
House Democrats Stage Sit-In For Gun Control


Jan 26, 2003
Today Democrats in The House of Representatives held a sit-in to protest the lack of a gun control measure in the wake of the Orlando massacre. The description of it in this article, including how they rose to their feet in silence when the chaplain led a prayer, then returned to their positions and resumed chanting, "No bill, no break" is very moving. They were led in their sit-in by Representative John Lewis of Georgia. They are attempting to stop The House from taking a weeklong break for a July 4th holiday if there is no gun control legislation passed before then.



Here is an update on today's sit-in.

House Democrats’ Gun-Control Sit-In Turns Into Chaotic Showdown With Republicans

"WASHINGTON — Rank-and-file Democrats on Wednesday laid siege to the House chamber for a daylong sit-in demanding votes to tighten the nation’s gun control laws, but House Republicans forced a late-night confrontation as Speaker Paul D. Ryan banged his gavel in an effort to resume regular legislative business.

It was a remarkable scene of pandemonium on the House floor. Democrats sought to shout down Mr. Ryan, chanting, 'No bill! No break!' as they reiterated their demand for a vote on the gun measures before a weeklong recess for the July 4th holiday.

Democrats held up signs with the names of shooting victims. Some Republicans shouted in outrage, while Democrats began singing 'We Shall Overcome,' altering the lyrics at times to sing, 'We shall pass a bill some day.'

At one point, aides and colleagues appeared to physically restrain Representative Don Young, Republican of Alaska, from approaching the chanting Democrats.

Democrats pressed against the front of the podium, waving their signs in front of Mr. Ryan. While he succeeded in reclaiming control over the chamber, at least for the purposes of a single vote, there was little doubt that the minority Democrats were the dominant force of the evening.

As Mr. Ryan exited the speaker’s chair, the Democrats shouted, 'Shame! Shame! Shame!'

Many Republicans stood watching in apparent amazement, and some with undisguised alarm. The House Democratic leader, Nancy Pelosi, by contrast, arrived on the floor with an air of calm, and with evident satisfaction, surveyed her rank-and-file members as they continued their protest, which began before noon."


(Power to the People)
Yeah! I saw this on the news yesterday and thought it's about time. This is madness. The wheels of justice and common sense move far too slowly.

Thanks for posting Deb. I was too weary to share and I'm glad you posted.
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.
Thanks for posting this. :wavey:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols, a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm. It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm.[/b] It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

A shootout in in every kindergarten, bar, and restaurant is the right way to go. Thank you for joining two days ago so that you could bring us this piece of wisdom.
AGBF|1466761975|4047455 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm.[/b] It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

A shootout in in every kindergarten, bar, and restaurant is the right way to go. Thank you for joining two days ago so that you could bring us this piece of wisdom.

You need to get out your reading glasses. My join date is 06/22/2015, a full year ago. Israel arms it's schoolteachers and it has worked out for them just fine.
As someone who has worked for over 20 years in education, I think it is the DUMBEST idea to arm teachers.
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols, a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm. It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

What in the world did Nancy Lanza need with assault rifles in the first place? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ the answer to gun violence is NOT more guns.

eta: Wednesday night was the first time in a long time that I was proud to be an American.
AGBF|1466761975|4047455 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm.[/b] It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

A shootout in in every kindergarten, bar, and restaurant is the right way to go. Thank you for joining two days ago so that you could bring us this piece of wisdom.

Had C-4 actually joined 2 days ago (and she pointed out that you misread and she actually joined over a full year ago), that sure would have been a frosty welcome :nono: :nono: :nono:
The democratic sit-in was nothing more than a temper tantrum. I'm sure that my opinion, like C-4's, will be dismissed as well because obviously, only certain dialogue is welcome in certain threads.
momhappy|1466783964|4047525 said:
AGBF|1466761975|4047455 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm.[/b] It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

A shootout in in every kindergarten, bar, and restaurant is the right way to go. Thank you for joining two days ago so that you could bring us this piece of wisdom.

