
I have to lose weight


Apr 30, 2005
I'm up to 230 pounds.
That's gross.

My goal is to lose 30 pounds in one year.
I made a chart on Excel with my goal as a straight line.

Eat better, and fewer calories.
Burn more calories daily, via walking and swimming.
Weigh myself every Tuesday and chart it next to my
Drink more water. Cutting out meat might help too, or subbing turkey or healthier meats for fattier ones. You might look into a body cleanse as well. Good luck!
You said you were due for a physical, and had a thread on it. What did your Doc recommend?? I would step up the cardio, not sure if you work out or not.. You seem to eat really well from what I have read.. Organic, low fat IIRC...
So you tell us...

What do YOU need to do to lose 30 pounds??

I think you know better than us????

You know what is adding to all the calories.

Maybe list what you eat here??

Check out the healthy lifestyle forum one above hangout... They give great advice. Good luck Kenny.
Good luck Kenny! I too am trying to lose weight and tone up. I''ve been eating a better diet, doing cardio several times a week and doing some light weight lifting. No results yet, but hopefully soon. I wish you luck in your journey.
Ah, is this why the tofu thread? There is some great advice in the healthy lifestyle thread. Feel free to join us there!

1. Increase water intake.
2. Eat fruits/veggies.
3. Cut processed foods/enriched flours and opt for whole grains.
4. Avoid foods from cans or frozen dinners (loads of sodium)
5. Start reading labels. Beware of hidden sugars and salt.
6. Exercise. If you are a noob, try 30min 3x/week. If you feel like you can do more, do more.
7. Portion size/control

There are no quick fixes to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss. ALL food groups are equally as important to everyday health.
Kenny, I am also on a program to lose 30 lbs. I lost that amount about 7 years ago and it crept back on via a happy relationship and having a baby so I am now setting out to lose it again

I saw a nutritionist the first time around and the plan I followed worked very well:

1) Keep a food diary religiously. Keeps you accountable for what you eat.
2) Figure our how many calories you require to maintain your weight, subtract 500, and then eat that each day. I would guess for you that is around 1800 - 2000 cals.
3) Eat breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner. Each meal should include a whole grain, a fruit/veg, and a protein
4) Excercise as much as possible, at least 4 days per week.

When I actually followed this plan and kept myself accountable, I lost 35 lbs in four months.

It is not rocket science. Eat less, move more. Easier said that done I know.

Did I mention you need to keep a food diary?
In a study of people who lost a significant amount of weight and kept it off for at least 2 years, that was the single thing that they ALL did. When I stopped is when I started gaining weight again.
Welcome to the club Kenny! I am doing weight watchers. I tell my kids ''do the hard thing'', in different situations they are in, and I realized it''s time I step it up and ''do the hard thing''. If they have to, so do I. But as way of
encouragement to you, men seem to lose weight pretty easily and quickly. The hardest part is starting. Ok that''s a lie, the hardest part is sticking with it.
Hi Kenny,

I was going to post this too! 230 lb is not a lot, unless you''re under 5''8"?

I just want to lose 10lbs so my "goal weight" clothes fit comfortably again. 10 lbs kind of crept up on me over the past year.

My plan... drink more water, eat only 75% of what I normally would eat, and try to move more. I went from exercising 5-6 days a week to only 2-3 days due to a new job......

Good Luck weightloss buddy!
Good luck.

Here is what worked for me:
Track your food in a food journal
Get a food scale to weigh out your portions
Exercise a little more
I find eating 5 or 6 small meals a day helps keep me from getting hungry
Drink lots of water
Keep healthy snacks around like raw veggies
Give you self a little treat every day - I have a 1/2 cup of slow churned ice cream every night
I do weight watchers. Lost 27 lbs in 5 months with it, and it is definitely a life style change and I love it.
I think the advice you''ve received is great. I think mental outlook is also key. I like to think about what I can eat instead of what I "can''t." Learning to cook is great for this because you get excited about what you can make and how healthy it is, and it feels empowering to take charge. From a holistic standpoint, I think listening to your body is a skill worth fine-tuning. You may be vaguely aware of hunger, but try to rate it on a scale of 1 to 10. If it''s towards the lower, less hungry side, maybe eating isn''t really so urgent. It will force you to question whether you have other motives like boredom for eating. Sometimes I just wait until my stomach is actually growling to eat. It seems more natural this way because the signals are stronger, so there''s less room for interpretation (eating when hunger signals aren''t strong is confusing because sometimes they''re hard to notice). I want to train my body to tell me when it''s hungry and train myself to listen without added noise like cravings or just wanting seconds for the sake of it. I realize this all seems abstract, but it mostly involves having a frame of mind to only eat what I actually need as fuel and a willingness to control my stress levels such that I can honor my body''s right to have just enough but not too much food.
Date: 5/6/2010 11:14:57 PM
Author: jaysonsmom
Hi Kenny,

