
I'm on PS instead of ...


Dec 17, 2008
hemming my son's pants and altering a shirt to make it more fitted. I hate altering clothes! :(
tyty333|1444832919|3938162 said:
hemming my son's pants and altering a shirt to make it more fitted. I hate altering clothes! :(

Lol, yes, PS comes in handy when you're in the mood to procrastinate - I should be exercising right now :cheeky:

I'm pretty impressed that you can alter clothes though!
junebug17|1444836878|3938181 said:
tyty333|1444832919|3938162 said:
hemming my son's pants and altering a shirt to make it more fitted. I hate altering clothes! :(

Lol, yes, PS comes in handy when you're in the mood to procrastinate - I should be exercising right now :cheeky:

I'm pretty impressed that you can alter clothes though!

I'm extremely impressed. And my daughter is calling me, so I'm no longer able to be on Pricescope. It's back to what I try to escape from.

Deb :wavey:
I'm on PS instead of showering, getting dressed and doing my chores!

Great thread!
Jambalaya|1444839058|3938190 said:
I'm on PS instead of showering, getting dressed and doing my chores!

Great thread!

+1 to that...sometimes I don't get my shower until after lunch! How is that for procrastinating?

Junebug and seam ripper gets more use than I'd like to admit...I'm happy if I get the alteration done by the second
instead of vacuuming my black lab's fur all over the place.

... completing a project that I stopped working on back at the end of March... and that I've COMMITTED to finishing by the end of this month. Really.
It's so beautiful outside and I have a fence to paint, therefore I am staying inside on PS.
....doing payroll....I'm really procrastinating :shock:
Just got home from work, fed the kitties and am now relaxing for 15 minutes on the couch reading PS and answering some emails. My dh will be home in another 10 minutes and then we will be enjoying each other's company and preparing dinner so this is my quiet time.
Vacuuming upstairs. . . I've already done a lot of work this evening but that's the last chore on my list tonight.

After typing and reading it, I guess I'd better go get busy - it won't do itself darn it!!
.....Filling a bazillion orders for my home business and finishing some artwork for a few art shows I have coming up! dinner.
I'm back and never did get the alterations done. I'm going to try to get the pants done TODAY!!! Its my goal and the least I should
get done. The shirt can wait until tomorrow (or Monday :)) ).
tyty333|1444840540|3938201 said:
Jambalaya|1444839058|3938190 said:
I'm on PS instead of showering, getting dressed and doing my chores!

Great thread!

+1 to that...sometimes I don't get my shower until after lunch! How is that for procrastinating?

Junebug and seam ripper gets more use than I'd like to admit...I'm happy if I get the alteration done by the second

Haahaaa, I'm glad it's not just me! And here I am again, pajamas and procrastination! In my defense, I am still having breakfast!
tyty333|1444832919|3938162 said:
hemming my son's pants and altering a shirt to make it more fitted. I hate altering clothes! :(

Hi tyty,

This post has nothing to do with your sons pants but I was wondering if you could give me some advise on some diamonds.

I found your advice on a previous post with regard to choosing a quality oval diamond really helpful and educational.

Ovals...look for
- minimal bow-tie
- nice feathered faceting pattern between any bow-tie and ends of oval
- no shoulders
- nice length to width ratio
- decent aset image

Can I send you a link of two ovals that I am looking, I would appreciate you opinion?

Apologies if this is not the correct way to contact you. I have never been a member of a forum before, not sure if I have broke etiquette.

Quwas|1445424932|3940563 said:
tyty333|1444832919|3938162 said:
hemming my son's pants and altering a shirt to make it more fitted. I hate altering clothes! :(

Hi tyty,

This post has nothing to do with your sons pants but I was wondering if you could give me some advise on some diamonds.

I found your advice on a previous post with regard to choosing a quality oval diamond really helpful and educational.

Ovals...look for
- minimal bow-tie
- nice feathered faceting pattern between any bow-tie and ends of oval
- no shoulders
- nice length to width ratio
- decent aset image

Can I send you a link of two ovals that I am looking, I would appreciate you opinion?

Apologies if this is not the correct way to contact you. I have never been a member of a forum before, not sure if I have broke etiquette.


The best thing to do is to go over to Rocky talky and start a thread. I'm sure tyty and others would be happy to help, but its easiest to have everything in your own thread for reference :wavey:
Thanks Neil :dance:
I'm here instead of going to bed. I'm a night owl, but my job often has me up at the butt crack of dawn. I'll pay for it tomorrow :roll:
ditto above . . . "doing dishes" or "going to bed"

Instead of working out right now as I am procrastinating as usual. Gotta get the motivation to get going and work out...time is running out before my workday. OK that's what the iPad is for anyway right? Can keep tabs on PS while working out. Win win. But it's so much easier to be on PS when not on the elliptical. :cheeky: :wavey:
Working on my laptop! I have my period and I'm exceptionally fatigued. There is an iced coffee in front of me that I am willing myself to pick up. Yet I have the strength and focus to read new hangout posts lololol...
tyty333|1444832919|3938162 said:
hemming my son's pants and altering a shirt to make it more fitted. I hate altering clothes! :(

I finally got the pants and shirt altered. I've also altered a pair of shorts for my daughter since. The only thing left on my
sewing list is to make a pillow for a chair that is rather hard. I've had the fabric for around 3 months and still haven't gotten it
Hauling my school books downstairs to store since I can't attend school for a quarter or two (hopefully not more...).

To be fair, I am waiting for lunch to come out of the oven. Have 3 loaves of bread baked, a big pan of Apple/rhubarb bread pudding done, a big pot of chicken stock cooking as base of chicken barley soup for lunches, beans soaking for a Tuscan bean dish for dinners, and ground turkey thawing for meatballs for dinners. Oh, plus finished roasting coffee beans for the week.

So, yeah.... Sitting briefly before finishing up all the food and getting my first day of work documents ready to go for tomorrow.
Yaay, Toopatient!
I love to hear about real food made at home!
TooPatient|1445804492|3942033 said:
Hauling my school books downstairs to store since I can't attend school for a quarter or two (hopefully not more...).

To be fair, I am waiting for lunch to come out of the oven. Have 3 loaves of bread baked, a big pan of Apple/rhubarb bread pudding done, a big pot of chicken stock cooking as base of chicken barley soup for lunches, beans soaking for a Tuscan bean dish for dinners, and ground turkey thawing for meatballs for dinners. Oh, plus finished roasting coffee beans for the week.

So, yeah.... Sitting briefly before finishing up all the food and getting my first day of work documents ready to go for tomorrow.

Thats amazing Too Patient! I wish I did more from scratch. I did make some homemade Mac&Cheese for dinner tonight and I'm in
the process of making Pasta Salad I have to take to my son's school for tomorrow so I'm not being totally lazy today! :cheeky:

Oh gosh, Apple/rhubarb bread pudding sounds so good (and I'm not a big bread pudding fan). Any thing with rhubarb gets my