
How much do you spend on your hobbies?


Jun 4, 2008
Not counting jewelry!

I've realized lately that I have some very expensive hobbies. Skiing is one of them (especially when you love ski gear and tend to buy new equipment every season). I just started ballroom dancing and that gets expensive too (private lessons, shoes, eventually competition dresses and fees). I'm trying to decide if I can bring myself to spend several hundred dollars on a competition dress.

A friend of mine (PS and IRL) scuba dives and scuba actually blows skiing out of the water cost-wise (pun intended).

So what other hobbies do you have? How expensive are they? And how do you justify the expense?
My aquarium probably cost me around $200 to $300 a year.
I justify it by enjoying it.
It really is relaxing and calming to have a tank with peaceful beautiful fish in the living room.

I do sit in front of it and watch the critters for perhaps 30 minutes a day.
It's very satisfying learning and improving the care and conditions I give to my shrimp, fish and plants.

Another hobby is learning on the Internet.
I love surfing and participating in fora on a wide range of subjects.
I guess the expense is the computer and the Internet connection, which are easy to justify.

Frankly, I don't feel a need to 'justify' anything.
I do whatever I want. (Franky, so does everyone.)
There is no god, mommy or guilty conscience lording over me with a wagging finger.
Screw that.
Interesting question. I was just chatting about this with my dh today! We spend lots on our cycling hobby. Cycling gear is not cheap. And bikes can also be expensive. We have lots of bikes but our new one is my very favorite and also our most expensive. It cost 13K but it is a well worth it purchase for us. We love riding and do it whenever the weather permits on weekends and days off. We go for very long rides (60 miles average these days) and this bike is a joy. So, that's how we justify the cost of this hobby. We love doing it and best of all we love doing it together.

My dh has another expensive hobby and that is woodworking. That's also an easy one to justify because not only does he love doing it he also makes beautiful things that we can enjoy in our homes.
B.E.G... I love your kitty.. he looks like ours a bengal.. sweet face.

I have one cheap hobby hunting Shark's Teeth on the beach.. very cheap.. our other interests, collecting wine, eating out, traveling, DH's car..not so cheap... but at least we have one that cost us nothing but time.

My children tend to be an expensive hobby. I have to pay for daycare, clothe and feed them. I do get very much enjoyment out of them but right now they are my #1 expense :bigsmile:

BEG I'm so jealous I have wanted to take ball room dancing for YEARS!!!!!!!!! Or even contemporary. I just know that I have a dancers soul in my body!

Ok so seriously hobbies outside of bling.
-I love to travel which can be expensive depending on what sort of travel and what we are doing. I don't tend to plan vacations to the beach, but what I like to call life experiences. If DH and I have time we go wine tasting in Italy or Climb Mt. Fugi in Tokyo. Now that our babies are getting more mobile we will start taking them as my parents never traveled with me and I want them to experience everything with us.

-I love shoes! I used to have an amazing collection but have stopped purchasing over the last few years since moving to a job where I work from home and chase after kids.

-DH and I love water activies so canoeing, kayaking, boating, watersking etc....we either have to pay or rent the boats and we buy new equipment every few years because DH likes it that way. Also because we move fairly often needs change IE living by a river, living on the ocean, living no where near civilization etc.
I am a quilt maker. Fabric has gotten quite expensive the last few years as well as all the things that go with quilting. I can easily spend 400.00 on each quilt. I used to make quite a few for gifts but I am no longer going to do that. Not only because of the cost but the time involved in making it. Most people don't appreciate what goes into one unless they know quite a bit about quilting. Almost one year ago I bought a dream sewing machine at a little over 11K. Reading and sewing are my two hobbies. Luckily, kindle books don't add up to that much for me!

My husband is a cyclist and bikes are pretty darn expensive too. So, at least I am not alone in the expensive hobby department.
I'm a big 'ole collector. Vintage shopping is the kingdom, but the phyllums are varied - I like old books, and perfume bottles, 50s-style clothing, Deco paste jewelry, old train and vanity cases, Edwardiana, dance compacts, old-school hair-combs that can double as stabbing weapons ... you name it, I probably have at least one (that's waiting for a friend).

On the one hand, I haven't bought much that's not vintage or from a discount shop in ... well, ever, really. I got our couch according to my husband's annoyingly rigid specs (HAD to be black leather with contrast stitching, HAD to have arm-rests of a certain height and shape ...) for $700, my pretty little carved wood desk for $100, our very-very-very fancy heavy gold shantung silk curtains for $50. Our house probably looks about ten times ritzier than the budget that furnished it.

