
How old were you when you got...

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First piece of jewelry: A sapphire ring my grandma gave me, age 10.

Your first kiss: 7th grade

Your first car: Age 20

Your first job: Age 13, babysitting neighborhood kids

Your first heartbreak: My highschool boyfriend of 4 years, went off to college and dumped me. Geez, I still see him every so often. His mom and my mom are still best friends. He is still so handsome. I still feel funny around him. DH says it is because he dumped me. ha ha ha ha

Your first serious hobby: Ice Skating lessons, starting at age 5, until I was 12. My grandma took me to San Francisco. I was in Ice Shows in San Francisco. I loved it.

Fun thread!

Your first piece of real jewelry?
I was 21, it was a 0.22 diamond engagement ring from a previous (failed!) engagement

Your first kiss?
In the eighth grade, on a school bus on the way home from a friend''s bar mitzvah. I was terrified!

Your first car?
I was 17, it was a nine year old Chevy Blazer. I bought it for $1,000 from a church deacon.

Your first job?
I was 16, worked as a holiday employee at American Eagle Outfitters--I just did it for the discount on Birkenstocks!

Your first heartbreak?
The first-kiss culprit cheated on me with my arch-nemesis while I was away at summer camp. The good news: I was told they did things I had never even heard of at the time, better her than me!

Your first serious hobby?
I fell in love with the book Pat the Bunny before I could read, and I begged my mother to read it to me repeatedly every night until I memorized each word. I''ve been a booknerd ever since!
Date: 11/29/2007 4:49:12 PM

Your first piece of real jewelry? I was eleven when I was given an emerald and diamond cluster ring for Christmas - I put it on my finger and swore I wouldn''t remove it until I married Ricky Martin. Wore that thing until I was dang near 20 years old.

Your first kiss? 13 - at the movies during the rolling credits of The Karate Kid II. Peter Cetera''s song, "The Glory of Love" was never the same after that. He was a great kisser.

Your first car? 17 - 1990 Blue Mazda Miata. I drove that thing until this past July - it was very hard to let it go (I donated it). It was rather beat up and not quite waterproof (so washing it was no longer an option), but I didn''t care - I would still drive right up to the valet at the finest places in Beverly Hills.

Your first job? 13 - Church Congregation and Choir Pianist.

Your first heartbreak? Never had a real heartbreak - but I''ve caused quite a few. Karma hasn''t caught up . . . yet.

Your first serious hobby? 4 - Performing. I put on my first show under my neighbor''s carport. I did a ballet dance, a baton twirling routing, sang "Go Away Little Girl" (by Donny Osmond), and I did . . . "The Hustle". If only I had grown up in Hollywood instead of rural USA - I could have been in and out of rehab three or four times by now as a former "has been".

Just a bit of Thursday fun. Feel free to answer any of the questions and share details.
How come SOO many can''t remember their first kiss? I remember EVERYTHING about it!

It was my brother''s friend who was staying the night
. He had to walk through my bedroom to get to my brother''s. I had two younger sister''s also sharing my room. We had been at a wedding reception all afternoon and evening and I was TOTALLY into him. He was wearing these great pants! I was wearing my very green bodysuit, shorts, and slouch socks. (Yes, it was ALL green) He was a pool lifeguard, he even had tanned feet! *swoon* So, my brother was already in his room, my sisters were asleep, I arranged myself alluringly on my bed. Well, as much as a 14 year old could, hair draped ever-so across the pillow, book in hand, nice blue PJs. HE walked past me. *swoon again* He knelt down beside my bed and leaned into me. He kissed me! *YAYAYAYAY* I had been waiting for this for an entire year! He kissed me again! Can you believe my luck?!?! Then, he whispers to me "I want to f*** you." BAM, punched him right in the mouth. He had a hard time explaining to my brother why he entered his room with a bloody lip. We didn''t speak for over a year, and even now it''s coarse.

First piece of jewelry: The first one I remember is a blue topaz ring with 2 tiny diamonds my grandmother gave me for my 8th grade graduation. I still have it.

Your first kiss: Age 11. My best friend''s cute older (13) brother pulled me into his room when I was sleeping over at their house. He wanted to take it further but I managed to decline w/o punching him -- maybe I should have.

Your first car: Age 16. My dad gave my his 1982 Honda Civic and then bought himself a new car.

