in your financial situation and you have had a tough year. You need some bling!!! (once you know for sure what you want).

Good luck and best wishes and lots of ***DUST***!

ETA: Love your title...haha!

Thanks for the dust. ::) I think the bling of my dreams is out of my budget, though, haha! :cheeky:

We are very lucky to have our relationship so solid in the midst of all this chaos, because with everything that has been going on we could have taken it out on one another, but in a way we treat one another even more gently because life is attacking our partner so brutally already, if that makes sense?
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

sapphirering|1364054031|3411746 said:
Ditto Packrat and Missy. Take a breath - there's no hard and fast rule that you have to have the present decided by your anniversary. Heck, I wanted to reset my wedding set two anniversaries ago and I still haven't pulled the trigger yet.

BTW, your thread title made me laugh out loud. I think it said a lot about your resilience that you were able to come up with such a funny title amidst the stress you've been having. Keep up your spirit. Congrats on the 5 year anniversary!

There is always time for humour, even when the day is darkest, right? :cheeky:

The tricky thing with taking extra time is that once we lose deadlines for things, we tend to let things slide because we have so many other things to worry about. Like the extra TV taking up space in our bedroom that makes it impossible for me to open the closet door wide enough to fit through without thrashing around like a corpulent manatee trying to beach itself, that's been sitting there an extra 6 months since we agreed to give it away.

Lemme tell you, trying to get dressed (and feel good about yourself) after channeling a blubbery sea mammal every day guarantees you're about to have an off day. Make that an overheated, faintly battered, slightly sweaty, dusty, and instantly crabby rotund sea mammal, and that'll be closer. :read:
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

VRBeauty|1364055631|3411757 said:
I realize money is tight for the two of you, but my suggestion would be to spend that $500, or a part of it, on some a brief get-away or excursion or some experience that you can both enjoy... maybe even budget it to cover a few nice evenings out over the next few months. I don't think that a ring force-fit into a specific date or budget is going satisfy you for long, and you could end up with another piece of jewelry that doesn't bring you joy.

rubyshoes said:
Congrats on your upcoming anniversary!

And I agree with VRBeauty, I think a getaway would be wonderful. Also, depending on where you decide to go, planning a trip takes a huge amount of energy as well, so I think it would sufficiently distract you. :)) And you can have a wonderful romantic time with DH. It seems like you really want to celebrate with some bling but I have learned the hard way that re-setting things just because you changed your mind is pricey and also selling something to raise cash for another project is also time-consuming and pricey. So don't rush into a jewelry purchase. Do you like watches? For 100 bucks, you can definitely buy yourself a super pretty good quality watch and if you wear it every day at work, you can enjoy staring at it. Just a thought...

This is going to sound crazy, but I hate spending money on transient things. It's why I can't bear to eat expensive food. Our last 'real' vacation was actually a combination of me returning to my home country/an academic conference for him, so I had all the justification in the world for us to take a little extra time and make a week of it. Instead, I chafed at the expense of everything and felt it was a waste of money, so there was a tremendous pressure to HAVE FUN NOW HAVE LOTS OF IT BECAUSE THIS IS COSTING A FORTUNE so when we got home I had a double depression of coming back here + feeling exhausted from our vacation + guilty for not making the most of it when we were there.

A quick trip isn't worth it, imo, and it would still require us flying (or driving 6+ hours) even for a weekend getaway, because we live in the middle of nowhere. The cost:return ratio just doesn't make sense. Plus there is the 12+ hours of schoolwork he is doing 7 days a week ...

I would rather put that $500 towards something that will lift my sagging spirits and comfort me every time I look at it. When I get super stressed at work, I actually stare at my wedding set to get me through the danger of having a full-on meltdown when I am around other people. Not only is is sparkly and visually engrossing, it reminds me of our relationship and that even though the rest of our lives is going to hell in a handbasket, we have one another and that helps me survive the rest of the day. It's saved me from bursting into tears mid-meeting many a time!

I hope that made sense!

Edit: just realized that you said the same thing, rubyshoes, lol! Sadly, I can't stand things on my wrists and as a result, haven't been able to wear a watch in the last 10 years. I actually keep losing them because I unconsciously take them off and thus have no idea where I've left them, because I look down at my wrist and I am surprised that it's gone! I have some very pretty antique bangles but even though they are loose and therefore not as bad as things that hug my skin, I always end up taking them off because it's so irritating having things on my wrists. :(sad
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

In that case, I vote for a 5 stone band. It'll be something completely new to ogle at and you can re-set your wedding set when the budget allows for it. :)) I wonder about companies like JBEG/Lang etc... if you send them an email saying you are in the market for so and so and your budget is X, can they keep an eye out for you and match you with something nice when it shows up...instead of you having to constantly check out their websites. Hmm.

