
Impluse Buy-- GemSelect

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Aug 8, 2005
Anyone bought anything from GemSelect? Payment if through paypal... so I know that it's fraud protected... although the company is overseas... but I'm paying with a credit card so it's doubly protected... Plus it's a twenty-six dollar Zircon I figured I'd take a chance on... it's big enough so that if I have to get it re-cut it would work... opinions... thoughts... suggestions???

Okay I just saw three more gems I want from them... so...
Okay... well I bought a different one that I originally intended to... but this one looks good.... it cost 28 bucks including shipping... and I''m going to send it to Wink and have Richard Homer cut it for me... flat facetting... not concave. I think it will work-- if it''s actually like the picture.

Here''s the link:
Oooo that''s pretty!
Very nice! Do you have any setting ideas in mind?
Very nice looking zircon!

But, did you check some of their other prices, such as for imperial topaz? They seem unrealistically low to me (while other prices appear reasonable or even a little high). I could see it if the the imperials were irradiated, but they claim no treatment. Maybe some of the pros can chime in as to whether such pricing accurately reflects the market for the advertised stones?
fun! keep us posted!
that''s a great website....I''ve bookmarked it for future reference. Let us know how the transaction works out. Love your choice of stone too.
Project!! We''d love to see if the gem looks like advertised when you get it...I hope it does. I''m sure Richard will do an amazing recut job!!
I would be very surprised if you can get a 6 x 6 square out of that stone recutting it.
Gene... Yeah, I wasn't sure if I could. But I love cushions and ovals too... and hey, if he says it won't work for my existing setting-- oh well, lol... looks like I'll have to find a new setting for it!!

As for settings... something from Philip Noel or Adwar probably... depending on the shape.

I like this setting and a cushion or oval set east/west would look nice with it-- Yurman's rings that have this design are sometimes set with cushions that way. Price is great for the setting too!
Date: 6/16/2006 9:53:51 AM
Author: GemKlctr
Very nice looking zircon!

But, did you check some of their other prices, such as for imperial topaz? They seem unrealistically low to me (while other prices appear reasonable or even a little high). I could see it if the the imperials were irradiated, but they claim no treatment. Maybe some of the pros can chime in as to whether such pricing accurately reflects the market for the advertised stones?
I thought that too, I was looking at some of theirs and ... the prices were weird ... the other two gems I wanted are:

But even thought the shipping would have been the same if I''d gotten all three... I didn''t want to take a risk with that much money.

I REALLY wanted a blue tourmaline... but the prices were high for me and they didn''t have any clean pieces.
Date: 6/16/2006 10:48:25 AM
Author: togal
that''s a great website....I''ve bookmarked it for future reference. Let us know how the transaction works out. Love your choice of stone too.

I would have bought a slightly bigger stone if intended for recut, but a square cut would surely look very nice on such a colored zircon.

I wouldn''t trust their precious stones, their "heated" yellow sapphires are just like the Be-Treated stuff you keep on seeing in Thaïland (some are colored in a way that would sell for much much more than that in Thaïland if heat only).
These guys look like the typical ebay sellers that state what their sellers stated to them not doing any kind of check.
Date: 6/16/2006 12:29:34 PM
Author: colorchange

Date: 6/16/2006 10:48:25 AM
Author: togal
that''s a great website....I''ve bookmarked it for future reference. Let us know how the transaction works out. Love your choice of stone too.

I would have bought a slightly bigger stone if intended for recut, but a square cut would surely look very nice on such a colored zircon.

I wouldn''t trust their precious stones, their ''heated'' yellow sapphires are just like the Be-Treated stuff you keep on seeing in Thaïland (some are colored in a way that would sell for much much more than that in Thaïland if heat only).
These guys look like the typical ebay sellers that state what their sellers stated to them not doing any kind of check.

I wanted a bigger stone honestly, but I also wanted one with an IF clarity.... I looked at some of thier VS stones and they had visible flaws in the pictures... so I figured if I''m taking a chance... I might as well play it safe.