Your first job: Age 11, a paper route; age 16, cashier at Carl''s Junior -- I hated that job.

Your first heartbreak: Age 21, when the guy with whom I had the most serious relationship I had had to that point moved away while I was in college. Then I met my DH a year later and realized I wasn''t really as in love with that other guy as I had thought.

Your first serious hobby: I have been an avid reader for as long as I can remember. I picked up cross stitching in junior high, but haven''t done it in several years.
First piece of real jewelry? 14k yg bangle when I was a year old.
First kiss? 13...and he stuck his tongue in my mouth which completely freaked me out.
First car? 17...and this was in 1995...a 1979 pristine white Caddy my dad bought from a banker whose wife had kept it in the garage and rarely driven. The day he brought it home and handed me the keys I was a total brat about it and he told me I was driving that or nothing, because it was safe and it only had 40k miles on it and he got it for $1800. I drove it for the next 4 years, and truth be told I still miss that car sometimes, the ride was sweet!
First job? 7! I used to go to my dad''s restaurant one day a week with him and do "short people''s jobs" which consisted of shining the counter stools, dusting baseboards, cleaning the sugar canisters on the tables, etc. I made $7 a day. My next career was babysitting, and then my first "real" job was cashiering at a grocery store when I was 17.
First heartbreak? 18, freshman year of college.
First serious hobby? 7...I started taking piano lessons that year and still play today.
Your first piece of real jewelry? - 12, my godfather died and left me some beautiful antique pieces.

Your first kiss? - 16, it was okay I guess... I was kind of embarrassed at being ''sweet sixteen and never been kissed''.

Your first car? - It took me 14 years, 7 tests and around 3000 driving lessons to get my licence (it''s very hard in the UK). I finally passed at the age of 33 and haven''t driven since. I live in London, so a car would be a nightmare. I''m a public transport person.

Your first job? - picking strawberries when I was 15, serious job - 21, I was a Research Officer for the Veterinary Science Division of the Civil Service researching Bovine TB.

Your first heartbreak? - 24, I left him after 7 years - right thing to do but it broke my heart. He committed suicide a few months later and it took me three years to begin to get over it.

Your first serious hobby? - Fossil and rock hunting. I was nuts about dinosaurs and gemstones from when I was tiny...
OMG Pandora, what a horrible thing to go through. I am so sorry.

Date: 11/29/2007 5:50:16 PM
Author: jas
It should tell you how dull my day is that I was having tons of fun filling in the last word of the title of the thread before reading the post...


Your first piece of real jewelry? 16 -- My parents got me a ring with an emerald. Loved it. Lost it. I guess I didn''t love it enough.

Your first kiss? first kiss was ''stolen'' from me...some guy drove me home from school when I was a freshman, and when I turned to say ''thanks'' he pecked me on the mouth. I felt cheated out of a grand experience. After that, it was my first boyfriend when I was 16. Is it important to note that he realized (or at least fully accepted) that he was gay shortly after our first kiss? Am I paranoid? No. But that does not keep me from banning all Barbra Streisand items from my home. I just don''t want to tempt fate. But I digress.

Your first car? Heh. 1988 Volvo. Blueberry Colored. I called it the BooBerry Monster. Lord it was ugly. I was 17 and not much more attractive (I had a late awkward stage. I may still be in it.)

Your first job? TCBY! 16 years old. And you know that saying that if you work with food, you won''t want to eat it after awhile. Did. Not. Apply. To. Me. I worked there for about a year, put on 15 pounds, mostly just by freebasing the hot fudge. Got a lot of laughs when people would grill me about how much fat was in this flavor vs. that flavor and then dump a ton of chocolate fudge on top of it.

Your first heartbreak? See First Kiss above. My most serious heartbreak, though, the one that I will always cringe about was the guy I dated before DH. And I was 32...he just one day ''realized'' (his word) that after a year of serious dating, he didn''t love me. And he told me just that. Over the phone.

