
Im come to conclude

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Feb 18, 2008
that all of us lovely LIWs LOVE grilled cheese from my other thread... heheh I just had one tonight and it was too die for!!

How does everyone make their grilled cheese or have any special recipes.. Ill post mine.. hehehe

Sourdough bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar on the outside, butter in the inside (got that paula dean in me...butter on everything..hehehehe)
then layer with mild (or sharp) cheddar
then some mozzarella
then just a pinch of parmesan(not much just a little bit)
then garlic powder)
then mozzarella
then cheddar again

its FABULOUS!!!!! :-) I wish I could make it for you all.. My inspiration was from schlotzsky''s (an old sandwhich restaraunt..not sure if they have them anymore)

AND tonight I had a grilled cheese from TooJays and it was on holla bread and I had cheddar, muenster, and provolone on it... yummmyy :-)
Hmm... never get really fancy with the grilled cheese, but Vermont White Cheddar on a hamburger bun is quite tasty!

Now, for a REAL treat...

1 thin piece of bnls skinless chicken breast, grilled
1 slice of garlic bread (texas toast) (cut in half length-wise)
1 slice Monterey jack cheese
1 handful fresh spinach, sauteed

Put together sandwich and grill on a Forman Grill

TO DIE FOR! Sooooo bad
, but sooooooooo good!
I never knew there was such an art to cheese and bread

I usually whack my toast on and then melt some plastic cheese on it in the microwave, interesting.
FYI, it's challah bread, and it makes incredible French toast.

I like to make mine with white bread (this never happens though because we only buy wheat bread) and American cheese.

And I serve it with tomato soup.

If I want to jazz it up a little, I'll add sliced tomatoes and salt and pepper.

Yeah. I'm pretty boring...

ETA: I do this on the George Foreman without fat, or melted butter or hot olive oil in a frying pan...Ugh, now i"m craving them...
hahaha I knew I thought I was spelling it wrong, I googled it and it said that it was a real I just figured that was how u spell it... my B... ya my FF''s aunt and uncle told me it makes fantastic french toast...Im def going to be trying that out soon. i LOVE french toast...yummy! :-)
Ok you''ve got me craving French toast.

You''re a trouble maker blondebunny.
Date: 7/24/2008 11:39:09 PM
Author: FrekeChild
Ok you''ve got me craving French toast.

You''re a trouble maker blondebunny.

haha i know, I dont know what it is but ive been craving food lately, usually im never hungry...blahh guess its time to go back to the fun :-)
Ha.. how funny. I just had a tasty grilled three cheese sandwich at this restaurant in Houston called House of Pies, which consisted of American, Swiss, and Cheddar cheese with some tomato slices.

It totally hit the spot
Date: 7/24/2008 11:32:22 PM
Author: FrekeChild
FYI, it's challah bread, and it makes incredible French toast.

I like to make mine with white bread (this never happens though because we only buy wheat bread) and American cheese.

And I serve it with tomato soup.

If I want to jazz it up a little, I'll add sliced tomatoes and salt and pepper.

Yeah. I'm pretty boring...

ETA: I do this on the George Foreman without fat, or melted butter or hot olive oil in a frying pan...Ugh, now i'm craving them...
I think I'm the boring one! My grilled cheese sandwiches consist of: cheddar (usually lower-fat), bread (usually whole grain) and butter. I got adventurous last time and added a sprinkling of feta to the mix, LOL.

This pub in my hometown used to make THE best grilled cheese sandwiches. I can't recall which cheeses they used, but it was a combo of about 4 - I think mozza and again, feta, were two - and it was AMAZING. Made with a white bread, french bread or something similar. I prefer GC with white bread, of course, but I don't really buy it so the opportunities for that are rare.

It's my ultimate comfort food, with tomato soupl like you mentioned.
My best friend makes his with fancypants bread (I think usually your crusty french/artisan type breads) with brie and avocado.

