
Henry has a tumor. :/

Ellen - You can tell by the pics that Henry is a special boy. I'm sending all of you long distance hugs. I hope Henry is able to have successful ear surgery with minimal discomfort and I hope your son is able to cope with the stress of Henry's illness.
Sorry! I always call them that.

The group is For the Love of Alex: here

They call their contributor's Alex's Angel's.

The group works to save cats and dogs who need treatments that the family can't afford. They have vets all over who are super skilled in different specialties. Even if he doesn't ask for financial help, I am sure they would recommend someone very good to help with the procedure.
Annette, thanks for the clarification. It's OK we view this differently. There are lots of people who think more along the lines of what you think regarding animals and as Kenny says people vary. I think of it differently as I view these cats and dogs (and other animals) as depending on us for survival (as well as love and affection etc but at the most basic level their survival) and in many regards they are defenseless. So I would no more turn away from a child needing help if I could help than I would an animal in need.

I hope there are no hard feelings on your part. There are none on my part. I think you are a nice person and I know you have been through (and continue to deal with) a lot and you have my respect. We don't agree on this but big deal right? And you raised children who obviously love animals so I know you raised them well and kudos to you for that. Would I love everyone to agree when it comes to the animals? Heck yeah but I know that will never be the case so I have to be OK with it and I will continue to do what I can do thinking of that quote "Saving one cat/dog/(insert animal of choice here) won't change the world. But for that one cat/dog, the world will change forever."
Ellen, that is wonderful news and thank you so much for sharing those darling photos of Henry. He is a good looking boy. All you and your son can do are your best and you are sure doing that and thank you to that woman who is helping you. Continued good thoughts, PS ***DUST*** and healing vibes being sent to Henry and your son. And (((HUGS))) to you. Praying for the best possible outcome.
CJ, no worries! I was honestly just shocked and sad to see how much he had changed in just a couple weeks. Obviously I know he's growing, but these last two weeks he really changed. And I LOVE babies. Human babies, fur babies, you name it I really love them. So yeah, just a lil sad to see our baby growing up. ;)

Thank you poodles. He really is special, not like a lot of cats from what we've learned.

TooPatient, too funny! What are the chances?! Thank you for clarifying, and I will pass this on to son. Thanks again!

Thank you Missy. :)

ETA I tried to bold your names, but it just kept doing the entire post. :confused:
PS diamond dust for Henry! I'd get 2nd and even 3rd or 4th opinion. Hopefully someone can help him. I have 4 cats. Whenever people criticize me that "those cats are your children," I quip "No. It's even worse. They are my peers!" :-) Best of luck to you, your son, and Henry.
Hi Ellen, that's great news about Henry. :)) I will pray for him. Sending hugs your way.
Ellen, Have you heard of VCA hospitals? If not please Google VCA hospitals. There are 600 of them located in the US. I live in the Chicago suburbs and this is were animals are frequently sent when a local Vet is unable to handle the animals illiness or condition. I would have researched this for you but have no idea where you are located. If you are busy and want me to help you research, please contact Missy and she can give you my phone number. I would be happy to help you. I'm sending tons of dust to sweet Henry and your dear son. Callie
Ellen, I just wanted to say I'm sorry to hear this news and that I'm sending you and your son and Henry lots of healing vibes and PS Dust! Surely this kitty isn't on his 9th life already--he's just a wee boy!
Thank you Ada, mco and Monarch! I so appreciate your thoughts and well wishes. :))

Callie, thank you for suggesting the VCA hospital. I see there is one within driving distance. I am going to call them today to see if they are familiar with this. We just keep hearing, "That is really rare/we've never seen that"....

Son has made an appt. with a cat clinic in St. Louis for tomorrow. We are about 20-25 miles from there. We will see what they say.

I can't tell you how touched I am by the outpouring of love and help and well wishes for all of us. Bless you all.
Callie, I just called the VCA hospital and they gave me the name of a place that does feel they can treat Henry. Can't see surgeon til Monday, but at least there is someone saying they can handle it. Thank you again so much! :appl:
So glad to hear this! We ended up at a veterinary hospital when laenah had her ear tumor removed and while a bit expensive, it was super easy. They kept her for one night for observation, but no outward sign the anything had happened to her and we're more than 4 years out without recurrence.

In our case the tumor had been growing for years, was bleeding, and her ear was infected. Her personality changed completely for the better after surgery. She went from a bit nervous and guarded to a complete snuggle bug.

I can't praise the hospital enough for how they handled our case.
Yay!!! I hope they're able to help Henry. Poor baby.
Just now seeing this thread and praying hard for Henry's treatment to be successful. Please keep us posted!
Ellen|1470319915|4062457 said:
Callie, I just called the VCA hospital and they gave me the name of a place that does feel they can treat Henry. Can't see surgeon til Monday, but at least there is someone saying they can handle it. Thank you again so much! :appl:

Ellen, Thank you so much for letting me know. You made my day today with this news!!! A Jeweler I met whose dog was having serious problems took their dog to VCA after being told by 3 different vets that their dog needed to be put down. VCA saved the dogs life and it's been 3 years and their dog is still alive and doing well. My dog goes to VCA snd I have been extremely happy with their care. I'm praying they are able to help your son's sweet baby. I will be thinking of you tomorrow Ellen hoping you get wonderful news. Callie
Thinking of you and Henry. Best wishes for a favorable prognosis. :)
Thank you all for the well wishes. I have been waiting to update, until I had something solid to tell you.

Son took H to clinic in St. Louis. Long story short, not the right guy. The place the VCA recommended, after doing some research, does not get good reviews according to son. It is his decision to make, and he has decided to go with a vet not far from here who originally saw H and recommends lasering it. He does not however guarantee he can get it all because of where it is in the ear canal. We will see.

My son is not of the temperament at this time to keep driving hours to ferret out the best vet for the job, whoever that might be since this is so rare, no one has much experience with it. I can't really intervene much, since it is his cat and he needs to make the decision he can live with (I have learned that offering help at times does not necessarily make things easier for him, and sometimes just makes things worse...). I wish things were different, but they are what they are. He feels fairly comfortable with this vet, so I would just appreciate prayers that this all works out for the best.

Surgery is set for this Thursday.

Again, I so appreciate all your well wishes and help.
Ellen, thank you for coming back here and updating us.

I am keeping Henry (and you and your son) in my thoughts and prayers and sending healing vibes Henry's way.
And sending bucket loads of PS ****DUST**** to dear Henry and praying his surgeon can get the best results possible.

Thanks Missy. :wavey:
Ellen, I am sorry to hear about your son's sweet baby. Hoping the surgery goes well. Henry is beautiful. Hugs and prayer for Henry.
So much dust for your son and the kitty on Thursday. :angel: :angel: :angel:
Sending good thoughts and prayers your way. I hope that Henry fairs well and you can put this behind you real soon. Poor baby - I love animals so very much and my heart goes out to all of you. (((hugs)))
Ellen, Thank you for taking the time to update everyone. I'm sorry the vet VCA recommended didnt have good reviews. I'm sending lots of dust to Henry and your son. Callie
Thank you all! :))
I hope the surgery goes well tomorrow.

My thoughts and good wishes are with Henry.

Sorry you're going through this stressful time.
Just found out surgery has been rescheduled for Monday. Not sure why, just said that surgeon wouldn't be in tommorow. :/
So sorry this has been a roller coaster of ups and downs. I am praying hard for Henry and hope for the best. Big hugs to you sweetie and your son. It's so hard.. xo
Lots of dust for a successful procedure.
Oh Ellen, I am sorry the surgery was postponed. :blackeye: I am continuing to think good thoughts and send good luck and healing vibes to Henry and your son. Monday is a good day for surgery as the surgeon will be fresh and at the top of his game. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. (((HUGS))).
Thanks guys. It was definitely a disappointment, but H "seems" to be doing ok so hopefully that continues til Monday. And I have heard that about Monday's Missy. Here's hoping....