Your first serious hobby? Does being a packrat count? Probably not. Reading since 3. Singing since 5. Writing since 7. Creating mock songs (a la Weird Al) for friends and family since I was about 15.


oh jas, i can relate! i was a lot younger, but my first love dumped me over the phone with what will go down in history as the WORST way to break up with someone: "the chase was more fun than the catch". the worst 6 months of my life followed.
First piece of real jewelry - My grandparents bought me a tiny gold cross when I was born and I have it, in the original box with the oh-so-cute card that came with it. Not sure that counts though. But here is a moment that I look back on fondly and KNOW I was destined for a life of PS: When I was five my mother went to a jewelry store to get her watch battery changed and I was looking around the cases. I spied this sapphire ring and THAT WAS IT. I HAD TO HAVE IT. When she said NO I threw myself on the ground and grabbed onto the leg of the display case and I WOULD. NOT. LET. GO. until she gave in. I still have that ring!

First kiss - 13. It was outside on a snowy night and it was with a guy who had the dreamiest blue eyes. There was no tongue however... it was more like a peck.

First car - Pontiac Fiero. Death trap--I''m lucky to still be alive!

First job - working the drive through at Burger King. I can never look another one of those chicken strips in the face again. I must have eaten 100 pounds of those damn things in the six months I worked there.

First heartbreak - 15 (?). I *think* the guy now lives in Phoenix and every time I''m there I''m always a little bit looking out for him. Wouldn''t that be weird though--to run into him 22 years later? I''m sure he didn''t turn out like I imagine... and I''m sure I didn''t turn out like he imagined either, hahahaha.

First serious hobby - I guess it was real estate. And look what that got me, LOL!
Your first piece of real jewelry? A 9ct gold signet ring given to me by sister when I was 7 it was heart shaped and had a little ruby in it :) I loved it and lost it in my teens it fell of my finger one day but it was not loose

Your first kiss? Grade 6 when I was 11

Your first car? A Lada my dad bought but I never drove so my official first car is a little excel :) I adore her and still drive her :P

Your first job? Working for my sister in her Salon as a tea & tidy

Your first heartbreak? Never had a boy break my heart but my heart has broken in other ways

Your first serious hobby? Reading :) something I have loved my whole life :)
Date: 11/29/2007 9:16:32 PM
Author: somethingshiny
How come SOO many can''t remember their first kiss? I remember EVERYTHING about it!

It was my brother''s friend who was staying the night
. He had to walk through my bedroom to get to my brother''s. I had two younger sister''s also sharing my room. We had been at a wedding reception all afternoon and evening and I was TOTALLY into him. He was wearing these great pants! I was wearing my very green bodysuit, shorts, and slouch socks. (Yes, it was ALL green) He was a pool lifeguard, he even had tanned feet! *swoon* So, my brother was already in his room, my sisters were asleep, I arranged myself alluringly on my bed. Well, as much as a 14 year old could, hair draped ever-so across the pillow, book in hand, nice blue PJs. HE walked past me. *swoon again* He knelt down beside my bed and leaned into me. He kissed me! *YAYAYAYAY* I had been waiting for this for an entire year! He kissed me again! Can you believe my luck?!?! Then, he whispers to me ''I want to f*** you.'' BAM, punched him right in the mouth. He had a hard time explaining to my brother why he entered his room with a bloody lip. We didn''t speak for over a year, and even now it''s coarse.

Somethingshiny, this story is AMAZING. Hahaha! You''re my hero for punching him right in the face like he deserved. I would have done exactly the same thing!
Your first piece of real jewelry? A pair of small diamond studs that my dad gave me at about 10. I was afraid to wear them often since, as a kid, you here about how diamonds are so expensive and all that so I didn''t want to lose them. I find myself wearing them a couple times a month now that he has passed. He also gave my opal earrings a couple of years later, my first birthstone jewelry.

Your first kiss? Think I was about 14. We had our ''date'' at the old drive in near my house; meaning his parents took us. Stole a kiss in the backseat. His parents were nomad hippies in the sixties, so they thought it was so cute!

Your first car? Chevy Cavalier at 16-17. My dad was a total Ford man, as his brothers, and I told him not to get it for me since I got his car knowledge (and I got around just fine on the T) I had it 3 weeks before it imploded! I was on the expressway and the engine completely blew. Scary as all get out. I was carless until 22 when he gave me his old 84 Lincoln, after he bought an Explorer. I had to give up the Lincold a few months ago and it killed me- I loved that car so, so much.

Your first job? 16, lifeguard. Certainly not as cool as it looked on tv, but I was mkaing some great money for my age. I had the financial means to suport the, um... drinking parties. Hey it was the eighties.