He was a man of, uh, many talents. His knack for unearthing the best cheese, sushi, and olives in Toronto made visiting him a eating adventure. (Mind you, the cheese, sushi, and olives were not consumed in the same meal.) I''m glad he''s finally got a girlfriend who appreciates him and his grilled cheese sandwiches.
I butter the outside of my 2 bread slices.
put 1st slice down and let it sit a bit, then put on a slice of cheese
then sprinkle a bit of oregano on the cheese
add 2nd slice of cheese and last slice of bread and flipp.
lol ket it get buttery and crispy...MMMM
Umm. Freke, truer words have never been spoken.

Challah is THE bread for french toast.
I love grilled cheese!

I like to use white bread (actually I won''t make one if we don''t have white bread)
I put mayo on both sides of the inside
at least 2 pieces of sliced American cheese
butter the outsides and grill.

Yummie! I love to have this with tomato soup in which case I cut it into small pieces so it''s easier to dunk or with seasoned curly fries.....Oh, now I''m so craving grilled cheese!
WOW Blondbunny - you are pretty fancy! Sounds DELISH!

Im simple -
I like good old fashioned butter, white bread and American cheese.

The key is LOW and SLOW for that perfectly toasted, non mushy, outside.

WOW All of those sounds delish!!! Blondebunny-how do you eat like that and stay so tiny? LUCKY GIRL
Another bore here - whatever bread we have + american cheese with buttered outsides. I dip mine in ketchup. Mmmm I think that''s a Canadian thing, everyone I know thinks that''s weird...
Date: 7/25/2008 10:14:01 AM
Author: LiveLaughLove
WOW All of those sounds delish!!! Blondebunny-how do you eat like that and stay so tiny? LUCKY GIRL
haha I dunno.. sometimes it plays catch up on..and sometimes not.. I have a thyroid problem (the good one) so my metabolism is really fast hehe :-) I bet its going to catch up in the next few years though haha
Date: 7/25/2008 11:44:51 AM
Author: blondebunny
Date: 7/25/2008 10:14:01 AM

Author: LiveLaughLove

WOW All of those sounds delish!!! Blondebunny-how do you eat like that and stay so tiny? LUCKY GIRL

haha I dunno.. sometimes it plays catch up on..and sometimes not.. I have a thyroid problem (the good one) so my metabolism is really fast hehe :-) I bet its going to catch up in the next few years though haha

LUCKY must be nice! haha I wish I had that problem.
All these grilled cheese recipes are making me huuuuuungry!

I like to use a slice of Texas Toast, cuz in half the long way-- and any kind of cheese will work, but muenster is definitely my fave.

mmmm... grilled cheese. There are few finer things in life than some quality bread and cheese
BB- ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? Grilled cheese is my FAV! (partially because Im a vegetarian. I lived on grilled cheese growing up and I still eat it fequently! lol)

My parents got me a panini grill for Christmas. I make FF and myself grilled cheese panini's ALL the time!!! MMMMMMMM so good. I wanted a panini grill especially for grilled cheeses because when I made them on the stove, they weren't as crispy as I liked them. But the panini grill makes them nice and crispy.

I usually do basic stuff because Im a super picky eater. But here is how I usually make them:

Bread: French, Italian, Sheepherder, or Sourdough
Cheese: Tillamook- usually colby jack, sometimes sharp cheddar (Tillamook contains no renet. Renet is the inside lining of a sheeps stomach. And companies sometimes use this to make the cheese) I will NOT eat anything containing renet.

I also sometimes put Guildens Spicy Mustard or the regualr plain mustard
Sometimes I cut up granny smith apples into tiny pieces and put that inside the panini grilled cheeses too. Its real good!!!

Thats about all. HA! I told you it was basic.
Date: 7/25/2008 2:50:08 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
BB- ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? Grilled cheese is my FAV! (partially because Im a vegetarian. I lived on grilled cheese growing up and I still eat it fequently! lol)

My parents got me a panini grill for Christmas. I make FF and myself grilled cheese panini''s ALL the time!!! MMMMMMMM so good. I wanted a panini grill especially for grilled cheeses because when I made them on the stove, they weren''t as crispy as I liked them. But the panini grill makes them nice and crispy.

