
How much will your finger grow after having baby?


Mar 21, 2011
Just want to see what's the before and after size change is like and will it ever go back to the old size?
Thank you~ :bigsmile:
Mine grew by a whole size and never went back!
I gained more than 45 pounds during my first pregnancy.It took me three years to lose all the weight but in the mean time my ring size went back to normal in a matter of three months post partum and a year after it was even smaller than it used to be before the pregnancy!!! I guess there are no rules in these things and each case is different :)
My ring size never changed. I've had 2 kids and wore my rings all the way through pregnancy. I think it depends on whether or not you retain water and if you fingers are bony or fleshy. My fingers are bony and my ring size is determined by my knuckle, so it's already loose.
I have 2 kids and I think my ring size is actually shrinking from pre-pregnancy! Very strange...However, my feet grew and never went back!
This is why eternity rings without a sizing area are a bad idea! :lol: My ring size did not really change for over 20 years, but as my metabolism changed and I gradually added some weight, my ring size increased as well. It never increased from pregnancy because my weight always went back to normal. My original ring size was 4.75 and now it is 5.5.
My ring size never changed. I wore my rings all the way through, too. But I never retained water, and I only gained 14 pounds.
My ring size never changed - not during or after pregnancy.
wow... thanks you so much for all the info. I guess I should probably still get my ring resized...and hope I can still wear it :bigsmile:
diamondseeker2006|1304686681|2913838 said:
This is why eternity rings without a sizing area are a bad idea! :lol: My ring size did not really change for over 20 years, but as my metabolism changed and I gradually added some weight, my ring size increased as well. It never increased from pregnancy because my weight always went back to normal. My original ring size was 4.75 and now it is 5.5.

You sound like me! My original ring size was a 4.75 and my original wedding band has not fit me since 1996. I currently wear a size 5.5 or if the band is thin enough, a size 5.25. My actually finger size didn't change much though, it's more that my knuckles got bigger and therefore I need a larger band to get over them.

This is why I have never purchased a larger stoned eternity band and I make sure that if I do purchase a thin one, it has to be at least 5.5.

Edited to add: I have had five kids BTW and my ring finger size changed with the first and second one and it's remained the same since. I also never gained much weight with any of them (I think I gained 18 lbs. with the last one, but the others were less) and I went down to my pre-pregnancy weight right away.
I gained 36 lbs while pregnant and am down 20 or so. My fingers swelled a bit but I was still able to wear my wband while pregnant. They're now back to their regular size and might be a smidge smaller. My feet didn't change size either. That being said, I didn't have the swelling problems a lot of women have.
I don't think finger size changes permanently, really. If a woman has gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, then I guess her fingers will also be 'fatter', but probably just until she loses the weight. That's just my thought on it.

I never had a noticeable increase in finger size during pregnancy, and my rings never felt like they fit tighter or anything like that. I wore my rings throughout, and continue to wear them now. I also didn't gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, so I believe it's more about weight gain than anything else.
I didn't gain a ton of weight... maybe 30lbs?... and I lost it all within the first month after I gave birth. But I had SOOOOO much swelling so maybe thats why my finger size changed. My feet are bigger now too... about a whole size.
puppmom|1304687218|2913844 said:
My ring size never changed - not during or after pregnancy.

Mine didn't change throughout my pregnancy but the day after I gave birth my finger did suddenly swell. Ooof! It went back down quickly afterwards but I did panic when I got my new eternity right after I gave birth... I thought it would always feel tight and I haaaaate the tight feeling, even though Yekutiel insisted that it fit perfectly. He's always right, ha! But I like rings to be super loose so thankfully my finger did shrink back to its normal size. I think my feet got wider, though. Grrrrr!
My ring size did not change, but I did lose the baby weight.
My finger size didn't change due to pregnancy,other than on the odd day when I was a little puffy. My feet are a size and a half bigger than before pregnancy though, for some reason.
I wore my rings throughout both pg's and I gained very different amounts (20 with the 1st and 40 with the 2nd). Strangely enough, my feet grew too. My OB told me it's b/c your arches drop with the added weight of pg, but I was pretty flat footed to begin with, so I'm not sure I buy that one.
I gained about 50-60 lbs for both pregnancies, and could not wear my rings for the latter half of both pregnancies, and could not fit into my shoes, I had to wear clogs. However,about 2 months postpartum, rings, shoes etc all fit again, I think I just had a lot of swelling and water retention. My fingers are the boney type as well, once past the knuckle, the rings are loose.
My finger size grew towards the end of my pregnancy but I was able to wear my rings about 3 weeks after.
I put on 75lbs during my pregnancy and had to stop wearing my rings around the 6 month mark. Mine wasn't normal weight gain though - I had terrible oedema and blew up like a balloon. I lost all the baby weight by 3.5 months PP but my rings didn't fit till 5-6 months PP.
I am not a tiny skinny person and my ring sized never changed. I had no swelling issues at all. It doesn't have to do with your starting weight or how much you gain during the pregnancy I think. It's more of where you retain water and individual to each person, there's really just no way to know.
It really does vary. Both my pregnancies I gained alot (75lbs+) of weight but it was mostly water and I lost it all within a few months. My finger went from a 5 3/4 to an 8 during pregnancy. Now, with all the baby weight gone my finger is a 6 1/4.

The bummer is my shoe size...I gained A WHOLE SIZE with my 1st pregnancy and it never went back down :errrr: ....I had to give away over 200 pairs of shoes ;( . My second child was born 10 months ago. My foot grew another half size but it just recently went back down---thank goodness bc I now have over 400 pairs of shoes and I would be PISSED if I had to give them away again!!
lbbaber|1304731489|2914460 said:
It really does vary. Both my pregnancies I gained alot (75lbs+) of weight but it was mostly water and I lost it all within a few months. My finger went from a 5 3/4 to an 8 during pregnancy. Now, with all the baby weight gone my finger is a 6 1/4.

The bummer is my shoe size...I gained A WHOLE SIZE with my 1st pregnancy and it never went back down :errrr: ....I had to give away over 200 pairs of shoes ;( . My second child was born 10 months ago. My foot grew another half size but it just recently went back down---thank goodness bc I now have over 400 pairs of shoes and I would be PISSED if I had to give them away again!!

oh mine... I love shoes too but 400 pairs~ :eek:
I've had 3 kids, gained almost 40 lbs with each of them and my ring size didn't change.