Your first heartbreak? 17. I was already a cynic about dating so I didn''t really do it. Someone spent most of the school year getting to be my friend, we started to date, I was thrilled since he was cool and cute. A couple of weeks before junior prom, he dumped- it was a joke that he and his friends came up with to attempt to see my chest (or feel it up) since I grew these way early. Crushed me so bad, I tried suicide a few days later. This cemented my view on how relationships and men were a complete waste of time until, maybe 27-28?

Your first serious hobby? Always fascinated by fashion design. I made a prom dress for someone senior year, a cocktail dress for my aunt. I love to creat avant garde clothing and wanted to be a fashion designer,but couldn''t get anythign going in Boston. I still love to do it, maybe someday...
Date: 11/30/2007 8:41:16 AM
Author: thing2of2
Date: 11/29/2007 9:16:32 PM

Author: somethingshiny

How come SOO many can''t remember their first kiss? I remember EVERYTHING about it!

It was my brother''s friend who was staying the night
. He had to walk through my bedroom to get to my brother''s. I had two younger sister''s also sharing my room. We had been at a wedding reception all afternoon and evening and I was TOTALLY into him. He was wearing these great pants! I was wearing my very green bodysuit, shorts, and slouch socks. (Yes, it was ALL green) He was a pool lifeguard, he even had tanned feet! *swoon* So, my brother was already in his room, my sisters were asleep, I arranged myself alluringly on my bed. Well, as much as a 14 year old could, hair draped ever-so across the pillow, book in hand, nice blue PJs. HE walked past me. *swoon again* He knelt down beside my bed and leaned into me. He kissed me! *YAYAYAYAY* I had been waiting for this for an entire year! He kissed me again! Can you believe my luck?!?! Then, he whispers to me ''I want to f*** you.'' BAM, punched him right in the mouth. He had a hard time explaining to my brother why he entered his room with a bloody lip. We didn''t speak for over a year, and even now it''s coarse.

Somethingshiny, this story is AMAZING. Hahaha! You''re my hero for punching him right in the face like he deserved. I would have done exactly the same thing!

OMG what a complete A-HOLE YAY for punching him in the face though good work :)

Your first piece of real jewelry?

Not counting the slave bracelet left to me by my Grandmother who died of cancer (I don't get to wear it until my wedding day) My first REAL piece of jewelry was my diamond RHR I bought myself at 19 after a horrible relationship.

Your first kiss?

15 years old. I stole it from my first real boyfriend. We were in the backseat of my friend's car and he was about to get out to go into his house when I whispered his name and he turned to see what I wanted and I stole it! It was really long and super passionate (as passionate as a 15 year old can be anyway). I was so proud of myself. hehehe

Your first car?

18 years old. I didn't need to get it before because my first boyfriend drove me everwhere until he left for college, and around that time I was busy working to take trains up to his school. When he came back in his Junior year I decided to get my license and my father gave me his Ice Blue 1992 BMW 325 5 speed. I didn't like it (stupid girl) and sold it.

Your first job?

14. I worked at Dunkin Donuts and got fired for calling in sick when it snowed.

Your first heartbreak?

19. My first serious boyfriend (He who shall not be named) I was with him for close to four years and he emotionally abused me for the last year we were together. It's a HUGE long story but the end turned out to be that he broke up with me when he came back for his last year of school and told me he was gay. He swore he never cheated on me but two weeks later he was with another girl. It was awful and I ended up in an outpatient hospital for several weeks. But it did get me to go back to therapy to deal with a lot of the abuse I endured as a child. It's a terribly long story but I'm now happy and healthy years later.

Your first serious hobby?

I've attempted so many hobbies. I'm like my mother and I seem to collect things to practice a hobby (all the tools and such) but then never really get around to actually doing it. My hobby right now is cake decorating, we'll see if I stick with that for more than a few months!!

WHEW! That was long!
Your first piece of real jewelry? 21, my e-ring. I received a heirloom garnet ring at 14, but the setting is very worn down and it's lost a sidestone, so I'd need to have it reset to wear it.
Your first kiss? 16, by my first boyfriend. I ended the relationship after about 3 months. The guy was nice, but waaay too serious and clingy. Wanted to marry me when I turned 18, didn't want me to go away for college... Eeep! He tried to commit suicide... That was a hard thing to get over.
Your first car? Haven't had one yet.
Your first job? 16, as a salesperson at a Levi's store. Worked there 7 weeks during the summer break... I HATED it. The manager was crazy and abusive and she'd yell at me in front of everyone.
Your first heartbreak? 13... I had a huge crush on a guy and he didn't want to go out with me. I was so crushed... Ah dear.
Your first serious hobby? I must have been 5 or 6 when I started reading like crazy... I picked up the trumpet at 11 (I still play, I don't know if I'll ever ben able to stop) and cross-stitching at 14.
Your first piece of real jewelry? My grandmother gave me a really lovely yellow gold, thick ring with funky engraving and stuff on it. She got it on one of her trips to Italy. I promptly lost it.