Funny thing reg. hating things on wrists. My DH LOATHES having things on his wrists and I have never seen him wear a watch, ever! His dad gave him a very nice watch for his graduation years ago and DH wore it on graduation day to make his dad happy and he's never worn it since. Me, I love bangles, bracelets, watches, everything! LOL.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

packrat|1364044436|3411696 said:
Don't jump into anything just b/c the anniversary is coming up, or you run the risk of getting something you're not really wanting for the long haul. I would honestly maybe leave it alone for a few days, just to let your mind settle down. That's a lot of pressure to put on yourself to have it exactly right by exactly this date, you know?
I agree.

And happy anniversary!!!
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

FWIW, my opinion is that if you aren't super excited about a 5 stone, then it isn't the right choice for you, right now. I hear you on not wanting to spend $$ on transient things (I feel similarly), though I will say that the few times DH and I have splurged on that type of thing, once I get over the guilt, it IS lovely and the sweet memories we have are worth every penny.

Maybe making a happy memory for your 5th anni. is more important than a piece of bling you seem unsure about?

Either way, Happy 5th Anni. and try to hang in there. It sounds like it's been a long, hard journey, but you will triumph in the end....

Sending gentle hugs your way...
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

yennyfire|1364077781|3411956 said:
FWIW, my opinion is that if you aren't super excited about a 5 stone, then it isn't the right choice for you, right now. I hear you on not wanting to spend $$ on transient things (I feel similarly), though I will say that the few times DH and I have splurged on that type of thing, once I get over the guilt, it IS lovely and the sweet memories we have are worth every penny.

Maybe making a happy memory for your 5th anni. is more important than a piece of bling you seem unsure about?

Either way, Happy 5th Anni. and try to hang in there. It sounds like it's been a long, hard journey, but you will triumph in the end....

Sending gentle hugs your way...

Thanks, 5 years is a pretty awesome feat for a relationship that faced such huge obstacles! ::)

Sorry to be confusing about my feelings about a five stone, because HUBBA HUBBA BABY I WANT ONE! I've always wanted a 5 stone (or 7 stone, but danged if I am waiting another 2 years just to get one!! :devil: ) and our 5 year anniversary is the perfect opportunity/excuse to get one.

I almost got one for my replacement placeholder (ended up returning it as it wasn't as described) before we decided to just get my e-ring with a temp setting, and ever since then, my 5 stone cravings have been strong. You don't wanna know how many times I have ogled the 5 stone thread from an unsafe viewing distance from my monitor. :naughty:

I was waiting for our 5 year (wedding) anniversary though as the occasion to get one, especially since I gave up our 5 year anniversary (relationship) so he could fly out of state to be with his mother for her moral support. Not going to lie, that was hard for me to be alone during our 5 year anniversary, but I comforted myself knowing that our 5 year wedding anniversary would be coming up in 2 years and we could do a big momentous thing then.

Not only that, but if I put $$ towards a 5 stone, I won't be throwing away money on modifying my temp setting only to replace it completely with my Dream Setting One Day. Then I can wear all 3, or any combination of 2, or even the 5 stone alone, and not feel guilty for treating my wedding jewelery with all of its Serious Symbolism and Sacred Commitment Declarations as pretty things that I can change around depending on my whims for the day.

And thanks for the hugs! I sure need them.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

I say get the five stone. It has meaning and you can wear it alone since you are not wearing your ering right now. Later on, reset your ering. Then you will have everything you wanted and you will look back on the five stone with fond memory!
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

First off, I'm sorry that you've been going through a rough time.
I can only tell you what I would do if I was in your shoes and that would probably not be spending money on jewelry. I really agree with the other member who suggested that if you have money tucked away and you're comfortable spending it rather than saving it, then how about a small vacation that the two of you can enjoy? What's better stress relief than getting away from it all? A vacation is something that both of you can remember/cherish. If the timing on a vacation is right just yet, then I'd still use the money to put on a down payment on the trip (or at least keep stashing money away for it). There's no rule that says that you have to have a gift, vacation, or whatever it may be on the actual day - as long as you know that it symbolizes a special event, then that's all that matters.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

momhappy|1364081822|3412009 said:
First off, I'm sorry that you've been going through a rough time.
I can only tell you what I would do if I was in your shoes and that would probably not be spending money on jewelry. I really agree with the other member who suggested that if you have money tucked away and you're comfortable spending it rather than saving it, then how about a small vacation that the two of you can enjoy? What's better stress relief than getting away from it all? A vacation is something that both of you can remember/cherish. If the timing on a vacation is right just yet, then I'd still use the money to put on a down payment on the trip (or at least keep stashing money away for it).