I was going to post this too! 230 lb is not a lot, unless you're under 5'8'?

I just want to lose 10lbs so my 'goal weight' clothes fit comfortably again. 10 lbs kind of crept up on me over the past year.

My plan... drink more water, eat only 75% of what I normally would eat, and try to move more. I went from exercising 5-6 days a week to only 2-3 days due to a new job......

Good Luck weightloss buddy!
I was wondering how tall you were too. I've lost some weight in the last couple months but because I'm so tall you really only notice a difference in my face. I've lost weight by watching my portions, drinking lots of water, exercising, and I only keep pretty healthy food in my house to avoid temptation. It definitely helps if you have people in your life supporting you. Good luck, you can do it!!!
Don''t know if you drink alcohol or not, but if you cut that out, weight is likely to drop off you in spades. It did for Mr Gailey, lucky bu&&er!
Date: 5/7/2010 4:24:17 AM
Author: Gailey
Don''t know if you drink alcohol or not, but if you cut that out, weight is likely to drop off you in spades. It did for Mr Gailey, lucky bu&&er!

I would contend that that depends entirely on what sorts of activites one goes in for while inebriated
I''d definitely recommend tracking and weighing everything you eat. I had success a while ago losing 25 lbs., and that''s what I did (as well as working out a few times each week). I used measuring cups/spoons and a scale all the time, and it helped me become aware of what proper portions look like. One thing that stuck with me at the time was when I realized that I didn''t need MORE of something to make it taste good. A few bites of ice cream (or whatever) tasted the same as a huge bowl, for example, so I didn''t need to have that much. I was happy with the amount of calories I was saving, and that made me feel so good. All of this just helped me become more aware of healthy eating habits, and it was a total mind-shift.

Best of luck Kenny! I know it''s not easy.
Date: 5/7/2010 5:12:53 AM
Author: yssie
Date: 5/7/2010 4:24:17 AM

Author: Gailey

Don''t know if you drink alcohol or not, but if you cut that out, weight is likely to drop off you in spades. It did for Mr Gailey, lucky bu&&er!

I would contend that that depends entirely on what sorts of activites one goes in for while inebriated


I agree with the advice that the others listed. Drink lots of water, exercise more if you can (try and find a class that you enjoy doing as you''ll be more likely to exercise if it''s fun) and try and eat healthily. Try not to let yourself get too hungry either as that''s when you''re most likely to grab something quick and not think about what you''re eating.
I used Paul McKenna''s CD''s. It really helped in addition to calorie counting and a food journal. Also I cut out alcohol almost entirely. Good luck.
I just want to say good for you for wanting to get healthier.
Exercising is always a great way to burn calories as long as you don't eat more because the exercsing makes you hungry.

What usually works for me is to cut out/down on something from your normal diet. I do this when I notice I am putting on weight. For example, my sister was a big soda drinker and she gave it up, cold turkey (not even diet soda) and drank water or tea with lemon instead. She lost 20 pounds in a few months. She also loves ice cream and has some everyday. However, now it is frozen yogurt and only one scoop, not 3. She lost a total of 35 punds in about 5 months. She is not really into exercise, but I come over and make her go on walks with me.
Date: 5/6/2010 9:55:05 PM
I''m up to 230 pounds.
That''s gross.

My goal is to lose 30 pounds in one year.
I made a chart on Excel with my goal as a straight line.