I usually do basic stuff because Im a super picky eater. But here is how I usually make them:

Bread: French, Italian, Sheepherder, or Sourdough

Cheese: Tillamook- usually colby jack, sometimes sharp cheddar (Tillamook contains no renet. Renet is the inside lining of a sheeps stomach. And companies sometimes use this to make the cheese) I will NOT eat anything containing renet.

I also sometimes put Guildens Spicy Mustard or the regualr plain mustard

Sometimes I cut up granny smith apples into tiny pieces and put that inside the panini grilled cheeses too. Its real good!!!

Thats about all. HA! I told you it was basic.

Dreamgirl I don''t know if you can get it in the US but Nimbin Natural Vegetarian cheese is sooooo good, if you can find it try it

Is apple nice with melted cheese?
You know why this thread cracks me up?

Because whenever my friends get plastered, they talk about random stuff like this. I could totally see them having a discussion on how to make the best grilled cheese sandwich.

My recipe: whole wheat bagel, Boar''s head american yellow cheese, and lots and lots and lots of butter
Really. Ive never heard of that cheese before. I will keep an eye out for it, thanks! And YES!!! Apples with the cheese taste real good. I got the idea from a restaurant called Spicy Pickle. Well, they have the option to put diced granny smith apples on their sandwiches. I tried it once and thought mmmmm thats good. Then I thought of trying it on grilled cheese and its quite tasty!! It adds a little sweetness to it!
I so have to try that it definitly sounds interesting.

The cheese I mention is an Aussie cheese but it is so nice, I love it very creamy but a yummy slight sharpness to it
Lol...we all must be on the same brainwave or something...I had a grilled cheese last night for dinner. After walking out of 2 restaurants for unattentive service...yeah, they shall remain nameless, I ended up at Earl of Sandwich at Downtown Disney and had their Ultimate Grilled Cheese.....86 the tomato and it''s sooooo good!
Date: 7/25/2008 2:50:08 PM
Author: Dreamgirl
BB- ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!? Grilled cheese is my FAV! (partially because Im a vegetarian. I lived on grilled cheese growing up and I still eat it fequently! lol)

My parents got me a panini grill for Christmas. I make FF and myself grilled cheese panini''s ALL the time!!! MMMMMMMM so good. I wanted a panini grill especially for grilled cheeses because when I made them on the stove, they weren''t as crispy as I liked them. But the panini grill makes them nice and crispy.

I usually do basic stuff because Im a super picky eater. But here is how I usually make them:

Bread: French, Italian, Sheepherder, or Sourdough

Cheese: Tillamook- usually colby jack, sometimes sharp cheddar (Tillamook contains no renet. Renet is the inside lining of a sheeps stomach. And companies sometimes use this to make the cheese) I will NOT eat anything containing renet.

I also sometimes put Guildens Spicy Mustard or the regualr plain mustard

Sometimes I cut up granny smith apples into tiny pieces and put that inside the panini grilled cheeses too. Its real good!!!

Thats about all. HA! I told you it was basic.

I could eat grilled cheese everyday for the rest of my life and be happy as a clam! hahaha, I almost had it again tonight until FF told he wanted chinese so I said okay fine, but I find myself craving one right now...blahhh

BUT on another note... here is an old family recipe thing I got from my g-ma she used to make it for me all the time!! (dont hate until you try it...seriously im telling you...try it!!)

ok here is the recipe:
white bread
then butter it on one side
then put cinnamon and sugar on it
then toast it a little bit
then take out and put cheddar cheese on it
then put cinnamon and sugar on it again
then finish toasting and so the cheese is melted! YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

I eat it for breakfast or at night when Im craving something sweet... seriously try cheese and cinnamon sugar together...its the best in the world.. hahaha :-)
Um, hello?!?

Has anyone been to the Melting pot!?!

The cheese fondue with granny smith apples and white bread?????


The only thing better is the brownies with the chocolate fondue.... which basically elicits spontaneous orgasm....

Sorry, that was TMI...

Hands down, my fav restaurant. SO loves it too
This thread is making my mouth water.
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