
How much are you like your mother?

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Apr 4, 2006
We could not be more different. I cook, love jewelry, love to decorate, enjoy shopping for fabrics and crafty things, and garden. Mom does not like any of those things. She''s very good at card games and Scrabble (I have little attn span for these things) and likes to stay indoors. Mom could care less about jewelry and never wears diamonds. She is petite and sophisticated, where I am medium and somewhat "hippie" like. Think find china meets glazed pottery.

How about you?

Love in Bloom

Mar 30, 2007
LOL, I'm kind of hippie-like too.

I'm nothing like my mother. She is timid and lives like a hermit...she would be a crazy cat lady if she would just get some cats. She collects figurines and country clutter. She likes bland boring food. Her idea of a good time is taking a ride in the car and looking at "the scenery" but not venturing around outside. My mother and I are exact opposites of each other. I am adopted but I don't think that necessarily has anything to do with us being opposites because I am just like my dad. Even though I'm asian and my dad is a very anglo looking Irish man, ppl say I look like him all the time


Jan 8, 2007
I am exactly like my mother!

Sarcastic, high-stressed, somewhat negative at times...
but with a big heart and very generous, and sensitive.


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:24:28 PM
Author: Love in Bloom
LOL, I''m kind of hippie-like too.

I''m nothing like my mother. She is timid and lives like a hermit...she would be a crazy cat lady if she would just get some cats. She collects figurines and country clutter. She likes bland boring food. Her idea of a good time is taking a ride in the car and looking at ''the scenery'' but not venturing around outside. My mother and I are exact opposites of each other. I am adopted but I don''t think that necessarily has anything to do with us being opposites because I am just like my dad. Even though I''m asian and my dad is a very anglo looking Irish man, ppl say I look like him all the time
You know, I think there''s a lot of mannerisms people pick up to make them very very similar. People say I look like I am my husband''s sister all the time. What''s with that?? I will admit, I do catch myself folding my arms and even pursing my lips like my dh--I guess after 22 years, something had to rub off.


Feb 18, 2006
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:26:58 PM
Author: luckystar112
I am exactly like my mother!

Sarcastic, high-stressed, somewhat negative at times...
but with a big heart and very generous, and sensitive.
I find that sarcastic people are usually very sensitive and above avg intelligence.
Nothin'' wrong with that! My husband and I are that way (although he is undeniably smarter than moi about many things).


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:32:03 PM
Author: Miranda
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.
My daughter is EXACTLY like my husband. Just feminized.

Love in Bloom

Mar 30, 2007
Date: 6/30/2007 3:30:01 PM
Author: justjulia
You know, I think there''s a lot of mannerisms people pick up to make them very very similar. People say I look like I am my husband''s sister all the time. What''s with that?? I will admit, I do catch myself folding my arms and even pursing my lips like my dh--I guess after 22 years, something had to rub off.
Wow 22 years

It is so cute when a relationship reaches the point where things ''rub off''. That reminds me of an extremely adorable couple DF and I saw when we went out to dinner last week. They were older and it was kind of errie because they had the same smile, the same laugh, the same glances and expressions while they were looking over their menus. I''m pretty certain they were married, but if I didn''t know any better I would swear they were twins! It is something to aspire to, in a weird way


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:37:03 PM
Author: Love in Bloom

Date: 6/30/2007 3:30:01 PM
Author: justjulia
You know, I think there''s a lot of mannerisms people pick up to make them very very similar. People say I look like I am my husband''s sister all the time. What''s with that?? I will admit, I do catch myself folding my arms and even pursing my lips like my dh--I guess after 22 years, something had to rub off.
Wow 22 years

It is so cute when a relationship reaches the point where things ''rub off''. That reminds me of an extremely adorable couple DF and I saw when we went out to dinner last week. They were older and it was kind of errie because they had the same smile, the same laugh, the same glances and expressions while they were looking over their menus. I''m pretty certain they were married, but if I didn''t know any better I would swear they were twins! It is something to aspire to, in a weird way
Thanks. Yea, we have picked up on all the same mannerisms. We usually will order the SAME food at a restaurant--even when we try hard not to. We have phrases that we have developed like "code" that no one in public could understand, get messy then tidy up all the sudden the same, wear the same socks, respond the same way to situations...truly like halves of each other. That''s why it touched me so much when that 82 yr old woman started talking to me about being alone this morning.


Feb 18, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:36:45 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:32:03 PM
Author: Miranda
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.
My daughter is EXACTLY like my husband. Just feminized.
That''s funny! I wonder how it will be with my daughter when she is grown up. As of now we are seriously clones. DH said, "When I found out we were having a girl I figured she''d be a lot like you. I never thought she''d be EXACTLY like you."


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:42:16 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:36:45 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:32:03 PM
Author: Miranda
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.
My daughter is EXACTLY like my husband. Just feminized.
That''s funny! I wonder how it will be with my daughter when she is grown up. As of now we are seriously clones. DH said, ''When I found out we were having a girl I figured she''d be a lot like you. I never thought she''d be EXACTLY like you.''
That''s cute. I always thought it would be the same with my daughter. No, not so. Then came my son. Yes, you guessed it, he is exactly like me, just masculine. Go figure. My husband always says that he has part of my brain. My daughter and husband can sit and gawk at her fish aquarium for hours, tinkering with this and that, while my son and I are clammering to go somewhere and be with people.


Feb 18, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:45:10 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:42:16 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:36:45 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:32:03 PM
Author: Miranda
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.
My daughter is EXACTLY like my husband. Just feminized.
That''s funny! I wonder how it will be with my daughter when she is grown up. As of now we are seriously clones. DH said, ''When I found out we were having a girl I figured she''d be a lot like you. I never thought she''d be EXACTLY like you.''
That''s cute. I always thought it would be the same with my daughter. No, not so. Then came my son. Yes, you guessed it, he is exactly like me, just masculine. Go figure. My husband always says that he has part of my brain. My daughter and husband can sit and gawk at her fish aquarium for hours, tinkering with this and that, while my son and I are clammering to go somewhere and be with people.
It''s that way with us only my oldest son is EXACTLY like DH. When he was born their baby pics could have easily been the same person. Our middle son is 50/50...Half me, half DH.

Love in Bloom

Mar 30, 2007
Date: 6/30/2007 3:40:49 PM
Author: justjulia

That''s why it touched me so much when that 82 yr old woman started talking to me about being alone this morning.
Is that your mom? (sorry I''m slow...)


May 29, 2006
That''s a good question! In some ways, my mom and I are very much alike. We have very similar taste in style...we like the same types of jewelery, clothing, decor, hairstyles, and that sort of thing. We love to shop together. We share the same philosophy and outlook on most important issues. We also have the same tastes when it comes to food.

But there are ways in which we could not be more different. Physically, we look nothing alike. Our temperments are also very different. Mom is very high strung and worries a lot. I am laid back and take life as it comes for the most part. My mom''s temper is different than mine. It takes more to make her angry, but she stays angry for a very long time and has a hard time forgiving. I''m the opposite. I have a "hot" temper in that it doesn''t take a lot to set me off, but I get over it very quickly and never hold grudges. We are both perfectionsists to some degree, but in different areas of our lives. It''s hard to explain, but my mom tries to control things that are out of her other people, where I''m more OCD...I tend to try to turn my perfectionism inward toward myself.

My mom and I are also very different in our hobbies and leisure pursuits. I love gardening, animals, reading, music (both as a listener and as a participant), sports (again, as both a spectator and a participant) and travel. My mom is an indoor person, not into animals, hates to read, not really into music or sports, and is a homebody. To be honest, my mom has never been much of a "hobby" or leisure activity type of person at all! She is more of a worker type of person, and if she can''t find work to do, she''ll just sit and worry. The only leisure activity my mom seems to enjoy is shopping! I think it''s a good thing we both like to shop, otherwise we wouldn''t spend a lot of quality time together! LOL!

In reality, other than the clothes and shopping thing, my dad and I are much more alike than my mom and I are.


May 29, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:32:03 PM
Author: Miranda
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.

That''s probably why my mom and I both like clothes and''s a woman thing!


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:48:15 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:45:10 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:42:16 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:36:45 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:32:03 PM
Author: Miranda
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.
My daughter is EXACTLY like my husband. Just feminized.
That''s funny! I wonder how it will be with my daughter when she is grown up. As of now we are seriously clones. DH said, ''When I found out we were having a girl I figured she''d be a lot like you. I never thought she''d be EXACTLY like you.''
That''s cute. I always thought it would be the same with my daughter. No, not so. Then came my son. Yes, you guessed it, he is exactly like me, just masculine. Go figure. My husband always says that he has part of my brain. My daughter and husband can sit and gawk at her fish aquarium for hours, tinkering with this and that, while my son and I are clammering to go somewhere and be with people.
It''s that way with us only my oldest son is EXACTLY like DH. When he was born their baby pics could have easily been the same person. Our middle son is 50/50...Half me, half DH.
Ok, this is embarassing, but I found a picture of me, just before I got my driver''s license, and I swear it could be my son who is that age. My hair was longer, but there were the exact eyes, cheek bones, freckles, nose, smile....downright eeerrrriiieeeee. I often wonder about people who have something like red hair and a red headed child, knowing that that particular trait came directly from you would be kind of wild, I think.
As far as my mother goes, she only has a few gray hairs at 69. I wonder if I''ll be the same.
It is interesting that with my husband''s brother''s kids, (they have 7), some are exactly like one or other parent and some are nothing like either. It''s funky how genes work.


May 29, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:45:10 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:42:16 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:36:45 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:32:03 PM
Author: Miranda
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.
My daughter is EXACTLY like my husband. Just feminized.
That''s funny! I wonder how it will be with my daughter when she is grown up. As of now we are seriously clones. DH said, ''When I found out we were having a girl I figured she''d be a lot like you. I never thought she''d be EXACTLY like you.''
That''s cute. I always thought it would be the same with my daughter. No, not so. Then came my son. Yes, you guessed it, he is exactly like me, just masculine. Go figure. My husband always says that he has part of my brain. My daughter and husband can sit and gawk at her fish aquarium for hours, tinkering with this and that, while my son and I are clammering to go somewhere and be with people.
How funny! It''s the same way in our family...our daughter looks, thinks, and acts just like her dad, and our son looks, thinks, and acts exactly like me!


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:50:14 PM
Author: sipper
That''s a good question! In some ways, my mom and I are very much alike. We have very similar taste in style...we like the same types of jewelery, clothing, decor, hairstyles, and that sort of thing. We love to shop together. We share the same philosophy and outlook on most important issues. We also have the same tastes when it comes to food.

But there are ways in which we could not be more different. Physically, we look nothing alike. Our temperments are also very different. Mom is very high strung and worries a lot. I am laid back and take life as it comes for the most part. My mom''s temper is different than mine. It takes more to make her angry, but she stays angry for a very long time and has a hard time forgiving. I''m the opposite. I have a ''hot'' temper in that it doesn''t take a lot to set me off, but I get over it very quickly and never hold grudges. We are both perfectionsists to some degree, but in different areas of our lives. It''s hard to explain, but my mom tries to control things that are out of her other people, where I''m more OCD...I tend to try to turn my perfectionism inward toward myself.

My mom and I are also very different in our hobbies and leisure pursuits. I love gardening, animals, reading, music (both as a listener and as a participant), sports (again, as both a spectator and a participant) and travel. My mom is an indoor person, not into animals, hates to read, not really into music or sports, and is a homebody. To be honest, my mom has never been much of a ''hobby'' or leisure activity type of person at all! She is more of a worker type of person, and if she can''t find work to do, she''ll just sit and worry. The only leisure activity my mom seems to enjoy is shopping! I think it''s a good thing we both like to shop, otherwise we wouldn''t spend a lot of quality time together! LOL!

In reality, other than the clothes and shopping thing, my dad and I are much more alike than my mom and I are.
I WISH my mother liked to shop. We''d have so much fun finding treasures together! (Or that''s my Beaver Cleaver outlook anyway--ha!)


May 29, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:57:21 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:50:14 PM
Author: sipper
That''s a good question! In some ways, my mom and I are very much alike. We have very similar taste in style...we like the same types of jewelery, clothing, decor, hairstyles, and that sort of thing. We love to shop together. We share the same philosophy and outlook on most important issues. We also have the same tastes when it comes to food.

But there are ways in which we could not be more different. Physically, we look nothing alike. Our temperments are also very different. Mom is very high strung and worries a lot. I am laid back and take life as it comes for the most part. My mom''s temper is different than mine. It takes more to make her angry, but she stays angry for a very long time and has a hard time forgiving. I''m the opposite. I have a ''hot'' temper in that it doesn''t take a lot to set me off, but I get over it very quickly and never hold grudges. We are both perfectionsists to some degree, but in different areas of our lives. It''s hard to explain, but my mom tries to control things that are out of her other people, where I''m more OCD...I tend to try to turn my perfectionism inward toward myself.

My mom and I are also very different in our hobbies and leisure pursuits. I love gardening, animals, reading, music (both as a listener and as a participant), sports (again, as both a spectator and a participant) and travel. My mom is an indoor person, not into animals, hates to read, not really into music or sports, and is a homebody. To be honest, my mom has never been much of a ''hobby'' or leisure activity type of person at all! She is more of a worker type of person, and if she can''t find work to do, she''ll just sit and worry. The only leisure activity my mom seems to enjoy is shopping! I think it''s a good thing we both like to shop, otherwise we wouldn''t spend a lot of quality time together! LOL!

In reality, other than the clothes and shopping thing, my dad and I are much more alike than my mom and I are.
I WISH my mother liked to shop. We''d have so much fun finding treasures together! (Or that''s my Beaver Cleaver outlook anyway--ha!)
Sometimes it can be DANGEROUS when two women like to shop together! We sometimes tend to egg each other on to buy things, ya know? LOL! Actually, it''s worse with my sister when we go shopping together. We also both have a lot of the same taste (we actually often buy the same things without even knowing the other one we both have the exact same wallet, several purses that are nearly identical, and lots of very similar jewelery and clothing items) My mom and I have a of us will find something we really like, for instance a pair of shoes, and we talk the other one into buying it, too. Very I think my hubby and my dad wish we didn''t like to shop together!


Feb 18, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 3:54:51 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:48:15 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:45:10 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:42:16 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:36:45 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:32:03 PM
Author: Miranda
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.
My daughter is EXACTLY like my husband. Just feminized.
That''s funny! I wonder how it will be with my daughter when she is grown up. As of now we are seriously clones. DH said, ''When I found out we were having a girl I figured she''d be a lot like you. I never thought she''d be EXACTLY like you.''
That''s cute. I always thought it would be the same with my daughter. No, not so. Then came my son. Yes, you guessed it, he is exactly like me, just masculine. Go figure. My husband always says that he has part of my brain. My daughter and husband can sit and gawk at her fish aquarium for hours, tinkering with this and that, while my son and I are clammering to go somewhere and be with people.
It''s that way with us only my oldest son is EXACTLY like DH. When he was born their baby pics could have easily been the same person. Our middle son is 50/50...Half me, half DH.
Ok, this is embarassing, but I found a picture of me, just before I got my driver''s license, and I swear it could be my son who is that age. My hair was longer, but there were the exact eyes, cheek bones, freckles, nose, smile....downright eeerrrriiieeeee. I often wonder about people who have something like red hair and a red headed child, knowing that that particular trait came directly from you would be kind of wild, I think.
As far as my mother goes, she only has a few gray hairs at 69. I wonder if I''ll be the same.
It is interesting that with my husband''s brother''s kids, (they have 7), some are exactly like one or other parent and some are nothing like either. It''s funky how genes work.
This is just so funny! It made me remember that my dad had gray hair at a young age, 30ish. When I was 29 I thought my hair was getting lighter and lighter...Yep, you guessed it...It was getting grayer and grayer not lighter and lighter! Early like my dad''s. My mom is 57 and still hardly has any gray hair.


Jan 21, 2006
Interesting thread!

We are similar in a number of ways. I''d like to think we are both intelligent and clever women. She and I are both crafty about things. She likes to make her own curtains, finish the basement, re-finish furniture, etc. I''m crafty as well, but with other things. I bargain shop, design jewelry, sew my own clothes sometimes, turn something from a garage sale into treasure, etc. We are both outgoing and care about friends and family. We have similar taste in food and home decorations, and we have similar political views.

We are different in other ways. I love to exercise and she would rather veg out. I''m pretty driven in my career and she would rather work part time and do hobbies instead. I love to travel and she''s never been off the continent.

We have similar life views, personalities, and values overall.


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 4:01:54 PM
Author: sipper

Date: 6/30/2007 3:57:21 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:50:14 PM
Author: sipper
That''s a good question! In some ways, my mom and I are very much alike. We have very similar taste in style...we like the same types of jewelery, clothing, decor, hairstyles, and that sort of thing. We love to shop together. We share the same philosophy and outlook on most important issues. We also have the same tastes when it comes to food.

But there are ways in which we could not be more different. Physically, we look nothing alike. Our temperments are also very different. Mom is very high strung and worries a lot. I am laid back and take life as it comes for the most part. My mom''s temper is different than mine. It takes more to make her angry, but she stays angry for a very long time and has a hard time forgiving. I''m the opposite. I have a ''hot'' temper in that it doesn''t take a lot to set me off, but I get over it very quickly and never hold grudges. We are both perfectionsists to some degree, but in different areas of our lives. It''s hard to explain, but my mom tries to control things that are out of her other people, where I''m more OCD...I tend to try to turn my perfectionism inward toward myself.

My mom and I are also very different in our hobbies and leisure pursuits. I love gardening, animals, reading, music (both as a listener and as a participant), sports (again, as both a spectator and a participant) and travel. My mom is an indoor person, not into animals, hates to read, not really into music or sports, and is a homebody. To be honest, my mom has never been much of a ''hobby'' or leisure activity type of person at all! She is more of a worker type of person, and if she can''t find work to do, she''ll just sit and worry. The only leisure activity my mom seems to enjoy is shopping! I think it''s a good thing we both like to shop, otherwise we wouldn''t spend a lot of quality time together! LOL!

In reality, other than the clothes and shopping thing, my dad and I are much more alike than my mom and I are.
I WISH my mother liked to shop. We''d have so much fun finding treasures together! (Or that''s my Beaver Cleaver outlook anyway--ha!)
Sometimes it can be DANGEROUS when two women like to shop together! We sometimes tend to egg each other on to buy things, ya know? LOL! Actually, it''s worse with my sister when we go shopping together. We also both have a lot of the same taste (we actually often buy the same things without even knowing the other one we both have the exact same wallet, several purses that are nearly identical, and lots of very similar jewelery and clothing items) My mom and I have a of us will find something we really like, for instance a pair of shoes, and we talk the other one into buying it, too. Very I think my hubby and my dad wish we didn''t like to shop together!
I can see how it could be dangerous....but how fun!


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 4:02:29 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:54:51 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:48:15 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:45:10 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:42:16 PM
Author: Miranda

Date: 6/30/2007 3:36:45 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:32:03 PM
Author: Miranda
N.O.T.H.I.N.G. at all like my mom. I (fortunately or unfortunately - depending on how you look at it) am much more like my dad. I look more like her than my dad, but, our personalities are not alike at all. On a general level we like some of the same things such as shopping, but, I think some of that is just being a woman.
My daughter is EXACTLY like my husband. Just feminized.
That''s funny! I wonder how it will be with my daughter when she is grown up. As of now we are seriously clones. DH said, ''When I found out we were having a girl I figured she''d be a lot like you. I never thought she''d be EXACTLY like you.''
That''s cute. I always thought it would be the same with my daughter. No, not so. Then came my son. Yes, you guessed it, he is exactly like me, just masculine. Go figure. My husband always says that he has part of my brain. My daughter and husband can sit and gawk at her fish aquarium for hours, tinkering with this and that, while my son and I are clammering to go somewhere and be with people.
It''s that way with us only my oldest son is EXACTLY like DH. When he was born their baby pics could have easily been the same person. Our middle son is 50/50...Half me, half DH.
Ok, this is embarassing, but I found a picture of me, just before I got my driver''s license, and I swear it could be my son who is that age. My hair was longer, but there were the exact eyes, cheek bones, freckles, nose, smile....downright eeerrrriiieeeee. I often wonder about people who have something like red hair and a red headed child, knowing that that particular trait came directly from you would be kind of wild, I think.
As far as my mother goes, she only has a few gray hairs at 69. I wonder if I''ll be the same.
It is interesting that with my husband''s brother''s kids, (they have 7), some are exactly like one or other parent and some are nothing like either. It''s funky how genes work.
This is just so funny! It made me remember that my dad had gray hair at a young age, 30ish. When I was 29 I thought my hair was getting lighter and lighter...Yep, you guessed it...It was getting grayer and grayer not lighter and lighter! Early like my dad''s. My mom is 57 and still hardly has any gray hair.
Same thing is happening with my daughter. Hubby''s side has early grey with his sisters and a couple of brothers. She''s not 20 yet! It''s just a few, but I didn''t have any until I was 40. Weird.


Apr 4, 2006
Date: 6/30/2007 4:51:49 PM
Author: kcoursolle
Interesting thread!

We are similar in a number of ways. I''d like to think we are both intelligent and clever women. She and I are both crafty about things. She likes to make her own curtains, finish the basement, re-finish furniture, etc. I''m crafty as well, but with other things. I bargain shop, design jewelry, sew my own clothes sometimes, turn something from a garage sale into treasure, etc. We are both outgoing and care about friends and family. We have similar taste in food and home decorations, and we have similar political views.

We are different in other ways. I love to exercise and she would rather veg out. I''m pretty driven in my career and she would rather work part time and do hobbies instead. I love to travel and she''s never been off the continent.

We have similar life views, personalities, and values overall.
I think it''s neat that you like a lot of the same things and have similar views.


Nov 24, 2006
I hate to admit this but I am EXACTLY like my mother and look like her too!
My hubby always says that my mom is adorable so he knows I will be adorable when I am her age.

She is very loving, very thoughtful, down to earth, very social, a little too helpful at times, and somewhat bossy. That is me!
I try to work on not being bossy but I think it is in me. Oh and she's stubborn and I am also stubborn.
We are different when it comes to fashion and jewelry. She likes jewelry, but she is somewhat hippie/free spirited. I think it is because she was a Science Teacher, loves the outdoors and grew up on a ranch. I am a city girl, and care more about fashion. I do like the outdoors too. Overall, she is a good person.


Oct 12, 2005
I dont have a relationship with my mother but when I did we liked all the same things. We had the same tastes in everything from homes, fashion, to makeup, jewelry (Goodness she is an addict) & everything in between.


Aug 12, 2005
My mom''s and my 4th grade pictures look exactly alike, it''s uncanny. After I hit puberty, though, I looked less like her and more like my dad or maybe just a combo of both. We''re somewhat alike in personality, except she is much more social than I am and I think she''s way more intelligent.
We have this strange bond, though, every time I''ve gone through something negative in life and I haven''t called her right away she''ll have a strange dream and call me the next day to make sure I"m ok. 95% of the time she''s been right.


Jul 23, 2006
It''s a bit scary but the older I get the more like my mother I get. Just some small mannerisms like opening all the doors to let fresh air in when I get up in the morning. That used to drive me crazy when I was younger and lived at home. I hope I''m taking the good and leaving the bad though...



Jun 27, 2006
People always tell me I look a lot like my mom. I don''t see it, but I''m sure it''s true, cause people never tell me I look like my dad or that I look like my brother.

I''m like my mom in some respects, but I think my personality is more like my dad. My dad and I are "researchers" in that we enjoy the process of looking for and reading about things, maybe even more than making an actual purchase. We''re quiet. We''re liable to make a huge mess without really realizing it. And we''re huge procrastinators.

My mom and I share all the girly stuff - clothes and shoes and gardening and cooking, and the basis of everyday conversation. I suspect I get along so well with my mom cause I''m a lot like my dad.

The things that I identify with from my mom''s (and grandmom''s) personality is the tendency to believe in the rightness of the way we do things, and have no problem with verbalizing it. I frequently catch myself asking fiance why he did not use the scrubber pad instead of the dishrag, why did he use olive oil instead of canola oil, etc. It annoys me when mom and grandmom do it to me, so it''s something I''m really working on not doing too poor sweet fiance. Usually they (and I) are right, but most of the time, it''s not worth being a jerk over.


Oct 21, 2004
Date: 6/30/2007 3:34:25 PM
Author: justjulia

Date: 6/30/2007 3:26:58 PM
Author: luckystar112
I am exactly like my mother!

Sarcastic, high-stressed, somewhat negative at times...
but with a big heart and very generous, and sensitive.
I find that sarcastic people are usually very sensitive and above avg intelligence.
Nothin'' wrong with that! My husband and I are that way (although he is undeniably smarter than moi about many things).
I find this very interesting and I agree wholeheartedly after giving it some thought.

I think I am very much like my mother, but she has been gone for 15 years, so it is now harder to gage.

An interesting topic and one that makes you think, so thanks!
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