Eat better, and fewer calories.
Burn more calories daily, via walking and swimming.
Weigh myself every Tuesday and chart it next to my
How about weighing yourself everyday (same time of the day) as a constant reminder and motivator? I think shopping for clothes and trying on tighter clothing help.
Cut down portions and do not eat after 8PM. Cut out all fatty food. After a year, your stomach will get used to cleaner and leaner food such that you will become sensitive to any fatty food.
Date: 5/7/2010 5:12:53 AM
Author: yssie

Date: 5/7/2010 4:24:17 AM
Author: Gailey
Don''t know if you drink alcohol or not, but if you cut that out, weight is likely to drop off you in spades. It did for Mr Gailey, lucky bu&&er!

I would contend that that depends entirely on what sorts of activites one goes in for while inebriated
Well let''s just say, when Mr Gailey is sloshed, the thing he does best is snore!!
Kenny - you should come over to healthier lifestyle! It''s really encouraging! It sounds like you have a good starting plan!
Go Primal or Paleo!
Good on you for getting started!

I''d suggest adding some weights in there, swimming is not an effective way to lose weight. It will help with heart health, flexibility, etc. But it is really hard to get the heart rate up high enough long enough while horizontal. Just wanted to share that as I see so many people in the pool not satisfied with their weight loss. A bit of weight lifting will put on some muscle and then you burn more calories even while sleeping. Nothing wrong with swimming! clearly I love it, but it is better for maintaining once you do lose weight.
Date: 5/6/2010 9:55:05 PM
I'm up to 230 pounds.
That's gross.

My goal is to lose 30 pounds in one year.
I made a chart on Excel with my goal as a straight line.

Eat better, and fewer calories.
Burn more calories daily, via walking and swimming.
Weigh myself every Tuesday and chart it next to my
This sounds like a really good plan. I would say though that it's unlikely your weight loss will follow a straight line. It's very common to lose more weight at the beginning and less at the end. Those last 5-10 pounds take so much more effort than the first. I think 30 pounds in a year sounds very achievable, but just don't let it discourage you if you don't lose the same amount every week.

Several years ago, I did Weight Watchers. One tip that they gave us was to break down your weight loss into smaller goals (for instance, 5 pounds), and to reward yourself with a non-food item when the goal is achieved.

Good luck!
kenny, I signed up for Weight Watchers Online free 7-day trial yesterday, maybe you should do the same? I think they may even have a special program/section for men on the website. I have heard nothing but good things about WW!
I joined Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago and have lost 6.8 lbs so far without any exercise (I plan to add that after 1 month). I don''t feel deprived and I feel great. I''m sure I''ll get to my -30 lb goal. I was shocked when I realized how horribly I was eating.

Good Luck to you Kenny, it isn''t super easy but it feels great once the lbs start coming off!
Thanks for all the suggestions and support.

What's funny is I've always been a health nut.
Even as a kid my dad called me Rabbit because I was always eating veges.

I never eat fast food.
I buy brown rice in 25 pound bags.
Never drink sodas.
I cook almost all the food I eat from scratch.
At the market 99% of my cart is produce.
I buy no processed food from the corporations.

I think it is just getting older.
I have to get younger.

Anyway I'm looking forward to my improved diet and exercise.

I'm 5'9" and do average one or two glasses of red wine a day, which was my doctor's idea.
Date: 5/7/2010 6:24:01 PM
Author: kenny
Thanks for all the suggestions and support.

What''s funny is I''ve always been a health nut.

Even as a kid my dad called me Rabbit because I was always eating veges.

I never eat fast food.

I buy brown rice in 25 pound bags.

Never drink sodas.

I cook almost all the food I eat from scratch.

At the market 99% of my cart is produce.

I buy no processed food from the corporations.

I think it is just getting older.

I have to get younger.

Anyway I''m looking forward to my improved diet and exercise.

I''m 5''9'' and do average one or two glasses of red wine a day, which was my doctor''s idea.

Sounds like you may have the same problem I did: I ate healthy foods, I just ate TOO MUCH of them.

6-8 oz of chicken breast at a meal instead of 4.
1.5 cups of veggies in a "serving".
8 oz of fruit juice instead of 1 whole orange.

These little things add up. I would highly suggest focusing on portion control as part of your program. Invest in a good food scale and a good set of measuring cups. They will prove invaluable in your quest!

Best of luck!!!