
How has your bling style evolved?


Oct 24, 2012
Hi Everyone,

I'm always curious about PSer's personal jewelry history, how they have developed their bling style from when they first started wearing/collecting/loving jewelry, to where they are now. I'm thinking about everything, from e-rings, to earrings, bracelets, pendants, RHRs, etc. I think each person's bling story is very interesting and constantly evolving, stemming from their personal experiences and stage of life. What is your style now and how did you find it?

I'll start and try to keep mine short, cause I want to read everyone else's. I stumbled onto PS about four years ago after trying to find out more about aquamarines. I got sucked into the blingy hole of PS, and haven't really emerged since. ;) Before four years ago, I only wore a plain thick platinum wedding band, and absolutely nothing else, except for an emerald and diamond bracelet my mom gave me, which I could not remove because the clasp got stuck. (I had that on for about two years, and finally a random jeweler was able to get it off.) My 1.11 carat e-ring pretty much sat in the safe deposit box for 15 years. Then I upgraded myself to a 2.59 e-ring. (I was going through mid-life early.) And everything went up (or down if you ask my DH) hill from there. I've found that the pieces I gravitate toward are MRBs, in practically everything, because I am very conservative and a totally risk averse (chicken). The idea of other cuts always attracts me, but when I get down to busting out the credit card, I tend to fork out only for MRB pieces. (Breaking that rule, but more on that later.) And I discovered that I am really NOT a collector. I am a WEARER, which means that if something is sitting in the jewelry box, it bugs the sh*t out of me. I want to get my money's worth and wear almost everything I own, as often as I can. And if I don't, I want to know that I can at least wear it for years at a time, and take it in and out of rotation. I seldom ever change out my jewelry. And when I get something, at the back of my mind, I tend to choose things that I can do something else with if it turns out not to be a piece I want to wear all the time. Ok, sorry, that wasn't short. Thanks for reading if you got this far. Now I hope to hear from you guys, all my dear PS friends/enablers. :Up_to_something:
Yknow, not a lot has changed about my style...I didn't used to like bezels until maybe the last few years though, so maybe that has. I still really prefer dainty necklaces and earrings, I like narrow bands, I came around to a narrow channel set after my band disasters but then ended up with a micropave afterall which I alternate.
Hi LLJsmom, I think this is a lovely thread.

Mine has definitely evolved, I think due to my taste changing over time and also as I've got older I've become more aware of jewellery possibilities and what's available, also as with most people now the children are older we can treat ourselves to the odd thing.

I used to have very little jewellery and wear plain silver or 9ct yellow gold with delicate fairly traditional styles, influenced I suppose by my parents style and also our budget.
Over the years I've become much more interested (hugely so!) in jewellery (especially rings as I can see them on myself) and moved to 18ct yellow gold,white gold and some Platinum, I've also moved onto more modern styles and also larger pieces. I'm now starting to dabble with loose stones and will get around to having settings made, it's very exciting and I love the creativity.

From not knowing much about jewellery and gemstones, I've tried to educate myself (thank you PS, I'm having a great time) and with the help of my lovely husband I'm gradually gaining some pretty pieces I really like.
I only ever wear a few things at a time, as I don't like the 'busy' look and I want each ring to have 'space to speak', so I tend to swap between different styles and metals from one day to the next, depending on how I feel and what I'm wearing, but I don't have many items compared to lots of PSers.

I think I've now reached the age where I have the confidence to wear what I like, whatever it is, even if I think no one else will particularly like it. Or I hope I have!!

I'm looking forward to reading other people's views, it should be an interesting thread LLJsmom, Thanks.

One thing that has not changed is my love for branded jewellery. I've loved Rolex all my jewellery buying life, and have been buying Tiffany since I had my first job. In that regard--I have not evolved at all!

I have moved on from yellow gold watches--the only thing that might tempt me is a yellow or rose gold Lange with a leather strap; but honestly I don't think I'll ever own another watch out side of my Yachtmaster. I really only need one watch.

