
How clean do you keep your house?

How clean do you keep your house?

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Dec 5, 2019
How clean do you keep your house? I love having a clean house, but we are not good about picking up after ourselves along the way. This usually leads to spending time intentionally cleaning on the weekends. As much as I dislike cleaning, I absolutely LOVE having a clean house and I feel so relaxed afterwards!


Mar 6, 2006
How clean do you keep your house? I love having a clean house, but we are not good about picking up after ourselves along the way. This usually leads to spending time intentionally cleaning on the weekends. As much as I dislike cleaning, I absolutely LOVE having a clean house and I feel so relaxed afterwards!

Ditto! I love a clean house, I get stressed when it is messy. Clutter stresses me out too. And when I am stressed, I tend to be a stress cleaner. I have a cleaning schedule for bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, etc. I do keep things picked up and fairly clean.


Dec 5, 2019
Ditto! I love a clean house, I get stressed when it is messy. Clutter stresses me out too. And when I am stressed, I tend to be a stress cleaner. I have a cleaning schedule for bathrooms, vacuuming, dusting, etc. I do keep things picked up and fairly clean.

Do you mind sharing your cleaning schedule?


Nov 6, 2011
Our house is pretty much the same. I do a full cleaning on my one day off during the week, and I spot clean anything that obviously needs it on the other days. I will admit that my dishes may sit over night or clothes may not get put away immediately, but it never goes for more than a day. I feel the same as the comments above that when my house is clean my mind is clean, so I can never let things go too far as it really starts to bother me.


Aug 27, 2011
I hate housework of all kinds. I have a lovely woman who cleans once per week, she is very efficient. Under the current lockdown (U.K.) I’m doing it myself. Very badly. Toilets are cleaned once per week, plus a brief dust and hoover.


Jan 25, 2020
I am so much more rested when my house is clean. I’m also a full time housewife/homemaker so I have the time to clean. Can’t stand piles of anything laying around. Thinking this may make me sound horrible to live with, but I do know that my kids aren’t worried about how the house looks if a friend comes by.


Oct 15, 2016
I'm embarrassed at how messy my house is. Or at least I would be if anyone visited. I used to keep my house much cleaner but it has become less of a priority in the past few years. I actually used to have a cleaner come in weekly, too. Both kids and I have had some health issues the last couple years, and with no one coming over due to the pandemic I've let things go.
Although I wouldn't want guests over like this I'm confident I'll get around to a deep clean and decluttering soon enough.


Jun 8, 2008
We clean daily but with four cats and my organizational skills lol you can see people live here. I chose choice two but we are between choice one and two. We vacuum daily and dust etc so it’s very clean but there are cat stuff everywhere and our board games since it’s winter and we’re inside a lot currently.

Clutter stresses me too so we try keeping that to a minimum.


Sep 20, 2009
End table and coffee table are cluttered. Meh, it's not dirty. With a 10 minute head start, I'd be okay with drop in company.


Jun 26, 2007
End table and coffee table are cluttered. Meh, it's not dirty. With a 10 minute head start, I'd be okay with drop in company.

This is me, too.
I always think, 'if someone dropped by, will I be embarrassed?'
So I just try to maintain. I'm not a neat nick, but I do spread out when i am doing my crafty things!

I also try to dress decently and brush my hair in case I have to answer the door!


Sep 17, 2008
I at least vac the house and wash dishes daily. Thats about as much as I can do usually. I will swiffer areas that are bad, kitchens and bathrooms, I won't pull out the heavy duty mop until the weekend.

I deep clean once every 3 months ( takes an entire 3 days to do)

Having a 2nd dog now some days I wonder why I even bother... but I have to, I'd have fur bunnies everywhere (get greyhounds they said. they don't shed much they said :roll: :lol:) and my cream colored floors show EVERYTHING. The next house will not have these types of floors! My house isn't cluttery as his. (again, this is why we have separate homes) but it can get messy, especially with 2 dogs and 8 beds + their toys.

Oh and if I'm sewing its at the dining room table. its a mess until I'm done. I will own


Jun 8, 2008
This is me, too.
I always think, 'if someone dropped by, will I be embarrassed?'
So I just try to maintain. I'm not a neat nick, but I do spread out when i am doing my crafty things!

I also try to dress decently and brush my hair in case I have to answer the door!

No one should be dropping by unexpectedly especially now during the pandemic. IMO.


Mar 26, 2006
My condo downtown could serve as the model unit for my building at any moment. When I go down there I like to walk into an immaculate place, and I put it back in that condition before I leave.

Now for the rest of my reality...

For the most part I'm staying up at TR's house with him, two dogs and two boys (11 and 13, here on weekends). The place is just shy of a disaster. I tried for ages to stay on top of everything but it's just pointless. For instance, I would clean the kitchen within an inch of its life, go into another room, come back five minutes later, and there would be fingerprints all over the glass table, dishes on the counter (not even in the SINK, let alone -- GOD FORBID -- in the dishwasher), dish towels draped on various surfaces, and whatever TR had just brought in from the garage smack in the middle of the counter.