Had C-4 actually joined 2 days ago (and she pointed out that you misread and she actually joined over a full year ago), that sure would have been a frosty welcome :nono: :nono: :nono:
The democratic sit-in was nothing more than a temper tantrum. I'm sure that my opinion, like C-4's, will be dismissed as well because obviously, only certain dialogue is welcome in certain threads.

A temper tantrum, are you kidding??? So I take it you feel all these assualt rifles and anyone who is listed on a no fly list, can legally purchase a gun is a good thing for our country???? At what point do you feel common sense should come into play? Somehow i believe you would feel every differently if one of your children were in those Sandy Hook school rooms. Bad things can happen ANYWHERE.
Amber St. Clare|1466783822|4047524 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols, a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm. It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

What in the world did Nancy Lanza need with assault rifles in the first place? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ the answer to gun violence is NOT more guns.

eta: Wednesday night was the first time in a long time that I was proud to be an American.

Assault-style weapons are considered to be the weapon of the common soldier - much like the musket was during the Revolutionary War era when James Madison argued for armed citizenry. Civilian-owned assault rifles can defend against rioters (think L.A. riots where police were instructed to stay away from the area for hours and 911 calls went unanswered), home invasions, and they act as a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. In the hands of law-abiding citizens, they represent an American value of self-reliance. I respect the rights of those who choose to own assault-style weapons and just like we are asked to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few, I would expect the same sort of tolerance for gun owners. I am not surprised, however, that it doesn't work that way.
Amber St. Clare|1466783822|4047524 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols, a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm. It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

What in the world did Nancy Lanza need with assault rifles in the first place? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ the answer to gun violence is NOT more guns.

eta: Wednesday night was the first time in a long time that I was proud to be an American.

I couldn't agree with you more Amber.
momhappy|1466785130|4047535 said:
Amber St. Clare|1466783822|4047524 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols, a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm. It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

What in the world did Nancy Lanza need with assault rifles in the first place? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ the answer to gun violence is NOT more guns.

eta: Wednesday night was the first time in a long time that I was proud to be an American.

Assault-style weapons are considered to be the weapon of the common soldier - much like the musket was during the Revolutionary War era when James Madison argued for armed citizenry. Civilian-owned assault rifles can defend against rioters (think L.A. riots where police were instructed to stay away from the area for hours and 911 calls went unanswered), home invasions, and they act as a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. In the hands of law-abiding citizens, they represent an American value of self-reliance. I respect the rights of those who choose to own assault rifles and just like we are asked to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few, I would expect the same sort of tolerance for gun owners. I am not surprised, however, that it doesn't work that way.

How can you possibly expect people with common sense to agree with you. Sorry what you are saying above is just insane to many of us. Unless you are fighting in a war there is no need for an assault rifle. You do not need an assualt rifle to protect your family. I'm thinking you need to stop drinking the Fox News Koolaid.

Let me guess, you are also a Trump supporter. You have said many times on here you don't support a Trump but it's pretty obvious who will be getting your vote in November.
Calliecake|1466784918|4047530 said:
momhappy|1466783964|4047525 said:
AGBF|1466761975|4047455 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm.[/b] It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

A shootout in in every kindergarten, bar, and restaurant is the right way to go. Thank you for joining two days ago so that you could bring us this piece of wisdom.

Had C-4 actually joined 2 days ago (and she pointed out that you misread and she actually joined over a full year ago), that sure would have been a frosty welcome :nono: :nono: :nono:
The democratic sit-in was nothing more than a temper tantrum. I'm sure that my opinion, like C-4's, will be dismissed as well because obviously, only certain dialogue is welcome in certain threads.

A temper tantrum, are you kidding??? So I take it you feel all these assualt rifles and anyone who is listed on a no fly list, can legally purchase a gun is a good thing for our country???? At what point do you feel common sense should come into play? Somehow i believe you would feel every differently if one of your children were in those Sandy Hook school rooms. Bad things can happen ANYWHERE.