I no longer care if I have matched sets--which used to be a thing with me--wanting matching earrings, pendant and ring. In fact, mixing metals and designs are my choice. Even add pearls in the mix. I like a pile on!

While I used to own a lot of silver jewellery, I no longer wear any. But for my huge Gehry Tiffany Torque bangle. I don't regret giving those silver items away.

I rarely wear studs. Perhaps it is because when I worked general duty (nurse) for 20 years, that is all I could wear. I did tire of it and now like larger, more colored gems in my ears--dangles of course!

Finally, I thought I was over diamond tennis bracelets. I've had a few and got rid of them all thinking I really didn't want them anymore. Wrong!! I really am mistaken in that I grew out of them...and now I want them back to link them end to end: to have a choker, a long diamond necklace, and three or four bracelets, separate. One step forward, two steps back! :bigsmile:

I don't really think much as changed for me either. While I enjoy seeing other people with their more ornate jewelry, for me I like it clean and simple. I am not an antique lover myself so those styles - and so many of them are so pretty - really don't tempt me. I prefer diamonds and shiny, minimalist metal. I feel that you can dress up with the style and certainly dress down with it as well. I have smaller hands too so larger, ornate settings don't really look good on me anyway.

It is an interesting question and yet when I really think about it, I don't think my style has varied much over the years. I know what I like and what I don't so I seldom waiver on a choice of style of jewelry. I am not a collector either and only want that which I can wear and enjoy on an every day basis. The only thing I have multiples of is bracelets but sometimes they get on my nerves with long sleeves and coats so in the winter I often opt to leave the bracelets at home.
I'd say my style has become simpler and less ornate over the past 9 years on PS. I always liked jewelry that has a large presence but the overall look transitioned from complicated settings with lots of detail to a big center with minimal or no side stones. I'm also into having fewer but larger pieces that get worn pretty much daily. My wish list contracted a great deal as I figured out that most of the items on it would just sit unworn until special occasions. So my goal now is to upgrade what I have until I'm happy with the size but can still wear every day.
Great idea for a thread LLJsmom. I enjoyed reading everyone's responses so far.

I found and joined PS about 9 years ago. I had just bought a 1/2 carat AGS0 diamond and put it in a new ering but was worried why the diamond went dark in direct sunlight. I was SURE I'd been ripped off and it couldn't possibly be a good diamond. Search engines brought me here to answer that question.

Over the years being on PS I have gone from 1/2 carat sized diamonds and gemstones to 1 to 1 1/2 carat range. I definitely have gotten more picky about the quality of my jewelry. I (like Sharon mentioned) used to have an entire matching set of jewelry but now I don't mind mixing shapes, metals, gemstones but I wear what appeals to me for the day. I quit wearing bracelets because they scratch up my laptop. I quit wearing pendants because they always get caught up in my lanyard I wear at work with my employee badge. I do always wear earrings, my wedding rings and a RHR.

My taste has evolved to chunkier rings, I finally bought a platinum ring (which I love BTW). I haven't changed much in liking the center stone to be the main attraction of the ring and like simple diamond accents rather than halo rings or cluster rings.

