
if you had 3 kids of the same sex...

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
would you prefer all boys or all girls? and why?
As much as I've always wanted (and got) a girl and really am not into boys at all, I'd have to say:

3 boys. 3 girls would drive me to the brink in their teenage years. Even 3 Amelias might cause me to start using drugs.
All girls because I am one of three girls. Also because my aunt has three boys,and she has no one to shop with.
girls! I've always had a preference for a girl. I just relate to them better, for obvious reasons, I guess.
Boys! I'm one of four sisters and have always wanted boys!! Three boys would be great (says the woman with no kids)!
TravelingGal said:
3 boys. 3 girls would drive me to the brink in their teenage years.

I have to agree. I'm friends with a family of four sisters (each are two years apart) who used to fight like cats and dogs as teenagers. Punching, kicking, throwing things- it was crazy. At least two were fighting at any one time. Their poor parents! :cheeky:
3 girls! My sister has 3 boys and she comes over here when the testosterone levels get too high in her house.

My DD gets a lot of special time with her aunt and I get free time.
Definitely boys (I already have two) but I always wanted boys over girls.
3 boys for sure! Raising 3 girls would be tough.

I'd be so proud and blessed to have 3 sons.
Girls! I have an older and a younger sister so I can relate to it.

A lot of people complain that girls are expensive but when I hear my DH talk about growing up as one of four boys, and the amount of groceries his mother had to buy, I freak out a little. While my sisters and I fought growing up, we eventually all got along. At family dinners with my inlaws, DH and his brothers still stab each other with utensils and they're ages 28-35. :rolleyes:
3 girls - I'm one of four: 3 girls and 1 boy; DH is one of 4 boys. I also seemed to have invariably dated guys who came from all boy families...

While I think boys are perhaps easier than girls especially in the teenage years, I have noticed that my MIL doesn't have the sort of relationship with her sons that my sisters and I have with my mother.

I really enjoy going shopping with her or just going for coffee and a gossip and we talk on the phone a couple of times a week, whereas my husband barely calls his mother (he does like her so no reason not to).

I also think it's a different relationship when your kids get married or have children themselves - much easier to be the girl's mother than her MIL and less worrying about offending/interfering etc. Son-in-laws are a different ballgame from daughters-in-law!

When I needed to revise for an exam I went to my parents for a week so they could look after Daisy for me, I wouldn't think of going to my MIL's to do that - so my parents see rather more of Daisy than my IL's do.
Travel Goddess said:
Girls! I have an older and a younger sister so I can relate to it.

A lot of people complain that girls are expensive but when I hear my DH talk about growing up as one of four boys, and the amount of groceries his mother had to buy, I freak out a little. While my sisters and I fought growing up, we eventually all got along. At family dinners with my inlaws, DH and his brothers still stab each other with utensils and they're ages 28-35. :rolleyes:

My nephews do that. Also they get a kick of smacking each other or getting each other in a headlock constantly. The youngest is 16 and the oldest 27.
All girls. Now I think alot of this stems from already having a daughter-- but 3 boys just sounds like a frat house to me! I feel like my DD is already my best friend and I don't know if it would be the same with boys (admittedly this is likely b/c I have no brothers and raising a little boy/teen boy is foreign to me!).
I honestly wouldn't care, both would have their rewards and challenges, but DH has no patience with or liking for boys, so for the sake of a peaceful life, we'd have to go with girls. I already have one anyway, so it would have to be girls.
Girls. Now that I have a daughter I can't imagine life with a boy instead.
Slight preference toward all girls! I think all boys would be really fun. And boys are so sweet, too!!!! I guess it doesn't really matter since 3 kids would be a huge blessing anyway.
Boys! Mainly because I already have 2 and can't imagine life without them. But I also love to have some alone time, so I like the fact I can leave them on a Sunday afternoon with my husband to do their "man stuff" and watch football while I go for a pedicure and a latte! The whole food thing when they're teens I can see b/c my 5 year old already eats so much when going through a growth spurt, but I figure those costs will be negated since I won't have to pay for weddings!
I wouldn't do 3 of either...I think it would just be too much for me!

Dh knows this...he wants 3 kids but I think I only want 2. I told him if our first 2 are the same gender, then we're definitely done. We have a boy now, so I guess we'll have to see what we have next!
I'd be delighted with boys or girls but to answer the question I pick Girls! My brothers were evil :eek:!
Boys. Girls are crazy, especially from 13-19!!! (I know I was!)
3 boys. the girl teenage years scare me.

i have a boy and we love it. plus i was raised with 2 sisters and the drama can be crazy with 4 women in the house and only one man!! so i'd rather have testosterone than estrogen. :naughty: plus it's probably cheaper in the long run.

one of my coworkers has 4 girls. they kept trying to get a boy. i think now they might be done.
i would have said 3 girls before having kids
now, with one of each, i am not so sure.....maybe leaning to boys. Less drama but bigger grocery bills :)
Three girls!

Actually, two boys and a girl, or two girls and a boy, in that order. I've told DH to make sure he's got 'em lined up right.

I've always imagined myself with a baby girl, or two.. boys just don't get the same fuzzy daydreams. I'm sure the fact that I'm an only child with a good relationship with my mother has a lot to do with it - I get along fine with my dad, but he doesn't go for gossiping over tea like mum does ::) he's sure happy to have DH around, though!