And that's just one room.

For the sake of my sanity I gave up. Now I make our bed every morning, keep my side of the vanity tidy, and ensure the kitchen is CLEAN if not uncluttered. The bathrooms... don't even get me started on the bathrooms... And there is enough dog hair around at any moment to knit an entire additional Australian Shepherd.

Whew. I need a drink just typing this!!!


Jan 9, 2015
I need a very clean place because I have an 18 m/o.
Kids will play on the floor etc. So it's sweeping several times a day, roomba , swiffer and the wet swiffer thing . I LOATHE VACUUMING . So the roomba does that when I go out to pick up the kids every day. Every two three days I still vacuum downstairs. The cleaner comes once a week and vacuums and dusts and and washes all floors in depth.

Bathrooms get sprayed down and wiped down every other day plus roomba or wet cloth for floors. Cleaner does that very in depth as well.

But with 6 kids under 12 fighting the mess is a full time job and don't win it to the point where the table end is uncluttered at all times, or the desk in the study. I hate DIRT , so I wash all the laundry ASAP (well my day only has 24 hours and I can evidently only program one load for the night.

But clean laundry gets REALLY BACKED UP. The bane of my existence... Clean laundry in the hamper...
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House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I hate housework, but I do it. My house isn’t perfect because I have pets. My biggest clutter is mail.


Mar 6, 2006
Do you mind sharing your cleaning schedule?

I would say more of a cleaning checklist. It makes it routine so I don't miss anything. Deep clean of the bathrooms every two weeks (wipe down in between as needed), dust, vacuum, mop every two weeks (except I do vacuum dining area daily and do extra mopping of the kitchen on an as needed basis).


Jul 18, 2015
My husband does the cleaning but mostly focuses on the vacuuming, mopping, toilets and dusting/polishing the wooden furniture. I tend to clean the kitchen and bathroom esp. the countertops.
We both tend to keep the surfaces clear but I will admit that my office is a bit more cluttered than I'd like. I need to get some more shelving and storage to make it tidy.
I think we should vacuum more often as we have pets but since I'm not keen on doing it myself, I think we'll just get a roomba at some point to fill in the additional vacuuming.
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Jun 27, 2014
I was meticulous when my children were small. Then they got older and surprise, they leave things everywhere. All the time. On every surface. I actually pick stuff up(lots of loose drawings/books/game controllers etc) clean underneath it and put it back. Doesn't matter that there's a nice storage basket right there. My DH also keeps everything and they love to leave it in my kitchen. There isn't a surface without crap on it. Makes me insane. You can tell my desk in the library immediately- it is orderly and everything has it's place. I enjoy micro adjusting it. It's the only part of the house I can maintain like that. They try to put things on it, but I'll threaten to take a finger if they get close :lol:
So I end up doing full vacuuming/dusting every four days and the bathrooms. Kitchen gets cleaned constantly. Not that you'd know. Laundry is always. I'm just biding my time now.
I dream of an orderly house, but I do not have one as I gave birth to slovenly savages. College is five years away for the youngest...


Apr 13, 2018
I grew up with parents that have different ideas of what "clean" really is. They saw clean as long as we're not hoarders and there's not mud on the floor then it's fine! My mother had lots and lots of clutter and they didn't care about dust or pet hair/dander albeit they did vaccum, it just would build up so fast.

In hs when people would come over they'd love the style of my parents home and the size but once I'd show them to my room they'd go "Woah, it's super neat in here and you said it was messy!"

So I decided to be with a man who's even tidier than I am! We both keep the place tidy. He always wipes down the kitchen after he cooks including under the stove tops which to be honest is such a turn on! Lol

While I put that our home is immaculate I don't believe it's instagram worthy as I have a unique style that isn't to everyone's taste. We definitely don't use interior decorators or designers! I hate dust so we always have clorox wipes and I'm always re-polishing the wood.

Sometimes I wish we didn't have animals because the space would be so much easier to keep clean and nice but I enjoy their company too much. Add me to the list of women that cannot relax in their home unless it's clean. It's really mentally taxing if everything isn't in its place. The quickest way to calm is a quick 30 min declutter and clean and then lighting a new candle and enjoying the space!!

Wine somehow tastes better in a clean & decluttered home!


Apr 13, 2018
I was meticulous when my children were small. Then they got older and surprise, they leave things everywhere. All the time. On every surface. I actually pick stuff up(lots of loose drawings/books/game controllers etc) clean underneath it and put it back. Doesn't matter that there's a nice storage basket right there. My DH also keeps everything and they love to leave it in my kitchen. There isn't a surface without crap on it. Makes me insane. You can tell my desk in the library immediately- it is orderly and everything has it's place. I enjoy micro adjusting it. It's the only part of the house I can maintain like that. They try to put things on it, but I'll threaten to take a finger if they get close :lol:
So I end up doing full vacuuming/dusting every four days and the bathrooms. Kitchen gets cleaned constantly. Not that you'd know. Laundry is always. I'm just biding my time now.
I dream of an orderly house, but I do not have one as I gave birth to slovenly savages. College is five years away for the youngest...

