
How do jewelers react when you pull out your calipers or loupe?

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Aug 15, 2004
I just had a weird experience. I''ve been looking around at mounting options for my star sapphire, and I went into a local jeweler on Saturday and found a unique setting. Since I''d been thinking about it all weekend, I decided to go in today with my calipers to measure the setting itself. I should include that the setting I saw was set with a beautiful blue topaz, and that I talked with the owner and got a quote for fabricating the setting specifically for my stone. I wanted to check the proportions related to my stone and finger. I also asked to take some pictures to "think about" how this would look.

The sales associate checked with the owner, and he said okay to the pictures, but then when he saw me with the calipers he came over and said "You know that this is a copyrighted design, and if you try to copy it we''ll sue you." At this point he took the ring from me and put it back in the case.

Now, I''ve had enough transactions with this jeweler in the past that they know me by name, and they''ve never had any indication that I would be anything less than upfront and honest with them. I replied "Tim, I would never do that! I just need to really be sure this is the direction I want to go." He replied by saying "Well, when people come in with their own calipers and take notes......... I know that you''ve had other pieces made other places, and you just need to know that this is our design."

What would you think?
I think he just lost a steady customer.

Honestly, it sounds like he might have been a little worried about you prior to this, if he could recollect automatically that you had pieces made elsewhere.

ETA: If it was just a patron off the street, then I think he was just protecting his designs. But in your case, not so.
hmmm, I would be moving onto another jeweler. Are you planning on going back and discussing the design further? if it were me, I probably would go back take a look once more, then if he says anything else, I would just say that "i did want to work with you in creating a mounting for my star" and wanted to take a look one last time in this shop before I moved on. I hate the feeling that I get whenever I step foot into a jewelry store and walk out with nothing, what the jewelers are saying behind my back or something.
Holy crap. If it were me? I would move on. I'm pretty sensitive and would've just DIED if he said that to me in the first place.. wow... god forbid the customer want to be informed on their purchase! Eeek... I think you did well- considering his reaction. Jeeeez.

Edit: And I highly doubt the design has a copywrite. I just really doubt it. Im guessing he wishes it did!
That would''ve embarrassed me to no end, and I don''t embarrass easily! I would call the owner and tell him how rude the sales associate was. I would absolutely NOT let him get away with that crap.
No, the sales associate was perfectly courteous. It WAS the owner who came over and said this!!
Ohhh, well then forget it...I wouldn''t grace his store with my presence ever again. That''s too bad.
I would walk, if that is how they treat a loyal client....FORGET it. Plenty of other places which will treat you with the courtesy you deserve Uppy.
What a turd.

I guess that the economy is so great that he doesn't need your business - nor does he need the business of any of the people to whom you will recount the experience.

I think that you need to write a letter to the editor of your local paper commenting on "how well this guy must be doing in spite of the crappy economy" and integrating your experience within that context.
Make sure you send a copy to the jeweler so you are sure he sees it.
This is a well-respected local jeweler who does most of the moderately high end engagement ring business in our city. I''ve not bought a lot from them or had them do custom for me before because I think their prices are a bit high.

As for his comment that he knows I''ve had pieces done other places, that''s because he has just inquired about my Beverley K ering and Singlestone antique diamond ring when they offered to clean them on Saturday. And I have NEVER even asked anyone for a quote on a "knock-off" in my life! Not that he would know that.....
Were you planning on this vendor fabricating your ring? Taking photos and measurements would raise eyebrows in any jewelry store where they exhibit one-of-a kind designs. Most artists keep the details about their work to themselves.

Maybe the owner wasn''t sure you were going to work with him. I am guessing he''d rather loose your business than loose his copyrighted design.

I hope you end up with a gorgeous ring. It sounds like you are very detail oriented and will eventually find exactly what you are looking for. Pretty star sapphire!
It is a unique, chunky setting. I have posted it in the SMTR forum under my Setting Ideas for Star Sapphire thread. I was seriously considering it. I have about three totally different designs right now that I''m thinking about.
I would be miffed. I think it''s a bit extreme to pull out the "we''ll sue you" card at that stage, especially when you''re a repeat customer and you had already indicated that you''re thinking about having him fabricate the setting. I understand that he wants to protect his designs, but his attitude is awful.
The vendor''s reaction might have been a bit extreme, but if he has a feeling you''re there to just copy his designs and rip off his ideas, he''s got every right to act the way he did. Especially if he''s saying he''s aware of you copying some of his other designs.