I totally thought the ebay thing too. But well, it was an impulse buy... and not a dear one. I actually thought that despite the claim that the Zircon is untreated... that it''s probably been heated. A lot of the Zircon''s this color that I''ve seen have been heated-- with the exception of a few on Wildfish gems and other sites that are ''natural'' gem sites... that PSer''s trust. But like I said... as long as it''s pretty... and Wink says that it''s good for the price, and worth the price of the re-cut... I don''t mind. And hey.... if it''s isn''t nice, well, I''ve learned my lesson.
Date: 6/16/2006 12:37:23 PM
Author: Gypsy

Date: 6/16/2006 12:29:34 PM
Author: colorchange

Date: 6/16/2006 10:48:25 AM
Author: togal
that''s a great website....I''ve bookmarked it for future reference. Let us know how the transaction works out. Love your choice of stone too.

I would have bought a slightly bigger stone if intended for recut, but a square cut would surely look very nice on such a colored zircon.

I wouldn''t trust their precious stones, their ''heated'' yellow sapphires are just like the Be-Treated stuff you keep on seeing in Thaïland (some are colored in a way that would sell for much much more than that in Thaïland if heat only).
These guys look like the typical ebay sellers that state what their sellers stated to them not doing any kind of check.

I wanted a bigger stone honestly, but I also wanted one with an IF clarity.... I looked at some of thier VS stones and they had visible flaws in the pictures... so I figured if I''m taking a chance... I might as well play it safe.

I totally thought the ebay thing too. But well, it was an impulse buy... and not a dear one. I actually thought that despite the claim that the Zircon is untreated... that it''s probably been heated. A lot of the Zircon''s this color that I''ve seen have been heated-- with the exception of a few on Wildfish gems and other sites that are ''natural'' gem sites... that PSer''s trust. But like I said... as long as it''s pretty... and Wink says that it''s good for the price, and worth the price of the re-cut... I don''t mind. And hey.... if it''s isn''t nice, well, I''ve learned my lesson.
About zircon, the most honnest sellers (except those that pick directly at the mines and known miners very well) should state "heated" or "unknown", except for green that to my knowledge isn''t heated - at least sometimes - (I''m not sure but a guy I put utmost trust in told me his Mogok green zircon were all untreated and a few look very nice).
Anyway it doesn''t bring different value as you almost always just don''t know.
I don''t know for yellow (I''m not dealing in zircon exept when I find bright red or deep tsavorite green, that means not very often... I indeed have only one - green - in stock). I must say finest green zircon are my favorite green gems...

I would bet his ruby are glass filled... it looks like the Burma slightly glass filled material you now see very often in Bangkok.
I see these types of stones and dealers all over Tucson, and they can be useful for buying poorly cut stones and recutting. The one problem with most of the stones is that they are cut very shallow, so to get the proper angles on the pavillion, you need to cut a much smaller stone. I typically get 40-55% yeild when recutting these native cut stones. The nice thing is, you can buy them very cheap, almost the same price per ct as rough stones, sometimes even less. Often you can find stones that are chipped or really really badly cut and bargin for even a better price. But like everything else, you pretty much get what you pay for. No one is going to sell a $300 for $10.
Although, I find much more satisfaction cutting a rough stone than recutting.
Hmm... don''t know about cutting I just thought well... my asscher is about that deep at 5.87 x 5.86 x 3.83 okay... so it''s deep than But shallow ovals and cushions can still be nice... lol. Right??? Maybe not.. oh well.

What do you think of the other two gems I posted?

Colorchange... a green tsavorite colored Zircon sounds amazing!!! I''ll have to keep an eye out for that! As for heated or unheated.. I was going to buy a heated Zircon a while ago anyway. So if it is... not a problem for me.

ALTHOUGH Gene and CC.... great information regarding the vendor for other''s future concerns! THANKS!
Date: 6/16/2006 12:24:14 PM
Author: Gypsy
Gene... Yeah, I wasn''t sure if I could. But I love cushions and ovals too... and hey, if he says it won''t work for my existing setting-- oh well, lol... looks like I''ll have to find a new setting for it!!

As for settings... something from Philip Noel or Adwar probably... depending on the shape.

I like this setting and a cushion or oval set east/west would look nice with it-- Yurman''s rings that have this design are sometimes set with cushions that way. Price is great for the setting too!

Gypsy, I really hope you buy this setting!!

I have been eyeing it for a few months and I really want to see how it looks in a ''real'' picture and if the diamonds sparkle!!