Thanks, sometimes it feels like it's a test year after year to see how much pressure we can handle before we just give up.

Even aside from my reservations about spending money on vacations, with him being so busy with school, he can't afford even one day to get away right now, and won't be able to for months. Same for me, at best I would be able to get away for the weekend only, and I desperately need my weekends to recover from my exhaustion from my job. I usually sleep 14 hours on Saturday morning/afternoon! In terms of the funds, if I don't use it for jewelery, I will probably just move it into our general savings as a hedge against disasters in the future. :(sad

I suppose that's probably the responsible thing to do anyway, but I really do want something solid that I can enjoy every day.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

I am so sorry to hear about the stress you currently have! I cannot imagine having to wait so long to know the outcome of a problem that has a profound effect on your future! I am not sure how your husband can keep on working so hard when the whole thing could fall apart.

I am with you, I'd rather have a piece of jewelry than a weekend trip, but I would not rush to buy the 5 stone ring. I'd wait until you find a really great one, and save a little more money. As long as it is bought during the year of your 5th anniversary, it still counts as a gift for that occasion! I do that all the time! Buy only when you find the right thing and don't give yourself a rigid deadline!
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

Galateia|1364082761|3412023 said:
momhappy|1364081822|3412009 said:
First off, I'm sorry that you've been going through a rough time.
I can only tell you what I would do if I was in your shoes and that would probably not be spending money on jewelry. I really agree with the other member who suggested that if you have money tucked away and you're comfortable spending it rather than saving it, then how about a small vacation that the two of you can enjoy? What's better stress relief than getting away from it all? A vacation is something that both of you can remember/cherish. If the timing on a vacation is right just yet, then I'd still use the money to put on a down payment on the trip (or at least keep stashing money away for it).

Thanks, sometimes it feels like it's a test year after year to see how much pressure we can handle before we just give up.

Even aside from my reservations about spending money on vacations, with him being so busy with school, he can't afford even one day to get away right now, and won't be able to for months. Same for me, at best I would be able to get away for the weekend only, and I desperately need my weekends to recover from my exhaustion from my job. I usually sleep 14 hours on Saturday morning/afternoon! In terms of the funds, if I don't use it for jewelery, I will probably just move it into our general savings as a hedge against disasters in the future. :(sad

I suppose that's probably the responsible thing to do anyway, but I really do want something solid that I can enjoy every day.

I understand where you're coming from, but I still don't understand why you can't save for a vacation at a later date? I've heard of people taking honeymoons months after the wedding has come and gone and they still call it a honeymoon and remember it as such. I guess if you're really dead-set against taking a vacation (and it sounds like you are), then buy the ring. If you're feeling bad about spending x amount of dollars, then maybe compromise and spend less. That way, you're still buying yourself something special, but not having the guilt that might accompany a larger purchase. Either way, keep us posted - I'd love to hear what you end up doing. Wishing you much luck in the future:)
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

I say go for the 5 stone! TBH I'd rather have a ring than go on a vacation too. It sounds like it would really make you happy and you deserve a little happiness! Don't buy one just for the sake of buying one though, and don't rush to get it in time for your anniversary - I agree with DS, you have a whole year. Take your time and wait until you find one you really love. Sorry you're going through such a rough time, please take care of yourself and I hope things improve for you soon.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

How about a staycation + an engraved band to commemorate the anniversary as a compromise? like a spa day?

It sounds like you like yellow gold and engraving. I love this band

And its engraveable on the inside, too!
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH


OMG. What an idea!

I could get a massage + a tiny engraved band that I could stack (I love me some stackers, oooh baby) and we could go out for dinner ... he could give it to me to hold me over until we get the 5 stone later this year, because like Diamondseeker and Junebug said, it is the 5th year of our anniversary ... :naughty:

Hmmm ... another option on the horizon!

(A vacation isn't what will de-stress me, but a professional RMT pounding the knots in neck/shoulders into submission? Yes please!)

Ninja edit: I could get it in ROSE GOLD! A rose gold engraved stacker ... :love: I must stew on all these new ideas like Gollum contemplating The Precious.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

I like the rose gold stacker idea.