Your first kiss? In the back of my parents stationwagon, with my friend Jason. We were young - like maybe six or seven...and I think his baby brother was in the back with us too. Good times.

Your first car? a 1991 Toyota Corolla named Duarte. I loved that car. I was 19 when I got it, because like Vegas Angel, I had NO desire to get my license. Finally, my parents said they''d buy me a car if I''d get it...So I did. And I got Duarte!

Your first job? working at an icecream shop...i HATED it. And we also had a cappacino maker - and I was so stressed out because I couldn''t get the foam right...I didn''t sleep one night worrying about it.

Your first heartbreak? Hmmm. I don''t know...I''ve had little heart breaks and disappointments, but never anything really awful.

Your first serious hobby? Does collecting pictures of the band Skid Row, and particularly their lead singer, Sebastian Bach, count as a hobby? I started doing that at 14...and I was DEDICATED!


Your first piece of real jewelry? I’m Italian. I got gold, gold and more yellow gold at the baptism. Obviously! Hah.

Your first kiss? OMG I can’t really remember. I know in grade 8 we played silly kissing games – but that doesn’t really count. I *think* in grade nine (14yrs old) I kissed a guy that I was “going out with” for 2 weeks. Hilar.

Your first car? Got my license the day I turned 16 and essentially drove my parents cars ever since. I still do! Haha. I’ve never owned my own car! Always hand-me-downs!!! I pay it forward by handing-down my hand-me-downs to my younger cousins. Last year, my 17 year old cuz scored my red 95’ Mazda MX-3 Precidia. That was a hot car in its early days for a single gal.

Your first job? Teaching gymnastics!! I was a competitive gymnast in my youth.

Your first heartbreak?
24. Too sad to get into.

Your first serious hobby? Art. I’ve always been a handy-gal. It just keeps changing forms. Right now it seems I’m an interior designer for our home reno. Sometimes I’m a florist. Other times, a costume designer. I’m just a wee bit creative I suppose.
…and of course, PS. My latest hobby!

PPS. GREAT story SomethingShiny!! LOL
Good for you!!!!
Your first piece of real jewelry? 24, Christmas last year my fiance gave me a diamond drop necklace.
Your first kiss? I was 5; a boy in my class "stole" a kiss from me & we both got in trouble! My first real kiss was when I was 12 (I think!).
Your first car? 18/19. The spring before I moved back to the states my dad picked out my first car. I still drive it.
Your first job? When I was 13/14 I worked as a dishwasher/line cook in a restraurant.
Your first heartbreak? 18. The year I moved back to the states me and my then boyfriend broke up. It was very mutual but very sad at the same time.
Your first serious hobby? 9. I''ve been reading since I learned how to read; not quite sure if that''s a hobby. I''ve been playing video games since I got my gameboy!
Your first piece of real jewelry? first diamond was the promise ring my husband gave me when I was 20.
Your first kiss? 15, on our 1 month anniversary with my first bf
Your first car? 19, my grandpa's old pontiac grand am after he passed away. First new car was when I was 23.
Your first job? 15, teaching children how to make stained glass. Didn't get paid much but it was so much fun! First office job, a few months later.
Your first heartbreak? 17, after I dated a guy for a year.
Your first serious hobby? dancing at 4
oooh fun thread!

our first piece of real jewelry? My parents got me a gold ring when I was 8 and I adored it. It was my first proper piece of jewelery and I felt so grown up.

Your first kiss? 13 in the corner of a disco-yuk

Your first car? At 18 I bought my first car-a white fiat punto

Your first job? I was a bag packer in a supermarket at 15.

Your first heartbreak? So far, thankfully, none. I met D at 17 and so I never had a serious bf before then.