Also, thanks soooo much for posting this because I have been looking for this gemstone site for awhile. I had happened upon it awhile back, but stupidly, I didn''t bookmark it and I couldn''t remember the name.

I find that it is a good site and very user friendly, unlike lots of other gem sites. I am really looking forward to seeing your purchase!! How long before you get the stone??
ok so this pic totally sucks but it''s the best I can do, since I don''t relally know what I am doing hahahahahahahaha

Date: 6/16/2006 2:18:32 PM
Author: Sophie
ok so this pic totally sucks but it''s the best I can do, since I don''t relally know what I am doing hahahahahahahaha

Sophie! HEY, it''s more than I can do. Looks nice. Wondering if I might like a peridot in there better. I emailed them and asked them if it''s been shipped yet, and if it hasn''t been if I could exchange my order for a different gem... Hmm. A garnet would be nice too. But I didn''t like their garnets.
just order one of each color!! hahaa
I could... but I don''t want to invest that much in this at a vendor I know nothing about.
I''ve bought many gem stones from them before. They used to go under the name of ''SETTGOLD''. The items are very precisely as they described and photographed. Return policy works wonderfully (shipped back to an address in Hawaii). Some items were treated and they will tell you, even BE heat. I would recommend them!

This is one of the stones I bought from them (a heated saphaire) and I made it a RHR.

Sapphire Red_1.jpg

I have bought from SettGold before. If they used to be under this name why do they still have the SettGold website.Confused here. I have ordered from them and they are quick to answer any questions & they will tell you of the treatments.

I love your sapphire. Is it a red sapphire? I had a thread on red sapphires as to WHAT THEY ARE???? Red corundum is ruby.I saw some red sapphires at a gem show and I loved them.

Got my zircon today.

I love the sparkle and the golden color. So... I''ll definitely be getting more zircons.

But it doesn''t look like the picture. In the picture it looks solid gold. IRL the middle is... well windowed I think. It looks like the outside is a golden frame for a light champagne window in the center. So it''s definitely cut way too shallow. Don''t know if it''s worth recutting. But it IS a very clear and very pretty sparkly gem. And it taught me a good lesson! Make sure any future gem purchases (and there will be more to come) are cut with enough depth.

The Zircon you have posted Gypsy, makes me want a wedding set done in it to wear when I''m not wearing my diamonds. I''m new to PS and I''ve always loved gemstones, but I don''t think I''ve ever seen Zircon, I''ve seen most but not this one... It''s a beautiful type stone color and warmth, it looks great. I also bookmarked the website so let us all know what you think of them and the stones...
have you received the stone yet?
Date: 6/26/2006 12:16:28 PM
Author: Gypsy
Got my zircon today.

I love the sparkle and the golden color. So... I''ll definitely be getting more zircons.

But it doesn''t look like the picture. In the picture it looks solid gold. IRL the middle is... well windowed I think. It looks like the outside is a golden frame for a light champagne window in the center. So it''s definitely cut way too shallow. Don''t know if it''s worth recutting. But it IS a very clear and very pretty sparkly gem. And it taught me a good lesson! Make sure any future gem purchases (and there will be more to come) are cut with enough depth.


Yes, I got it... see the blurb above for details. It''s a very pretty color... and it''s sparkly. But unfortunately I didn''t consider how shallow it was cut... just looked at the pics instead of the $$''s so it''s windowed. Can''t figure out anyway to return it to them (big flaw)... so I''m just going to keep it. Something will come of it eventually. And for now... I pull it out ans watch the pretty color and the light interaction... I''m having fun with
Date: 6/18/2006 1:48:42 PM
Author: yingh
I''ve bought many gem stones from them before. They used to go under the name of ''SETTGOLD''. The items are very precisely as they described and photographed. Return policy works wonderfully (shipped back to an address in Hawaii). Some items were treated and they will tell you, even BE heat. I would recommend them!

This is one of the stones I bought from them (a heated saphaire) and I made it a RHR.

They told you this one isn''t Be Treated ??????
I would bet it is...

Gypsy, based on the flaws, you should negociate a discount (30% partial refund), you''ll probably get one.
Contacting them is next to impossible. But I''ll give it a shot. Thanks CC!
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