Hey five years will go by in the blink of an eye! & Then you can have your orderly comfy home post savages and light that candle! Lol


Jul 27, 2005
Pre-Covid, our house was pretty clean thanks to weekly cleanings by our awesome housecleaner. Since Covid, I've been doing the weekly cleanings myself - while also spot cleaning along the way - but it doesn't feel as squeaky clean as when our housecleaner handles things. Plus we're more cluttered than usual because we no longer have the social pressure of tidying up for company :lol-2:


Jun 27, 2014
@TheGarnetGirl My mother kept an immaculate house, always. She was much more impressive and determined than I am.

*Oh, they make fun of my diffuser. I love my diffuser. I have candles, too.
I will say- my DH does his fair share of chores/cooking. I love that I don't have to ask. My children? That's a fight. I just ask that they keep the worst of it to their rooms. I leave a vacuum for them every two weeks outside their doors. It's best if their dad oversees that operation.
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Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
My mother was over the top on the cleaning and house work so im not

Just give me an hours notice before you call ! (Hour and a half would be better)

Im good with the washing and regimental on bed changing

Gary normally cleans the loo and the shower but he can't see good enough till his eyes get fixed

We dont yet have a place for everything as our kitchen is design poor so it always looks messy

I also like stuff on my kitchen window sill !

Could get the spare room ship shape in less than 5 min

We don't vacuum, we sweep
I should probably wash the floors

I should dust the bedroom more often

But that cobweb in the loo is staying -(at least till Gary can see) that's someone's hard work and i enjoy looking at the builder go about his/her bussiness


Jun 27, 2014
But that cobweb in the loo is staying -(at least till Gary can see) that's someone's hard work and i enjoy looking at the builder go about his/her bussiness

I have one little web I allow on the light in the sort of butler's pantry type area, over the sink. There's a new(?) little spider every season. That little spider isn't bothering anyone, and keeps their web very neat and small, though they have been known to land on the counter for a minute to watch some dishwashing every once in a blue moon!

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I have one little web I allow on the light in the sort of butler's pantry type area, over the sink. There's a new(?) little spider every season. That little spider isn't bothering anyone, and keeps their web very neat and small, though they have been known to land on the counter for a minute to watch some dishwashing every once in a blue moon!

That's so cute !
Your very kind
The spider is lucky to have chosen your kitchen


Jan 29, 2021
I used to be almost obsessive about cleaning, but my health has gotten steadily worse since I turned 50, so I can only do about 20 mins at a time, then I have to rest my back. I am up and down like a yo-yo all day....:D


Jan 14, 2003
I chose option two. We don’t wear shoes in the house but with four cats I usually vacuum and sweep downstairs everyday when I’m off. I worked the past two nights though and then I’m back Monday and Tuesday, so today I am just sleeping and relaxing in my room. It’s almost 5 pm here and I’m still in bed. I haven’t even eaten yet.
I like to keep downstairs very organized and clean. The bathroom and kitchen are always wiped down, swept and mopped. I don’t like that sticky feeling you get from grease grime so every time we cook I wipe all the oil away from the stove, the backsplash and overhead microwave.
The family room is put back together after we are done using it.

I don’t clean the same upstairs where our bedrooms are. My bed is rarely ever made and I vacuum upstairs but maybe once a week.
I do vacuum my bathroom everyday bc of the cat litter and cat food. I hate stepping on it.

Some things that have helped me keep things clean-
- 15 minute rule- everyday I clean for minimum 15 minutes. Not a specific thing just general cleaning. There is so much you can get done in that time and if that’s all the time you did, you still feel like you did something productive.
- I don’t bring my cell phone downstairs. It just stays in my room so I won’t look at it or play with it. Sometimes it’s the worst distraction. Instead of cleaning I look at PS!
-Clorox tabs for the toilets. Using them helps us tremendously bc they really keep the toilets bowls clean and you don’t have to use the brush as much.
-These refrigerator door handle covers from Amazon. My kids seem to have sticky fingers and I’m always wiping down the handles to everything. I use these door handle covers and voila- so much less cleaning. I even have them on the oven, microwave and dishwasher. Everyone always asks me where I got them.
- A microwave food cover- protects the inside of the microwave from exploding food. I just leave it in there so no one forgets to use it. Great when you have a party too bc people use the microwave and don’t cover their food.
- Easy off degreaser spray. So great for removing grime and oil. Much better than Windex IMO.
- Dyson cordless vacuum. Doesn’t matter which model. In fact any cordless vacuum will do, I just happen to have that brand. It has made my life so much easier.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
Our old place was 45m2
Impossible to keep tidy and actually live in it
If the floor wasn't clean Tinky would eat standing up
I would feel so guilty


Apr 19, 2004

I don't care for piles of anything. So I am tidy. But I eschew housework--so things are never as good as they could be. It is very dusty here so vac my floors EOD. And finger prints on appliances tick me off, so wiping is done a billion x/day. I have my sheets professionally laundered to take that load off. The rest can go to he**!

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