
How often do you change a room?

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Jul 5, 2007
ex: furniture arrangement? Paint? New accent items? New furniture?

DH got a new TV, and somehow this inspired us to wonder how we could change the room a bit, so we started taking furniture out to make the room look bigger, which led to changing how things were hung on the walls, and now we''re talking about getting a new entertainment stand (Ikea, nothing major). We''ve lived here (first home) for a year, so really thought I wouldn''t want to make any significant changes any time soon - I liked how everything was before to begin with! So I feel a little silly for wanting to re-invent the room a bit when there wasn''t really anything wrong with it in the first place. Is this normal? Do other people just get a bug to change it up?

How often to you change up the positioning, decor, etc of your living space?


Oct 29, 2006
I like to change up our rooms every so often in terms of rearranging the furniture. I haven't been able to do much with our house until recently, and it was driving me bonkers! It's not a matter of not liking the way it was before... but just trying different ways out.

Also, for me, it kind of has a way of making a room feel fresh and brand new without sinking any money into it, and usually not too much time either.

I love rearranging rooms!

As far as paint and what not goes... well, that I don't have much experience with. I've been living in our house for about 4 years, but it was until recently very tiny, and we didn't want to put alot of time/money into it until we did our addition. I have several times since I've been living here wanted to re-paint the rooms SO badly, just because I got the urge to, but I had to resist. It's nearly done now so I'll see how quickly I'm wanting to repaint and what not...

ETA: sometimes when you rearrange a room, you do see more possibilities as far as different furniture you could get, etc. If you do want to get a new entertainment system, I suggest getting one that will work not only with the way you've got the furniture now, but also how you had it before, and if you can think of any other spots it might go. That way, next time you want to rearrange you won't be hindered by a piece of furniture that might only have one good spot in the room :)


Apr 27, 2008
About once a year- But sometimes it just doesn''t work out to move it around. For example, in my tiny apt living room, the TV only fits in ONE place. So it''s like that now and will be till we move out next summer. Our bedroom on the other hand has been moved around a few times and I love it. I am going to move it around AGAIN over winter break.


Feb 15, 2007
I change the items that we display every now and then, and I swap out pictures in our picture frames every few months, but that''s about it. I like to keep our house really spare and uncluttered, so there''s not much to play with.

I don''t want to spend money on things that we don''t really need, and I''m rather attached to most of our furniture so I won''t be looking for any new pieces any time soon. Rearranging isn''t really an option because all of our pieces are really in the best possible positions already.

We''ve had paint chips all over the walls for months now. We absolutely cannot figure out what colors we want to put up, and I keep on changing my mind every week, so we''re definitely not ready to commit. Our walls are plaster not drywall, so we have to have a professional paint them if we want them to look really nice, so we definitely won''t be changing them up much on our own.


Feb 17, 2007
Too often!


Aug 12, 2005
Re-arranging furniture happens probably every 6-8 months for me wherever I''ve lived. Changing paint would be a once every 5-10 years thing. My mother and father have lived in their house for 30+ years and they do complete makeovers to rooms probably every 10 years, and my mother re-arranges furniture every other week probably, which drives my father insane. She also changes where she puts things in her kitchen cabinets ALL THE TIME which drives me nuts since every time I go to their house I can''t find anything in the same place it was the last time. Gah! Keep in mind that my mother has always been a homemaker and she LOVES that title. She''ll indulge every whim and fancy she has about their home''s appearance just to avoid monotony. Can''t blame her for that!

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Most of our furniture was inherited, so we can''t really change it. It suits our house, anyway. When we moved in here, the house needed a lot of work. I''ve been working on one room at a time and once they''re done, they''re done. That''s it. I never want to do any of this again! I''ll freshen up the paintwork from time to time, but probably with the same colours, which are picked to work with the period of the house.

When I lived in a modern appartment, with lighter, modern furniture, I liked to change things round in summer and winter - heavier curtains, different scatter cushions, rugs and pictures etc. That was fun. I moved the furniture around from time to time too, because the public rooms were all big rectangles and didn''t have fireplaces etc to work around.


May 20, 2008
Well, the longest we''ve lived in one place (since living with parents) is our current place - 2.5 years. We haven''t changed up anything since we''ve been here, actually. Since we combined our stuff we have two couches and a recliner in our living room and there''s really no way to move them around at all. I''ve like to get new throw pillows for the couches ... but that''s about it (and I''ve been saying I would do that for 2 years now!).

So no, I guess I don''t really get a bug to change things up, especially because our place isn''t that big so there''s not much changing we can do.


Jul 22, 2007
I change out accents and pics in the kitchen and living room at least 3 times a year. My bedroom about twice a year. JT''s room and playroom change rarely.

I change paint ever 3-4 years and furniture whenever I can.


Jul 20, 2008
That is funny because we just got our new TV and DH picked it up and I called to ask about how it looked and it was still in the truck because he got the idea to move around the furniture. BY HIMSELF! He is strong, don''t get me wrong, but you can''t move a sofa by yourself unless you are the hulk. Needless to say when I got home the living room was in total disarray.

Whenever there is new firniture we move it. Sometimes it gets moved at Christmas time if the last time we moved stuff we didn''t think ahead to accomodate the tree.

We paint when we are tired of the color or if there are marks on the walls that we cannot get off. The last time we painted it was because we were tired of it and we have the recessed lighting in our cathedral ceilings (remember he is an electrician) and something happened and there was a mark where water had leaked through the fixture and ran down the ceiling. How does that happen? I gave him a lot of crap for that too. Anyway, paiting that ceiling was hard.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 12/17/2009 4:24:30 AM
Author: Mrs Mitchell
Most of our furniture was inherited, so we can''t really change it. It suits our house, anyway. When we moved in here, the house needed a lot of work. I''ve been working on one room at a time and once they''re done, they''re done. That''s it. I never want to do any of this again! I''ll freshen up the paintwork from time to time, but probably with the same colours, which are picked to work with the period of the house.

When I lived in a modern appartment, with lighter, modern furniture, I liked to change things round in summer and winter - heavier curtains, different scatter cushions, rugs and pictures etc. That was fun. I moved the furniture around from time to time too, because the public rooms were all big rectangles and didn''t have fireplaces etc to work around.

We''re still on the doing up one room at a time thing... kitchen... check.... so just the sitting room, hallway, two bedroooms and two bathrooms to go...
Our house is modern but built in the style of 1840, so everything needs to respect the architecture of that time or it would look very odd. I also use traditional paints - are you an F&B fan by any chance Mrs Mitchell?

My parents house is over 500 years old and they still haven''t finished renovating after 25 years. Almost all their furniture and some of mine is inherited so it''s not as if you would change it - at the most I might re-upholster an antique chair in a very modern fabric.
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