
Ideas for a pendant--Is this impossible?

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Feb 20, 2004
I have a pear shape stone a little under 3 carats that I want to have made into a pendant.

However, I thought there may be some people on here who could give me some input as to whether what I have in mind can be done and if so if it is practical.

Last summer, I attended a fabulous Jewelry Camp run by Joyce Jonas.(It will be given again this summer at a college campus in Long Island and I highly recommend it). One of the lecturers was Reema Keswani who wrote a book about the Shinde Jewels. It seems that many of the most fabulous jewels were made either in India or here by Indian jewlers, among them Shinde who worked for Harrry Winston Queen Elizabeth, the Sultan of Brunie, etc.

In this book, I found a Shinde design. In the center of a magnificent pin, a pear shaped diamond is outlined with yellow gold and surrounded by what looks like cabachon emeralds and a cabachon ruby at the top.

I was wondering whether anyone has ever heard of, or could make, a pendant with a sort of lock on mechanism to turn it inot a ring so it could be used both ways? Has anyone ever heard of this being done or is it an impossible venture?
Hi! I''ve seen rings that can be converted into pendants and vice versa - all of them were estate pieces. I haven''t seen any modern pieces made this way.
Joyce Jonas camps are fantastic. We highly recommend them for anyone who loves jewelry.

It’s not an impossible thing to make a pendant that works as a ring. The shank portion of the ring and the pendant backing both have male locking mechanisms. The diamond is placed in a setting with a female side on the back that can be locked into, and removed from, the ring shank and the pendant backing.

Our senior GG, Bob Hoskins, has a master color stone set that converts into a pendant via 3 layers of metal that lock together. In this manner when he travels overseas his master stone set travels as a simple piece of jewelry.

Solange, if you find someone who makes unique or novelty pieces like this please let us all know.
Can Whiteflash do a job like this? I was hoping they could.
Why not... as long as you find a jeweler familiar with the technicalities involved.

The description alone sounds familiar, but it may be that we have very different things in mind. A cabochon-set frame around a larger stone does not sound common for anything but indiand jewelry (and there is plenty done today in traditional looks and styles of setting), however some designs by Cartier (was it the 2001 catalog?) and Scavia (a feather shaped pin) come to mind asap.

Above all, such a thing does not sound like rocket science.

About the cab-set border - don''t know where to start looking for emeralds (this will be the jeweler''s task anyway) but one of the pieces comissioned at my jeweler''s shop for the holydays used a set of 25 matched and grdauated ruby cabs - the lasgest barely 8mm. They became a line necklace... That isn''t usual either and it only took a week or so to find the right set of stones.

Any chance we could see the design you are referring to?

I don''t have pictures of the things mentioned above, but in the meantime... any chance some element of these comes close?

Date: 1/12/2006 1:49:24 PM
Author: JohnQuixote

Our senior GG, Bob Hoskins, has a master color stone set that converts into a pendant via 3 layers of metal that lock together. In this manner when he travels overseas his master stone set travels as a simple piece of jewelry.

John, dear... such subversive statements are painfully frustrating without pictures!

Here is a ring/pendant setting from Wink Jones'' website. It''s not as elaborate as what you are describing, but I thought it was quite interesting.

Here is the link in case my attachment does not work:

Date: 1/12/2006 12:57:16 PM

I was wondering whether anyone has ever heard of, or could make, a pendant with a sort of lock on mechanism to turn it inot a ring so it could be used both ways? Has anyone ever heard of this being done or is it an impossible venture?
Important gems are sometimes set that way these days - this is not just a historic curiosity.

I had the chance to see one such piece going through a thorough overhaul at a jeweler specialising in the restoration of early watch mechanisms: obviously the piece made use of skills from both sides. This guy is probably not an option most likely, Art of Platinum has a couple on record, and I would surely try WF


You are a genius. Where do you find these things? The piece I have in mind is in the book on Shinde Jewels and I do not have a scanner. Actually what you posted is in the flavor of what i have in mind and I would probably use cabachon rubies rather than emeralds. There is a place I have bought from in the Diamond District. She has wonderful colored stones and her prices are great.