Hi LLJsmom - great thread you have going here! Now that I'm in my mid fifties -I no longer wear costume jewelry. Used to wear the more high end style costume earrings and a few bracelets now and then. Have gotten rid of all of them! I now wear very classic pieces and rotate now and then. It's always a pain to go to my jewelry safe to get things daily. I find that my tastes have changed over the years. All of my current pieces are white gold or platinum. I tend to like larger stones than before and have dabbled with a few fancy colored diamonds over the past few years. I like simple, elegant jewelry that I can wear for any occasion. I now prefer fancy shaped diamonds over round -just my taste. As for my engagement ring/wedding band - I went from the band and ring style to one large ring. I find that to work better on my hands as they don't spin and turn off center. The one large split shank ring stays put. I do have a craving for an OEC - been looking at stones and may even purchase two matching for earrings. Still thinking about this one and need to find the time to get my husband to agree!!! Didn't even know what an OEC was until I began lurking on PS!! Oh heavens :roll:
I downgraded and basically got rid of everything! When I first joined PS, I was really into obtaining the perfect blingy wedding set. Now I would say I've become a minimalist. I really appreciate the ease of just a simple gold band. My spending has shifted towards other things.
When I first started buying jewelry, if it was under $500 and "pretty" I bought it!! Heart shapes were a favorite, and for a while I thought it was the only shape I should buy. I wasted an enormous amount of time and money doing this. It was honestly very likely a shopaholic scenario. After I found Pricescope, my eyes were open to all the possibilities of the jewelry world. I slowly got better about avoiding the "zales $99 specials" and started going for quality over quantity. However quality didn't fit my budget, so I started selling all my jewelry amassed over the years. Once selling a bunch at a pawn shop after an emotional breakdown, which was a huge mistake. I gathered enough to have my first custom piece made, which was and is my 1st and probably only ering upgrade. It was also my first GIA diamond, which I was and still am hugely proud of, even though it's tiny by PS standards. After that I caught the custom bug. I continued to sell off my collection (the rare impulse buy still plagued me occasionally). I am currently in the process of having a RHR and a pendant made. I love having custom pieces made, it just feels so much more special and sentimental to me personally. I still have a small handful of pieces that need to go to finish my customs, but once those are gone, I'll be left with a very small but special collection of customs. My style is now quality vs. quantity. Also I tend to gravitate to cuts that are not as common, mix and matching the different shapes. Rose and white gold or platinum. Nature inspired designs.

Sorry for my short novel, that felt good to share though, like jewelry anonymous, LOL :bigsmile: :lol:
canuk-gal|1451779685|3969810 said:

One thing that has not changed is my love for branded jewellery. I've loved Rolex all my jewellery buying life, and have been buying Tiffany since I had my first job. In that regard--I have not evolved at all!

I have moved on from yellow gold watches--the only thing that might tempt me is a yellow or rose gold Lange with a leather strap; but honestly I don't think I'll ever own another watch out side of my Yachtmaster. I really only need one watch.

Here ya go!
I don't think I've evolved at all- I have always liked yellow gold and have always liked diamonds above all other stones. As I've become older (and possibly wiser!) I'm much more concerned with quality and getting the best value for money. I love that the Internet allows me to scour around for bargains and pre loved items.
I am bolder with colours since I ventured into CS big time in 2014/5. Until then, my CS collection consisted rubies and the odd amethysts.

Apart from that, not a lot has changed.

DK :))
I have always liked big beautiful diamonds (and all big gorgeous gems) so not much has changed there.
I was always (and still am) a minimalist so again still the same there and I still only wear a couple of pieces at a time.
I was always enamored of old cuts which I obviously still am so again not much of a change for me.

However what has changed is I am educated regarding the old cut diamonds I have always loved and appreciated and now I know the difference b/w a great old cut diamond and a not so great old cut. And I understand what makes my heart sing when I see an old piece whereas before I didn't know why now I do.

Unfortunately (unlike many of you girls above) I am not at the point yet where I just want to own pieces I can wear everyday but honestly I am not sure I ever want to get to that point. Even though I am a minimalist when it comes to what I wear each day I also enjoy having variety in my bling wardrobe and enjoy mixing it up with regards to what pieces I want to wear. I enjoy having choice when it comes to jewelry. So I have many pieces that do not get a lot of wear but I still enjoy wearing them when I do and appreciate having them in my collection.

However, I don't buy anything I don't love and I only appreciate (what I consider to be) quality pieces so I love most of my collection (of course we all have jewelry mistakes but those are hopefully in the past) and I feel pretty satiated re jewelry and I am really not looking for anything to add. When/if I add more pieces it will simply be because I fall in love with them not because I "need" them. Nobody really "needs" jewelry anyway right? ::)
What a great thread. This isn't really something I had previously thought about. My bling style has evolved as I've gotten to know myself a bit better. At first, I bought mostly modern cuts, and from mall stores like Zales. I didn't really know what I wanted, I just knew I wanted it to be sparkly. I still have two bands from Zales that I love and have no regrets about, but most of my early purchases I have sold off. I've wanted more quality pieces as time went on. As I've gotten older, I've also realized that objects from the old world (in jewelry and most other things) are what make my heart sing. My original e-ring diamond was a modern cut. When I became more aware of my love for OECs - thank you, Pricescope - I swapped it out for a stone that I adore. Most items in my collection are vintage/antique, or at least styled that way. I've become obsessed with antiques, history, and past eras. It only makes sense that my bling tastes have followed. I also want to add that I've grown a bit bored with my halo. I always wanted a halo ER, which I got. But now that everyone and their mother has one, I dream about resetting my diamond into something art deco or even Edwardian. I still love halos in general, but discovering a whole world of other settings has made me favor halos a bit less.

