
If you had 2-3K to spend for each stone, which one would you choose? Why?

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Sep 26, 2009
1) You have 2-3K to buy an Emerald:

lot on

* Criteria: a dominant blue undertone in a vivid deep forest green, good brilliance, and sufficient clarity, and a 1 carat plus Emerald.

What is your choice?

2) You have 2-3K to buy an Alexandrite:

Africagems'' Alexandrites

* Criteria: range of color change, desirability of colors, 0.50-1 carat, uniqueness and personality.

Please state which stones you have chosen by posting their links/item numbers.

I''m attempting to learn more about the subtleties of these stones and to understand their value more deeply. There are so many choices out there that I''m overwhelmed and confused. I hope to make an informed decision by learning from you experts on how you would go through the decision-making and selection process with these parameters in mind.

Thanks :) :)


Aug 25, 2009
Are you set on using this website?

I would also Contact Jeff White and Percision Gem to see if they have anything. To me nothing on that websites stands out and i''m not extremely familiar with emerald pricing but that does seem expensive. I think they inflat their pricing to make the sale look better.


Sep 20, 2008
It is very difficult to get good pricing on a high grade, untreated Columbian emerald. Have you looked into Zambian material as well? It seems that you can get more for your money for a nice stone with decent clarity. It won''t be cheap, but it doesn''t carry the origin premium of Columbia.


Sep 26, 2009
Yes, my jeweler is looking into Zambians as well.


Sep 26, 2009
I''m so tired of all this hunting and the fact that my current budget is so limiting. That is why I''m going to stick to the Graff Emerald; god knows when I can get it and whether it''ll still be there, but better get what I really want than to get a replacement. Buying gems is tricky, too many pitfalls, and I don''t know if I''ll ever acquire the knowledge necessary to buy stones separately. Jewelry is a hobby after all.

Thank you all for your advice.


Sep 20, 2008
I have the same problem as you. I find that my taste in certain stones, such as blue sapphires, rubies and emeralds, is so limiting due to the fact that the real gemmy ones are so darn expensive, that I don''t end up getting any. I have some Muzos I purchased many years ago, and while they are a very nice green, I found out they were resin filled after the fact (it was a very long time ago, and I didn''t know as much about emeralds back then). The gemologist did confirm the color was all natural, so I''m pleased with that, but it still kind of ruined it for me with those stones. If I had the money, I would want a top Muzo emerald, a top Kashmir sapphire with the sleepy silk in it, and a top clean Burma ruby. All untreated of course. In other words, I would be a Graff customer as well. LOL!! It''s very difficult to find the gem of your dreams when you compare a stone to a Graff piece.

One of the reasons I started the "imposter" (I know, bad terminology) gems thread, was because I wanted to hear people''s opinions on gems that are more affordable than some of the super expensive ones in top gem quality, in particular the major three I mentioned above (major 4 if you include Paraiba tourmaline). While I don''t think any stone can really come close to the major four in top quality (Kashmir sapphire, Burma Ruby, Muzo emerald, Brazilian Paraiba), I do feel that people can get a very nice look for substantially less money.

Good luck on your hunt!! Keep us posted.


Apr 22, 2004
Not really answering your question, but would like to share my opinion anyway.
Between the 2 types of gemstones and given your budget, I’d go for the emerald for several reasons:

1. The Alexandrite is going to face up small (given its density compared to the emerald) and also, it is going to be smaller by carat weight anyway for the same budget.
2. It is exceedingly difficult to find a complete colour change that also looks nice in BOTH colours without any gray or brown modifiers, in addition to being overly dark in tone.

I can tell you know exactly what you want and this search doesn’t sound fun to you, which is what it should be. If you have the patience, then I’d wait for the Graff emerald.


Sep 26, 2009
About a year ago, I wanted a "serious" Emerald. When I went to dealers, they were about 13K for the stone and then an additional 2-3K for the setting. I figured I''ll divert the money to the diamonds first. Anyway, I saw Graff''s Emerald. 42K, then 38K after some discussion. However, they were all over 2.5 carats with extraordinary color and clarity, so I can understand the prices.

Right now, I''m just looking for something about half the size, since I have seen some nice mounted Colombians in that range at about 5K - If I don''t get the Graff, I can certainly live with a smaller but high quality Colombian
The ones I saw had less blue, so I told the jeweler I wanted something in that size and style but with more blue. He said he has some for me to look at, but today was his day off.

If I am to go on the wholesale route, I figured the stone should only be about 2-3K and then perhaps another 1-2K for the setting, as the jewelers definitely don''t have to pay that.