The problem would be whether I could get someone to make such a set-up and the cost involved. In the piece i have in mind. each emerald is surrounded by a semi circle of gold which attaches to the gold rim around the stone.

Is the first piece you posted from India?

Thanks for the help. The piece from Wink is very interesting too but i do not think it would work with this design. Thanks for posting it.
Date: 1/12/2006 1:52:20 PM
Author: solange

Can Whiteflash do a job like this? I was hoping they could.
Our custom department has not made a practice of this. They are very busy at this time, but I mentioned this thread to Brian and we''re going to see if any of our jewelers have experience in this area for you Solange. I will let you know.

Date: 1/12/2006 2:00:36 PM
Author: valeria101

John, dear... such subversive statements are painfully frustrating without pictures!
LOL. Bob just told me about his master stone stealth-pendant today. I''m interested in seeing it too. He doesn''t have photos, but we''ve been known to have a camera or two onsite. Perhaps he''ll bring it for show and tell (he does an educational session for our salespeople once a week) and I''ll attend to snap some pix.
WOWEEE!!!! What an interesting thread...and what great eyecandy!


ETA: I too have seen ring/pendant combinations, but they've almost all looked sort of clunky, 50ish, cocktail ringish, if you know what I mean...

The ensemble Val posted is to die for (I've lusted after it forever)...I wonder how that locking mechanism works?
Wow, Val, these are really kewl!!!!!!!!!
What a brilliant idea actually. I hope to see some of these type ringdants show up here at PS in the future. I''ll keep checking back on this Solange.
Date: 1/12/2006 2:29:35 PM
Author: solange

Is the first piece you posted from India?


In the piece i have in mind. each emerald is surrounded by a semi circle of gold which attaches to the gold rim around the stone.
Yes... and your description (''each emerald is surrounded by a semi circle of gold'') reminded me of another.

If you like Indian jewelry, THIS page may be interesting.

Oh my! I just love them! Every time I see that emerald set my heart goes pitter pat!
How do you find these things? You seem to be the best source for anything one can imagine. Are you in the jewelry business? Or are you just a jewelry encyclopedia?
You have provided such gorgeous pictures. Where do you find them when they are so specific to a subject?
Date: 1/12/2006 3:45:19 PM
Author: solange

Valeria, how do you find these things? Are you in the jewelry business?

No. Just like to read and look for anything jewelry related, like some folk follow the news. Far less depressing than politics.

Where do you find them when they are so specific to a subject?

Well, everything cited has to be online, otherwise, how could I post them (fast enough)?

Basically, Google, starting from a stash of keywords and links.


Hopefully Whiteflash can do this for me. I am going to the Diamond District in the next week to see if i can find some antique jewelry dealers who have "ringdants." I am hoping i can get it done because it should be a lot of fun. Any suggestions as to where to go would be welcome.
It is the Indian look I want and I think it will be fun to have the option of wearing it as either a pendant or a ring.
For dress wear, I am thinking of getting a Whiteflash tennis style necklace. It is my engagement ring--I got an upgrade-- and I think this would be a fun thing to do.
Date: 1/12/2006 9:56:41 PM
Author: solange

It is the Indian look I want and I think it will be fun to have the option of wearing it as either a pendant or a ring.

For dress wear, I am thinking of getting a Whiteflash tennis style necklace.
If they could match! 3 cts drop pendant on a diamond line necklace sounds pretty good to me... although the style would probably be updated quite a bit from the traditional necklace above.

That looks perfect. I love it. It might have to be adjusted a bit if it were to be worn as a ring. That is very much what i have in mind. Now if I can find someone tomake it adjustable to a ring.
How did you do this? Is this photoshopped fromthe above necklace/
Thank you so much.
Date: 1/12/2006 11:38:40 PM
Author: solange

How did you do this? Is this photoshopped fromthe above necklace?

True enough
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