No, I'm not kidding. Common sense is actually not very common these days...
The no-fly list that was voted down was done so because it it was riddled with flaws. The idea of using the watch list to regulate gun purchases seems like a great idea in hindsight because terrorists are defined by their actions, not by their thoughts, and depriving individuals of their civil liberties based on what they might do is a dangerous game. The standards the government uses to blacklist someone must be appropriately narrow, the information it relies on must be accurate/credible, and its use of watchlists must be consistent with the presumption of innocence and the right to due process, which is not what the government is doing. Anyone could end up on a list if the government chose to blacklist them. It represents potential attacks on civil liberties, which should be concerning to everyone.
Calliecake|1466786063|4047546 said:
momhappy|1466785130|4047535 said:
Amber St. Clare|1466783822|4047524 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols, a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm. It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

What in the world did Nancy Lanza need with assault rifles in the first place? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ the answer to gun violence is NOT more guns.

eta: Wednesday night was the first time in a long time that I was proud to be an American.

Assault-style weapons are considered to be the weapon of the common soldier - much like the musket was during the Revolutionary War era when James Madison argued for armed citizenry. Civilian-owned assault rifles can defend against rioters (think L.A. riots where police were instructed to stay away from the area for hours and 911 calls went unanswered), home invasions, and they act as a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. In the hands of law-abiding citizens, they represent an American value of self-reliance. I respect the rights of those who choose to own assault rifles and just like we are asked to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few, I would expect the same sort of tolerance for gun owners. I am not surprised, however, that it doesn't work that way.

How can you possibly expect people with common sense to agree with you. Sorry what you are saying above is just insane to many of us. Unless you are fighting in a war there is no need for an assault rifle. You do not need an assualt rifle to protect your family. I'm thinking you need to stop drinking the Fox News Koolaid.

Let me guess, you are also a Trump supporter. You gave said many times on here you don't support a Trump but it's pretty obvious who will be getting your vote in November.

So you assume that because I am pro-gun that I must be a Trump supporter and that I watch Fox News. Interesting. Your response is typical and a perfect example of why the gun debate continues to go absolutely nowhere.
I don't expect anyone to agree with me. My opinions are my own and I don't feel it's my job to try to change the opinions of others.
Calliecake|1466786063|4047546 said:
momhappy|1466785130|4047535 said:
Amber St. Clare|1466783822|4047524 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols, a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm. It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

What in the world did Nancy Lanza need with assault rifles in the first place? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ the answer to gun violence is NOT more guns.

eta: Wednesday night was the first time in a long time that I was proud to be an American.

Assault-style weapons are considered to be the weapon of the common soldier - much like the musket was during the Revolutionary War era when James Madison argued for armed citizenry. Civilian-owned assault rifles can defend against rioters (think L.A. riots where police were instructed to stay away from the area for hours and 911 calls went unanswered), home invasions, and they act as a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. In the hands of law-abiding citizens, they represent an American value of self-reliance. I respect the rights of those who choose to own assault rifles and just like we are asked to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few, I would expect the same sort of tolerance for gun owners. I am not surprised, however, that it doesn't work that way.

How can you possibly expect people with common sense to agree with you. Sorry what you are saying above is just insane to many of us. Unless you are fighting in a war there is no need for an assault rifle. You do not need an assualt rifle to protect your family. I'm thinking you need to stop drinking the Fox News Koolaid.

Let me guess, you are also a Trump supporter. You have said many times on here you don't support a Trump but it's pretty obvious who will be getting your vote in November.

An AR is not an assault rifle. AR = Armalite rifle, the manufacturer. True assault rifles (fully automatics) are illegal.
Thanks amc-I was hoping I didn't have to post it a fourth time.
momhappy|1466785130|4047535 said:
Amber St. Clare|1466783822|4047524 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols, a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm. It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

What in the world did Nancy Lanza need with assault rifles in the first place? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ the answer to gun violence is NOT more guns.

eta: Wednesday night was the first time in a long time that I was proud to be an American.

