
How well do you know your city?

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May 18, 2008
Can you give a tour of your city to family and friends, pointing out historical places?

Can you direct a tourist to the trendiest clubs, best restaurants, or laid back bars for an evening out?

Do you know where the best beaches are or where the attractions are?

Do you know the best shopping malls to get the best discounts?
Last night my FI and I were talking about how we don’t know Miami/Ft. Lauderdale at all. When family visits, we take them to the beach, out to eat, and then point them in Disney’s direction.

So we decided to do some research and found out there’s a ton of cool things to do. Our project now is to be Miami tourists for a weekend and check out what the city has to offer

Anyway, just wondering how well you know your city.
Can you give a tour of your city to family and friends, pointing out historical places? Yes I can. We have the downtown theatres, historical houses, the stadium and university, and then I could take them outside of town to some great places as well!

Can you direct a tourist to the trendiest clubs, best restaurants, or laid back bars for an evening out? YES YES YES great local restaurants, the club strips are smaller so easy to find, and we know all the great local spots

Do you know where the best beaches are or where the attractions are? Beaches are about an hour and a half away, along with state attractions, local attractions I know as well!

Do you know the best shopping malls to get the best discounts? Yep. yep yep yep

Do I win?
i wish i knew my city better then i do.
Date: 9/3/2008 2:05:17 PM
Author: SanDiegoLady
Oh yes.. yes I can..
Hubby is even better lol.. and.. he can drive from one end of the county to the other on surface streets.. it still surprises me. lol

OK Michelle, here we come, tee hee. Ummmm, tour of San Diego and La Jolla please!!!

I definitely know my city well enough. I don''t eat out a lot so recommending a restaurant might be a problem
If I didn''t I''d need to get smacked upside the head. 25 years spent in Albuquerque.

Sigh...I can''t wait to move...
I''ve been in Naperville 24 years and know it inside out...come on down for a visit!
We moved here last year - we live in an area with 4 cities (well...five...) all clustered together. The actual metro area feels very spread out compared to where I grew up/went to college, so I always have this feeling that it will take me years to really be able to know all the cities. At the least, I know the city that I live in pretty well (more or less), but I get completely turned around and lost in the others.

In terms of knowing the historic/cultural places, I think I know where most are, though there are a lot of places that I haven't actually visited inside yet. I think DH and I are up on the restaurants for the most part and could easily think of a place for any occasion, and shopping was the first thing I scoped out, so for the most part, I can find anything that I need or want. Where our knowledge completely ends is nightlife. It's sortof embarrassing - we really don't go out except when friends are visiting us, and then we don't know where to take them.
Oh Boy Michelle
Would we have fun or what?????????

Think of all the fun we would have in La Jolla!! Whooooo Hoooooo!!!





Yes we can give a great tour when the occasion calls for it.

We can direct to great restaurants but we are not into the whole bar scene but we can find out from friends who are.

Oh yeah we know where the best beaches are.

I am more of a antique/vintage/recycled or online bargain shopper myself-but I could tell them where to head to for their shopping needs.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK Michelle!!!! We can certainly drool in them, tee hee.
You know someone is from the coast when they ask you if you know where the beaches are!

I''ve got to be over 1000 miles to the nearest ocean, lol!
I''d know Dublin pretty well as I''ve lived here all my life. I''m not a big club person though so directing people to the hottest clubs might be a problem. Other than that, I''ve seen most of the touristy places here and we eat out quite a bit so I''d know a good few restaurants that would be worth going to.
I can conduct a tour of the jewellery stores.
Very interesting question.

Actually I always make a point of getting to know where I am and finding the best "locals" places, etc. I end up being a pretty good city guide everywhere I live. Sometimes I get confused and have to remember which place I''m in otherwise I''ll send someone to someplace that is across the country.
I live in a small city. When hubby and I moved here, we made it a point to drive around in the evenings after work to find shopping, restaurants, etc. We''ve driven around so much that we know the area better than some of the locals! We also live about 30 miles out of town and have to find alternate routes home from work due to accidents on the one and only interstate, so we''ve got this place figured out.
Somewhat. I did not grow up here but feel I have learned a lot.

