
How much $$ to have rhodium redipped on ring?

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Aug 17, 2005
Just white gold is starting to look a little yellowish on the bottom on the ring.
I would suggest contacting a few local jewelers. Prices could vary from place to place. From what I hear though, its a pretty quick and simple procedure. There should be many local places in your area that can offer you a quality service. Good luck....

This is a good time to have the jeweler clean everything, check the stones for tightness and any other damage or wear concerns that may have come up since you bought the piece. Most jewelers with a shop on site can do this whole process fairly quickly and for a reasonable price. It''s difficult to give a straight answer to your pricing quesiton because it will depend on the store, the details of your piece and what, if any, other services are required. They should be happy to give you a price quote before starting any work.

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver
While we''re on the subject...

I have a couple of YG rings I''ve thought I might have rhodium plated because I so rarely wear YG these days...

Is it more of a production to plate YG? And can you plate a ring that has an opal in it?


Yellow gold plates just fine in most cases but it does wear a little differently. As the plating wears off it starts to look really bad so you end up with this replating process more frequently. Don''t do it with a piece that you will be wearing often. Plating around opal adds no special problem beyond the usual headaches because they''re soft, fragile and sometimes expensive.

Neil Beaty
Independent Appraisals in Denver
I had an old yellow gold ring and an old WG bracelet rhodium plated at my jeweler in NYC, and it was $10 for both, and I had them back in 15 minutes or less.
I recently had my rings checked for loose stones and the jeweler suggested having them replated as well. The whole process took about 45 minutes. While I was waiting, the jeweler allowed me to try on everything in his showcases!! So I got to play and dream while my rings were being replated...but it did take about 45 minutes.
My Jeweler charged me about 20$ to do my RHR.
The plating solution needs to be warm and it is too expensive to warrent leaving the heater on and have it evaporate all day. Most proffessional polishers plate at a certain time each day. Proffessional polishers charge about $10-$30 for polishing/plating at a trade price, but it is done properly and will last a lot longer.
I got quotes between $30 and $50 to do a bracelet...! (I went with the $30!)
Who knows FG. The prices are far from standardised. It is considered a service and generally subsidised by potential future sales. For a good job on a bracelet it should be more (given conversions and profits etc), but I for one will work for nothing on this sort of task because it is not what I do and I enjoy an easy thank you from a good customer.

I used to get my plating done by the grumpiest guy in the trade (there is a grumpy meter on his door with not a smily face in sight) who took what ever schrapnel (spelling) I threw at him. I used his rhodium because: he had the best set up, I was always learning tricks off him, his partner is the best engraver I know of and because he knew my co-worker for 30 years he looked kindly upon me - he didn''t offer rhodium as a service. Later I used another (above) because he prided himself on a good job but he charged more (and had no reason not to, which is fine), but he was in the habbit of charging more for expensive pieces (which I don''t, so it eats my profits), and I didn''t like that. When I sent an apprentice to him with her own pieces he bodged all her jobs and she was so angry I set myself up.

I use my rhodium on my own pieces and I have been testing all the ways to do a better job. I would never advertise this service, as to do a good job should be too expensive considering the competition and the fact that a good job and a bad job looks much the same when the article leaves the workshop and the competition (in general) don''t care about that.
Date: 8/24/2005 12:20:23 PM
Author: Shiny42805
I had an old yellow gold ring and an old WG bracelet rhodium plated at my jeweler in NYC, and it was $10 for both, and I had them back in 15 minutes or less.
hi can i get the name of the store in NYC if you don''t mind? thanks.
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