If I ran a jewelry store and I had a guy come in with calipers and taking photos and notes, I''d be quite wary as well.
I would send him a thoughtfully written letter, explaining your dismay at the way he responded to an educated customer. I don''t believe in empty threats, but if you don''t think you''ll use him in the future without sufficient apology, I would definitely let him know that he''s lost a customer.
That is most unfortunate. I dunno, maybe I would have called him later and told him how that made you feel?? How wrong of him that was?? It may not be worth your effort, just throwing it out there... But yeah that sucks.
What a strange reaction. I guess it''s understandable, with the calipers and photos and notes, but... still, excessive. Especially the "we''ll sue you" card (lol wut? Calling out the Internet lawyers in person?). I can only assume he doesn''t care about losing a customer, because he can''t possibly expect anyone not to be insulted by that treatment.

I''ve whipped out my loupe a few times in jewelry stores and gotten funny looks/comments, but never anything hostile, just amused. Certainly nothing remotely like that.
I would be pretty upset if this was a jeweler I had purchased from before and had a good relationship with. I understand his concern about losing business, BUT I saw the pics you posted of that setting... It is lovely, but please, it is a wide band with a bezel-set stone! It''s not exactly a complicated design, nor is it something that he alone has invented. He should have realized that reacting like that is going to lose more business than letting you take a few measurements.
Date: 7/13/2009 4:38:10 PM
Author: fatafelice
I would be pretty upset if this was a jeweler I had purchased from before and had a good relationship with. I understand his concern about losing business, BUT I saw the pics you posted of that setting... It is lovely, but please, it is a wide band with a bezel-set stone! It''s not exactly a complicated design, nor is it something that he alone has invented. He should have realized that reacting like that is going to lose more business than letting you take a few measurements.
Exactly!!! Thank you!
hi uppy :)

i would think - "wow, another moron! who knew?.....ooh yummy - starbucks!"

and i''d wander out of his store to whatever it was that had just caught my eye and never give him a second thought except in context of "oh - there''s that store that i don''t go into for some reason that i can''t remember....ooh look - shiny!" (wanders off into different store)

it''d just be a complete and immediate shutdown for me.

actually, i might actually *say* "wow - you''re a moron...who knew?"

i''m a polite woman, but i''m a true consumer.
Date: 7/13/2009 6:39:19 PM
Author: whitby_2773
hi uppy :)

i would think - ''wow, another moron! who knew?.....ooh yummy - starbucks!''

and i''d wander out of his store to whatever it was that had just caught my eye and never give him a second thought except in context of ''oh - there''s that store that i don''t go into for some reason that i can''t remember....ooh look - shiny!'' (wanders off into different store)

it''d just be a complete and immediate shutdown for me.

actually, i might actually *say* ''wow - you''re a moron...who knew?''

i''m a polite woman, but i''m a true consumer.
That''s probably the closest to my original reaction. I''ve really got to quit over-analyzing these things!!
Date: 7/13/2009 2:35:52 PM
Author: DiamanteBlu
What a turd.

I guess that the economy is so great that he doesn''t need your business - nor does he need the business of any of the people to whom you will recount the experience.

I think that you need to write a letter to the editor of your local paper commenting on ''how well this guy must be doing in spite of the crappy economy'' and integrating your experience within that context.
Make sure you send a copy to the jeweler so you are sure he sees it.
Yep, I''m with Blu, put pen to paper Uppy. What''s more I think you should post your letter here and any other forum of a similar vein.

Whatever happened to the notion that the customer was alway right.
lesson, ask for a ruler then pull one out if they don''t have one.
If someone pulled out a caliper in a store I owned I would ask for the ring back for 2 reasons:

1: potential copyright issues
2: potential damage to the stone/setting.

It is a dog eat dog world out there and sometimes you have to protect your chow.
Date: 7/13/2009 7:31:46 PM
Author: strmrdr
lesson, ask for a ruler then pull one out if they don''t have one.
If someone pulled out a caliper in a store I owned I would ask for the ring back for 2 reasons:

1: potential copyright issues
2: potential damage to the stone/setting.

It is a dog eat dog world out there and sometimes you have to protect your chow.
Strm, 99.9% of the time I bow to your superior knowledge in all things. But an existing customer who had already been discussing with the owner fabricating a setting to fit her stone?

There''s protecting your chow and then there''s chasing out your customers with a witch broom. And like a previous poster mentioned, did you see the ring in question on Uppy''s other thread? We are hardly talking originality to the nth degree.
Date: 7/13/2009 7:40:46 PM
Author: Gailey
Date: 7/13/2009 7:31:46 PM

Author: strmrdr

lesson, ask for a ruler then pull one out if they don''t have one.

If someone pulled out a caliper in a store I owned I would ask for the ring back for 2 reasons:

1: potential copyright issues
2: potential damage to the stone/setting.

It is a dog eat dog world out there and sometimes you have to protect your chow.
Strm, 99.9% of the time I bow to your superior knowledge in all things. But an existing customer who had already been discussing with the owner fabricating a setting to fit her stone?

There''s protecting your chow and then there''s chasing out your customers with a witch broom. And like a previous poster mentioned, did you see the ring in question on Uppy''s other thread? We are hardly talking originality to the nth degree.
I don''t think Upgradeable was seriously thinking about using this vendor. She said, "This is a well-respected local jeweler who does most of the moderately high end engagement ring business in our city. I''ve not bought a lot from them or had them do custom for me before because I think their prices are a bit high."
Swin, you''re right, except that this is the vendor from whom I purchased my original upgraded ering mouting about 4 years ago. It took me about 6 months from the first time I went in there and saw it to when I bought it. I went in to see it about a dozen times between, once putting it on layaway without hubby''s knowlege, and then taking it off, before coming back in and buying it. Does this make me a "high risk" buyer? Or just "high maintenance"?
I think it''s one thing to pull out your calipers to see if an empty setting will accomodate a stone you have. It would be a little different if you used the calipers to measure every aspect of the ring. I''m assuming Uppy''s (are we really calling her that now?) jeweler had no idea which she would do. I think the jeweler/owner acted harshly and presumptuously, and even if he took the ring back, he should have offered a gallant explanation - Storm''s would do nicely. I''m completely sympathetic with the potential scratching issue, and perhaps he could have offered to measure the opening himself.

I''ve brought my calipers and loupe with me before, but I usually ask if it''s okay first.

Sorry you had to go through this Upgradable.
I'd chalk it up to the owner getting up on the wrong side of the bed that day. But don't be surprised if you get the same reaction at another jewelers if you bring out the calipers and start measuring a custom design.
Date: 7/13/2009 12:56:14 PM
I just had a weird experience. I''ve been looking around at mounting options for my star sapphire, and I went into a local jeweler on Saturday and found a unique setting. Since I''d been thinking about it all weekend, I decided to go in today with my calipers to measure the setting itself. I should include that the setting I saw was set with a beautiful blue topaz, and that I talked with the owner and got a quote for fabricating the setting specifically for my stone. I wanted to check the proportions related to my stone and finger. I also asked to take some pictures to ''think about'' how this would look.

The sales associate checked with the owner, and he said okay to the pictures, but then when he saw me with the calipers he came over and said ''You know that this is a copyrighted design, and if you try to copy it we''ll sue you.'' At this point he took the ring from me and put it back in the case.

Now, I''ve had enough transactions with this jeweler in the past that they know me by name, and they''ve never had any indication that I would be anything less than upfront and honest with them. I replied ''Tim, I would never do that! I just need to really be sure this is the direction I want to go.'' He replied by saying ''Well, when people come in with their own calipers and take notes......... I know that you''ve had other pieces made other places, and you just need to know that this is our design.''

What would you think?
I think it''s fair to say that Upgradeable was certainly considering using the vendor. How many times have we seen on PS people draw out designs, heck a few even stick bits of paper on their fingers to check out proportions. I grant you that proportion is not always top of everyone''s list, but it is for me and it sounds like it is for Upgradeable.

Now in retrospect, I might have explained why I wanted to check things out with calipers and asked if they minded. But nevertheless there is no excuse for the way in which the owner over reacted or his choice of words to an existing customer.
Date: 7/13/2009 7:40:46 PM
Author: Gailey
Date: 7/13/2009 7:31:46 PM

Author: strmrdr

lesson, ask for a ruler then pull one out if they don't have one.

If someone pulled out a caliper in a store I owned I would ask for the ring back for 2 reasons:

1: potential copyright issues

2: potential damage to the stone/setting.

It is a dog eat dog world out there and sometimes you have to protect your chow.
Strm, 99.9% of the time I bow to your superior knowledge in all things. But an existing customer who had already been discussing with the owner fabricating a setting to fit her stone?

There's protecting your chow and then there's chasing out your customers with a witch broom. And like a previous poster mentioned, did you see the ring in question on Uppy's other thread? We are hardly talking originality to the nth degree.
I just feel calipers are a little over the top is what I was saying.
I put myself in the jewelers shoes and asked how I would react.
I have a small aluminum ruler in my kit instead it is much less threatening and I can get any information I need.
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