Your first serious hobby? Horse-riding every day after school from the age of 6.
Your first piece of real jewelry? in elementary school - a gold ring with two little hearts and sapphires inside them.
Your first kiss? freshman year - 14 years old
Your first car? 16 VW bug
Your first job? 16 working at a bed and breakfast
Your first heartbreak? freshman year - 14 years old by the same guy of the first kiss! What a jerk.
Your first serious hobby? in high school - reading. I spend hours reading. Hopefully my kids adopt this passion.
Your first piece of real jewelry? 18, I begged and pleaded my parents for a diamond solitaire necklace, and I got a little one and was sooooooooooooo excited!

Your first kiss? 15, with my first real boyfriend.

Your first car? 17, inherited from my parents after I got my license.

Your first job? Babysitting, when I was 12, or, for a more real job, 14, teaching piano lessons to kids.

Your first heartbreak? 21, at the end of the first real boyfriend experience.

Your first serious hobby? I was 7 when I started playing the piano, which started my love of all things musical.
Seemed like a fun random thread to revive in my last week before school.

Your first piece of real jewelry?
My mom started buying me 14kt gold earrings since I got my ears pierced at age 5, but my first real piece was a tiny tiny diamond chip birthstone yellow gold ring from my mom when I turned 13.

Your first kiss?
13. We were "going out" and at a friend''s mid school graduation party he decided to stick his tongue down my throat. It was cold and slimy and I was very unimpressed.

Your first car?
Drivers license at 15, first car at 16, it was a Volvo Diesel 5 speed, and ended up welding its own engine together because it was running so hot. His name was Draco, he was dark metallic green (although originally dark red) and I loved him.

Your first job?
I started "working" at my dad''s office when I was about 8/9 making endless copies of random stuff. My first real job was at age 16 teaching tennis.

Your first heartbreak?
The closest I came was when my first love moved to California. I was 16 and he was almost 16. Later I found out that his dad made him lie to me and tell me that they were leaving 2 weeks earlier than they actually were so that I wouldn''t be around to distract him. This is also the guy that thought I was trying to get pregnant to trap him in NM. It should be noted that we were not having sex and I didn''t lose my virginity until almost a year afterwards.

Your first serious hobby?
Ugh. Reading perhaps at age 5. My mom would take me to the book store and tell me that I could have any books that I wanted but that I wasn''t allowed any video games. I loved horses too but my mom cut me off from riding at age 12 when she heard about Christopher Reeve''s accident. Now I''m more into photography but my camera is on it''s way out.
Your first piece of real jewelry?
I had a silver ID bangle as a baby - I still have it, it's SO cute. I got a 9k gold cross and chain for my First Communion (age 7). BF gave me my first diamonds for my 24th birthday - a set of earrings that I still wear them every day.

Your first kiss?
I was 18. Set up by my friends in a disco. It was all very yucky

Your first car?
I was 22, I paid every penny of the £9k loan myself, and I still drive that car. I have no earnings these days and when I get depressed I look at the car and remind myself how hard I worked for it and I remember to be proud of myself.

Your first job?
First job was as a shop assistant at 15. I kept the same part-time job until I was 21.

Your first heartbreak?
I've never had my heart broken by a man but a good girl friend managed it badly when I was 22. I don't think I'll ever get over that one. I don't fully trust other women and I miss having close girl friends.

Your first serious hobby?
I started piano at 7 and took lessons for 13 years. I took up horseriding at 8 and it lit up my world but I had to give it up at 12. I learned to knit when I was about 6 (you learn it in school over here) but I didn't start knitting seriously until about two years ago.

Somethingshiny, I LOVE your story! You tell it so well!!! And GOOD FOR YOU for showing him what's what!

Fun thread!