As far as taking a break from it but needing something to glom onto to take your mind of things, I totally get that. I *always* have something I'm obsessing over on the internet..tho I've been reading a little more, and finding things on Netflix to watch to help me wind down lately, I need to have something to zone out on. Pinterest if fabulous-I'm into searching for tattoos and getting clothing ideas for updating my wardrobe, so I spend a ton of time doing that to replace the anxiety of finding another rhr and a band to wear w/my wedding set-it was getting to the point that I was getting so neurotic about it. And it does make a difference if you can find something else to sink your teeth into even just for a couple few days, let your mind relax about the five stone, you know?

I could very easily sit at your table at IHOP-if ever there was a crazy nail biting waffler, I'm the poster child, so I know the feeling, and I know the stomach churning, heart racing, heart in your feet feeling of "Ohhhhh no what do I do know-I jumped the gun and this isn't what I want" I've done it, and I've lost a LOT of money on it b/c I didn't just step back and let the dust settle before I made my decisions. Once I did that, I ended up w/the exactly perfect set.

There is an engraved rose gold band I love but it would take up like 450 of your budget. :sick:
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

packrat|1364097342|3412133 said:
I like the rose gold stacker idea.

As far as taking a break from it but needing something to glom onto to take your mind of things, I totally get that. I *always* have something I'm obsessing over on the internet..tho I've been reading a little more, and finding things on Netflix to watch to help me wind down lately, I need to have something to zone out on. Pinterest if fabulous-I'm into searching for tattoos and getting clothing ideas for updating my wardrobe, so I spend a ton of time doing that to replace the anxiety of finding another rhr and a band to wear w/my wedding set-it was getting to the point that I was getting so neurotic about it. And it does make a difference if you can find something else to sink your teeth into even just for a couple few days, let your mind relax about the five stone, you know?

I could very easily sit at your table at IHOP-if ever there was a crazy nail biting waffler, I'm the poster child, so I know the feeling, and I know the stomach churning, heart racing, heart in your feet feeling of "Ohhhhh no what do I do know-I jumped the gun and this isn't what I want" I've done it, and I've lost a LOT of money on it b/c I didn't just step back and let the dust settle before I made my decisions. Once I did that, I ended up w/the exactly perfect set.

There is an engraved rose gold band I love but it would take up like 450 of your budget. :sick:

*hug* We can be the nailbiters huddling in the corner 24/7, weeping into our syrup together, anxiously tearing the edges of our waffles, and spraying whip cream into our mouths straight from the can. :lol:

It's strange, but I feel more calm after getting an option to have something on our anniversary itself which will not be a waste of money (hey, can't go wrong with a RG stacker, amirite?) so if worst comes to worst, I can spend the rest of the year working on the 5 stone.
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH


Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

Galateia|1364095771|3412116 said:

OMG. What an idea!

I could get a massage + a tiny engraved band that I could stack (I love me some stackers, oooh baby) and we could go out for dinner ... he could give it to me to hold me over until we get the 5 stone later this year, because like Diamondseeker and Junebug said, it is the 5th year of our anniversary ... :naughty:

Hmmm ... another option on the horizon!

(A vacation isn't what will de-stress me, but a professional RMT pounding the knots in neck/shoulders into submission? Yes please!)

Ninja edit: I could get it in ROSE GOLD! A rose gold engraved stacker ... :love: I must stew on all these new ideas like Gollum contemplating The Precious.

Ooohhhh! I love this idea!! I am a huge fan of rose gold and something engraved sounds lovely. A ring and a massage (or maybe a day at the spa) - fabulous :)
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

I would love some dust, ladies, I have a bid waiting in the wings for a gorgeous antique setting with terrible stones.

If I get it, I will have my setting and the plan is to slooooooowly and leisurely source beautiful stones to replace the horrors currently in the ring. That should keep me busy for a few years! :cheeky:
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

Gorgeous setting!!! And the diamonds looks lovely to me. I'd wear it just as is.

I'm not an expert but I think it's pretty difficult to replace stones in a bezel with an elaborate gallery without doing some damage to the ring. You may want to check with your jeweler before you buy a replacement stone. Also if you're fussy about these things I understand that it is pretty hard to find old cuts with complimentary faceting patterns. But that does add a layer of distraction to your search to keep your mind occupied in those early hours!

Great deal!
Re: Indecision on setting vs 5 stone: More Waffle than an IH

I just wanted you to know that I love your title! Nothing to add about your dilemma however.