I know we have the first post office, hospital, museum and zoo here, and that it was the original capital of the 13 colonies.

I also know what the license plate motto "The Keystone State" means.

I know about the Poconos and the Jersey shore, which while not in PA is a place tons of people go to, it is called going "down the shore" as opposed to going to the beach.

I know some clubs, the King of Prussia Mall, Steven Starr has awesome restaurants, South Street is funky and Walnut Street has some fun shops and boutiques.

There are nice museums, the Philadelphia Museum of Art (yes, the one with the Rocky steps), the Rodin, and the Barnes, which has amazing Impressionist Art. We also have the Mutter Museum, with the medical oddities. Not for the weak stomached.
All I''m gonna say is that I truly miss Philadelphia . . . Up here, I constantly have to use the navigation system.
Date: 9/5/2008 1:43:45 AM
Author: diamondfan
Somewhat. I did not grow up here but feel I have learned a lot.

I know we have the first post office, hospital, museum and zoo here, and that it was the original capital of the 13 colonies.

I also know what the license plate motto ''The Keystone State'' means.

I know about the Poconos and the Jersey shore, which while not in PA is a place tons of people go to, it is called going ''down the shore'' as opposed to going to the beach.

I know some clubs, the King of Prussia Mall, Steven Starr has awesome restaurants, South Street is funky and Walnut Street has some fun shops and boutiques.

There are nice museums, the Philadelphia Museum of Art (yes, the one with the Rocky steps), the Rodin, and the Barnes, which has amazing Impressionist Art. We also have the Mutter Museum, with the medical oddities. Not for the weak stomached.
A state that makes 100% profit on diamonds and such?
Date: 9/3/2008 11:22:15 AM

Can you give a tour of your city to family and friends, pointing out historical places?

Can you direct a tourist to the trendiest clubs, best restaurants, or laid back bars for an evening out?

Do you know where the best beaches are or where the attractions are?

Do you know the best shopping malls to get the best discounts?

Last night my FI and I were talking about how we don’t know Miami/Ft. Lauderdale at all. When family visits, we take them to the beach, out to eat, and then point them in Disney’s direction.

So we decided to do some research and found out there’s a ton of cool things to do. Our project now is to be Miami tourists for a weekend and check out what the city has to offer

Anyway, just wondering how well you know your city.
Can give a tour but I think most tourists here can find the historical places on their own.
Not a club person anymore but can direct to a good friend who still is. I know a couple of good laid back bars and a ton of good restuarants from Nobu (which WAS trendy) to The Flea Market which is amazing but more of a local place in the east village, and Essex (lower east side) which is trendy, good and cheap.
Shopping, OH YEAH. But I''m not a sale person so don''t really know about the discounts.
I''ve lived in NYC since the age of 4 and thought I knew most everything- until recently when I was told about hot air balloon rides in Central Park going on this summer. When I first heard it I swore up and down it wasn''t true. The tourist proved me wrong.
You guys are funny

I still know nothing of Miami but what I do know is that for the first year in the almost 7 years that my FI and I have been together, we are finally participating in Miami Spice
(Miami Spice runs throughout August and September. Some of the "higher end" restaurants offer a lunch and dinner menu for $23 and $36 respectively).
I used to be better at knowing the "in places" but our city moves so fast and places come and go that you lose track fast. It''s pretty easy to get caught up as there are lots of websites with the places to go, so only a search away.

fieryred, our favorite place to go when we are in Miami is "Monty''s" at Miami Beach Marina. We love the people watching and raw bar happy hour.
I can for nearly all the places I have lived (except for Philly). NYC was the easiest :)
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