Your first piece of real jewelry?
My diamond and emerald claddagh ring given to me by my father. I had been asking for a claddagh ring for a long time and was expecting one of those cheap ones that turned your fingers green but my dad shocked me when he got me the emerald and diamond one. I still wear it to this day, even if it is yellow gold and I am not a big yellow gold fan.
Your first kiss?
When I was about 13 (or 14, I can’t remember now). I was a freshman, he was junior and it was in his old Volkswagon Rabbit. I remember I was soooo nervous because he was so much older. I also remember that Pink Floyd’s “Mother” was playing in the background. That song still brings a smile to my face.
Your first car?
I was a little shy of 17 when my father handed down his old Chrysler LeBaron. Biggest P.O.S car EVER! It didn’t run in the rain, it smelled like dead bodies in the trunk and it caught on fire my senior year for no apparent reason. But man, that car was a TANK in the snow. It was indestructible.
Your first job?
I was probably about 13, working underage at the local Civic Center serving food at a concession stand. I thought I was awesome working before any of my other friends did. Little did I know the novelty would wear off very quickly. That job ended up being fantastic once the Civic Center changed ownership and brought in top name bands. I’ve met so many wonderful musicians and seen so many amazing shows because of that job. How many people can say that they brought Marilyn Manson water? I guess that’s why I stayed there for almost 3 years until I could work legally at CVS (which had better hours and no freezing my buns off at pee-wee hockey on Saturday’s at 6 AM).
Your first heartbreak?
When I was a Junior in high school my first love broke up with me out of the blue. That summer we kept re-kindling the relationship until I finally decided I just couldn’t see him anymore. I saw him later in life when I was in college and the sparks were still there between us. As much as I love my SO now, I do think there will always be a small spot in my heart for my first love. There was something truly magical about our relationship that I appreciate more as an adult than I did as a teenager.
Your first serious hobby?
I was a total ski bunny growing up. I spent every weekend on the mountain skiing and when I was old enough to drive and have friends who could drive, we would take weekend trips up North and go skiing until we felt like our legs were going to fall off. Sadly, a horrendous knee injury has forever closed the chapter on my skiing days but it was fantastic while it lasted!
Neat topics!!

First piece of jewelry: A gold crucifix for my birthday, age 9. I''d picked out a silver ring and wanted that instead, so I thew the necklace behind my bookcase (yes, I was a BRAT!). My mom surprised me with the ring the next morning before school. The ring broke about a week later, but I still have the beautiful crucifix in my jewelry box and wear it from time to time.

Your first kiss: Freshman year of high school...back seat of a friend''s car. Classy!

Your first car: 1992 Geo Prizm - age 16.. A week after getting my DL, I totaled the hand-me-down car I was given and then my parents bought me a 1994 geo prizm a month later (which I traded in just last year - it lasted a long time!).

Your first job: Age 17 at Famous Barr (now Macy''s). Never worked retail again, but now I know why it takes forever for an associate to track down a pair of shoes (it is a MESS in those back rooms!).

Your first heartbreak: Age 18 - summer before Sr. year, my college-aged boyfriend dumped me. I made so many life-changing that choices that year that I probably wouldn''t have made had I continued to date him - I would have never believed anyone back then, but it was the best thing that could have happened to me at that point in my life!

Your first serious hobby: Horseback riding, age 8, and the child in me really wants to get back into it someday!
This is such a fun thread TGal!

Jewelry - I think this would be the gold cross and chain my mom''s friend brought back from Italy for me, I was really young and don''t remember, maybe 5?
Kiss - 8th grade, so 13 or 14
Car - a 1985 Volvo station wagon when I turned 16 in 1999. I tried so hard to run that thing into the ground so I could get a newer car, but it''s a Volvo and kept running up through the day we sold it for $500 at a yard sale. I wonder if it''s still going...
Job - family business, age 10 (?) then part time for another company at age 14 (I think...gosh my memory is so bad for still being so young!)
Heartbreak - 14, that same stupid kid who gave me my first kiss.
Serious Hobby - I''ve loved sports all my life, I try to dabble in sewing when I have time, which I started around the age of 19
Jewerly: 10k yellow gold birthstone ring when I was 12, I still have it

Fist Kiss: 14, front seat of a car

First Car: 1969 Hugger Orange convertible Rally Sport Camaro (wish I still had it!), got it for my 16th birthday

First job: summer job in a department store at age 16

First real heartbreak: age 20, my highschool boyfriend

Hobby: I dont really have one...
Your first piece of real jewelry?
I bought myself two pairs of diamond earrings - .18ctw and .30ctw before that at age 19 & 20.

Your first kiss?
Not a clue, maybe 16.

Your first car?

Your first job?
At 16-17 I worked part-time to save for college. At 18 on I took on at least two part-time jobs while in college to put myself through. I pieced together 2-3 part-time jobs so I was working full-time and could afford college.

Your first heartbreak?
Not sure, over what? I had a very tough 14-16 but not because of boys.

Your first serious hobby?
I''m still not sure I have one.
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