Assault-style weapons are considered to be the weapon of the common soldier - much like the musket was during the Revolutionary War era when James Madison argued for armed citizenry. Civilian-owned assault rifles can defend against rioters (think L.A. riots where police were instructed to stay away from the area for hours and 911 calls went unanswered), home invasions, and they act as a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. In the hands of law-abiding citizens, they represent an American value of self-reliance. I respect the rights of those who choose to own assault-style weapons and just like we are asked to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few, I would expect the same sort of tolerance for gun owners. I am not surprised, however, that it doesn't work that way.

From wikipedia:
An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.[1][2][3][4][5] Assault rifles were first used during World War II. Though Western nations were slow to accept the assault rifle concept after World War II, by the end of the 20th century they had become the standard weapon in most of the world's armies, replacing battle rifles and sub-machine guns. Examples include the StG 44, AK-47 and the M16 rifle.

Momhappy, you say yourself that the "assault rifle" is "considered to be the weapon of the common soldier". Why would regular "citizenry" need to arm themselves as if they were in a war? So the fact that there are home invasions, riots, etc, means that we are a country at war (with ourselves it seems) and we need weapons used in war. Am I understanding your logic? Well, I guess if you believe that we are a country at war then the "weapon of a common soldier" is completely understandable and justified. Hmmmm.... maybe I need to go out and buy me an...AK-47. Darn. Where am I gonna put that? I would have to teach my children how to shoot one so I can leave it in the house and not worry about it being a danger to them. Are bullets expensive? How much does it cost to learn to shoot that thing? Since we are at war, do I need one for each person in the house, or is one enough and we share? Wait a minute. Should I get an M16 instead? What are the pros and cons of each? OMG. I can't afford bling now! :errrr:
Never mind.
momhappy|1466783964|4047525 said:
AGBF|1466761975|4047455 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm.[/b] It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

A shootout in in every kindergarten, bar, and restaurant is the right way to go. Thank you for joining two days ago so that you could bring us this piece of wisdom.

Had C-4 actually joined 2 days ago (and she pointed out that you misread and she actually joined over a full year ago), that sure would have been a frosty welcome :nono: :nono: :nono:
The democratic sit-in was nothing more than a temper tantrum. I'm sure that my opinion, like C-4's, will be dismissed as well because obviously, only certain dialogue is welcome in certain threads.

MomHAPPY, you've had plenty of slack cut for you around these parts going back **edited by moderator, please do not bring discussions from other forums onto PS per our policies**. Yep, there are peeps here who don't care for your "I got mine, screw the less fortunate" demeanor. Find a right wing gun toting forum if your knickers are in a knot that Hangout is made up of more than just you/yours.

That comment you made regarding Orlando and "my boys?" You got a pass on that one too.
LLJsmom|1466787645|4047566 said:
momhappy|1466785130|4047535 said:
Amber St. Clare|1466783822|4047524 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols, a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm. It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

What in the world did Nancy Lanza need with assault rifles in the first place? Jesus Tap Dancing Christ the answer to gun violence is NOT more guns.

eta: Wednesday night was the first time in a long time that I was proud to be an American.

Assault-style weapons are considered to be the weapon of the common soldier - much like the musket was during the Revolutionary War era when James Madison argued for armed citizenry. Civilian-owned assault rifles can defend against rioters (think L.A. riots where police were instructed to stay away from the area for hours and 911 calls went unanswered), home invasions, and they act as a system of checks and balances to prevent tyranny. In the hands of law-abiding citizens, they represent an American value of self-reliance. I respect the rights of those who choose to own assault-style weapons and just like we are asked to not judge all Muslims by the actions of a few, I would expect the same sort of tolerance for gun owners. I am not surprised, however, that it doesn't work that way.

From wikipedia:
An assault rifle is a selective-fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.[1][2][3][4][5] Assault rifles were first used during World War II. Though Western nations were slow to accept the assault rifle concept after World War II, by the end of the 20th century they had become the standard weapon in most of the world's armies, replacing battle rifles and sub-machine guns. Examples include the StG 44, AK-47 and the M16 rifle.