I totally get what you''re all saying! I think the personality types that end up in such a forum have very exacting, high standards, so it''s very hard when you have high standards but limited cash. I get so many lamentations about having high standards and that I shouldn''t expect anything - I don''t expect anything in particular, but it just takes a certain standard for me to feel comfortable about something. I don''t think people get the difference. I was in another forum and there was someone complaining about how perfectionist people who end up on these types (luxury goods) of forums have OCD - hello, you''re on the same forum, ever hear about projection and what you hate is actually what you hate about yourself?
People can be so judgmental, and when it comes to jewels, I think people don''t understand that if a shade or a cut is off, the whole magic disappears.

I did manage to see some Alexandrite rings today. They were all quite nice. I just got the urge to get an Alex. in the past 2 days, so I don''t anticipate it will last ;-) The Emerald, however, I''ve wanted all my life, so I''ll get it first after another diamond ring I''ve been planning to get. But back to the Alexandrite. Would love your input: I narrowed down to two rings - they ranged from about 0.70 to 0.80 carats, Brazilian, 2.5-4K. One is bigger and has obviously more color range, but not by much. The colors ranged from reddish-brownish purple to Peridot-like green. The more expensive one has instances of bluish green. Very good brilliance. What do you guys think?

ma re

Aug 10, 2008
If you prefer quality over quantity and wouldn''t be quite happy with the cheaper/larger one, then get the smaller/more expensive one.


Sep 20, 2008
The supply chain from Columbia for fine emeralds is frought with corruption and only some of the best dealers, with the hard amount of cash (like Graff) and connections, can obtain the fine quality that you so desire. It''s another reason so many of the stones are cut poorly and filled with a myriad of colored resins and the like.

If I were you, and you couldn''t get the Graff stone, or a fine Zambian just doesn''t do it for you, then I would look into getting an Alexandrite. Although, Chrono does make the very good point that you do get a lot of surface area for your money with emeralds, the finest ones are so difficult to come by. You''ve seen them, and that probably has ruined all other emeralds in your eyes. I always say, if you want to save money on gems, go look at museum quality gems. LOL! I remember seeing an antique emerald ring, not a huge stone, for $250K. Well, I can never forget that stone, it was a sight to behold.

On a side note, Elizabeth Taylor sold her fine Columbian emerald ring for the piddly sum of 80K for Aids charity. I was so jealous that the winning bidder got it for such a steal, especially being owned by such a famous jewelery collector. Although 80K is a great amount of money for most of us, for that ring, it was peanuts.


Apr 22, 2004
I don’t think the museums will appreciate my sleeping on the floor next to the display in my effort to ogle their emeralds all day/night long.


Sep 26, 2009
^LOL, why don't we just get jobs as cranky museum guards? The people who remind you not to touch anything.

I did hear from a woman from Chile who said that only the major houses get the best from the cartels is largely a myth. Yes, of course the major houses get the good stuff, but a fair amount of nice stones do stay in Colombia. I don't know what's true or not. I do know that a lot of garbage is out there, and it took years of seeing top quality jewelry almost everyday to spot one that captured my heart. It can be an everyday size and it was the price of a nice car, not a historical villa in Provence :razz: I don't need cars anyway, heh.

I hear all your pain!!! I completely understand.

At the moment, I'm trying to get a 1 carat top quality Colombian that is to my taste. I thought it should be quite simple, but with Emeralds, it never is. Jewelers just aren't into dealing with them, unlike diamonds.

With Alexandrites - are the reddish-purle to Peridot-like greens considered good buys? Or should I just buy something from David Wein?

Stone Hunter

May 12, 2006
Date: 10/19/2009 9:36:49 AM
Author: 336336

I totally get what you''re all saying! I think the personality types that end up in such a forum have very exacting, high standards, so it''s very hard when you have high standards but limited cash. I get so many lamentations about having high standards and that I shouldn''t expect anything - I don''t expect anything in particular, but it just takes a certain standard for me to feel comfortable about something. I don''t think people get the difference. I was in another forum and there was someone complaining about how perfectionist people who end up on these types (luxury goods) of forums have OCD - hello, you''re on the same forum, ever hear about projection and what you hate is actually what you hate about yourself?
People can be so judgmental, and when it comes to jewels, I think people don''t understand that if a shade or a cut is off, the whole magic disappears.
I don''t know alot about emeralds but I totally get this. If I bought an Emerald and found out later that it had been filled I too would be very unhappy. Having a certain set of standards and a buget makes jewelry buying very hard. SIGH


Jun 29, 2008
Date: 10/19/2009 11:51:08 AM
Author: 336336
^LOL, why don't we just get jobs as cranky museum guards? The people who remind you not to touch anything.

I did hear from a woman from Chile who said that only the major houses get the best from the cartels is largely a myth. Yes, of course the major houses get the good stuff, but a fair amount of nice stones do stay in Colombia. I don't know what's true or not. I do know that a lot of garbage is out there, and it took years of seeing top quality jewelry almost everyday to spot one that captured my heart. It can be an everyday size and it was the price of a nice car, not a historical villa in Provence :razz: I don't need cars anyway, heh.

I hear all your pain!!! I completely understand.

At the moment, I'm trying to get a 1 carat top quality Colombian that is to my taste. I thought it should be quite simple, but with Emeralds, it never is. Jewelers just aren't into dealing with them, unlike diamonds.

With Alexandrites - are the reddish-purle to Peridot-like greens considered good buys? Or should I just buy something from David Wein?
I've never seen a Peridot green Alex but I have seen pale green ones that change to a terracotta orange colour. These are not particularly good quality alexandrites! I've been collecting alex for many many years. If you want to see some photos of some of my collection, do a search on my name. The colour you should see is roughly a forest green in natural daylight and an amethyst colour with pink flashes at night. There are variations on this theme BUT the best Alex is as I've just described and in fact, the more red you see in incandescent lighting, the better. Another thing you MUST know is that you can't trust photographs of Alexandrites unless you know the seller. The camera lies with Alexandrite. It is very difficult to represent the daylight green and even really bad Alex that don't change colour when you look at them with your eyes will appear to change colour when you take a photograph!

David Wein uses specific lighting and doesn't photoshop. I've bought a number of Alexandrites from him and been happy with every purchase. As you would expect, he prices his Alex accordingly so if you see one with lots of zeros in the price, there's a reason! David will always help you to pick the best for your budget.

For a great Alexandrite you will pay more per carat than for a fine Emerald. Finding a great Alexandrite is like searching for a needle in a haystack. I must have seen hundreds over the years - and have only bought a tiny handful. In terms of the ones you posted in your first thread - the photos don't look right and look like some heavy photoshopping. I, personally, wouldn't be drawn to any of them.

I adore both Emeralds and Alexandrite but if you're buying one of these for an everyday stone, the Alex is a better bet because it's more durable than an Emerald. Emeralds are relatively soft and prone to chipping, cracking etc. You need to take much more care (relatively speaking) of them than an Alex. I wear my Emeralds carefully but don't give my Alex a second thought!!!


Sep 26, 2009
LD, you have an impressive Alex collection! You''re such an enabler

The ones I''ve seen locally are a deep, almost metallic prune kind of color, and variations of green under daylight from Peridot-like green to Forest Green to Tourmaline blue-esque kind of green. It sparkles very well especially with the diamond sides. From Brazil. At times they almost glitter like deep blue Sapphires in darker conditions.

I can say I liked them and thought price-wise, they were ok and had room for more haggling, but I don''t know how they would compare to David''s Alex, many from India. And I''d like to make a wise purchase... had enough retail disasters ;-)

The Alex is definitely a very good everyday piece of jewelry, more durable than Emerald surely. But I''ll still have to get whatever is ready and destined for me to take, I suppose.


Dec 12, 2008
Date: 10/18/2009 7:59:36 PM
1) You have 2-3K to buy an Emerald:

lot on

* Criteria: a dominant blue undertone in a vivid deep forest green, good brilliance, and sufficient clarity, and a 1 carat plus Emerald.

What is your choice?

2) You have 2-3K to buy an Alexandrite:

Africagems' Alexandrites

* Criteria: range of color change, desirability of colors, 0.50-1 carat, uniqueness and personality.

Please state which stones you have chosen by posting their links/item numbers.

I'm attempting to learn more about the subtleties of these stones and to understand their value more deeply. There are so many choices out there that I'm overwhelmed and confused. I hope to make an informed decision by learning from you experts on how you would go through the decision-making and selection process with these parameters in mind.

Thanks :) :)
You know my vote is for the emerald.... They're just awesome stones... lol;-)



Mar 24, 2007
I'm by no means an expert, just a consumer with opinions.
But these are the ones that jumped out at me right away when I browsed through the pages:

emerald - the only one I see of sufficient clarity for my standards, and looks like a nice bluish-green color

alexandrite - can't see the color change but stated to be good, doesn't appear to be windowed as many alex are, and color is evenly distributed

Both just over $2k and the right size.

ETA: As for which one I'd choose, I'd definitely go for an alex. I know this is contrary to the majority opinion here; however, emeralds just don't do it for me, and alexandrites do.


Sep 26, 2009
^Alexandrites are still new territory to me. I suppose I will get something when I feel more knowledgeable about them.

Now that I've seen LD's photos, I can say that the ones I saw were very similar to her gorgeous pear Alex in color.

Joshua, I do need something from Colombia. I'd like an Emerald that Laurence Graff himself would pick. For free.


Dec 12, 2008
Date: 10/20/2009 4:00:53 PM
Author: 336336
^Alexandrites are still new territory to me. I suppose I will get something when I feel more knowledgeable about them.

Now that I''ve seen LD''s photos, I can say that the ones I saw were very similar to her gorgeous pear Alex in color.

Joshua, I do need something from Colombia. I''d like an Emerald that Laurence Graff himself would pick. For free.
lmao, awesome, I''d like the exact same thing, so I''ll ask for two. ;-)

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