On the other hand, even I have to admit I probably don't NEED every little thing I buy. I like to visit the local flea market every other week or so, and I'll usually drop $50 or so. It settles gift-giving occasions neatly and in advance, and I'm well-stocked on all the nifty costume jewelry a girl could need ... but even I'm starting to admit that I either need to set up a stall to resell some of my finds, or to give it a rest until I exhaust some of my hoard.

I'm adopting a kind of middle ground. I justify the hobby for reasons of mental health - even if I never buy another thing, I like the treasure-hunting aspect, I like the aesthetic of it all, and I like seeing the other people like me on a regular basis. But I'm also admitting I need to kick the faint traces of my parents hoarding tendencies in the a$$, and I'm slowly weeding out all of the crap I'm saving for sentimental reasons. I DO NOT need my jeans from high school. Or those shoes that I bought in Vegas that turned out to be unwearable. Or a dreadfully ugly box painted with a bad imitation of a Renoir that my mom got me for my first Mother's Day. The worn, I'm tossing, the usable-but-not-by-me I'm donating to my local Housing Works. Seems like a win-win so far ....
I don't have any hobbies that are expensive. Or really any hobbies, ha. Which is a good thing because DH's hobby is very expensive- guns.
It's all expensive. Things I've now spent thousands on, if not tens of thousands every year:


Dining out


Japanese makeup brushes

Vintage exotic skin handbags

Probably at least as much spent on the above as on jewellery. My husband has been begging me to get a cheap hobby. :cheeky:
I don't have any hobbies other than collecting jewelry. Yes, I enjoy travel, eating out, going to movies, but I do not consider those hobbies.
Honestly it varies, I put away about 25% of my monthly salary towards my hobby. Which is buying old bikes and refurbishing them. I guess eventually I'll be able to do this with cars, when I can afford it. Ha.

This was a great question
Horses - probably a couple thousand a year in feeding them. :\
Fishing - Maybe a few hundred dollars a year, but we end up with food from it and it's relaxing so worth the price.
Gardening - I'll tell you next year, it's a newer hobby.

Gosh. ;(
My hobbies aren't expensive. My primary one is reading and I don't kow how much I spend on books because I order some on the Kindle, buy some new, and then get some from the used book store for 1/2 price and it REALLY varies every month. I don't need to jutify the expense because reading is the easiest hobby for me as I can pick up a book and read anywhere, plus it's good for my kids to see me read (good role model). (I don't check out my books from the library b/c I often don't finish them before the library asks for them back/doesn't let me renew the book.)

My next main hobby is exercise and I again, that is not expensive. I spent a couple hundred ($300+) between Feb and March on updating my home equipment - new aerobic step, a new set of weights, some new DVDS, plus, I bought new clothes & shoes, so another $100. This summer, I'll be spending about $120 more on new weights. No justifying these expenses either. Need to be healthy and I use all the stuff I've purchased.

Third hobby is pottery but I have NO idea how much this will cost. I recently got a kiln but it's not up and running yet. After school ends for the year, we're going to set it up and then I'll find out how expensive it will be!
I have a few hobbies that have a high 'start up' cost...mountain biking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing but once you get over the initial cost, it's actually pretty cheap (not counting trips to the mountains but all these activities can be done in and around my city). Then there's cheaper but on-going costs associated with team sports registration fees, monthly bootcamp class fee...I ought to add it all up one of these days but I'm scared to know :?
Koi,crystals,coins,audiophile,does watches count as a hobby?
Ummm, I definitely read this "How much do you spend on your boobies?" and my answer was a very grouchy, "More than I'd like."

Anyways. I don't have that many hobbies - travel (expensive, but infrequent, especially lately), yoga (studio fees run less than $100/month, though the mat was pricey), and rock climbing (>$50/month). But climbing has the most potential to be a big money suck - gear, training gear, classes, gas/camping fees for weekend trips, etc. I'm mentally recovering from an injury - my body is fine, but I'm still scared of hurting it again - so I'm taking it slow. I'm also saving money for grad school, so trying to go cheap where I can!
I guess I should participate. Thanks all for weighing in!

So skiing is... expensive. In the last three years, I've bought 5 pairs of skis (usually I sold one to buy another though - it's only recently that I have two pairs at the same time). I'm on my second pair of ski boots (third, but the first pair I returned). Ski poles, clothing (yeesh), lift tickets (and season pass for next year). Hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Not to mention gas, lodging, etc. as Tahoe is 4 hours away.

Now I just picked up ballroom. I LOVE ballroom. Oh my goodness - I'm seriously obsessed.

I pay $70/private lesson, once a week.
$120/month for 3 different sets of group lessons (I don't have an amateur partner, so I do group classes so I can dance 4 times a week, rather than 1).
Shoes were $155.

I'm not ready to compete yet, but competition fees plus my pro instructor's time could be in the hundreds of dollars.

Really good costumes/dresses are $4-5K!!! Even renting is $200-300 per day. I"m contemplating buying a pre-owned dress for $650 right now (from the label that sells their dresses for $4-5K).

And if I could, I'd take lessons more frequently!

This probably explains why I've not been active on the jewelry buying front lately :P
Sarahbear621|1369700981|3454731 said:
My children tend to be an expensive hobby. I have to pay for daycare, clothe and feed them. I do get very much enjoyment out of them but right now they are my #1 expense :bigsmile:

BEG I'm so jealous I have wanted to take ball room dancing for YEARS!!!!!!!!! Or even contemporary. I just know that I have a dancers soul in my body!

Do it! I tried contemporary ballet but it's too hard to start as a 27 year old :P And I'm uber competitive - I needed something that I could compete in and become really good at. It's so much fun! I'm doing International Latin and that's what I'm going to compete in, but I'm also taking group classes which are all American style, and I'm also taking tango and salsa for fun. I also really love my studio - the people there (other students, teachers) have been so nice, and the teachers I met, even just in casual conversation, all remembered me by name the next time I was there. Just a great atmosphere.
Nothing really. I just realized how cheap I am!
I love to read, but only order free books on my kindle, or get used books at garage sales etc
I play words with friends
I download crosswords from online
Love to hike, other than my expensive hiking shoes that dh bought for my V-day gift, I have spent nothing!
I kayak, which isn't terribly expensive, but can add up. My favorite boat was a graduation gift from my dad (who got me hooked), when I got me first degree a couple years ago. I've spent several hundred dollars on accessories (J-Cradles to carry it, a ~$50 paddle, tie downs, dry bags and first aid kit, etc). Still looking for that just right paddle though. Hoping to spend ~$500 this summer to have a tow hitch put on my car (I am not able to lift my boat to the top of my jeep Patriot on my own, so I currently can't go one my own), and buy a new paddle. Hubby and my dad want to build a trailer to carry more boats, and this will give me more independence to go on solo paddles as well.

A girlfriend and I make stained glass together, and the investment to start up was minimal, under $200. We buy plates from yard sales/antique stores for a buck or two, and the little round glass nuggets from the dollar store, and this is all we need to create a new project. This also helps to squash my shopping desires :)

I also like to hunt around at pawn shops and ebay for really great deals. I know the OP mentioned not jewelry, but I have been able to snag some amazing deals, that I'm almost hesitant to tell people about, because they were so good. I don't invest a ton of time in this, but if I have a little free time or am out and about, I like to look and see what I can find.
I love to crochet , which gets expensive because I'm allergic to acrylic, so I can only buy 100% cotton. I make a baby blanket for every baby born in my neighborhood to people I know and of course any new babies in the family. It's really cool to see them still carrying them. I like to make jewelry and learn new techniques to making what is trending. I love to read, especially about things that are new to me, like different customs used by people in other countries. I am addicted to apps that simulate your mind like 4 Pic 1 Word and the like.
Hmm, jewellery is the big one, I must say.
I recently took up the violin, but rental and lessons are fairly cheap, about $400 a year.
I have a gym membership, it's $900 a year. Yoga is $10 a class.
I love books, and love to own them. I spend $20-300 a month.
I like to take Coursera classes, and thankfully those are free.
I enjoy gardening, and have no idea how much it costs. Maybe $500 a year for new plants, sprays, fertiliser, etc.
I love handbags, but don't buy those frequently. My last Louis Vuitton cost $2200. I want to buy a Birkin. :love:
Travel. Le sigh. :praise: Thousands. :mrgreen: When I was young I never thought I'd ever have the opportunity or money to see the world. Every trip is exhilarating, like I've won something precious. And I have.
Offspring - giant black hole for cash, energy, and youth. :lol:
Well, besides bling, one of my biggest hobbies is body ink and I've spent thousands of dollars on that. I haven't kept track, but I have a lot of very large, very high quality (by quality artists) pieces, so, yea.....
Brown.Eyed.Girl said:
I guess I should participate. Thanks all for weighing in!

So skiing is... expensive. In the last three years, I've bought 5 pairs of skis (usually I sold one to buy another though - it's only recently that I have two pairs at the same time). I'm on my second pair of ski boots (third, but the first pair I returned). Ski poles, clothing (yeesh), lift tickets (and season pass for next year). Hundreds and hundreds of dollars. Not to mention gas, lodging, etc. as Tahoe is 4 hours away.

Do what I did- move to Reno :) But it's still a ridiculously expensive sport.
princesss|1369776153|3455273 said:
Ummm, I definitely read this "How much do you spend on your boobies?" and my answer was a very grouchy, "More than I'd like."

Anyways. I don't have that many hobbies - travel (expensive, but infrequent, especially lately), yoga (studio fees run less than $100/month, though the mat was pricey), and rock climbing (>$50/month). But climbing has the most potential to be a big money suck - gear, training gear, classes, gas/camping fees for weekend trips, etc. I'm mentally recovering from an injury - my body is fine, but I'm still scared of hurting it again - so I'm taking it slow. I'm also saving money for grad school, so trying to go cheap where I can!

This reminds me, another hobby/summer is hiking. Usually the costs can be kept down if we pack lunches. Mostly it's just the kids and me for weekly hikes, so I look for places w/in one hour drive to keep travel costs down. When my dh comes with, we go on fancier hikes which often take hours to get to. We still need to get our pass which is $30 and my older son needs hiking shoes, which combined is already going over $100... Last year, the kids and I set a goal number to walk over the summer and passed that mark. It is great for them to get out and it's worth it. We already have upped our goal this summer!
My other hobbies apart from collecting jewellery are playing the piano, reading, and exercising. I don't feel as if any of those cost much. I'm way past having piano lessons, so I just play what I want as I've already done all the exams. A complicated piece of sheet music like a Bach concerto costs five dollars and takes forever to perfect. I spent $1300 on a digital piano but that was seven years ago when I moved to America and into a condo in central Boston. I had to leave behind my acoustic piano at my parents' house in England. That was an 18th birthday present. The digital can be payed with headphones so you don't disturb anyone in another condo. It's a good make - a Yamaha. I don't need buttons and a zillion side effects as I only pay classical music, so I got the simplest model of the best brand.

In the past I've spent quite a lot on Folio Society books - maybe $2000 over five years - but now I've just about got everything I want that they publish, and I got most of it in sales.

I pay $100 a month for a gorgeous all-women gym in Boston which is my respite from the world. (For the record, I have nothing against exercising with men and do not generally agree with such gender segregation. However, my company had a deal with that gym where I only paid $30, and it's the only gym in town which offers the Les Mills Body Pump classes, so I decided to pay the full rate when I left the job.)

So yearly, my hobbies probably cost a max of $1,500 and most of that is gym fees. I don't think that's very much for an entire year's worth of entertainment and health.

Therefore, jewellery is my biggest expense - although I'm done buying that too, really. Sometimes I feel guilty about my bling budget until I realise all the things I don't spend money on that others do. I don't even run a car, as we live smack bang in the middle of some very old narrow streets in Boston and it would be standing in the snow for three months.
My main hobby is knitting. It can be done fairly reasonably if you get yarn from Joann/Michael's/etc, but once you get spoiled with nicer yarns, the cost goes up astronomically. I got spoiled early on. :twirl: I try to look for sales, but I'd estimate I spend $750-1000 per year on yarn, patterns, and supplies, and I could easily double that if I bought everything I wanted. Our other hobby is sailing, though we've been too busy to do it much lately. We don't have our own boat, so it's not as bad as it could be, but gear is very pricey and we have monthly club dues plus extra fees if we take out the club boats. We also hike, and though I've never added up the costs of gas, boots, the food we pick up to take with us on the trail, etc, I'd still say it's by far the cheapest of the three.
I do not have too much time for hobbies at the moment between managing our household, going to school full time, taking care of our 2 year old daughter, and preparing for baby number 2(coming next month).

When I do have free time, these are my hobbies:

-perusing, unless I really become obsessed with something I see here and DH can't talk me out of the purchase. ;))

-reading....usually free as I download free books to my Kindle. I do still purchase hard copy books though, probably $40 a month, tops.

-video games...$40-60 a month. cost right now, as I am pregnant. Haha.

So, as of right now, my hobbies are pretty inexpensive. :bigsmile:
princesss|1369776153|3455273 said:
Ummm, I definitely read this "How much do you spend on your boobies?"
I really should spend something to get rid of my moobies. :blackeye:
I am house-and-daycare poor right now so I had to find hobbies that did not cost much!

I run and I ride my bike, which both fit my requirements: fast, low cost, and can be done by the whole family.

I think the start up was most expensive for those hobbies. Buying the bike and all the equipment was $500. And running shoes and gear are a few hundred per year.

I also have a PS hobby which is free.

EDIT: I have a hobby of finding old cuts on ebay. I have not done it much in the last few months and recently used my hobby "float" to buy my bike and can't afford to replenish it, so I think that hobby is essentially retired!

SNORE! But the darn kiddos and living in a pricey area basically kiboshed any more pricey fun things.