
If You See Something, Whom Do You Tell?


Feb 18, 2010
We seem always to be in the wake of yet another tragedy that should have been avoidable. Regardless of the weaponry used, the untreated mentally ill seem to be a common factor. Most of us have wondered why no one noticed before the "it" moment came. Or had some had concerns but did nothing because it wasn't their business, or more likely, did not know what to tell to whom.

There is currently in my neighborhood, a guy who is certainly a paranoid schizophrenic. During the last year many of the local residents, who had been kind to him, became the objects of his delusions. Delusions which seem to be getting worse. Early in the year he made threatening statements to his brother, who, along with their mother, called the NYPD, who visited him. We will never know what happened, but he claims they broke in and assaulted him and broke his ankle. His brother has a restraining order against him.
Last week he sent an email to about 20 people, ranting about how he was going down to Vestry street by the former hole of 9/11 that he predicted, and how he was going to end the police state single handedly. He has also approached people in cafes and bars ranting about one thing or another, and making implied threats against their mutual acquaintances. I would post the email (I did not receive it, it was forwarded to me by a worried recipient) but I am not sure if that would be legal. Certainly I have no concern that he would see it here.

So the real question I am asking is, in a situation like this, whom does one tell?
There *should* be a mental health crisis intervention team in your county. You can contact them. Google can provide the info you need.

Here is NAMI's map:

If there isn't a crisis team in your county, you can try county mental health and ask what you should do.

The email should be revealed to either mental health services or to law enforcement. If it shows an intent to harm others, it is enough to have him involuntarily hospitalized.
We have a friend who is a psychologist. I'd contact her to find out what she would suggest.

If she didn't know where to point me (she's in a different state), I'd follow up with the local police and our attorney (since he knows lots of people for psychological evaluations and that sort of thing plus local laws).

It sounds like the person is getting sicker and really needs help. I hope you are able to find someone who can get him the help he needs. Does he have family in the area who can be contacted?
I looked at the nyc dept of health and mental hygiene website, there was nothing to be found. If I were the one suffering it directed me to a few hotlines. Really they seem more interested in giving dog licenses. House Cat, I looked at your link, thank you, and it has a national map if CIT resources by county but none in mine or around here. Too Patient, I do know a psychologist and will ask her next time I see her, but I should like to find a resource for this before chance brings us together, and really this is the kind of information that we all should have but don't. When I was a child I knew where all the fallout shelters were.
VapidLapid|1387158435|3574991 said:
I looked at the nyc dept of health and mental hygiene website, there was nothing to be found. If I were the one suffering it directed me to a few hotlines. Really they seem more interested in giving dog licenses. House Cat, I looked at your link, thank you, and it has a national map if CIT resources by county but none in mine or around here. Too Patient, I do know a psychologist and will ask her next time I see her, but I should like to find a resource for this before chance brings us together, and really this is the kind of information that we all should have but don't. When I was a child I knew where all the fallout shelters were.

In a situation like this, I would not hesitate to dig out her phone number and call her. Usually I'm against such intrusions (as I said in the other thread) but in a case of safety like this is you would not be at all out of line.

It is sad that this sort of information is not easily available. This is the sort of thing people should be able to find when they need!
You call the police or crisis center. If someone is having homicidal ideation they need to be taken to a hospital for evaluation and treatment. My guess is if he is not already involved in county services, he will be after this (which is not a bad thing). Because of a famous case, Tarasoff, potential victims will need to be informed/warned as well. Hope he gets the help he needs.

ETA: All you call is the police station. No special number. Now thinking about it I doubt a crisis worker would evaluate him w/o the police anyways (since it is HI). I would not wait.
It's crazy there isn't a mental health crisis org there, VL, but not surprising; that's why so many mentally ill folks are wandering around. If you can't get help from such an institution, at the very least, try calling the cops. They may tell you they can't do anything unless he commits a crime, but it's important to have tried.

These laws have to be changed. In the awful case that he does something scary, the more people can say they tried & no help available, the more pressure builds for change. If nobody contacts authorities, the situation fades away.

Failing anything else, I'd call Bellevue psych dept. too, or NY Hospital, somewhere like that, to ask if they have any advice on where you might look for help for the guy. They deal with this kind of thing multiple times a day.

Good luck & good for you for doing what you can.

--- Laurie
My best friend's brother is a paranoid schizophrenic. He's huge--about 350lbs. He frequently stops taking his medications and has outbursts. I am terrified for my friend, I honestly am afraid he will hurt her in one of his moments. He gets medication, but no therapy. She gets very indignant when I tell her I am concerned, insisting he would never hurt anyone When he's medicated, OK, I'll go along with that, but he's not consistent. She is a very gentle, loving sister, but I think she's way over head in this matter.
I work in mental health and I hate to say it but there is one major advantage of being involuntarily committed (at least where I live). The county HAS to pay for the stay if the patient does not have insurance. Just something to think about if you are feeling guilty about calling the police. Also, it would not be a criminal charge.