Momhappy, you say yourself that the "assault rifle" is "considered to be the weapon of the common soldier". Why would regular "citizenry" need to arm themselves as if they were in a war? So the fact that there are home invasions, riots, etc, means that we are a country at war (with ourselves it seems) and we need weapons used in war. Am I understanding your logic? Well, I guess if you believe that we are a country at war then the "weapon of a common soldier" is completely understandable and justified. Hmmmm.... maybe I need to go out and buy me an...AK-47. Darn. Where am I gonna put that? I would have to teach my children how to shoot one so I can leave it in the house and not worry about it being a danger to them. Are bullets expensive? How much does it cost to learn to shoot that thing? Since we are at war, do I need one for each person in the house, or is one enough and we share? Wait a minute. Should I get an M16 instead? What are the pros and cons of each? OMG. I can't afford bling now! :errrr:

I said assault-stye weapons and I was just sharing my opinions like others here. If you don't agree with them, that's fine. Again, it's not my job to try to make someone have a certain opinion about guns. If you, or anyone else, doesn't feel the need to own a gun (of any style) then that's okay with me (not that anyone needs my approval - I'm just saying it's fine to have different opinions). I happen to respect the rights of those to make their own choices on what type of weapons, if any, they think are appropriate - that's all. If someone wants to buy bling instead, then I'm all good with that ;)
azstonie|1466787924|4047573 said:
momhappy|1466783964|4047525 said:
AGBF|1466761975|4047455 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm.[/b] It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

A shootout in in every kindergarten, bar, and restaurant is the right way to go. Thank you for joining two days ago so that you could bring us this piece of wisdom.

Had C-4 actually joined 2 days ago (and she pointed out that you misread and she actually joined over a full year ago), that sure would have been a frosty welcome :nono: :nono: :nono:
The democratic sit-in was nothing more than a temper tantrum. I'm sure that my opinion, like C-4's, will be dismissed as well because obviously, only certain dialogue is welcome in certain threads.

MomHAPPY, you've had plenty of slack cut for you around these parts going **edited by moderator, please do not bring discussions from other forums onto PS per our policies**. Yep, there are peeps here who don't care for your "I got mine, screw the less fortunate" demeanor. Find a right wing gun toting forum if your knickers are in a knot that Hangout is made up of more than just you/yours.

That comment you made regarding Orlando and "my boys?" You got a pass on that one too.

I don't have my knickers in a knot and I'm sorry if I haven't been very good at expressing myself. I enjoy participating, but it can be challenging when debates seem to get one-sided. These types of issues can get pretty heavy and it's probably best for me to take a step back and visit SMTB :D
momhappy|1466790078|4047602 said:
I don't have my knickers in a knot and I'm sorry if I haven't been very good at expressing myself. I enjoy participating, but it can be challenging when debates seem to get one-sided. These types of issues can get pretty heavy and it's probably best for me to take a step back and visit SMTB :D

You've been great at expressing the American Thinker though.
AGBF|1466761975|4047455 said:
C-4|1466740857|4047404 said:
Calliecake|1466695262|4047108 said:
I keep thinking at some point common sense has to kick in with Republicans. It never happens. The NRA has bought that party. If 20 children losing their life didn't wake them up...nothing will. It would be interesting to see if they still felt this way had one of their children were killed by an assault rifle.

In Sandy Hook, the killer obtained his guns by first killing his mother which, if I recall correctly, is illegal to do in all 50 states. She owned all the guns lawfully and had to abide by Connecticut's strict Assault Weapons Ban (AWB) that mirrored the now expired federal AWB (1994-2004). Had any of the teachers or the principle been armed that day, they could have stopped him. Disarming yourself only makes you an easier target/victim.

Pink Pistols a LGBT gun rights advocacy group's response to Orlando has been to step up its campaign to arm and teach gays to defend themselves with a firearm.[/b] It's very difficult to bash or kill a gay person when they're shooting at you!

A shootout in in every kindergarten, bar, and restaurant is the right way to go. Thank you for joining two days ago so that you could bring us this piece of wisdom.

Oh Deb, I love your posts!!!! :wavey: