
Hot Air Balloon

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Jul 26, 2007
Hello All -

I have been lurking around and gathering information on diamonds, rings, proposal ideas, etc. since February of this year. In March I bought my first diamond ring - an engagement ring.

For the ones wondering about the specs (AGS Certified):
Carat: 1.012
Depth: 70.7%
Table: 66.9%
Cut: Square Radiant
Color: G
Grade: SI1 (most inclusions are small and at the bottom or point of the diamond)

Anyways, I have been tossing around a couple of ideas on how to ask her. I have narrowed it down over the months to one. A hot air balloon ride. I found a local business that operates east of pittsburgh in the laurel highlands (very picturesque if you are from around here).

I want to know if any of you think this is a good idea (i need some reassurance that she will love it), any tips on how to propose in the balloon (on the knees or keep standing), and do you think it is worth $800 for a private flight that lasts 2.5 - 3 hours long.

Thank you in advance

What a unique idea! I think it''s great as long as she doesn''t have a fear of heights. It''ll be beautiful to be up in the sky when you ask her! I am usually a big fan of getting down on the knee, however, having been in a hot air balloon, I''m not sure there''s room...How tall are you? My husband and the flyer guy and I were comfortable in the basket, but, I don''t recall thinking there was enough room to kneel. But, maybe they come in different sizes? I''d give the flyer a heads-up, too. I don''t know if the basket would react to her jumping or throwing herself into your arms. Best just to give the guy a warning so he''s prepared!

Good Luck!
Thank you. I really wanted something she is going to remember forever. The business that I was going through said they specialize in engagements - which made me comfortable. Also, they said they provide champagne (sparkling wine) as well. I also felt confident after they told me that they are flexible with the weather and such as well. I am looking to do it next month so hopefully the weather will hold up. I have been in a hot air balloon before and I don''t recall too much room, so I may just do it standing up. Can''t wait...
Oh that sounds like a wonderful proposal--being up in the sky will add to the whole overwhelming, excited feeling of the moment!

Can''t wait to see pictures!
Be sure that the ring is insured. Really, I would give her the ring before the balloon ride, so that it is safely on her finger. You wouldn''t want to drop it! The ride on the proposal day will be memorable...I don''t think you need to propose in the balloon.

Good luck!
Sound very sweet and romantic...*sigh*... Go for it. I kinda agree with doing it ahead of time then going on the balloon ride. What if she cries/jumps up and down/screams? You dont want her reaction to be limited to the fact that your in a balloon and she can''t jump, or that she stifles emotions/crying because a stranger is right next to her and she doesn''t want to emabrass herself. OTherwise...great idea!
Thanks everyone - I will be sure to let you know how it goes.

Speaking of insurance...
What types of insurance should I get for a ring of this type? What is the monthly/yearly rate for this type of insurance?
I don''t know what the insurance would be. You could try searching "CHUBB". That seems to be an insurance that''s written about alot here.
My first thought reading the title, was what a wonderful idea. But then being the anal person I am, thought, yikes what if it''s dropped, falls down yonder while you are way up high.
I think you should propose before the ride. A special moment between the two of you and the hot air balloon ride will be such a romantic way to celebrate the proposal. Worry free!! But that''s just me!!!
I think it''s a really neat idea, as long as she isn''t affraid of heights.

However, for me personally, that would be way too long of a ride.....
Date: 8/2/2007 8:48:21 AM
Author: Ellen
I think it's a really neat idea, as long as she isn't affraid of heights.

However, for me personally, that would be way too long of a ride.....
I agree w/Ellen. I actually did a hot air ballon ride and I thought it was scary since i am afraid of heights! Also, it is very loud!! I would propose to her before hand or she will not hear you (what did you say. . . can you repeat that). hehe Also, you want the ring safe and it is not exactly safe in the balloon.

You sound very sweet! Congrats!

Oh, to answer your other question. I have a rider on my State Farm and it all depends on where you live and how much your ring is worth. I paid $60 a year on half the size of ring I have now and now I pay $150.
OH MY GOSH...this is my dream!

IM so happy for you and JEALOUS hahaha! She will absolutely love it!!! I am a bit of a traditionalist and think you should be on one knee.

I personally would wait until she is pre-occupied with the scenery and catch her off guard! Im so happy for you...good luck!
On one knee in the balloon. Even if she can''t totally hear you, I think she''ll get the message
Date: 7/31/2007 10:00:03 PM
Author: Kaleigh
My first thought reading the title, was what a wonderful idea. But then being the anal person I am, thought, yikes what if it''s dropped, falls down yonder while you are way up high.
I think you should propose before the ride. A special moment between the two of you and the hot air balloon ride will be such a romantic way to celebrate the proposal. Worry free!! But that''s just me!!!
Then tie the ring to your belt or something secure with a fishing line. Once the ring is on her, just untie the line. hehe..
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