ETA: I've also become attracted to larger stones than I once was. I fully blame PS. :lol:
I have always been drawn to cushion cuts, but ended with a round brilliant because it faced up larger than the equivalent in a cushion. After losing my first wedding set, I tried on a 3 carat cushion and thought, oh, that's way too big. But, then when it came to my replacement at GOG, I almost selected the 2.1 AVC instead of the 2.1 AVR. But...I wanted to hit that 8mm mark...

Some days, I think, oh, it's not that big. Then I saw the AVR in some far away group shots and realized, whoa, that is a big rock.

Since this is the replacement, DH is not so sentimental if I want to upgrade to a larger stone (if the funds and a larger AVC in my parameters shows up).

I will say, I used to be all about the vintage settings, but then, found them to fussy. Then it was all about the pave, but now am fine with a simple but unique solitaire. I am usually a 4 prong gal, but those 8 prongs seem to be calling me. I am also now drawn to those antique cuts. I want a french cut band!

At this point, the only other diamond jewelry I would want (other than that french cut band) would be some nice diamond huggies. I think hoops flatter my face more than studs.

I would also like a huge RHR with a gorgeous step cut stone. That huge aquamarine or something that Acinom would sport. I especially love her twisted cushion Emilya halo topaz (ok, not a step cut but still great) and the DK assher. I would have never said that until I came to PS.
What a lovely thread! I'm enjoying reading all the responses.

I do like to collect, and I have a huge amount of jewelry, most of which isn't on PS. I've inherited quite a bit, too. It's so large and varied that now, every time I see some jewelry that I like, I realize I already have something similar. It does sit unworn, but I figure I have (hopefully) 2-3 decades left to wear it.

I love all styles from the clean lines of Art Deco, and modern, to frilly vintage pieces. My adoration for all types of jewelry has not changed, at all, since I was a young teen. I love diamonds, colored stones, pearls, and every period. I love silver jewelry, and I love all metal colors.

I approach luxury brands with caution - I have bought from them, but relatively sparingly, and only from the lines which are not totally crazy in price. For example, I'd buy from Tiffany's DBTY or Peretti collections in gold/platinum, but not from their Victoria collection. I've also discovered some interesting brands like Kiki McDonough and Patrick Mavros through watching the European royals, and have bought from them too.

Two things have evolved: As time has gone on, I have favored bigger, larger pieces. Not bigger stones necessarily, due to cost, but things like large-ish brooches and fringe necklaces that cover a lot of your neck, and large pearl studs which are quite affordable. I used to love tiny, dainty pieces - and I still do - but my taste has definitely evolved to include some pieces that you just can't miss. My acceptable size for pearls has just gone up, and up, and up, too. My 9.5mm pearl studs used to look like doorknobs to me, and now they seem quite small.

The other thing that has evolved is that now I wear good costume jewelry, too. I used to be a purist about this, but I found a good costume supplier with some really beautiful vintage designs all set in sterling silver with rhodium plating (so not base metal) and I do enjoy wearing their things. I have this amazing CZ solitaire in a lovely simple setting that is 10mm across and flashes colored fire. It satisfies my diamond urges without splashing out the 50k it would cost to get a real equivalent. I'm dying to do a thread entitled "Fabulous Fakery" because my stuff is really lovely, but I know that's not allowed.

I've also bought a lot of colorful semi-precious stones set in sterling silver from a rock and mineral store that I discovered, and I wouldn't have been interested in that lower-end stuff a few years ago. Now I think it's fun and pretty, and not lower-end at all. I firmly believe that there is a place for inexpensive but pretty items, whereas I used to wear only high-end stuff. Most people seem to travel this spectrum in the opposite direction! For example, in the mineral store I found a pair of sparkly orange drop earrings in sunstone, which it turns out is a completely natural glittery stone and so pretty for a summer's day. They are set in silver and cost about $40. Fun!

In the last three years I've been dealing with a lot of family issues and I have not been as dressed up as I was before, in terms of makeup as well as jewelry. I've never worn my jewelry so little as the last two years, and I'm determined to wear the heck out of my collection this year!

Don't laugh - one thing I've started doing is changing my earrings for the evening, even though I'm mostly sitting in watching TV. It feels like a glamorous thing to do - sometimes I get into my pajamas and cosy robe, and change my earrings - and I get more wear out of them! There was a thread a few months ago where many people said they take all their jewelry off as soon as they get home, but I could never do that!

Sorry for the essay. In summary:

- Bigger pieces overall
- Bigger pearls
- More costume jewelry
- More pretty and inexpensive items
I don't know that it's changed that much. I tend toward more "classic" pieces and realised that I don't wear much of what I own.

I used to love earrings but since I bought diamond studs about 8 yrs ago I mostly only wear the stud earrings. I don't do much else besides my alternative wedding set - a 1/3 carat in a filigree setting. I've tried on 5 stone rings I really think I'd like to have one of those. It's bling-a-rific without being over the top. Not to call out any particular PS'er but my jaw dropped with I read that Niel was considering parting with what I'd basically determined to be my dream ring. :o

I love seeing what others are wearing but I'm not actually as bothered about jewellery as I would've thought. It's pretty and it's great to have pieces if I'm dressing up, but mostly I just wear my earrings and engagement ring and forget about anything else.
--Started off with MRB's and have continued to love MRB's as part of my daily wardrobe due to their spread/sparkle factor, whether they be in rings/studs/bracelets/necklaces etc...

--Discovered vicariously through PS that I love precision-cut, ideal stones and branded jewelry pieces!

--Still love classic, clean lines in jewelry settings and anything micropave from VC!

--Found out that "one ring to rule them all" does not work for me personally--I love to collect diamonds!

--Would love to add other diamond shapes to my collection, which is still a work in progress!
Mine has changed quite a bit over the years. When I was a teenager & in my early 20's and living in London, my mum gave me diamonds but I hardly wore them; eventually giving them all back to her. However, when I came to Asia, everything changed!! I got my engagement ring (a 1ct G VVS1 MRB) and that was the start of the madness, lol! I really think it's something to do with living here though; there's just so much money around and it's quite safe here. So the majority of women, that I observe anyway, love diamonds and wear them and flaunt them. When I moved to where I am now, I started to wear larger diamonds and more of them too!! My collection was quite large but I found myself not wearing the smaller pieces, hence I started to consolidate my collection. I started to sell as well as give away smaller pieces, keeping and acquiring larger and larger pieces. Discovering PS did not actually make things worse (or better, ha ha), but I definitely became more aware of cut. Also, since I stopped working FT, my social circle grew and some of the ladies (not all, mind you) in my circle wear bling that makes your head spin; so yeah, your social circle def affects your bling style. Mostly though, I just admire their bling, b/c I would never be able to afford their humorously large pieces, like 15-20ct++!!

I still love MRB's the best, preferring them to any other cuts. I wear my 5.318ct MRB almost daily now, together with my pear and my other MRB's. I've always also had a fondness for larger EC's. I find I'm not so enamoured with cushion cut (but will def not turn down one if one was given to me, ha ha). I'd love to have a large diamond (like an 8ct+) and am currently trying to save up for this. Antique cuts are another fave of mine, always have been; but I currently don't own any. I intend to address that at some point! ;))

Designer pieces, like Cartier, Van Cleef and Tiffany are also on my wishlist. I STILL, amazingly, don't own a Love bangle but would love a couple, like a white gold with 4 diamonds and a plain yellow gold one. I can forget about more expensive names like Graff b/c I would never be able to afford one.

Coloured stones are a relatively new love; and I blame PS for this!! lol. I love pearls too; they're so classy.

I'm not so crazy about watches but would love a Richard Mille at some point.

ETA: Oh yeah, like m-2-b, I also prefer clean classic styles. I don't personally love "fussy" settings. I def also prefer higher-end settings b/c they're timeless and durable; but I can't see myself spending more than $5-6k on a setting. I know some ladies on here spend a small fortune on their settings (and more power to them!). Maybe one day, I will go up to $10k, hahaha.
I'm an April Baby. I have loved diamonds for as long as I can remember. The sparkle mesmerized me. The only thing that has changed is the number of them that I own. :dance:
I guess you could say I'm a jewelry collector.
I have loved jewelry since I was very small. I have early memories of rummaging through Mom's and Grandma's jewelry boxes.

By the time I was 11 or 12, I had made the decision to wear only fine jewelry, that is to say, only gold, sterling, and genuine stones.
I had a favorite garnet and sterling ring, and I called it my "signature ring". I was very serious about jewelry!
I was influenced by a teacher who was very stylish, sophisticated, and always wore the most fabulous jewelry. I wanted to be just like her!
So began my quest to accumulate as much great jewelry as was possible. Now I have way too much!
I am and have always been more classic in my tastes-most of my rings are 3 stone-center stone (diamond or colored) with two accent diamonds. I love a good rope of pearls and a nice pair of diamond ear studs. After finding this site, I have learned about antique cut diamonds and have come to appreciate these diamonds in their old vintage settings-an exception to my preference. It has saved a resetting of my grandmother's ER as I had not appreciated its beauty when I inherited it. I never liked rose gold until I saw it here in pictures used in beautiful settings that accented the colored stones. I have learned about pearls and now like the baroque pearls as much as the perfect rounds and have found great freshwater pearls that look like south sea expensive pearls. PS has kept me up to date as to fakes, enhancements and treatments so I am less likely to purchase new stones. I am not a brand shopper so that has not changed. But my appreciation of fine settings/mountings/craftsmanship has really been heightened because of this site.
Mine has changed a bit. I used to hate yellow gold, now I am so-so and coming around on it. In fact, I've been toying with a yellow gold stacker to try out. I also did not previously like rounds. That was before the OEC :love: It's the only round cut that I like, and I've also been lurking around to see if there's one I can't live without. I'm still not a halo fan, still love me some square stones and still love lower colours. I'm also one of the few who likes brown tints. Haven't changed my mind on that yet either!
Rhea|1451853870|3970066 said:
I don't know that it's changed that much. I tend toward more "classic" pieces and realised that I don't wear much of what I own.
This is pretty clearly what I have going on. I want something that goes with everything even though I never wear it. My ruby necklace is about as "daring" as I can get, in that it won't "go with" everything.
I went from a demure girl wearing petite/round/good quality diamonds to an obsessed maniac wearing cocktail rings to the grocery store because the lighting is great. Now I want it all, but will settle for VS1 & 2 fancy cuts/old cuts, in size "Large". Thank you PS!
DH would be shocked to hear that there are actually people who ask to hear about my changing taste in jewelry. Anyway, here's my stages:

Teenage - started off with silver rings as teenager

18/19 years old - first diamond ring (around 15pt) from then BF which I returned when broke up.

In my early 20's - for several years, then BF now DH would buy me 24k gold bracelets as gifts.

Mid 20's to late 30's - Tiffany silver jewelry... i must have over 30 pieces. Most are gifts from DH.

At 23 - first full carat but tinted, dull engagement ring. It was upgraded after a few years.

Since 35 - stopped liking silver. Contracted DSS which led to (both good and bad) resets, upgrades and new purchases. Found PS and started to pay attention to cuts. Continue to struggle with DSS.

Since 40 - shift from white gold to rose gold. Start to appreciate pearls. Want staple diamond pieces. Back to simplest most basic styles. DSS under control. 2 new projects underway but taking my time.
As soon as I got my ears pierced at age 11, I was all about the earrings. However, no matter how many pairs (cheap, plastic 1980's ones mostly) I accumulated, every day I wore a pair of sterling shrimp hoops I bought at a flea market. I wasn't into necklaces and bracelets at all. I did enjoy watches. My dad bought me a Seiko gold colored ladies' watch when I was 7! I had a gold plated amethyst birthstone ring that eventually wore down to the base metal, so my parents gave me a 10K yellow gold replacement. Rings weren't much on my radar, but that was about to change.

My husband gave me 62 point H SI1 round brilliant cut in a Tiffany style 14K setting when he proposed. I will always love this diamond for its symbolism and history of course, but objectively speaking, I always knew something was "off" with its quality. My husband did the best he could being a lamb to the slaughter in a local brick and mortar jewelry store. I didn't know what it was that was off, but that set me on my hobby of studying and researching and looking at diamonds and rings.

About 14 years ago I came across on ebay in a moment of serendipity an Edwardian ruby and diamond ring in platinum that spoke my name the moment I saw it. That was when I learned that pieces have to speak to me (I know I sound crazy, but some of you will know what I mean!) before I get them. I bought it, and a collection was born.

At that time, I was all about Edwardian and transitioning to Art Deco in platinum. I was interested in the overall aesthetics of a piece and not the quality of the individual stones as I've read one should be with antique and vintage pieces. I rocked along buying a piece within my budget every couple of years. I also began to dislike yellow gold as it seemed the rest of the world did too, so I had my engagement ring diamond set into a plain platinum band. I know many would disagree with my decision to alter my original engagement ring.

A few years ago for my birthday, my husband bought me an 18K yellow gold starburst pendant set with about a 10 point diamond that was the best diamond, although small, I've seen in my life. He got it at a pawn shop where he buys and knows the owner well. By the way, I have no issues at all getting jewelry from a pawn shop! I looked at the hallmark and saw ABEL, but the first letter was not clear. After a little research I found out it's a Jabel piece. I learned they are unique in that they die strike, and they use quality diamonds.

This pendant swung me into the direction of 18K yellow gold. I love the rich, warm, buttery look of it. I purchased a Jabel 18K yellow gold oval diamond cluster ring about a year ago that has become one of my favorites ironically because it's a cluster ring which I previously disliked. The design of the cluster is very simple and elegant. Here's the main reason it's one of my faves--the stones are beyond belief. I never knew how diamonds are supposed to look and behave in different light. When I'm out in the sun with that on, it throws fire like a disco ball. I smile every time I look at it which is what jewelry is supposed to do.

I'm sorry this is so long, so I'm going to wrap this up by summarizing. I used to be about antique/vintage and the overall look of piece regardless of stone quality. I also dreamed of having a 1 to 1.5 carat diamond with carat being the most important C to me. Now I am all about more modern pieces and the quality of the cut, even if it is a smaller stone, a band, or a tastefully done cluster ring. 18K yellow gold is also preferred now.

I don't wear earrings or a watch now, and I still don't wear necklaces or bracelets very much. It's all about the rings! Thank you for reading if you got this far. I am usually a woman of few words except where jewelry is concerned.
When I was 4 or 5 and every other little girl wanted Barbies or baby dolls, I wanted rings.

...not much has changed, except that they have become more expensive. 8)
I used to wear quite a lot - pendant, ear studs, watch, a ring on each hand every day, sometimes a bracelet too. I have simplified to just a watch, ear studs and wedding ring. I hate the feel of anything around my neck now, it's strange!

I am also a "wearer" and don't like having more than one of everything, whereas I used to be a collector. I don't like choice.

Moved from yellow gold to platinum.

Gone from prong settings to bezel. Practicality is much more of a priority.

I used to think larger diamonds were tacky and fake looking. PS has sorted that out for me :lol:

I'm not sure my style has changed that much, I think it's more that I've realised what my preferences are and become more confident in sticking with what pleases me. I like classic, simple, durable pieces.